• Published 28th Oct 2014
  • 697 Views, 14 Comments

Before the Dawn - Thunderblast

One month after the events of Under the Moonlight, a pegasus guard takes on new challenges in his life that may just pay off in the end.

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A Hard Start

Numerous long hours later, the sun was already beginning to set. To Thunderblast, it felt strange, only because he was further east than Canterlot, meaning the sun set sooner obviously. Though, it didn't change the time he normally felt tired at. Only because he's been that way since his late colthood. He laid on his bed, half covered by the warm, thick layered blanket he assumed everyone at the base had, and read one of the few books he brought with him. Most would call him an egghead, like that purple unicorn mare that runs the tree-carved library back in his home town, who's name he unfortunately forgot. As much as he didn't want to be in Manehattan, he was already comfortable with the procedures; lights out, early rise, running on the muddy trail, lunch, more running, then heavy lifting and push-ups, which he was good at. Like Sparkplug had said earlier, he was definitely ready thanks to the Royal Guard. Although time went by fast, the day felt like it had taken forever to close, and of course he decided to read the day off away while he still had it. Then, he wondered. Didn't Spark mention-

As he thought, two earth ponies trotted into the tent, one light brown, and the other what appeared to be a white--no, extremely light grey pony. Both of the ponies had buzzcut manes, and were both in their green base uniforms. The two chuckled to each other, but then stopped at the sight of Thunderblast, who had sat up a bit and was peeking over his book.

"Uh...sup?" Thunder smiled a bit.

"Who are you?" The brown earth pony raised an eyebrow.

"I'm the transfer from Canterlot. Who are you two?"

"A transfer huh?" The light grey pony raised his eyebrow as well, and started to grin evilly, while the brown pony snickered with a hoof at his mouth.

"Yes...? Why's that got you giggling brownie?"

The brown pony dropped his hoof with a loud clop and stuttered a bit at Thunder's response. "Call me a brownie one more time, and I'll make sure you are tomorrow night's dinner!"

"Whaaaatever you say." Thunder looked back down at his book, grinning some. The brown stallion rolled his eyes, then trotted over to his bed, which was obviously to Thunder's right, as he claimed the furthest left bed in the tent. Then, the grey pony took off his jacket, hanging it on the coat hanger in the far right corner next to the tent's work desk, and flopped onto his bed with a loud sigh. "Long day boys?"

The grey pony growled a bit. "Shut up boot."

Thunderblast looked back up, and over to the two ponies. "Excuse me?"

"He called you a boot." The brown stallion said as he removed his jacket. "It means he doesn't want you to talk."

"Well that isn't very nice. Such a shame I traveled all this way just to be called names." Thunder rolled his eyes, he could give a flying feather if he had one.

"Your sarcasm really isn't that great, featherbrain." The grey pony spoke up.

"How on earth did you know I'm a pegasus?"

"Your damn feathers are all over my bed!" He sat up, throwing a few white feathers which didn't make it any further than the brown pony's bed.

Thunder snickered. "You sure they aren't from that stallion you pounded good the other night?" The brown pony's eyes widened as he turned around, getting excited at how things were heating up.

The grey earth pony growled more. "You got something against gays?!"

"So you ARE gay?"


"Then why do you have feathers in your bed?"


Thunderblast returned his attention to his book, grinning more. "So, you yell at me saying I got my feathers in your bed, even though they are white and I am grey, and then you admit they are from your pillow. Oh yeah, I'm just going to 'enjoy' my stay here."

The grey pony huffed annoyingly, and slapped his back once again onto his bed, turning over and facing away in anger, while Thunder just chuckled. The brown pony stared at the grey one as he dropped back onto his bed, then he turned to Thunder, grinning. "Wow, I like you already. What's your name?"

"Thunderblast. You?"

"Skillshot, the one and only." The pony put a hoof to his chest, grinning proudly. "I like your name."

"Thanks, although yours is better." Thunder glanced up at Skillshot and smiled as he sat on his bed.

"Aww, shucks." Skill blushed a bit. "So, you're from Canterlot you say?"

"Mmhmm, why?"

"I've always wanted to go there. I've either been here for a few years, or my home in Appleloosa."

"Appleloosa? I have a cousin who lives there!"

"Really? What's his name?"


"No way, he's my colthood friend!"

"Really?" Thunder set down his book and smiled widely.

"Yup! Wow, you're his cousin?" Skill grinned, then noticed Thunder's wings. "But...they're all earth ponies?"

"Well, it's a long story actually, but I'll make it short. I was adopted by the Apple family residing in Ponyville, where I'm from."

