• Published 28th Oct 2014
  • 699 Views, 14 Comments

Before the Dawn - Thunderblast

One month after the events of Under the Moonlight, a pegasus guard takes on new challenges in his life that may just pay off in the end.

  • ...

A Sergeant and a Captain

After a long, hot shower the next morning, Thunderblast stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck and trotted to the closet beside the bathroom door. He slid open the closet's doors and looked around, then finally down to the floor where he untidily left his armor.

"Ah, there you are," he picked up the pieces of armor and set them on the bed. "Now, where's my helmet?"

Thunder peered around his room, then to his night stand where he had left his helmet. Over the time he was gone, all of his armor had succumbed to dust buildup and was in desperate need of polishing. Deciding it was time to break out the cleaning products, Thunder opened the drawer on his night stand and pulled out a bottle of polish, as well as a small, clean towel to use.

Piece by piece, Thunder polished his armor, top to bottom until it reflected like it was brand new. He capped the bottle of polish and put it back away, then stepped back to look over his armor. To him, it was good to see his armor again.

He took the hoof guards and gently slipped all four of them onto his hooves where they fit snugged. Thunder knocked his hooves on the floor to make sure they weren't loose, but they stayed on perfectly. Next, he took the main armor piece and set it on his back after sticking his head through the front, and then stuck his wings through the holes on the side and moved them around a bit. Just like the hoof guards, the main piece fit flawlessly.

Lastly, he took his helmet and set it down on his head. Thunder trotted into the bathroom and up to the mirror, looking over himself for any parts that were crooked, and then back to himself. He put on a stern look, then briefly saluted himself, and walked out of the bathroom, and then finally into the living room. Instead of flying off of the balcony like he normally did, he trotted to the front door which led out into a hallway and a set of stairs leading both upwards and down.

Once he was out on the street, Thunderblast turned down an intersection and made his way towards the palace.

It was late morning by the time he reached the downtown part of Canterlot. Surprisingly, it wasn't as busy as most would expect it to be, especially for a Tuesday. As he came across the main gate leading to the castle, he was suddenly stopped by a white pegasus guard.

"Halt!" The guard held a spear out towards Thunder's chest.

Thunder jumped back a few inches. "Watch where you're pointing that thing, I'm a royal guard too!"

"Identification?" The pony continued to hold his spear out.

Thunder reached a hoof into his armor, pulling out a badge with his name on it. The guard took the badge and looked over it, then handed it back. "Looks counterfeit, I'll have to take you in for not only trespassing, but counterfeit Royal guard material."

"What? Its real! Didn't you see the serial number?"

"Serial number? Give that back to me," the guard's eyes opened wide, and he stood up. Thunder handed the badge back, and he looked over it. The guard's eyes opened wide once he read the serial number on the bottom of the badge. "My sincerest apologies, sergeant," the guard pulled his spear back and removed his helmet, nodding his head. As he did, the stallion's coat turned a dark orange, and his mane jet-black.

Thunder slipped his badge back into his armor, then gasped when he looked up. "Captain Comet Burst!" Thunder snapped to attention and saluted. "What was the meaning of this?"

Comet saluted back, and then dropped his hoof. "New security procedures approved by Captain Shining Armor. We are asked to inspect badges before granting entry. You know, the Royal Wedding attack."

Thunderblast lowered his hoof as well and stepped closer. "I understand. That day had us all in the trenches," he shuddered a bit. "Not to mention the Gala attack a couple of months later."

"Yes, the Gala," Comet had a chill run down his spine at the mention of a past event. "It still haunts me to this day, knowing that... thing... pretended to be my sister just so I would spare her with her life."

"Sickening, isn't it?" Thunder sighed. "Its a wonder how they know all of this...where to hit us where it hurts most."

Comet nodded. "It is. Oh! My apologies again, welcome back to Canterlot, sergeant."

Thunder nodded once. "Thank you, sir. It is great to be back, and it is a pleasure to see you again. It has been a while."

"Of course. Speaking of being back, Captain Armor has requested that I inform you of some things. Come with me," Comet slipped his helmet back on and turned around, nodding to a guard who opened the door for them.

"So, what happened that made him request me back from Manehattan so early?" Thunder asked as he walked beside the pegasus, who's coat turned back to white after putting his helmet back on.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. He wanted to tell you himself, but since he's away in the Crystal Empire, he left me and the new Canterlot captain, Cloud Skipper to inform you."

Thunder's eyes widened again. "Cloudy's the new captain? That's big news all in itself."

Comet nodded. "It is, but that isn't the reason you're back. We will talk to you about it when we reach his office."

Thunder nodded in response. "Yes sir."

Both Thunder and Comet navigated the halls of the castle, before walking outside onto a viaduct and up the winding stairs of a small tower and stopping at a door near the top. Comet knocked, then waited for a response.

"Come in."

Comet opened the door, then stepped to the side and allowing Thunder to enter first, and then following him inside.

The white pegasus sitting at the desk stood up at attention, putting a hoof up to his blonde mane and saluting the two ponies across his desk. Both Thunder and Comet saluted back, before lowering their hooves.

"Captain Comet, would you like to inform Thunder, or shall I?"

"I think you should, sir. You have the orders, not me," Comet replied in a stern voice.

Cloud Skipper then nodded once and turned to Thunder. "Sergeant Thunderblast?"

"Yes sir?" Thunder remained at attention as he stood before the desk.

"As you may or may not have been told, Shining Armor has chosen me to replace him as second in command while he occupies the Crystal Empire from here on out. That does not mean he won't be back for occasional visits as he is still captain of the Royal Guard. You will take orders from both of us, is that clear?"

Thunder nodded once. "Yes sir."

"So, I don't want you to think I am trying to replace him. But, he considers me captain of the Canterlot guard. It may seem complicated, but in short, he is still the captain, I'm just here to do his job in Canterlot."

"Yes sir, I understand. I would also like to take the time to congratulate you on your promotion, sir."

"Thank you, sergeant. I personally did not expect such a promotion at such little notice. Now, that brings us to why you're really here," Cloud turned to Comet and nodded his head once.

Comet then reached into his armor and pulled out a silver pin, then clipped it onto Thunder's armor, the insignia of a First sergeant.


"Lieutenant Sparkplug told me all about his observations of you in Manehattan, and both me and him are quite proud we must say. Therefore, you deserve this promotion to First sergeant," Cloud stood up and saluted again.

Thunderblast saluted back after a brief moment. "Th-thank you sir," he replied in surprise.

"Now, you won't need that armor for much longer either. Comet?" Cloud turned to Comet once more.

"You are to receive your First sergeant's armor later today. The armor fitter said he will have it ready by tonight between seven and nine, so I would suggest heading over there anytime around then. And my, it will look good on somepony other than myself."

Thunder's eyes widened a little again. "I won't need a helmet anymore?"

"Only for certain situations, yes. But, as of tonight, you will look completely different, First sergeant. Now, your position won't change and you will still have the same patrols, and you may also have occasional assignments for recon missions even though that is mostly unlikely," Cloud Skipper reached into his desk, pulling out a small piece of paper and handing it to Thunder. "Give this to the armor fitter when you see him so he knows it is you. Dismissed."

Author's Note:

Here it is, a chapter which was not only fun to write, but had me excited as well. Mares and gentlecolts, Captain Comet Burst is here!