• Published 24th Aug 2014
  • 588 Views, 27 Comments

The Cruelty of Reality - Unbridled Dolly

When the Magic is gone, and the idea of Friendship is but a dream, what reality remains?

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It'll Never Last

The Cruelty of Reality

Once upon a time, two ponies fell in love with one another. They were just young lovers at their age, but still their adoration for each other was strong and true. After a short time, they inevitably wedded, unified by two rings of gold, before Princess Celestia herself, and an audience of witnesses to their blessed marriage.

After their wedding, the two lovers, now husband and wife, moved to a small little town called Ponyville. There they bought a small little house just outside of the town, and they lived there together happily and in peace.

Then one day, the wife revealed a most wonderful secret to the husband; she was pregnant. Both wife and husband embraced each other, overjoyed at the thought of finally becoming a family.

Months passed by quickly, and soon another new life was brought into the world, a strong and healthy baby colt.

The wife and husband named their newborn son, Happy.