• Published 16th Apr 2012
  • 13,948 Views, 318 Comments

Luna the Matchmaker - dlazerous

Princess Luna plays matchmaker for the ponies holding the Elements of Harmony.

  • ...

Shadows of Things to Come

Luna the Matchmaker
Chapter 7 "Shadows of Things to Come."
By Steven Little
My Little Pony is © Hasbro.

After eleven long months, the blessed event had arrived; Twilight Sparkle was in labor. A commanding voice rang out through the library. "Crusaders, attend me." Princess Luna commanded regally. The three fillies in question galloped into the royal couples bedroom and quickly came to attention. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo felt very grown up since Princess Luna had them appointed as her official royal attendants for the summer while they weren't in school. The girls were slightly taller now and wore their Cutie Mark Crusader capes as bandanas. Around each of their necks was a silver necklace with a purple stone emblazoned with Luna's crescent moon, a badge of their royal appointment.

"You have a mission for us your majesty?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes my faithful Captain. Twilight is in labor and I am in need of your assistance. Scoot, Belle, I need you to gather all our friends. Belle, I'd like you to concentrate on the south end of town while Scoot, I want you to take the north and be sure to get Lyra and Bonbon they have experience in these maters. Dismissed." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle galloped out of the library

"Your majesty. Is there anything you would ask of me?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes Captain Apple Bloom. I must leave to get the Doctor. Until I return I need you to stand guard over Twilight Sparkle. Make sure her needs are meet and that she wants for nothing while I'm gone." Luna saw that the filly seemed to be disheartened with her mission. "Apple Bloom, Twilight is my most important and special treasure. I could not leave to do what I must if I didn't think somepony was here to help her; somepony I could trust implicitly."

The Crusader brightened up at the thought of the most important task she was given. "You can count on me to protect her Princess Luna. While I'm on duty nothing will befall the Lady Twilight."

Luna trotted or to the bed where Twilight lay resting. "For someone who hates all the trappings of being a Princess you're sure getting used to it again." Twilight said. Even now, with all the discomfort she was in, she could still crack a joke.

"I'm only doing it for the girls. Remember, they've been trough guard training and they love showing off what they learned." Luna smiled at her mate. "I have to go but I'll be back as soon as I can my love. Hang in there, Apple Bloom will get you anything you require."

"You do realize he's going to protest when you ask him?" Twilight asked her.

"You assume I'm going to ask." Luna said smiling.

Twilight kissed her lover softly on the lips. "Hurry back and please be careful. I don't know why we still have wings after all this time and I don't know when or if the spell will were off."

"It hasn’t shown signs of wearing off in nearly four years Twilight.” Luna said, trying to calm her mate.

“You know what I mean Luna. Not that I mind or anything but I worry.” Twilight said.

“I know; I promise I'll be careful and I'll return just as fast as I can." Luna walked to the balcony behind the bed and spread her wings. The semi translucent feathers began to glow with a purple iridescence as a slight incoming breeze rushed around her wings. Stretching her wings to their limit, Luna pushed off from the balcony and soared off into the sky.

Apple Bloom laid herself down next to the bed. "Is there anything I can get you Lady Twilight?"

"No, thank you Apple Bloom. What's with all the formality?" Twilight asked.

"That's just how we were told to talk to ponies of royalty when me and the other Crusaders went to Guard Training. Since you and the Princess are a mated pair you qualify."

Twilight smiled and the young pony. "Luna and I aren't married, at least not yet. You can still just call me Twilight." Twilight cringed as another contraction caused her to groan and whimper in pain.

"Does it hurt a lot?" The young guard asked her.

Perspiration was beading along Twilight's forehead. Apple Bloom placed a cold compress to Twilight's head from a nearby basin. "It hurts a little but it's okay its all just a normal part of having a foal. As long as the baby is healthy, it will all be worth it."

There was a knock at the bedroom door. "Just a moment Twilight. I'll go see who it is." Apple Bloom trotted down the stairs from Twilight's sleeping loft and answered the bedroom door. "Can I help you?"

"We're here to help Twilight." Lyra said.

"The Princess said you would be coming. You may enter but please try to keep the noise down." Apple Bloom stood aside and held the door for the visiting ponies.

"Lyra, Bonbon, Tootsie Flute; how are the three of you?" She asked.

