• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 2,965 Views, 54 Comments

Fluttercord - lingonberries

Fluttershy has a crush on Discord, and she finally tells him, getting great results. They start dating. *Read Full Description Please!

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Chapter 1

It was a beautiful morning in Ponyville, not a cloud in the sky (thanks to Rainbow Dash). Fluttershy was on her way to visit Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres for a picnic. She was happy as could be - almost. One thing had been bothering her for a while. She had a crush on Discord, the Spirit of Chaos. Yes, he had been reformed, but he still loved to reign chaos in the patch of land Celestia and Luna had given him. Fluttershy had met up with him a lot, most of the times at
her garden or in the park, since he wasn't allowed in any cafés. Fluttershy was embarrassed about this, and she had kept it a secret from all of her pony friends except for Applejack. Fluttershy was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't notice when she bumped into the side of the bright red barn. "Fluttershy? Is that y'all?" Called a voice with an unmistakable southern accent.

"Yes, Applejack, it's me," said Fluttershy in a quiet tone.
The orange Earth pony then stepped through the barn doors, laden with a bulging saddlebag.

"Are y'all ready?" she asked.

"Ready!" Chirped Fluttershy.

"Ok then, follow me," Applejack commanded.

Fluttershy followed Applejack to a small clearing in the apple tree grove. It was a beautiful place, with all kinds of animals scattered about.
"Wow, Applejack! This place is amazing!" Said a thrilled Fluttershy.

"Glad y'all like it!" Applejack put her saddlebag on the ground at the edge of the clearing and said, "We'd best be setting up now."

"Ok," whispered Fluttershy as she pulled out the red-and-white checkered cloth from her saddlebag. She spread it on the ground and put some stones on the corners to keep it from blowing away. Applejack and Fluttershy then continued to set up the food and drinks. Once everything was set up, the two best friends stood back to admire their work.
"It looks great, pardner!" said Applejack.
Before them sat a feast of apple pies, cream cheese sandwiches, apple muffins, cucumbers, and much more.

They sat down and started to nibble on the food. "So, Fluttershy, y'all needed advice on y'all's - crush?" Asked Applejack.

Fluttershy blushed lightly and said, "Yes..."

"Well, I'm the right pony to go to in this situation. When are you planning on asking him out?"

"At our next meet-up," squeaked the embarrassed Pegasus.

"Ok then. At y'all's next meet-up, y'all have to put on something nice, maybe some golden horseshoes or a flower in your hair. You also need to be nice as always, which will be no problem."
Fluttershy nodded.
"Maybe, prepare for a picnic like this one. Y'all can find a secluded spot in the woods, I'm sure."

"Okay," said Fluttershy as she stuffed a whole apple muffin into her mouth.

"These cucumber sandwiches are delicious," said the Earth pony. "Make some of these for him, I'm sure he'll love them!"

"Sure," smiled Fluttershy.
Suddenly, Fluttershy was aware of a clock tower sounding in the distance.
She stood up and looked over the treetops to Ponyville and the clock tower.
"Oh my gosh! Is it noon already? I'm meeting Discord in 20 minutes!" Screamed Fluttershy.

"Then y'all should go home and get prepared!" Said Applejack.

"Okay," whisper-screamed Fluttershy.
She then grabbed her saddlebag and flew off towards her house.