• Published 16th Apr 2012
  • 13,948 Views, 318 Comments

Luna the Matchmaker - dlazerous

Princess Luna plays matchmaker for the ponies holding the Elements of Harmony.

  • ...

Unexpected Developments

Luna the Matchmaker
Chapter 6 "Unexpected Developments"
By Steven Little
My Little Pony is © Hasbro.

Heavy black clouds hung over Ponyville, obscuring the morning sun as it rose to start a new day. Strong gusting winds blew rain horizontally, the drops of water exploding against any obstacle in their way. A cacophonous crash of thunder caused the ground to tremble. The branches of the tree that housed the Ponyville library groaned as the weather’s onslaught beat against the arboreal building. The torrent of wind and rain caused the balcony door of the library’s master bedroom to slam open, waking Twilight Sparkle from her inebriated slumber. The lavender unicorn mare stumbled out of bed, hitting the wooden floor with a hallow thud. Composing herself as best she could, she walked over to the balcony and shut the doors, wincing at the soreness in her hindquarters and the throbbing in her head. Twilight sat there by the doors for a moment, watching the pony she loved through slightly bleary eyes. She could still remember the day Luna told her that she’d stay with her in Ponyville. Celestia was happy but certain members of court along with the new head of the royal Guard, Commander Stormwing, objected but Princess Celestia set them straight.

Luna stirred in bed when she couldn’t feel her unicorn next to her. “Twilight, is everything alright?” Princess Luna asked from the warmth and comfort of their bed, yawning.

“Everything’s fine, the storm just blew open the doors is all.” She said, shaking her wings out to straighten her wind tussled feathers. Walking slowly, the unicorn staggered to the bed and crawled back in, slipping herself between the purple satin sheets. “Ow, my head hurts; why’d you let me drink that much?”

“Don’t blame me, you’re the one that wanted to play the dictionary drinking game last night.” The midnight blue unicorn stated, her own head aching.

Now that Twilight was more awake, she could feel a strong and familiar yearning building inside her. Wrapping her forelegs around her lover, she pulled herself closer to the Princess. Luna reciprocated by folding her wings around the lavender mare. The midnight blue unicorn loved embracing her mate like this. Even in her hung-over state Luna could tell something was off. Something just didn’t feel normal. Her train of thought was interrupted by Twilight nuzzling against her, nipping at the nape of her neck. “Mmm, Twilight, don’t stop.” The royal unicorn moaned.

“The thought never crossed my mind love.” Twilight said. The lavender unicorn gasped as Luna messaged the star shaped cutie mark on her flanks.

Luna smiled. “My, aren’t we sensitive this morning.”

“I’ll show you sensitive.” Twilight said mischievously, as she ran her right front hoof down Luna’s chest, across her stomach and down between her thighs. Both mares stared at each other in shock. Twilight’s hoof came in contact with something that ought not be there. The mares threw off the blanket they were under. There, between the Princess’s haunches was a stallion’s scrotum, prepuce, and emerging colthood. Startled by her appearance, Luna scooted back suddenly and fell off the side of the bed.

Twilight rushed across the bed. “Luna, are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” Luna said. Sitting up, the Princess noticed something poking out from under the bed. Sliding it out slowly, she shook her head when she read the title of the book. “The Big Book of Sex Magic.” She said under her breath. “Twilight, darling, how do you feel about foals?”

“Oh no, don’t tell me…”

“Afraid so.” She said holding up the thick spell book with a black cover. “That is, unless you can think of another way I could have a stallion’s, uhm, appendage. I can’t think of a better explanation especially since you’re obviously in heat again and you just came out of estrus two weeks ago.”

“Trust me, I’ve noticed.” She said. “Well, this explains why my hindquarters are so sore.” Twilight flopped back on the bed. “I can’t believe this! How could I have been so stupid as to cast a spell while drunk?! What’s worse, I involved you in my recklessness.”

“Twilight, I’ve read the spell. Both parties have to be willing or the spell doesn’t work. It’s apparent the neither of us can remember last night but either you or me brought it up and we must have both agreed to it.” The lavender unicorn was breathing heavily, holding her aching head in her front hooves. “Twilight, what are we going to do about this?”

“I don’t know if there’s anything we can do about this.” She said. Luna was shaking visibly. “Hey, are you okay?”

“I don’t know. I’m a little scared right now. We’ve only been together for three years, are we really ready for this?”

