• Published 10th May 2012
  • 7,784 Views, 31 Comments

Dearest brothers - Slick Dash

Big Mac and Shing Armour become friends while celebrating the love of siblings with their sisters!

  • ...

Dearest brothers


The flyer wasn’t that flamboyant, but it was still a pretty and colourful. With a warm smile, Twilight folded it up and replaced into its respectful envelope, before reading the letter that had come with it for the hundredth time.

“Dear Twilight.
As you read on the flyer, and probably know out of common sense, the festival of siblings has arrived, and as a celebration, I am holding a ball for all my dearest subjects to show their caring for their brothers and sisters.

Please find enclosed three tickets to the ball, they are for you, your friend Applejack and for your friend Rarity. To my knowledge, you three are the only ones from your little circle that have siblings. Each ticket allows you to bring a ‘Plus 1’ which of course will be your sibling. I do hope to see you and your friends at my celebration.

Yours truly
Princess Celestia.”

“You done reading that thin’ yet darling?” Asked Applejack happily. Twilight’s eyes lifted from the letter to look at her friend. Her golden locks seemed to gleam as the light of the setting sun came through the windows of the train. Twilight smiled, and finally replaced the letter as well.

They had been on the train for about two hours, so they should be in Canterlotte within the next. Twilight had been looking forward to this for weeks, ever since she had gotten the letter from the princess. She loved this festival! It was held every other year, and it encouraged all ponies to appreciate and love their siblings more than ever before. This was her first time going to the festival since she had moved to ponyville, and after so much time away from Shining Armour, she couldn’t wait to be reunited with her big brother!

“C’mon Applejack! If she wants to read it again, let her read it. She’s excited is all.” Said Big Macintosh who stood just to the side of his sister, smiling at the magenta unicorn kindly. Twilight returned the smile.
“It’s ok Big Mac, I guess I haven’t really let the letter go since we set off, huh?” She gave a little nervous giggle and scratched the back of her neck.

“So?” Asked Applejack eagerly. “What goes on at this here festival huh?” Twilight was slightly startled at the question.
“You mean you’ve never been to it before?” The country pony gave a firm shake of her head, her tied hair flapping around her comically.
“We don’ need to appreciate each other any more than we already do, HECK! We can’t do it anymore than we already do!” Explained Applejack, who stood and gave Big Macintosh a playful punch in the arm as she came and sat next to Twilight on the other side of the carriage. Twilight beamed at her friends enthusiasm and began to explain.

“Well, it isn’t just about appreciating your brother more! It’s also about just enjoying their company for a whole night, and just celebrating how happy you are to be their sister.” Her happy smile sagged a little. “It’s a shame Rarity couldn’t make it.” Applejack immediate addressed the situation, not wanting Twilight to get sad before she finally saw her brother again.
“Twi, nopony can help gettin’ sick. Not even Rarity.” Twilight shrugged, giving an understanding smile before continuing her explanation.
“And, her and Sweetie Belle, will probably have most of the night together anyway. With Sweetie helping her big sister recover and all.” Applejack gave an agreeable nod.
“Exactly! So what happens usually?”

Twilight lost herself for a moment in the fond memories. Laughing with Armour, getting caught splashing each other in the fountain, stuffing their faces with cakes until they both felt ill. This time always was a happy time for Twilight, and now with her friend coming too, this night could only become a thousand times better! “It’s amazing Applejack! There a stalls where you can buy your brothers gifts, stalls to buy your sisters gifts. Drinks stalls and food stalls and sweet stalls. Anything that helps bring out your loving nature really.

Applejack laughed at her friend’s excitement, she looked over to Big Macintosh. “Cake stalls and sweet stalls? Sounds like your nights pretty much set Big Mac!” The Red stallion blushed slightly, he looked to the ground and rubbed his foreleg nervously over the other. “I don’t eat that much yah know AJ!” The orange mare laughed. She hopped off her seat at came over and swung a foreleg over the tall stallion’s shoulders.
“Naaawww! Big Mac I’m only teasin’. After all you’re gonna have no time with all your shoppin’ for mah gift!” She gave a cheeky wink to her brother which she mimicked to Twilight, who giggled happily at the joke. Even Macintosh gave a dry smile at his little sisters silliness.