"We're fine, how are you." Bonbon asked.

"I don't know. This is a first for me. How long were you in labor Bonbon?"

"Only about a hour." She stated.

"It's been almost one and a half hours. Where's Luna? She said she wouldn't be long. I don't think I can do this without her." Twilight had started to panic.

Bonbon laid herself down beside Twilight and bathed her brow with the damp cloth. "There there dear. I'm sure that wherever she is, she's doing whatever she can to help you."


On the northeast end of town, Luna was flying towards a mailbox shaped home bordered by the White Tail Wood. She landed on the path to the house and gently knocked on the door. Luna didn't have to wait long before a fifteen year old gray unicorn mare answered the door. "Hello Dinky, is your mother and the Doctor around?"

"Hello Princess Luna. Mom and the Doctor are out back in his blue box thingy."

"Hiding again no doubt. Thank you Dinky, I'll see you again soon." Luna walked around to the back of the house but there was nothing there. Using her magic, she searched for the two ponies until her magic indicated the existence of a large invisible rectangular structure. Luna banged on the invisible door. "You can't hide in there from me and you know it! Open the door before I open it for you!"

The door slowly opened and a gray mare with an odd expression on her face looked out. "Hi Luna, how ya' doin? " She asked,

"I'm okay Ditzy but Twilight is in labor and I need the Doctor right away."

"How many times do I have to tell you ponies? I'm not that kind of doctor."

"I don't care what kind of doctor you are! You're the only pony with any experience with a magically assisted pregnancy!" Luna shouted.

The Doctor poked his head out of the TARDIS. "Well, there's no debating that and I can certainly understand why'd you come to me but honestly I'm not a medical doctor."

"Ditzy, if you wouldn't mind." The Princess smiled at the Doctor.

Ditzy grabbed the doctor under his shoulders and began pulling him out of the TARDIS and lifted him into the air. "No problem Princess. If you carry Dinky we'll be right behind you."

Dinky had been watching the whole conversation. Luna squatted down and let Dinky climb onto her back. "Hold on Dinky." Luna took off into the air with Ditzy following close behind. "How are you doing back there dear?"

"I'm fine. I used to fly with mom all the time." Dinky giggled.

"What's so funny?" The Princess asked her.

"I love it when mom makes The Doctor do things he doesn't want. It's always really funny."

"This is a conspiracy!" The chestnut colored earth pony yelled.


As Luna approached the upstairs balcony of the library, she saw Scoot and Belle standing guard outside the balcony door. The Princess landed gently and allowed the young mare to jump off her back before addressing the two crusaders. "Are they all here?" She asked.

"Yes your majesty. All the ponies in question have arrived. The majority of them are downstairs in the library common area. Captain Apple Bloom is standing guard at the door to prevent inquisitive ponies from intruding on the bedchamber." Scoot reported.

"Lyra and Bonbon are with Lady Twilight now, keeping her calm. Lyra has reported that she is getting close to delivery. It shouldn't be long now." Belle informed her.

"I'll be the judge of that." The Doctor said as he and Ditzy landed on the balcony. "Really, you drag me out here and then you don't even consult me before coming up with your own diagnosis. Actually I predicted this might happen so I did myself a favor and looked up more information on the procedure."

"Doctor, you're babbling again." Ditzy said as she placed her hoof on the stallion's lips.

"Your patient is right this way doctor." Luna said trying to control her laughter.

The Doctor walked into the bedroom and was greeted by Bonbon and Lyra. "Ladies, how is the patient?"

"She under a lot of stress. her contractions are coming faster and faster. I don't think it will be much longer." Bonbon informed him.

The doctor walked around the bed until he was facing Twilight's flank. Lifting her tail, he inspected the progress of her labor. "Okay, Miss Twilight, I'm going to need you to role to your left side." Twilight did as she was instructed blushing a little. "It's okay Miss Twilight. I completely understand your feelings but let me assure you. I'm here in an entirely professional capacity. I mean no offense but I have no interest in your flank."

Luna nuzzled her lovers' cheek. "I'll always be interested in your flank. How much longer Doctor?"

"Bonbon is right, it shouldn't be long now. It appears that Twilight is fully dilated and with any luck the harder contractions should start and this delivery will begin. Princess, Bonbon, I'm going to need you to comfort and encourage her as this is going to be fairly taxing. Princess Luna, you can use your magic to dull the pain but don't block all of it; Twilight will still need to know when to push. Lyra. I'll need your help back here."