Twilight patted the space next to her on the bed. Luna crawled back in and lay next to her. “It’s going to be okay, I promise.” She said, cuddling up to the midnight blue unicorn. “I hadn’t planned on talking to you about it yet, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately.”

“You have?” Luna asked. “How long have you been thinking about children?”

“The last few months actually. I just didn’t know how to broach the subject.”

“Talk to me Twilight, why the interest in a foal all of the sudden?” Luna asked, stroking her mate’s mane.

“I’m not getting any younger Luna and you’re not immortal anymore. I want us to be able to know our grandchildren before we depart this world. I always assumed we’d have a foal sometime I just wanted to know when.”

“I wished you would have said something before we had this mess to deal with.” Luna regretted her words the second she said them.

Twilight pushed herself slightly away from the Princess and looked her in the eye. “You mean, you don’t want to have a foal with me?” She asked, her eyes filling with tears.

Luna hugged the mare tightly. “Of course I do sweetheart, I just wished we had this conversation while we were both sober and could recall everything.”

Twilight begrudgingly accepted the answer and nuzzled back against her marefriend. “So, it’s obvious to me that we already, did the deed. What now?”

“Before we do anything, I think we should be sure you’re pregnant first.”

“A simple pregnancy test will prove that but from my experience with Lyra and Bonbon, it’s almost certain that I am. Do we tell everypony or do we wait?”

“I think for now we should keep it to close friends and family. At the very least we should tell my sister, she’d be overjoyed to know about a new member of the family. I think we should tell our friends too and then see where it goes from there before we let anypony else know. I’m afraid of what anypony else would say. Even if I’m not an alicorn anymore there is still a level of decorum expected of me and getting another mare pregnant is not one of them. I don’t want you to misunderstand, I love you and I will love this new life we made together but I’m afraid of what others might say.”

Twilight kissed her mate. “I understand. As long as I’m with you, I’ll never let anything happen to you ever again.”

“I love you Twilight.”

Twilight wasn’t listening anymore; she was busy nuzzling against her lover. “You know, it’s a shame neither of us remember what happened last night.”

“What?!” Luna asked, shocked at Twilight’s comment. The midnight blue unicorn looked down at her mate lying next to her. Twilight’s face was flush and she was breathing heavily.

“I’m sorry Luna, I can’t fight it anymore. I need you.” Twilight said as she wrapping her forelegs around Luna and kissed her passionately.

Breaking the kiss briefly, Luna rubbed her soft velvet nose against Twilight’s. “You have nothing to apologies for my love.”

Twilight was still breathing heavily. “In that case, since you still have that thing for at least another twelve hours, why don’t you come over here and show me what all those other mares are raving about?”


It took most of the morning but Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Ponyville weather team finally cleared away the remainder of the clouds from the previous night's storm. Clearing up the last small cloud, the cyan blue pegasus saw Princess Luna and Twilight walking by Sugar Cube Corner. “Hey guys! How are you doing this morning, or is it afternoon now?”

“Good afternoon Rainbow Dash.” Luna said with a smile. “That was some storm last night.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. It kind of got out of control a little but we made sure it wouldn’t cause any major damage.” Rainbow explained.

“Hey Dash, do you think it’s possible for you and Soarin to meet us later at Sugar Cube Corner? We have something to tell both of you and the rest of our friends.” Twilight asked.

“No problem Twilight, what time?” She asked.

“In about three hours. Would that be okay?” The light purple unicorn asked.

“Sure thing, we’ll be there.” She said as she soared off after the rest of the weather team.

Luna looked to her mate. “Do you really think it will take that long?”

“I don’t think so but their’s no certainty on how long we might wait or how many other ponies may be ahead of us.”

“Alright. Well then, let’s go see if you’re a mother.” Luna said.

“Hey, if I’m a mom, so are you.” Twilight informed her.


Fluttershy and Big Macintosh walked into the lobby of Sugar Cube Corner with Caramel and Applejack, and greeted their friends. “Mornin’ Braeburn, Soarin. You boys know what this is about?” Big Mac asked.

“I’m as clueless as you are. Twilight sent a letter to Pinkie that said she and I were supposed to be here this afternoon.” Braeburn said.

“Rainbow told me the same thing. She talked with Twilight and the Princess earlier and they asked her to bring me here.”

“We woke up to a letter on our dresser saying the same thing.” Bonbon said, Lyra nodding in agreement.

“We got a letter too.” Fluttershy said. “Where’s Rainbow Dash and Pinkie?” The two ponies in question came trotting into the room with a tray of confections balanced between them.