Mac’s green eyes spotted the castle out of the window. It was slowly beginning to peek out from behind the sheets of rock that were the mountains of Equestria. Set against the setting sun, the castle looked amazing, its many spires encased in beams of sunlight that set it into a frenzy of shockingly angelic brilliance. “Well girls.” Said Macintosh. “We’re here!”

The castle looked as elegant as ever, it’s many spires and towers stood sentinel against the rising darkness of the fast approaching night. The three left the train at the castle own private station, and made their way into the wide spanning grounds of the many gardens and courtyards that littered the royal residence.

Just like at the Grand Galloping Gala, there were stalls for food a lot like the one Applejack had once set up in this very garden. However, these stalls were littered with small trinkets and goods designed to wow ands over joy their recipients. “GOLLY! This is one heck of a shindig!” Laughed Applejack as the three slowly made their way across the grounds. A pleasant evening breeze lifted atmosphere to an entirely new level, after the warmth and muggy heat of the train, the subtle wind was cool and refreshing to the visiting ponies.

They reached the large oak doors of the palace, which opened as they approached to a tantamount of fanfares and cheers, as was tradition at the festival; anypony who came, was welcome, and was greeted as a long standing friend, even if they had never met! Applejack shuffled on in awe, tilting her head back to look up at the high decorated ceiling. Big Mac was impressed! He’d never come to a Canterlotte celebration before, and it seemed they were a step above the ones he was used to in Ponyville!

The group reached the centre of the cavernous hallway, it was filled with hundreds of laughing, smiling and joking ponies. All of whom were paired off with their siblings, not a single pony was alone and without their sibling...except.

Twilight felt so happy to be celebrating her favourite festival, but a panging pain in her chest came to her when she saw all the siblings laughing and having fun. Where was Shining Armour? As though answering her unspoken question, the room went dark all around the magenta pony. The laughs from both Applejack and Big Mac were all that told Twilight that it hadn’t been the same for them too.

She scrunched her muzzle up and then relaxed it, trying to discern the material that covered her face. It was soft, and pleasantly fragranced, when she moved her face, it released a new wave of the pleasant aroma. She heard a breath just by her left ear, she waited with bated breath, hoping that it was who she thought it was.

“Sorry I’m late Twily.” Said the smooth and deep voice of Shining Armour. Twilight exploded into a fit of gleeful yells as she turned and lunged in the direction of the voice. The material came off just in time for her to see her brothers overjoyed face as she collided into him pulling him to the ground in a tight embrace. “Woh!” The stallion cried, reaching out with his magic as he hugged his sister back. Catching the falling object that he had used to obscure his sisters vision.

The two stood, beaming at one another. “Sorry I’m late...” Shining Armour said again bashfully. Twilight giggled.
“It’s fine! You’re here now, that’s all that matters!” The stallion smiled in thanks.
“There is a reason I took a little longer to get here.” He said mysteriously. “I was having a certain friend of mine making something special for tonight.” Twilight arched an eyebrow in surprise. Then her smile burst forward as she began to guess.

“Matching book cosy’s?”
“Starswirl the Bearded’s book of bedazzling baffling brilliance?”
“Princess Celestia’s new autobiography?”
“Princess LUNA’s new autobiography.”
“NO” Twilight opened her mouth to ask again, but a laughing Applejack cut across her.
“Twi! Darlin’, just turn around an’ find out!” Twilight looked around, and was met by two dark shiny buttons. For a moment, Twilight was taken aback; she backed up slightly and took in the rest of the gift. Her jaw dropped in realisation, her head snapped towards Shining Armour who smiled happily at her reaction.
“You said you’d lost her. Couldn’t have you going without the first thing I ever got you at this festival!” Explained the blue mane’d stallion.