"Don't worry Doc, I'm here to help any way I can." Lyra reassured him.

There was a commotion at the balcony. Scoot and Belle opened the balcony door to allow Princess Celestia to enter the bedchamber. "Please, stay as you are, this isn't a time for ceremony. I'm just here to see the newest member of our family. I do hope I'm not too late."

"You're right on time Tia, as usual." Luna said.

"And how are you doing Lulu?"

"I told you not to call me that." She paused for a few seconds. "Only Twilight gets to call me that." Luna said hugging her mate. A powerful contraction quaked through Twilight's body. The lavender pony cried out, as the muscles in her abdomen seemed to catch fire. "Hang on there dear I'm trying to dull the pain."

Luna's magic enveloped Twilight's head. Slowly the pain began to dissipate. She still hurt a little but it was nowhere near as bad as it had been. "Thank you. That feels a lot better."

Celestia noticed the two teenaged unicorn mares in the room. "Tootsie Flute, Dinky, why don't you go down and let the others know that the delivery has begun?"

"Yes Princess." They said as they trotted down the stairs and let themselves out. Another contraction ripped through Twilight. Even with the magic dampening the pain, Twilight felt her muscles tearing for the effort.

"Push Twilight push as hard as you can." Bonbon encouraged her. The contraction eased off and Twilight was able to breath again. Her whole body was trembling.

"Hang in there my love, I know you can do this. I know it hurts but I’m right here with you." Luna said, holding Twilight’s hooves in her own.

The lavender unicorn smiled at her lover. 'I can do this. I can do this. It'll be over soon and I'll be a mother. No, we'll be mothers.' Twilight thought to herself as she gazed into Luna's gentle eyes. Another hard contraction racked her body.

"Push Miss Twilight, I can see the nose, push hard." She pushed as hard as she could, the physical effort almost more than she could bear. First the nose then the head of the new foal was pushed out. "We're almost there. On the next contraction I need you to give it all you've got." The Doctor encouraged her.

"What do you think I've been doing?!" Twilight snapped at him. The next contraction came fast and painful. Twilight cried out as she pushed the foal further out. As soon as the Doctor saw the little hooves he hooked his own front hooves under the foals front legs and gently pulled the baby from Twilight's body. Twilight began to breath regularly again. She was completely exhausted by the exertion. Luna used her magic to cut the umbilical cord and took the foal from the Doctor. She held the newborn mare for a while but before she could set the baby next to her mate another contraction coursed through Twilight.

"What's this now?" The Doctor gently pushed against Twilight's abdomen. A little surprised at what he found he shouted back to Lyra. "I need some alcohol!" The Doctor ordered. Since Luna had moved in with Twilight, she started to keep a small supply of spirits around. Lyra went over to the small mini bar in the corner; grabbing a small bottle of whiskey she brought it over and pored it on the doctor's right front hoof. "This is going to be a little uncomfortable Miss. Twilight so please pardon the rude intrusion." The Doctor carefully pushed his right front hoof inside Twilight. He gently probed around until his suspicions were confirmed. He withdrew his hoof and wiped it off on a towel. "Lyra, I need you to use your magic to probe inside and pull the other foal out. In Twilight's weakened state I don't she has the strength to push."

"Okay doc. I'll do my best. Try and relax Twilight. I'll be as fast and as gentle as I can. I promise." Lyra concentrated hard on her task.

"Twins?" Twilight asked looking up at her mate. “But how is that possible? We’ve been to the doctor for regular checkups the whole time. He never said anything about twins.”

"Indeed Miss Twilight. It’s a very rare occurrence but I’ve read that in some cases the heart beats of twins can be in almost perfect sync with each other making it very heard to differentiate between them. Unless your doctor knew exactly what he was listening for, he could have easily missed it.” The Doctor informed her. "Now this might be a little uncomfortable so please, try to relax and allow Lyra to do her work."

In her mind Lyra could see her magic take form. It swirled and spun until she willed the flow of energy inside Twilight. Going slowly and deliberately she felt around until she came in contact with the foal. She spread the energy over the baby, encompassing it in a field of mint green magic. She started to pull the foal down the canal and with a last effort out into the light. The second foal, a colt, began to cry as he was lifted into the air and reunited with his sibling who was now resting next to Twilight.