“Hey guys, check it out, rainbow cupcakes!” The pegasus said as she and Pinkie placed a tray of cupcakes with rainbow frosting on the table in front of the friends.

“I think I’ll pass.” Saorin said.

“Don’t you want to have a little rainbow cake?” Pinkie asked.

“Uh, no that’s okay I’ll have some later.” He said looking at his marefriend. Rainbow Dash blushed.

Rarity and Spike walked into the confectioners with a hurried look on their faces. Garnet, their three year old son was walking beside them, staring in awe at the tray of cupcakes on the table. “Hello all. I assume you’re all here for the same reason?” Rarity asked. The ponies in the room all nodded.

“I hope Twilight hurries; we still have to get packed for Philydelphia.” Spike said as he handed one of the cupcakes to his son. The other ponies in the sweet shop smiled and laughed softly as the very young unicorn buried his face into the treat.

“He likes sweets almost as much as I do.” Pinkie Pie commented.

“That reminds me, could you take him while we’re gone? I promised Sweetie Belle she could have her friends over while we’re gone and I don’t think she’ll have time to watch Garnet, he’s become such a hooffull.”

“Sure Rarity, Brasy and I would love to watch him while you’re gone.” Pinkie said picking the foal up and wiping his face.

Twilight and Luna walked into the store smiling brightly. “I don’t see Ditzy or the Doctor. Does anypony know where they are?” Twilight asked.

“I think Ditzy had to cover somepony’s shift at the post office.” Rainbow Dash said.

“We can inform them later if you want.” Luna said.

“Inform them of what? What goin’ on Twilight?” Applejack asked.

“I’m pregnant!” The lavender unicorn shouted happily.

“Yes! I knew it!” Lyra hollered out.

A pair of eyes had been watching the entire scene play out inside the sweet shop, taking in everything. The pegusus they belonged to watched as the Princess and her unworthy consort were embraced and congratulated by the other ponies in the shop. The display disgusted him. As soon as he was sure he had what was required, the mysterious pony vanished into the shadows.


The sun was starting to set and the streetlights of Cantrlot began to flicker to life. Down below Canterlot Castle housed the royal dungeons where no light could reach, a solitary unicorn guard and a mottled pegasus stallion marched down the corridor of cells. The guard approached the cell at the end of the row and banged his hoof against the bars. “Prisoner four five two eight, you have a visitor.”

A ragged unicorn stallion rolled off the cot in his three by three meter cell. “Thank you dear sir. You may go now; my associate and I have much to discus.”

The guard sneered at the prisoner and stalked down the hall. “You have ten minutes, don’t waste them.” He called back.

Both stallions watched the guard walk down to corridor and around the corner. “Report. Did you get what I needed?”

“Yes my Prince. It is exactly as you said. Princess Luna and her concubine have produced an offspring.”

“I knew it, I knew it was only a matter of time before that traitor betrayed her station as well as her ponies and now we have this unworthy offspring as proof of this perversion of the crown. You see me faithful lieutenant, this is what happens when you let females run things.”

“Do we move now then?”

“No, not yet. We have to let the other one slip. I already know her favorite statue is empty. Her demon will inevitably show up and when they tip their hoof, I’ll be there.”

“But, my Prince, how long must we allow you to languish here?” He asked.

“Patience my dear Shadow. If one thing this place has taught me, it’s patience. I’ll be let out of here legally soon enough; until then we wait.” The two stallions could hear the guard returning. “Be patient my faithful subject and soon we will be elevated to our proper place in this world.”

The guard returned and escorted the prisoner’s guest toward the exit of the cellblock. Inside the dark dungeon cell the prisoner smiled for the first time in four years, his light blue eyes shining brightly behind his sullied blond mane.


Back in Ponyville two fillies were having a sleepover in the apartment above the Carousel Boutique. Scootaloo tossed her sleeping bag in the corner of Sweetie Belle’s bedroom. “I can’t believe Spike and Rarity are letting you have a sleepover while they’re away in Philidelphia.” The orange pegasus said.

“Rarity didn’t want to but Spike talked her into it.” She said. “It’s too bad Applebloom got sick, I was hoping we could all work on getting our cutie marks during the sleep over. We’re going to be graduating from school soon and we’re still blank flanks. I’m starting to think we’ll never discover our special talents.”

Scootaloo bumped the teenage unicorn with her shoulder. “Hey, don’t start talking like that. Remember when I thought I’d never learn to fly right? Now look at me, captain of the Junior Varsity Speedster team.”