“Miss Smarty Pants!” Twilight cried happily, taking the doll from her bother magic with her own. She brought it close to her and hugged it tightly. She looked up to her brother, tears of happiness in her eyes. “I love it!” She said. The two siblings exchanged another tight embrace, then Armour took the gift back.
“I’ll hold onto it for now, unless you brought a saddle bag?” Twilight shook her head, so the captain of the guard placed the doll in the small pouch on his side. He then turned to the other two guests. “Applejack! It’s so good to see you again!”

The orange mare tipped her hat to the stallion. “Cap’n Armour sir!” The stallion unicorn laughed.
“Please just call me Armour.” His gaze travelled up from the mare to the red stallion beside her. “Uhhh...” He held out a hoof openly. “I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure.”
“Oh!” Shouted Applejack, realising the two stallions were strangers to one another. “Captain Shining Armour, this is mah big brother Big Macintosh!”

“A pleasure to meat you Big Macintosh!” Smiled the unicorn nervously as Big Mac reached out with his thick and slightly intimidating foreleg. The captain didn't want to seem rude, and knew he needed to try and be sivil -it was the only way he would be able to make any friend here tonight- so he reached out towards Big Mac and shook his hoof happily.
“Pleasure’s all mine Captain!” replied the work pony, and with their introduction out of the way, the four of them made their way deeper into the festivities.

Twilight and Applejack led the way, leaving the two older stallions to follow in the wake of their awestruck sisters. “So?” asked Armour, trying to stir up some form of convocation with the quiet working horse. Mac glanced over to him an eyebrow cocked, ready to listen. “Yooou’re Applejacks brother.” He asked stupidly out of nervousness.
“Eeyup.” affirmed Big Mac. Glancing back ahead, he tried to repay the kindness. “And... you’re Miss Twilight’s?”
“Yeah.” Nodded the captain. Yet another silence grew between the two, but they were soon saved by the two little mares who came over.

“So, what do you want to eat boys?” asked applejack of the two stallions. The two looked at each other, inviting them to speak first. When neither spoke they both turned back to their sibling and suggested in a questioning tone.
“Apple Pie?” The two did a double take, staring incredulously at the other. Applejack and Twilight both gave out a haughty laugh.
“Well, that takes care o’ that!” Applejack chuckled as the four made their way to a table set in the main dining hall.

“Ok.” Said Twilight, still standing as the two gentlecolts took their seats. “Me and Applejack will go grab a couple of pies and be right back!” And with that the two stallions were alone. Big Macintosh glanced around, taking a firm bite on the end of his stem of wheat. Shining Armour noticed a stray lock of his mane falling towards his eye, and presently began trying to blow it back into place.

A few moments passed and Applejack and Twilight didn’t return. “Heheh.” Laughed the unicorn awkwardly, trying to ignite yet another convocation with Big Mac. “You know, they’ll have gotten dragged off to a stall to look at what’s to buy!” Macintosh gave a small chuckle.
“Now that depends, I didn’ know they sold books at this thing!” Both gave a laugh, some of the atmosphere disintegrating with the joke.

“Well, if they are any. Twily will root them out!” the two grew into another- slightly less awkward- silence.

“So why apple pie?” asked Armour trying desperately to hold on to the momentum from that little exchange, Shining Armour had never really been that amazing at small talk. Due to his newfound duties as husband to Princess Cadence, he had begun to develop those social skills, but sadly he felt as though he was still prominently lacking. The red stallion gave a smile and asked cryptically:
“Why NOT apple pie?” Armour opened his mouth, to try and give an answer, then paused, frowned, then gave a small laugh,
“Well I suppose that’s as good a reason as any!”

Macintosh shifted slightly in his seat, looking out for the two mares with their food. “Oh!” He snapped into an expression of sudden great realisation. “I just realised, I ain’t been at all gracious to you partner! Congratulations on your wedding!” Armour looked puzzle, he thought back to that day. Surely... there had been Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Twily, Applejack and...
“You weren’t there!”Exclaimed the captain realising the reason for this stallion’s sudden praise on his wedding. Big Macintosh gave a little shrug and smiled. “Well, thank you very much.”
“No problem.”