"Good job everypony and thank you all for you're help." Celestia announced to the room. Luna and Twilight had finished cleaning off the twin foals, one male and one female. The female had a white coat and a mane that was striped light violet and dark blue. The male shared the same gray blue coat as Luna; however, his mane was the same violet as Twilight's. Both of the newborn foals had a small horn and a tiny pair of wings. Twilight had an idea and nudged the male a little with her nose. The tiny foal yawned and stretched. When the little foal opened his wings, Twilight lightly blew across them. She was surprised when the feathers started to glow with a gray blue light.

Luna nodded to Scoot standing by the balcony door. “You my let the others in now but asks them politely to keep noise down to a minimum.”

Scoot walked downstairs and tapped on the door. Apple Bloom opened the door and poked her head in. "Captain." Scoot announced. "The Princess has given permission for the guests to enter provided they are quiet. The Lady Twilight is exhausted and will soon need her rest." Scootaloo tapped her hoof twice against the floor.

Apple Bloom nodded her head. "Understood." The yellow mare walked into the main room to address the ponies waiting patiently. "The Princess is allowing visitors into the bedchamber now. Please try to keep any comments or idle chitchat to a low volume. Lady Twilight is quite tired after the ordeal. Oh, and by the way, she had twins." The room full of ponies gasped in surprise then slowly filed into the bedroom area of the library. Apple Bloom noted them as they entered; Big Macintosh and Fluttershy, Applejack and Caramel, An unusually calm Pinkie Pie and Braeburn, Spike and Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Soarin. A now four year old Garnet smiled up at her with a dreamy expression on his face as he passed by followed quietly by Dinky, and Tootsie Flute. All the ponies crowded around the bed to see the new twin foals quietly nursing from their mother. It was quickly concluded that the foals were the most adorable things any of them had ever seen.

Among the visitors, it was Rainbow Dash that noticed something peculiar first. "Twilight, Princess. I know your wings come from a spell but you didn't cast the same spell on them right away did you?"

Luna shook her head. "No, that kind of magic is dangerous to use on a newborn. They were born with the wings.”

"Does that mean the babies are alicorns like you?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't see how." Luna answered. "I ceased being an alicorn when Nightmare Moon clipped my wings. Since then I've simply been a unicorn with conjured up magic wings."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that." Came a familiar disembodied voice.

"No, it can't be." Twilight said as she instinctively shielded her foals with her right wing.

Every pony in the room was surprised when the familiar draconequus appeared on the balcony outside the room. Apple Bloom, Scoot and Belle tried to block his path into the room but with a snap of his fingers the three ponies found themselves floating in the air. Discord tapped them gently and they bounced off like a trio of helium filled balloons. "What are you doing here? How did you get out of the statue again?" Celestia shouted at him. Both Celestia and Luna moved between him and Twilight. Both regal sisters spread their wings protectively in an attempt to shield her from Discord.

"All these questions. Can't you just be happy to see me? Oh, that's right you wouldn't be. Fine. As to why I'm here, we'll put that aside for now. How I'm here is a much more entertaining story." Discord shrunk himself down to half his size and perched on the end of the bed. "Okay, where to begin, where to begin? Ah yes. Twilight and her friends were defeating me. Thankfully for me, Twilight isn't the iron-hoofed dictator you are Celestia. She couldn't put me back in stone. When the power from the Elements of Harmony hit me I heard her in my mind. As long as I promised not to interfere with the lives of anypony she'd send me a place where I could live out eternity. I agreed and Twilight Sparkle sent me to another realm entirely, a realm that doesn't obey the laws of time and space. It's absolutely heaven to someone like me."

"Okay, so Twilight's a big softy. We all knew that but what are you doing here. If you're here to cause trouble again, we can get the elements and really turn you back to stone this time." Rainbow threatened.

"Ever loyal to your friends Rainbow Dash. Well, why I'm here is a long story but to start with I'm here because of the happy event that just happened. As to your question Fluttershy, yes they are alicorns because their parents are alicorns. You see I was watching that night when Twilight gave Luna her wings back. The plans of an associate of mine called for some meddling anyway so I just started with them. As soon as Twilight’s spell had done its job, I used my temporarily heightened power to turn both of them into alicorns. I loved the job Twilight did with the wings so I left them alone. The foals are alicorns as well as both their mothers and everything that entails." The draconequus smiled, impressed with himself.