Sweetie Belle pushed back against her friend. “I guess you’re right. Well, there are plenty of other things for us to do.” She said, trying to change the subject.

“So, what do you want to do?” The orange pegasus asked.

The white unicorn’s stomach grumbled loudly. “I think we should have dinner; Spike said he left something for us in the fridge.” She said. “Race you to the kitchen!” The two teenagers raced out of the room and down the hall. Just as Sweetie Belle was about to enter the kitchen, Scootaloo grabbed the unicorn’s tail with her mouth and pulled her back so she could sprint to the finish line. “Hey, that’s cheating!”

“What are you, a rule book?”

“Better than being a chicken!” Sweetie Belle shouted.

“I’m not a chicken!” Scootaloo yelled as she launched herself at the unicorn. The two teenage mares rolled around on the living room floor. They came to a stop with Scootaloo standing over her, her wings spread out triumphantly. “Ha ha, I win!”

“Oh yeah?” Sweetie Belle said as she tickled the pegasi’s sides with her hooves. Scootaloo tickled the unicorn back, both of them laughing heavily. Sweetie Belle moved her hooves up her friend’s sides, tickling at the base of Scootaloo’s wings, between the small downy feathers. The pegasi’s eyes grew wide with shock as her wings shot straight up. She quickly stepped off the unicorn, shaking her wings to force them to go down.

“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?” The unicorn asked, concerned.

Scootaloo blushed. “I’m okay, really; that spot is really sensitive on a pegasus.” She said, folding her wings. The orange pegasus was intentionally averting her eyes away from her friend. “So, about that food?”

“You sure you’re okay?” Sweetie Belle asked, picking herself off the floor.

“Yeah, I’m just hungry I guess.” She said as she walked into the kitchen and sat at the dining room table. The white unicorn knew something was bothering her friend and promised herself that she’d find out what it was before the night was out.

Sweetie Belle followed her friend into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. Rummaging around she found a baking pan covered in foil with a note attached to the front. She pulled the container from the refrigerator and set it on the table next to Scootaloo. “What’s this?” The orange pegasus asked. Grabbing the note from the pan, she began to read aloud. “Dear Sweetie Belle, I made these for your sleepover. I hope your friends like them as much as you do. Love Spike. P.S. Reheat in the oven at three hundred fifty degrees for fifteen minutes. It’s not as good as freshly made but I think it should be fine.”

Sweetie Belle tore the foil from the pan revealing six green roundish objects with a white and orange topping. “Alright, my favorite!” She shouted.

Scootaloo poked one of the objects cautiously with a hoof. “What are they?” She asked.

“Dragon Peppers!” Sweetie Belle said enthusiastically. “Spike mixes rice with cheese, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms and cauliflower then he stuffs it all into bell peppers and roasts them with his own dragon fire.”


“I know, this is goanna’ be the best sleepover ever, even if Apple Bloom can’t be here.” The white unicorn said as she set the oven to the appropriate temperature. Sweetie Belle walked back to the table and sat down next to her friend. “So, we have a few minutes to wait till the oven’s ready; are you going to tell me what happened back in the living room or are you still going to pretend nothing’s going on?”

“What are you talking about?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh come on Scooty, I think I know when something is bothering one of my best friends.” The oven preheat buzzer went off and the white unicorn walked over and placed the tray of peppers in the oven and set the timer. “Well?” She asked sitting back down at the table.

“It’s noting, it’s stupid, I don’t want to talk about it.” Scootaloo said, turning away from her friend.

Sweetie Belle put a hoof on her friends shoulder. “Hey, come on you can talk to me. It can’t be that bad.”

The orange pegasus shrugged off her hoof. “Leave it alone Belle. I told you, I don’t want to talk about it.” She said through the tears forming in her eyes.

“Hey, don’t cry.” She said softly. "Please tell me what’s going on, please?”

Scootaloo spun around and faced her friend, the tears rolling down her cheeks. “I like you okay!” She yelled. “I sort of really like you. You know, like more than just a friend.” She got up from the table and walked toward the living room. “I’ll leave if you want me to.” She said, her back to the unicorn.

“It took you long enough. Was it really that hard?”

The orange pegasus spun around to see her friend smiling sweetly at her. “You knew? You knew and didn’t say anything?”

The oven timer went off and Sweetie Belle got up and used a potholder in her mouth to carefully pull the pan from the oven and set it on the stovetop. “Yup, I’ve known for more than a little while now; ever since Rainbow Dash said she’d adopt you. Remember that talk we had the day after about some stuff you said while you were half asleep? When you denied everything I asked Twilight and the Princess what I should do about it. I was worried about you, a lot was going on. Princess Luna said I should let you make the first move and only confront you about it if things started to get bad or awkward.”