Macintosh had grown sick of sitting talking to the captain while sitting beside him, so he stood to the surprise of the captain. He circled the table, and placed himself ahead of the unicorn captain. “So then, how’d you get Twilight another one of those dolls then?” Asked Big Mac, feeling a slight pang of guilt knowing where the real Smarty Pants was right now. (Standing sentry over his pillow back in ponyville)

Shining Armour smiled at the stallion being the one to try and speak to him this time. “Well,” He began, and Big Mac leant in, listening intently. “Now, I know the salesman who sold me the first doll, he’s a bit of a designer, he likes a challenge, so I asked him about a month ago if he could attempt to make the new and improved Miss Smarty Pants!” He finished his story with a flourish of his mane, showing his excitement in his quests completion. Then, his face grew thoughtful. A dream like smile seemed to cross his lips as he gazed at a glass pitcher of water that sat between the two stallions.

“I remember that day, the first ever festival of siblings me and Twily went to.” His shoulders bounced with the silent chuckle that escaped his mouth. “She kept saying: ‘Big brother! Big brother! You said you’d study with me! Why aren’t you studying?’” His impression was surprisingly good, Macintosh leant back and laughed alongside the unicorn at the silly high pitched voice he had just made.

“I’m not really paying her many compliments tonight am I?!” The unicorn laughed, “First the books comment, now this.”
“Now that was me who said about the books.” Reminded Big Macintosh, “Go on.” He encouraged, wishing to hear the story, it was nice, he barely had any friends his own age, most were too busy working or were girls, a pleasant convocation with another stallion was very welcome to red work pony.

“Heheh. Well, me being as studious as I am... I regretted the promise of studying almost the second I made it! So I kept putting it off, and I could see it was upsetting Twily, so I needed something to cheer her up.” The unicorn sprang from his seet, flailing his forehooves into a pose, flexing his muscles heroically. “So what do I do? As soon as we get there, I go to the first game’s stall and try and land a hoop around the best prize I could see! AND...” He let his forelegs fall limp to his sides, giving a half hearted sarcastic smile. “I miss.” The flamboyant story telling was Invigorating for big Macintosh, Twilight was right! This was a fun time for all involved!

“Aawwww...” Mac shook his head morosely, “That’s just too bad! If only you were like me...” He knew the unicorn was interested by his words, as he leant in to hear better over the raw of the laughing and celebrating ponies all around.
“How would that have helped?” he asked.
“Well, in mah littler years, I liked playing a little games with the rings around barrels when a barrel got damaged.” Mac shrugged. “You know the idea, little colt, so he’s gotta find something FUN to do, not work! Well yah see, I got pretty good, ‘cos I could pretty much catch anythin’ in that dang hoop after a while. Bushes, Applejack, even Granny Smith once or twice!” This time it was the unicorn’s turn to laugh.

“Well.” The captain said smugly, twitching his horn to poor the two stallion’s a drink of the glistening clear liquid. He took a sip and sighed with satisfaction. “I wish I’d had our expertise then.” His face grew deadly serious. “It would have saved me Twenty bits!” Mac had been in the process of taking a sip, he had to fight his urge to spew it out at the unicorn before him.
“Yeah!” He laughed. “twenty bits, because I wouldn’t let that darn doll get the better of me. I was Shining Armour, I had my baby sister with me! Like I would lose...again!” The two took another gulp of the water. It was chilled and refreshing, cooling the red stallions belly nicely after the muggy temperature on the train that was till affecting his body slightly.

“So you won it then?” Mac asked, searching for an ending to this fond little tale.
“Yeah. That’s where little Smarty Pant’s came from. I was the hero, Twilight had a new study buddy, and most of all.” He gave a sarcastic wink. “I was off the hook for studying!” Big Mac raised his glass in praise of the unicorn. Said pony now looked around.
“Honestly! How long does it take to get a pie or two?”
“Naawww shucks! This is still on time for AJ! She likes to take her time she does!” Armour smiled at the comment.
“How so? You may as well explain.” He shrugged and pulled his forelegs up to sweep across their empty table. “It’s not as though we’re in a rush to go anywhere yet!”