"Hmm, I see. Still, that's very cool. Looks like we've got something in common already." Skill grinned, then laid down in his bed, yawning a bit. "Ima get some shut eye, I would suggest you do too. We'll all be up early tomorrow."

"Eh, I'll probably be up a few more. I'm not used to it being dark this early."

"A'ight. G'night Thunder."

"Goodnight Skill."

The following morning, loud trumpets sounded throughout Fort Fetlock, and the entire base soon came to life as soldiers of all ranks galloped out of their tents, some still putting their uniforms on. In their tent, Skillshot was already up and ready, fully dressed in his base uniform, complete with a cap. He walked over to both of the ponies sleeping in the same tent's beds, nudging both of them until they woke up a minute later. Thunder groaned a bit, but rose out of bed quickly, and put on his base uniform atop the green shirt he wore all night, and then the cap he was given as well. Lastly, the grey earth pony rose out of bed the slowest. By the time he was ready, Skillshot and Thunderblast were already outside and heading to where they needed to go. He soon caught up, and the three lined up with a few other low-ranked troops in front of Sparkplug, and a swamp green earth pony with a drill sergeant's hat on. By his looks, Thunder was already trembling inside.

"Listen up sissies, today, I will make sure every single one of you will be whimpering in pain, and I WILL see blood coming from all of your bodies, whether it be a minor cut, or a gaping hole in your side!" The green pony yelled at the top of his lungs in the roughest voice anyone could possibly do, which made everypony standing before him recoil back a bit, even making a couple of the ponies in line flinch.

"Wow...this guy is worse than the one in Canterlot." Thunderblast thought to himself, but kept a straight look on his face as he stood at full attention.

"Now, I want you all to listen closely, and follow clearly. Some of you are returning for more training, and you will already be used to it by now. But, for those of you who are new here, I want you to know where I train, isn't about butterflies and rainbows. No, you are in my base, and you will follow my rules, which MEANS, if I want you to walk over a path of hot stones, you will do so. If I want you to cross a mine field without gear, I want you to do so. And especially, IF I WANT YOU TO DODGE TRAPS, YOU WILL DO SO! YOU HEAR ME?"

"Yes sir!"



The drill sergeant smirked and turned to Sparkplug. "Well disciplined for newbies, aren't they?"

"Sure are." Spark grinned. "Especially the pegasus of the group."

"WHAT?" The green pony turned, glaring at the line of soldiers. "Where is he? There better NOT be a pegasus in MY group!"

Thunder gulped, and his pupils shrunk. "Uh oh," and he braced himself for what was to come. Sparkplug pointed to him, and the drill sergeant quickly approached him.

"YOU! Recruits, privates, fall in with Spark. I have a pegasus to deal with!"

"Haha, good luck Thundercrash!" The light grey earth pony from his tent chuckled and trotted off, while Skillshot stared worriedly at Thunder and the drill sergeant, then trotted off to fall into line.

"Tell me pegasus, why are you here?" The pony got into Thunder's face, growling.

Thunderblast managed to keep a straight face, his hooves together like any good soldier. "Transferred from the guard to here, SIR!"

"Transferred huh? There hasn't been a pegasus here in twenty years. What makes you think you're so special?"

Thunderblast stayed silent, unsure of what he could say.


"No reason, sir!"

"Damn right no reason! You're nopony special, I bet not even your momma loves you! You're a worthless excuse of a stallion, I can tell! You're WEAK!"

Thunder kept a straight face as the pony lectured him. It was nothing new.

"Easy Thunder. I know how much you want to punch him in the throat, but he's the drill sergeant. He'll end you if you do anything. Just, stay focused. Hooves together, wings shut, ears and eyes up, muscles tense."

"Well, do you?" The drill sergeant sat back, crossing his hooves and glaring. Thunder had missed everything he said when he was thinking to himself.

"Crap!" "I-um...Hooah!"

The drill sergeant just stared, glaring even more, "Were you even listening to what I said recruit?! Wow, you are even more stupid than I imagined, but that's self explanatory because you're a stupid featherbrain!" then threw a hard hoof, striking Thunderblast right in the cheek and throwing him off balance. Luckily, he managed to regain his balance by opening his wings. "Oh, and NO WINGS!" The drill sergeant tackled him to the ground, and pinned him down as he began tying his wings to his body. "I find out you use them, and off they go! GOT IT?!"

"Y...yes sir!" Thunder stared up, pupils shrunk to pinpricks.

"Good, now FALL IN!" The drill sergeant yelled, getting up off of Thunder, who darted off to join the others. Soon enough, he found them at the starting line of the track...which to his surprise was dirt, instead of the expected thick, deep mud. It seemed one thing would go right that day...hopefully.