“So all this time… And now, I mean; do you…?” She half asked, wiping the tears from her face.

“Yeah, I like you too, I was worried I’d be an old mare before you said anything. Dinners ready by the way, you still hungry?”

“Yeah.” Scootaloo said, smiling.

Dinner was quick but Sweetie Belle declared it a success. Scootaloo enthusiastically stated that the Dragon Peppers were the best thing she’d ever tasted. “Come on, let’s go into the living room and talk.”

“About what?” The pegasus asked.

“What do you think?” The white unicorn asked. “You didn’t say more than two words at dinner and if you think I’m letting you off the hook that easily, you have another thing coming Scooty.” As the two teenagers walked into the living room, the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it, you just sit there and wait for me, and I’ll be right back.”

Sweetie Belle walked downstairs and opened the door. “Special delivery for a Rarity Filigree.” Ditzy Doo said.

“Mrs. Ditzy, why are you here so late?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Oh hi Sweetie. One of the other mailponies was sick so I had to cover his shift. I’m really mad I missed Twilight’s announcement but Applejack told me and I’m really happy for her.”

“I’m not quite sure how it happened but I’m glad Twilight’s going to be a mommy. Either way, Rarity’s out of town right now but I think you have the wrong address, our last name is Swanson not Filigree.”

“Are you sure? I’ve picked up letters from here that were signed Filigree and Rarity has received letters with the same name.” The gray mailmare said. “I think you should hold onto the package for your sister. When she comes home, if it’s not for her, just let me know and I’ll pick it up.”

“Okay Mrs. Ditzy.” Sweetie Belle took the package from Ditzy and went back inside. Once upstairs, she set the package on the edge of the table.

“What’s that?” Scootaloo asked.

“I don’t know. It says it’s for somepony named Rarity Filigree.” Sweetie Belle told her.

“But I thought you’re last name is Swanson.”

“It is.” The unicorn said, walking around the table. Just before she sat down on the couch, she accidentally bumped the table, knocking the box off the edge.

“That can’t be good.” Scootaloo said as she picked up the box and set it back on the table. “You don’t think there’s anything breakable in here do you?”

“I don’t think so.” She said looking over the box. “I don’t see a fragile stamp and all it says on the box is our address and a return address to Canterlot but no street number or name or anything.”

“You think we should open it?” Scootaloo asked. “What if something’s broken?”

“Well…” Sweetie Belle said with a mischievous look on her face. “It would be just plain wrong if my sister ordered something and it arrived ruined. I think it’s our duty to make sure it arrived intact.” The white unicorn ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and walked back in. She very carefully cut the tape, set the knife down, and opened the box. The entire box was filled with papers, files, and various little toys and knickknacks. Sweetie Belle lifted out a fancy looking pacifier. “What’s all this? It looks like baby stuff. Now I know this isn’t for Rarity.”

“Wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Scootaloo said as she flipped through various pages of documents. “A lot of this looks like doctor files and they all have Rarity’s name on them.”

“That doesn’t mean it’s my sister though.” The white unicorn said.

“No, but this does.” She said, sliding a picture over to her.

“It, it is Rarity, is that…?”

“You were so cute as a baby.” Scootaloo said smiling.

“That’s really me? Look how young my sister is, she can’t be much older than us.” Scootaloo didn’t say anything. “Hey Scooty, look how messed up her mane is. Scooty…” The pegasus wasn’t responding. Sweetie Belle looked over at her friend. Scootaloo sat there staring at a rectangular piece of paper she held in her hooves. Her eyes were wide, small tears rolling down her cheeks. “Scooty, what’s wrong?”

The pegasus looked up from the paper to her friend, then back to the paper. Panicking, she hid the paper behind her back. “It’s nothing.” She said between tears.

“Scootaloo, are you alright, what’s the matter?” The unicorn asked.

“I can’t, I don’t… I can’t tell you.” She said, wiping her face.

“Why not? Scooty, what was on that paper?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“It’s nothing, please just forget about it. That paper… it’s not true, it can’t be.” Sweetie Belle used what magic she had to levitate the paper out of Scootaloo’s grasp and floated it over to her. The orange pegasus leapt at her. “No! Sweetie Belle, please don’t read it!”

