• Published 24th Aug 2014
  • 588 Views, 27 Comments

The Cruelty of Reality - Unbridled Dolly

When the Magic is gone, and the idea of Friendship is but a dream, what reality remains?

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There's Nothing Good

The Cruelty of Reality

Happy and his mother lived together in a cheap little room in a Manehatten apartment block. Happy had recently turned just five years old. His mommy had found work when they moved here, but she never talked about it. Whatever her job was, it must have been something important if meant she had to leave her son at night, only to come back often in the early hours of the morning. It must have been a pretty tough job as well, since Happy would sometimes greet his mommy as she came limping through the creaky rusted-hinged door, as if she were sore. Happy would ask his mommy what was wrong, and she'd simply reply the same thing.

"It was a rough night, sweetie." She would collapse into a chair, and more often than not fall asleep. Work must really tire her out, but at least she compensated by playing with Happy on the days when she was feeling better.

His mother would always return home sad and upset, her make-up dirtied and that weird dress of hers occasionally torn in places, but once mommy had taken some of those wonderful white pills, Happy would see that smile he loved to see.

Still, he'd feel a little more comfortable if he could find the courage to leave the safety of his bed sheets at night, and confront the terrible supernatural creature that cried a sorrowful tone, sometimes during the early hours of the morning. His mother would usually wipe away a tear and tell him it was just his imagination, but Happy would swear that those creepy sobbing noises coming through the walls were genuine.

But it was alright. So long as Happy had his mommy close by, he had nothing to be afraid of. Mommy would protect him.

And then one night, Mommy went out after kissing her beautiful son goodnight to go to work.

She didn't come back.the following morning.