"What meddling are you up to Discord and who is this associate of yours?” Luna asked rather irritated.

“My associate wishes to remain anonymous for the moment and will reveal themselves when they feel the time is right. However, I was permitted to inform you that they mean you no harm.” Discord looked around the room, noting each pony and one particular dragon that was present. "How fortuitous, everypony's here." The draconequus braced himself and snapped his fingers. There was a blinding white flash and as soon as they could see again, the found Discord on the floor back to his original size and panting heavily. Scoot, Belle, and Apple Bloom slowly lowered to the ground and found themselves back to normal.

Luna nodded toward the draconequus. "Help him up." The three temporary royal guards walked over and assisted Discord to his feet.

"My thanks to you. I didn't realize how much magic that would take." Discord snapped his fingers again and a high back red velvet chair appeared behind him. Slumping down in the chair he gave out a loud sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm usually more animated but I just used all of the powered loaned to me and nearly my entire magic reserves just then. Give me a moment to catch my breath."

"A pity he didn't use all of it up." Rarity whispered to Rainbow Dash who nodded in agreement.

"That's something I would have expected from Luna and Celestia." Discord pointed to his large ears then addressed Rarity again. "These things aren't just for looks you know."

Luna argued the point. "We would never wish that. We simply wanted you to stop making everypony miserable. We had no other choice. You wouldn't listen to reason."

"My my, that sure sounds familiar doesn't it Celestia?" The Princess hung her head, still ashamed of sending her sister to the moon.

"I don't get it." Applejack interrupted. "What's so bad about using all your magic?"

"You see girls. One of the things that Discord shares with alicorns is that fact that if he ever completely use up all of his magic, he’ll die." Alicorn and creatures like Discord are beings of magic. We cannot exist without it." Celestia explained.

"I'm so sorry." Rarity gasped. "I'd never wish for anyone to die."

"It's quite alright Rarity. I'm used to it. I seem to elicit that kind of response." Discord snapped his fingers and a cup of tea appeared in his hands. Taking a sip he continued his narration. "To put a long story short, I turned you all immortal."

"What!?" Came a collective shout from the gathered ponies.

Discord was smiling again. "Oh, not completely. Like alicorns and myself you can still die it just takes a bigger hit to knock you out and like Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and the newborns you will all age to about thirty six and then stop. But I will warn you this. Your life energy is no longer your own. As instructed, your life force is now mingled with theirs." He said indicating the five alicorns around the bed. "Them and all their decedents, even Celestia if she can stop being such a prude. If they should die, the magic will be broken and you and your descendants will be completely mortal again. Of course, with each generation the link grows weaker and weaker so while the connection remains strong in you, several generations down the line the connection will break and your descendants will be completely mortal anyway.

Twilight was starting to get her strength back. "Why?" Was all she asked.

Discord let out a loud sigh. "I'm not used to being so serious all the time. It's very taxing. I don't know how you're all able to do it. Well, in a nutshell Equestria is in danger. From what I have been shown, It wont be for many years but I do know that if you, all of you, are not there Equestria and indeed the entirety of the world will fall to ruin. The Elements of Harmony and the rest of you must live to fight that battle"

"Not that I'm complainin’ or anythin’ but there will be other ponies after us. Why can't they use the Elements of Harmony to defeat whatever it is that's commin’?" Applejack asked.

"Oh most certainly there would have been others but my associate assures me that none of them would be as powerful as you six. Trust me, I looked."

"How were you able to look into the future." Carmel asked.

"Glad you asked. You see, time and space are not fixed in my realm so I can look forward in time and even go there and back if I wish."

"If that's true then why didn't you go back and stop the Princesses from turning you to stone in the first place?" Twilight inquired.

"Ah yes, one of the few rules. I can go forward in time and return to the present but I can't go back."

"That makes absolutely no sense. Rainbow Dash interjected.

"I know! Isn't it wonderful?" Discord asked laughing. "Anyway. I've looked into the future and was shown two events that are pivotal to the future of Equestria. The first is a war with the Griffons. It won't happen for about two hundred years but it will happen." Discord got up from his chair and walked towards Ditzy.