The white unicorn dodged to the side, avoiding her friend and looked at the paper. Along the top of the paper, it read Mainhattan General Hospital. Below the header was a smaller title, Certificate of Live Birth. “It’s a birth certificate.” Sweetie Bell continued to read but what she saw next stopped her cold.

““Full name of Foal First: Sweetie Belle Middle: Angela Last: Filigree
Father of Record: N/A
Mother of Record First: Rarity Middle: Platinum Last: Filigree””

Sweetie Belle dropped the birth certificate and dived into the box quickly reading a page, throwing it aside then reaching for another. “It can’t be true, it just can’t be!” The frantic unicorn pulled out picture after picture of Rarity with and infant Sweetie Belle cradled in her hooves. At the bottom of the box was a sealed envelope with Rarity’s name on it. She ripped open the envelope at started reading.


This will be the last time I converse with you. You refused to give up the baby for adoption and have instead decided to go it alone. Get used to that. You are alone. Your father and I will not be there to bail you out. I warned you and I already tried to contact Foal Protection Services but they say you don’t have a daughter just a sister. I have no idea how you were able to convince them of such an obvious deception, I suppose you had Carlton lie for you but I just don’t care anymore.

How could you do this to us? Your father and I have been mortified ever since you told us you were pregnant. The whole town knows that you not only had a foal out of wedlock but you had one with a lowly earth pony. How could you? Were you so stupid as to not even consider your father and I, what this would do to us? We can barely show our faces in polite society anymore. Everywhere we go there's nothing but gossip about us and our low class, worthless, stupid child.

I searched around the house and found everything of yours that was left. Be happy that I chose to mail them to you instead of burning them. Goodbye daughter. May you be able to live with your poor decisions.'

“It’s true, it’s all true. How could she lie to me like that?” Sweetie Belle looked up at Scootaloo with a mixture of despair and uncertainty. “Was it me? Did I do something wrong? Was she ashamed of me? Didn’t she want me?” She asked.

Scootaloo hugged her tightly. “I’m sorry Belle, I’m so so sorry.”

“Why didn’t she want me? Wasn’t I good enough to be her, her… I think I’m going to be sick.” Sweetie Belle broke out of Scootloo’s embrace and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. The pegasus could hear her friend throwing up her dinner.

Scootaloo looked through the files and pictures trying to find answers for the unicorn. She looked intently at all the pictures. Each one showed a very happy Rarity with her baby. The files she read were all medical files but one was a petition for adoption. The paper work had been filled out and signed by Rarity’s mother as the preparer but down at the bottom somepony wrote that the baby would not be given for adoption due to the mothers insistence that she keep the foal. ‘So Rarity did want to keep Sweetie Belle.’ She picked up the letter the unicorn had read and looked it over. ‘What a bitch!’ She thought to herself. ‘Wait a minute. Scootaloo read the letter again, paying special attention to the first part.

Scootaloo ran to the bathroom and knocked on the door. “Sweetie Belle, are you okay, can I come in? Sweetie?” She pushed the door open to find Sweetie Belle hugging the toilet. The pegasus walked over to her quietly sobbing friend. The white unicorn sat back against the tub; vomit soaked her chin, neck, and chest. She walked past her friend to the tub and flung open the shower curtain. Reaching over, she started the warm water from the shower then went to pick up her friend from the floor. “Come on, up we go. It’s time to get you cleaned up.” She said.

“Don’t want to.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah well I didn’t ask if you wanted to.” Scootaloo said as she dragged her friend into the tub and under the shower’s warm water and rinsed the bile from her coat and down the drain. Making sure there was no debris in the tub, she put in the plug, turned the shower over to the faucet and turned up the heat. As the tub filled with water, Scootaloo grabbed the bottle of shampoo, popped the cap and worked the soap into the unicorns fur. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you cleaned up in no time.”

“What’s the point? My own mother doesn’t want me.” She said.

“That’s not true Belle.” Scootaloo said. “What in Equstria gives you the idea she didn’t want you?”

“I don’t know.” She said sadly. “There has to be a reason why she told everpony I was her sister. She didn’t want me as her foal but she couldn’t get rid of me either. I’m fourteen years old, almost fifteen; if she really wanted me she’d have…”

The orange pegasus cute her off. “Belle, I looked at those files and pictures. Did you know that Rarity’s mother tried to force her to give you up? She refused. Every one of those pictures shows Rarity very happy holding you. She loved you Belle, she still does; I’m sure of it.”

“Really?” The white unicorn asked.