Big Mac grew thoughtful delving into his memories to ensure he had all the details right. “Well...” He began thoughtfully, “Let’s just say I matured a little faster than her, by the time I reached the end of mah colt days, I was buckin’ trees like the best of them! Applejack though...” He paused for a second and shrugged. “She took a little longer to warm up to the idea of apple buckin’.” Big Mac sniggered at a sudden memory pushing its way to the front of his mind.

“I remember... When we was little, I got so excited that I could buck tree’s and little AJ couldn’t yet. So I took her outside, and I showed her the ropes. Golly did she look at me, she must have thought I was the most interesting colt in all Equestria.” Mac laughed again, so did Armour.
“Well that kind of goes with the territory of being a big brother doesn’t it?” Joked the unicorn, which Big Mac nodded to happily in agreement. “So? What happened? Did AJ suddenly decide to try?” Asked the captain, sure that the competitive orange mare wouldn’t have missed the chance to try.

“Actually, she did!” Explained Big Mac. “She started going nuts, she kept on kickin’ and not a single apple fell down!” The captain suppressed a laugh, Applejack? Unable to buck?! The red stallion continued. “Well, she started getting all worked up. So I told her t’ wait a second. So I went behind the tree, and told her to try again.” The unicorn smiled, knowing the way this story was going to go. “And when I heard her kick it, I gave it a little nudge mahself. Should have seen her face! She went running round the entire orchard, giddy as a schoolmare.”

“So? Is that how she got her cutiemark?” Asked Armour politely. “The three red apples? Is it then she realised she wanted to buck trees?” Big Mac coughed slightly, clearing his throat to explain what he explained to everypony who made that assumption.
“Actually, she got that cutiemark a looong way down the road from then.” Armour let out and understanding “Oooooh.” But said nothing else, letting Big Mac continue. “Also, her mark don’t mean she wants to buck trees. That’s what mines meant for.”He gestured to the halved apple on his haunch. “AJ’s mark is meant for the farm itself. Not for the work, but her talent is running Sweet Apple Acres. Granny Smith has all the knowledge, AJ does all the organisin’ and I’m there for...” Mac trailed off, a little embarrassed.

Shining Armour stood up, and began to walk around the table, he came behind Mac and gave his a playful punch on his back. “You’re there to give all the brute force huh? Sounds easy enough. C’mon lets go find where those two got to.” The unicorn began to move off towards the food stalls, Mac stood and followed, quickly catching up to the dark blue mane’d stallion.

“Y’know, I don’t think we know each other too well that you can go hittin’ me!” Mac said quietly so only the unicorn could hear him. Shining Armour’s face fell, realising his overstep of his boundaries.
“Really? Gosh, I’m sorry Big Mac, it’s just that I”- The stallion’s nervous babbling was interrupted by a push from the large red stallion’s forehoof in his back. The unicorn stumbled forward, then snapped back towards the earth pony. His big green eyes listened with tears of laughter as his big teeth shone in the glint of the lights.
“Jeez! I was only joshin’ yah!” laughed the farm pony, as he came up to the stallion, threw a foreleg over his shoulder and began to move off in search of their sisters.

It didn’t take long to find the two mares; they were stood before a vender peddling some form of potion that would make a colt fall for the first pony they see. “Now you won’t need that I hope Twily?” asked Armour jokingly as they approached the unsuspecting mares. The magenta pony spun round, blushing crimson in embarrassment at being descovered even considering such a purchase.Twililight almost blurted out a feeble excuse of 'It's an experement' but then she spotted the red foreleg hanging around her brothers shoulder, and smiled warmly.