The Doctor bared his path. "I've heard about you Discord. If you harm one hair on Ditzy's head I assure you it will not go well for you."

Discord moved the Doctor out of his way with a wave of his claw. Gently pulling a single strand out of Ditzy's mane he broke it in half in front of the Doctor. "It would be in your best interest to remain silent until you are spoken to Time Lord." He then addressed the gray mare. "Miss Hooves; with the possible exception of Twilight’s foals, you are possibly the most innocent soul in this room and so I shall give you this personal warning. In the coming war with the griffons General Ditzy, do not under any circumstance turn your back on Captain Iron Claw." Discord placed a single claw on Ditzy's head and there was a small flash of light. "Remember it."

"What about us? We're just a baker and a musician. How can we possibly be of use in a war?" Bonbon asked.

"Not all warriors are born warriors. Many fight for their homes, their countries, and then there are the ones who fight for their families. You two are destined to be heroes of the coming war. You may not know it now but the time will come. That goes for all you studs in the room as well. As for your little Tootsie Flute there, she is destined to become a great commander and doctor. I could go on at length but let me alleviate your lack of understanding. I’ve been guaranteed that each of you will have a part to be played that cannot be fulfilled by ANY other pony or dragon in your case Spike." Discord returned to his chair.

“How are you so certain of all this. I know you Discord, better than anypony. You are not one easily convinced of anything.” Celestia said.

“Let’s just say that my associate is very convincing when she wants to be. Besides, she owes me. I’ve done my part and I have no doubt that she will hold up her end of the bargain." He said.

“She?” Big Macintosh asked.

“Did I say she? Ahh, I was monologing again wasn’t I? An unfortunate weakness I admit.”

“You said there were two events. What's the other?" Fluttershy asked cautiously.

Discords smile left his face. "The Miasma is coming." His voice was dead serious and left no doubt in anypony's mind what he said was true.

The Doctor was beside himself. "The Miasma? Please, for the love of banana muffins, tell me your joking. This is one of your tricks."

"I wish I could Time Lord. You know as well as I that the Miasma poses a serious threat to every living thing in existence. The last time I looked in on it, it was gathering its pieces and will head here as soon as it's finished. Go ahead and look in that little box of yours. It will confirm I'm telling the truth."

"What is the Miasma?" Soarin asked.

"The Miasma is a diabolical life form that searches out other forms of life to feed off. Essentially it's a parasite that feeds off its host's life force. It does this by taking over its physical form and corrupting it." The Doctor explained. "But what would be drawing it here?"

"Actually, Twilight and Luna are drawing it. Well, more Twilight than Luna." Discord explained.

Twilight looked at him in disbelief. "Me? What did I do?"

"You destroyed Nightmare Moon." Discord said flatly. "Nightmare Moon is what resulted when Luna was attacked by a part of the Miasma. Nopony knew what it was at the time of course. I didn't even realize it until Twilight destroyed it. It's coming because it knows there are immortal beings here it can corrupt and because it views the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses as a threat as well as an eternal meal."

"But Twilight was protecting the pony she loved. She can't be held responsible for any of this. Luna either." Rarity stated.

"And that mean old Nightmare Moon, she was all like 'I'm so evil.' And Twilight was like 'I'll stop you.' Then Nightmare Moon was like 'Not if I get you first.' And then she threw these purple lighting bolts at her and…"

Pinkie was cut off as Braeburn held her mouth shut. "Sorry bout that but she's right. From what I heard, I'd have done the same thing if someone threatened my Pinkie."

"Please don't misunderstand. I have nothing against what happened but the piece that infected Luna, like all pieces of the creature, was connected to the whole. It knows everything that happened. On a positive note, its source of information has been cut off since Nightmare Moons destruction. So it's doesn't know about Twilight or the foals and it doesn't know what I've done. It still thinks Luna is mortal and near powerless. And it also thinks the rest of you will be dead by the time it arrives. Oh and by the way, I watched the battle with great interest. I commend you on the way you dispatched that loathsome creature. It was spectacular."

"How could you possibly know what happened?" Celestia asked him. "The only way you could possibly seen anything is…" Celestia's voice trailed off as she remembered the scratches on her left flank from that day. She assumed that she had scratched herself but now as she looked up at the smiling draconequus, she realized the truth. "How dare you!?" She shouted at him.