“Yeah, when we’re done here I’ll show you.” She said, carefully rubbing the soap into the fur of the unicorn’s neck. “I think I know why Rarity told everypony what she did and treated you like her sister.”

“Why, why would she do that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

"That letter from Rarity’s mom, she said that she told Foal Protection Services about Rarity. Your sister, I mean, your mom convinced them you were her sister so they left you two alone. If she didn’t they would have tried to take you away. I think Rarity lied to them, to you, to everypony just to make sure nopony would take you away from her.” She said turning the water off.

“By why would they do that? Rarity has almost always been nice to me. Sure we had a few problems here and there but nothing major.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Remember the pictures, what you said? Rarity looked as old as us. She was only fourteen or fifteen when you were born. Do you really think they would let somepony our age raise a foal by themselves? I think this was the only way Rarity could keep you with her.” Scootaloo said. “So, what are you going to do about all this? Are you going to confront Rarity about it?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know what I should do.” She said.

Scootaloo leaned in and kissed the unicorns cheek. “No matter what you decided to do, I’ll always support you and back you up, okay?”

Sweetie Belle blushed. She turned to her friend and kissed her lips, both ponies sinking into the warm water.


Inside the Ponyville library, four months later, twelve mares hid in the dark; glued to the front windows. “Where are they? Ditzy are you sure you saw them coming home?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Sure I’m sure. Maybe they stopped for a snack or something.” The gray pegasus supposed.

“I see them, I see them, and they’re comin’ this way!” Apple Bloom said excitedly.

“Okay; everypony hide and when they come in and turn on the lights, we jump out and yell, surprise!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Pinkie, I hate to break it to ya’ but this ain’t a surprise party, it’s a baby shower.” Applejack told her.

“It’s still a surprise.” Ditzy and Pinkie said in unison. They all heard the latch on the door click loudly and hid wherever they could.

“I’m sure it’s fine Twilight. If there was a problem I’m certain my sister would say something.” Luna said as the entered the library.

Suddenly, the lights came on and twelve mares jumped out of nowhere and yelled, surprise. Twilight and Luna looked around the brightly lit room, decorated with blue and pink streamers and balloons. “What, what is all this?” Twilight asked.

“It’s your baby shower deary.” Mrs. Cake said. “Sorry it’s a bit late but we had to explain to Pinkie the difference between a birthday party and a baby shower.”

“I hope this is okay Twilight, we just wanted to celebrate your foal with you and the Princess.” Fluttershy said.

“It’s wonderful Fluttershy thank you, thank you everypony.” Twilight said. “I just wish I had a chance to eat before the party, I’m not really hungry for cake and sweets right now; sorry.”

“Well that’s okay Twilight, we’ve got all sorts of stuff here.” Lyra said.

Luna pointed toward the buffet set up against the far wall. “Hey Twilight look, melon.”

“Oh goody!” She said as she made a bee line for the orbs of fruit.

Off in the distance Rarity could be heard arguing with Sweetie Belle. “Leave me alone Rarity, I told you earlier that we were going to a sleep over at the clubhouse.” The young unicorn said.

“But you girls don’t have to leave now, do you?” The older white unicorn asked. “I thought you girls would enjoy a party.”

“What do you care, it’s not like you’re my mom or anything! Stop trying to act like her!” Sweetie Belle shouted before running out of the library, followed closely by Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

Rarity moved to chase after her but Spike put a claw up to stop her. “Don’t Rarity, let her go. Whatever phase this is she’s going through, it’s clear she wants to be alone with her friends.”

“But, what she said, you heard what she said.” Rarity said, choking back tears.

“Is everything okay?” Princess Luna asked. “What’s wrong with Sweetie Belle and my other Crusaders?”

“I don’t know Luna.” Spike said. “Ever since we got back from that last show in Philydelphia she’s been distant, withdrawn. The only ponies she talks to anymore is you and the other crusaders. The other two aren't much better, is there any way you can talk to her, try and find out what’s going on? I’ve tried but she won’t even talk to me.”

“Alright, you two stay here with Twilight and I’ll go talk to them. If something is bothering my little Crusaders, I’ll get to the bottom of it.” Luna told them before leaving the library.

Spike led Rarity over to one of the sofas in the pit where Twilight was happily munching away on melon, surround by the other pony mothers at the party. “I’ll be fine Spike, I promise. Why don’t you go hang out with the boys at the farm? I’m sure Big Mac and the others are having quite the time by now.”

“Okay Rarity, but if you need anything, have Twilight send me a letter.” Spike said.