Armour was nice, really nice, but he took his job way to seriously, other than his wife, Twilight didn’t think he spoke to many pony’s his own age who weren’t members of his guard squad. It was nice to see that he and the usually quiet red stallion of Ponyville were hitting it off so nicely. “Well, she might not, But I just might!” Joked Applejack, nudging her brother’s free foreleg. “Don’ ferget! You still need to find me a present, so I think you’ve got it right here!” She winked at the stallion, who proceeded to reach up and pull the Stetson hat down and over her eyes.
"Now you get into enough trouble without adding boys to the mix! So let's leave it shall we?" The large stallion joked happily. Everypony began to laugh at the sight of Applejack struggling to pull the hat back to its original shape and possition.

“C’mon.” Said Big Mac as his sister’s face returned to view, looking a little red and flustered, but otherwise just the same. “Let’s go get somethin’ t’ eat. I’m starvin’!” The unicorn stallion reached out and took hold of his sister happily who fell in line with the two older ponies. Big Mac did the same to his orange sister with his spare hoof. Applejack slapped the hoof away, And Big Mac looked on in surprise. There was a moment’s pause, as the two unicorns watched the siblings in worry. Then Applejack gave out a hoot of laughter at the three’s faces, and proceeded to jump onto her brother’s back, silently requesting to be carried in revenge of his little stunt with her hat.

When Big Mac made no protest, Applejack leant over and kissed him on the cheek in thanks. Then, with smiles on their faces, and joy in their hearts to be having so much fun after only just arriving at the festival. The four of them, the two earth ponies and the two unicorns headed out to enjoy the rest of the night, as loving, caring siblings. Two caring sisters, and two beloved, dearest, brothers.

Comments ( 31 )

Sigh no one remembers Pinkie's sisters

If only my little sister could be like that with me...

Oh well, I still have my older sister who acts like a little sister the majority of the time.

I like the idea of this story, but PLEASE proofread! I love to read, but I hate wading through grammatical errors.

d'aww nice ending :heart:

besides some spelling, this is really great! heartwarming even.

573784 it crossed my mind but i couldn't really think of a way to include them :applejackunsure:

Not bad idea right off the bat, but it needs work. There are a few grammar errors, but nothing too big (Canterlot doesn't have the 'te' at the end) just stuff you'd find after double-checking. The biggest glaring issue is the characterization, and the plot. You need conflict in a story to make it interesting, nopony wants to read about two people meeting and out of the blue becoming great friends, that happens every day and it's boring.

For the record, Big Mac and Armour are way out of character. For someone who's lines mostly consist of "Eeyup" and "Nope" he sure is talkative to a complete stranger. As for Armour, you stated "Twilight didn’t think he spoke to many pony’s his own age who weren’t members of his guard squad." For someone who doesn't socialize very much, Armour certainly doesn't show it.

You could've easily made the conflict in the story about Shining Armor trying to get through Mac's shyness and get him to open up a little. Or perhaps Armour says something awkward and offends Mac. The possibilities are limitless here.

I know I sound a bit negative, but if it didn't sound negative I wouldn't be doing my job as a reviewer. So good luck on your next venture, and just keep these things in mind! :raritywink:

The misspelling of Canterlot, lack of capitalization of Rarity and Canterlot, missing apostrophe, misused semicolon (should be a colon), and misused comma (should be a period) in the description are huge turn-offs for me. I don't want to be a grammar nazi, but the description says a lot about what I'm supposed to expect from the story, and frequent grammatical errors is not what you want.

But I will still read the story.

573945 no worries! At least you're giving me strong feed back to work on! Hope you check out the next story i release, working on it now and it does a lot of what you've said today! Hope to see your feed back on that one to prove I can do it :)

573962 there we go, that description's better I hope?

Hmm... a very promising story, and I do like it, but it does have some logical flaws. The biggest is the two stallions' willingness to talk to each other (since as far as we know neither is extremely talkative.. must be a stallion thing), but there might be a few other ones lurking about. On top of that, it just seems so abrupt by comparison... it's decent dialog, but it could use more. The point isn't strong enough from my point of view.