"Oh like you didn't love it. Just like the old days. You use to like my randomness back then. Remember how you used to sneak out and see me in the Everfree Forest? I missed that. What ever happened to us Celestia?"

"You turned into a jerk remember." All eyes were on Celestia. "I mean; I don't know what you're talking about. Besides how can we be sure your telling the truth? You tried to destroy Equestria twice."

"I never wanted to destroy anything just make it more interesting." Discord considered for a moment the other part of Celestia's accusation. Having recovered much of his magic at this point, Discord shrunk himself down walked over in front of Celestia and looked her directly in the eyes. "If I was ever anything Celestia, a liar was never one of them. Can you name me even one time in all the time you knew me, that I have EVER lied to you?"

"No, I can't." Princess Celestia said, remembering the truth in his statement.

"I can understand the mistrust and it's true I never really do anything when there isn't something in it for me so I'll come clean. The reason I'm helping you is also motivated by my own selfish interests in the matter. If the Miasma wins, I already know that I'm next on their list. But I can't force you to believe me. Well that's not true I could but I'm not going to. There is another reason but I think I’ll keep that to myself for now.”

“Anything else we should know?” Twilight asked.

Discord thought for a moment, looking to each of the alicorns. His eyes finally fell on the newborns. He snapped his fingers and suddenly the twins appeared cradled in his arms. The three alicorn mares reached out for them fearfully. “Discord please, don’t hurt them, they’re just babies.” Twilight pleaded.

“I have never harmed a child in my life and I have no intention to harm one now. Besides, harming any of you would be the signature on my own death warrant. My associate is quite found of all of you. She’s been watching you for a very, very long time.” Discord took a long look and the white filly he held and Dinky sitting at the side of the bed. He knew what was to come but didn't have the heart to tell them.

“Please Discord, return them.” Celestia asked, her voice was soft and disarming. The draconequus walked slowly to Celestia and allowed her to levitate the newborns out of his arms and back to Twilight. The entire time, neither took their eyes off the other.

Looking the alabaster mare in the eyes, he spoke softly. “Be careful. There is a darkness following all of you and the stench of Proudwing surrounds them."

"He was banished over a thousand years ago Discord. He and all of his descendants are gone. Luna and I saw to it personally." Celestia said.

"One survived, though I do not know who. Be on your guard. I fear they intend you harm. I'm going back to my realm to keep an eye on things. You will not see me again until just before Equestria's conflict with the griffons. So until then, prepare for what lies ahead, watch over each other and remember, above all else live your lives to the fullest." Discord kissed Celestia on the cheek then vanished.

Celestia concentrated for a moment, trying to control the blush spreading across her face. "He's gone." She announced after searching for him with her magic.

"Well that was interesting." Twilight said. "Do you think he's telling the truth?"

"Only time will tell Twilight. But I will admit this. He was right. In all the time I've known him, he has never once lied. Twisted the truth a bit but never lied." Celestia informed her.

“Who’s this Proudwing he was talking of?” Caramel asked.

“He was a very angry and misguided pony who’s actions cost the life of my consort and over two thousand ponies. For his transgressions he and those that followed him were banished from our land.” Celestia said sadly.

“Tia, he didn’t kill Kirin. You know that.” Luna said.

“He may as well have after what he did!” The Princess shouted. “ Twilight, I’m very happy for you and Luna but I’m sorry, I have to go.” She said, tears welling up in her eyes. She quickly walked out to the balcony and took off into the air.

Luna looked to her mate. “Go after her dear, let me know what happens.” Twilight told her. Luna quickly flew through the balcony doors after her sister.

Two teenaged mares and a little colt pushed through the older ponies until they reached the side of the bed. "Miss Twilight, are the babies okay?” Dinky asked.

“Can we see them Aunt Twilight?" Tootsie Flute asked.

Twilight smiled at the children. "Of course you can." Twilight folded up her wing and revealed the two newborn foals sleeping next to her lower abdomen.

"Do you know what you’re going to name them?" Garnet asked her.

"Yes. Luna and I decided days ago that we’d name the baby Dusk if it were a colt and Dawn if it’s a Filly. I guess we’re going to use both of the names."