“Or you can ask me, I’d be more than happy to contact Spike for you.” Princess Celestia said, walking up next to them.

“Princess, I’m so happy you could attend; I wasn’t sure if you’d be able to make it.” Bonbon said.

“I wouldn’t miss it.” Celestia said. “One of the perks of being a Princess, you can reschedule things and nopony really complains too much.” She said with a wink.

Spike politely bowed to the Princess then ran out the door and headed toward Sweet Apple Acers. “Well, at least he can’t get drunk on cider, something tells me the other boys will be passed out before the night is over.” Rarity said.

Princess Celestia walked over to Twilight still enjoying her snack. “Hello Twilight, I see the cravings have started.”

Twilight looked up and quickly wiped her face. “Sorry your majesty.”

“It’s quite all right Twilight, I’m sure if you ask your friends here they went through the same thing when they had their foals.” The Princess said.

“Oh she’s right Twilight, I couldn’t get enough tomatoes when I was pregnant with the twins.” Mrs. Cake said.

“There were times I thought I went through Ponyville entire supply of Pickles.” Bonbon told her.

“I suppose you had cravings for muffins right Ditzy?” Twilight asked.

“Nope, corn. Corn cakes, corn bread, cream corn, corn soup; anything made of corn.” Ditzy said, smiling.

“I thought I’d blow up like a balloon with all the apple pie I was eating.” Rarity volunteered.

“You see Twilight, it’s perfectly normal. Enjoy your snack, we don’t mind. I am wondering though, where is my sister?”


In the back orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were trying the best they could to comfort Sweetie Belle. “Are ya’ll sure about this, I mean I believe ya’ and all but it’s just, wow.” Apple Bloom said.

“I saw it myself Bloom. There was no mistaking it, Rarity is Sweetie Belle’s mom.” Scootaloo informed her.

“Please Bloom, please don’t tell anypony.” Sweetie Belle begged her.

“Well, alright but I can’t say I’m comfortable about it.” The maturing farm pony said.

All three of the young mares rushed to the window when the heard the loud flapping of large wings. “Princess Luna!” They gasped in unison.

“Crusaders, please assemble before me.” The three ponies rushed out of their clubhouse and stood at attention before their Princess. “It has come to my attention that you three have been having problems with your families lately. Scootaloo; Rainbow Dash has informed me that you’ve taken to leaving your home early in the morning and not returning till late, even missing your flying practice. Apple Bloom; Granny Smith has noticed that you’ve been getting in fights with your older brother.”

“Ah, we weren’t fightin’ we were just sparring. You see…” The Princess glared down at her, silencing her interruption.

“Sweetie Belle; ever since Rarity and Spike returned from Philydelphia you’ve been withdrawn and short with both of them. Do you three have anything to say for yourselves?” The three teenage mares stood there scuffing the ground, none of them willing to speak. “I see. Well then maybe I should send you three away for a while.”

“What?!” They shouted in unison.

“Well, it seems to me that you three could use a change of scenery and since you don’t want to talk to me then I am forced, as your Princess to intercede. The three of you will travel to Canterlot tomorrow to undergo training to be my junior personal guard. It will be the most difficult nine weeks you've ever had but I believe the discipline and structure you’ll receive will be good for you. Sweetie Belle, you’ll be training with Sergeant Eclipse. He’s a very talented unicorn and well versed in combat and defensive spells, you’ll learn a lot from him. Scootaloo; you will be under the tutelage of Lieutenant Gusty. He was once offered a spot with the Wonderbolts but turned it down to serve as a royal guard. I’m sure you’ll find his instruction quite useful. Last but not least, Apple Bloom. You will receive officers training from Commander Stormwing, the pegasus who has taken over command of the royal guard since Shining Armor’s reassignment as a body guard to Princess Cadence. The Commander is a wealth of knowledge; I suggest you pay attention to him when he speaks. In addition to this personal training, each of you will be schooled in the proper behavior befitting a member of the royal guard.” Luna informed them. “I will be speaking with your teacher tomorrow; you'll have to make up the time at school but I'm sure you three are up to it. Can I count on you three to perform to the best of your ability and behave like proper royal guards in training?”

“Yes Princess!” They answered in unison.

“Good. In that case, you’ll be needing these.” Princess Luna said, draping a necklace over the head of each of the mares. The chain of the necklace was sterling silver with a stone of dark purple emblazoned with a crescent moon. “These necklaces are a symbol of my office. When you wear them, you represent me. Do me proud.”

“Yes Princess!” They answered again.