Lol ya I was thinking that

574257 fair enough. :pinkiesmile: has some flaws in it and may need some re-working when i get the chance :derpytongue2: need to sort out the spelling errors as well so will probably add some new parts to make it a bit more subtle as the two get along better as the night goes on in the story.

574382 hmmm, like your style xD

i can see how your trying to not use prounouns over and over but youre kinda over crypitic:unsuresweetie::derpyderp2::rainbowhuh::applejackunsure::yay:.....i love emoticons

574694 i can see that :pinkiegasp::pinkiesmile::pinkiehappy::rainbowwild: i dont mind them either, but yeah kind of :P

I remembered when you first thought this up, you did a good job making two little known characters have good dialogue. Looking forward to the next one, (plus I officially started work on my next fic (Its a bit weird because I'm writing it for language class, Hope my teacher like ponies lol)

575662 thank you :) glad you liked it! I look forward to it!

Hmmm, well its an okay premise, but I just couldn't get into it.

:eeyup: Big Macintosh, if anything, is an excellent exersize(sp?) for any writer to practice body language, facial expressions, and other things like that. Even with the newspaper episode and the Hearts and Hooves day episode, we know Big Mac just doesn't talk much. He's the embodiment of "actions speak louder than words", and seeing him speak so much in a short span just makes it feel awkward. While artistic license can certainly be taken with any character, taking away one of the core features of their personality turns them into their polar opposite. Given that this story is based around an important CONVERSATION, Big Mac was a pretty poor choice, I'm afraid.

:twilightoops: You prolly should've run this through a spellchecker, an editor, or just another set of eyes before you published it. The amount of spelling errors,capitalization flubs, and general structure flaws is staggering. There's a lot of polish to be done to this before it should come to a site like this. I know its very tempting to cut, paste, and post as soon as it's done being typed. I do it sometimes myself, but I always regret it. People are very protective of their ponies, and insist on high-quality stuff if its to be worth their time. Nevermind the content of the story. The structure and general typography needs a helping hoof.

:pinkiesad2: ...and not even CELESTIA remembers Pinkie Pie's sisters. Poor thing.

Keep working at it. This doesn't feel like a finished product. Try again, and it'll get better.


My family are assholes
Jus putting that out there


knew he needed to try and be sivil
-spacing and spelling problems here.

so he reached out towards Big Mac
-More spacing problems.

“So, what do you want to eat boys?” asked applejack

“How so? You may as well explain.”
-Yeah, I am wondering the same thing. Maybe she examines them to find one worthy of her standards? Or maybe she just believes in playing slow, and working hard? A bit like Dash, but "slow" rather than "stopped".

The magenta pony spun round, blushing crimson in embarrassment at being descovered even considering such a purchase.Twililight
-I would think that it would be completely illegal... maybe as a short cut for use with full informed consent, so that two ponies completely fed up with being single could have an arranged marriage arranged by themselves... or for other arranged marriages (I say that Celestia may eventually give Twilight two years notice to find a Stallion, or she will ensure the continuation of the finest unicorn genes she has ever known of by finding on FOR her). In any case I would think that Princess Cadence would take the misuse of such potions PERSONALLY, not to mention Celestia and Luna having outlawed them. Maybe if they only last a few hours they could fall under "extreme, but ultimately harmless pranks".
-Also you are missing a space after the period.

It's an experement'

“Well, she might not, But I just might!”
-Unnecessary capitalization.

Just have Pinkie come in via a different route since she was coming from their farm (which I don't THINK needs to be near Ponyville) meet the other four right after they arrive, then run off with her sisters in a flurry of hyperness and never be seen again for the rest of the story.

683766 keep an eye out for that update buddy, will be adding Pinkie in like that probably when I have some time :pinkiesmile: thankyou very much for your feed back! Will ajust the mistakes while i'm at it! :pinkiehappy:

You are welcome.


I agree with this, but I also like this story (and how Shining Armor got Smarty Pants :twilightblush: )

"as far as i know, you,, applejack annd rarity are the only ones with siblings" pinkie has 3 sisters

I think when this was written the episode with her sister wasn't out yet

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