• Published 12th Aug 2014
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Fluttercord - lingonberries

Fluttershy has a crush on Discord, and she finally tells him, getting great results. They start dating. *Read Full Description Please!

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Chapter 7

It had been a week since Discord had put Fluttershy into the trance. She felt very alone, even though she had all of her friends to comfort her. She had been thinking about him constantly, and had cried every night because of him. She didn't know whether she cried because of anger, sadness, or because she just missed him. She always thought about their kisses, replayed in her head over and over, reliving them as best as she could. But nothing worked. No medicines, no speeches, nothing. She was suffering from something that could only be cured by Discord. Loneliness.
Fluttershy shuffled around her cottage, as usual, putting a piece of toast into the toaster and pouring a glass of orange juice. And as always, she didn't eat more than a bite or two. She thought that maybe, she could go visit one of her friends, just to cry in their hooves and to have them comfort her. They had tried their best; Pinkie Pie throwing a huge party, Rainbow Dash inviting her for a fly, Applejack inviting her for lunch, Rarity making her a new dress, and Twilight casting spells with cool effects on her. These would have cheered her up and made her happy - under different circumstances. She sighed and got up from the breakfast table and walked out the door. It was a crisp, cool morning, with clouds shrouding the sun and wind blowing the leaves off some of the trees. She began to walk down the pathway until she tripped on something. When she looked down, she felt as if her heart had exploded.
Beneath her lay a large bundle of tulips - her favorite. They were in all different colors; red; white; orange; yellow; purple; and many others. She picked them up and inhaled their sweet scent. She carried them inside and was about to set them in a case until she noticed that there was a card attached. She already knew who it was from, and she refused to open it. She took it and flung it across the room. It fluttered softly onto her bed. She turned around and went out the door again. She then flew to Pinkie Pie's place.

"Hey, Pinkie," Fluttershy whispered.
"Hey, super-duper-best friend! Why'd you come? Ooh, wait, I think I know! A little while ago, you had a crush on Discord and you wanted to tell him, so you went to Applejack's to ask for advice, and then you brought Discord to a clearing in the forest, and then you ate cucumber sandwiches, and then you kissed, and then you fell asleep together, and then in the morning he summoned a gigantic bed with tons of rose petals, and then you made out on it, and then you fell asleep again, and then he hypnotized you in the morning, and then Rainbow Dash came down and saved you, and both of you flew off, and you went home and cried about it all a lot, and then you came over to Sugarcube Corner to ask me if I could throw you a big giant party to try to cheer you up?!" Pinkie took a huge breath and Fluttershy stared at her with open-mouthed shock. "H-how'd you do that?!" She questioned.
"I don't know!" She smiled happily.
"Well, you basically got everything spot on," she sighed.
"Okay! I can throw you a big giant bash and invite everypony in Ponyville!!" She shrieked.
"Ok, that sounds great!" Fluttershy said.