• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 14,472 Views, 303 Comments

Just One Man - Cordovan Splotch

A very confused web-designer suddenly finds himself on a Manehattan rooftop. Adventure ensues.

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A Nightly Visitor

I found myself in a somehow familiar place, it was a nice Chinese restaurant with red painted walls and oak tables. There were matted glass dividers in between the tables to offer the guests privacy. I was sitting at one of these tables, and across from me sat... Detective Harry Tipper. Recognizing him made me instantly recognize the restaurant as well, as well as the fact that I was dreaming.

“So... alien space ponies, huh dude? That’s pretty trippy my man.” said Tipper as he removed his sunglasses.
I couldn’t really argue with him on that, mostly because he was me talking to myself through my subconscious, under the guise of a character from a video game series I used to play when I was young.
“Anyways... don’t hush out dude, I know things seem pretty uncool right now, but it’ll all work out just fine.”
He got up out of his seat and stood by the table.
“In any case, it’s time for me to boogie on. And it’s time for you...” he put his sunglasses back on “... to split!”
A loud “YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHH!” was heard in the restaurant as the moustached man thrust his hips forward repeatedly... and then I woke up.

I was back in the cell, lying on on two mattresses, since either one of them would have been too short for me. I got up and stretched my back, groaning as I felt myself slowly waking up more and more.
Pressing my forehead against the cold stone wall and breathing deeply to calm myself down. I was never the type of person to freak out over things easily, and I didn’t want to change that now.

That’s when I heard the door opening with a creaking sound, and when I turned to look I saw the canary yellow pegasus standing in the doorway with a very nervous look on it’s face, the rainbow-haired one hovering just behind it looking mildly exasperated.
The yellow one said something in such a low volume that even if I did understand their language, I still might not have caught much of what it said. After a few seconds of waiting, I believe it repeated whatever it was it said before, this time even quieter... it was even starting to look a bit scared of me.

Since the yellow one repeating it’s words didn’t seem to yeild any results, the rainbow haired one flew into the cell and started pushing me towards the door with it’s oddly soft hooves on my shoulder blades. I let them guide me wherever it was they wanted me to go.
I was very thankful that where they were leading me wasn’t some sort of laboratory, but a bathroom. It seemed I would be able to get a shower this morning... sure, I’d have to get down on my knees and bend a bit to fit under the shower head, but this was still a lot better than nothing.

The two pegasi left me alone in the bathroom and closed the door after them, so it would seem that they understood the concept of privacy. After pulling an all-nighter, running for my life in a foreign world and then spending a day or two in some kind of jail cell, I really needed that shower. I looked over the shampoo bottle and tried to decipher the alien script written on it, there were few words on it however, and I couldn’t seem to find anything resembling a list of ingredients. The lack of a barcode on something like a bottle of shampoo was another oddly noticeable difference, but it would have been illogical to assume that an alien civilization would use the same organizational systems as us. The shower water was nice and warm, and I came out of it smelling like roses... probably thanks to the shampoo and bar of soap that I had used.

When I came back out of the bathroom with my blanket wrapped around me, I noticed that the two pegasi hadn’t been the only ones following me to the bathroom, three of the guards in armour had also been escorting me there and were now gazing at me warily. I was escorted back to the cell where a number of the other aliens were waiting, an alabaster white unicorn with a dark purple mane was sitting by my mattresses with a set of what looked like clothes. In the middle of the room was now the addition of a small table and a chair, on the table was a plate of muffins, waffles and pancakes as well as a bowl of fruit salad. On the other side of the table was a pink alien pony with a poofy mane and tail... and the biggest, widest, creepiest grin I have ever seen outside of creepypasta images.

“Now THIS I can eat!” I may have unthinkingly blurted out, sending the purple one into yet another bout of frantic scribbling down of notes over in her corner of the room. In the meantime the white one levitated what proved to be a new set of clothes over to me. I took them and said a quiet “Thank you.”
Carefully putting the pants on without removing the blanket and then putting on the shirt. The items of clothing fitting just as well as any item he had ever worn before. They were practical clothes of a tough cotton fabric, light blue in colour and with no pockets or noticeable decorations.

I sat down on the chair across from the pink creature that was still beaming alarmingly at me, carefully grabbed a muffin and sniffed at it for a moment... not that I would have any idea how drugs or poisons would smell, but my worried mind demanded I at least do something other than just throw it down the hatch. My slight paranoia was put aside just enough to take a bite, and then the last of my apprehension was washed away by the flavour. Nobody went to the trouble of baking something this delicious just to drug someone who was already held captive... that would be crazy.

As I ate, the purple note-taker came over to the table and sat down next to the pink one, pointed a hoof at a muffin and said a short word, then paused for a second before repeating the word and looking expectantly at me.
I tried my best to mimic the pronunciation. I had always been good at languages, learning both English, French and German very quickly. This language however eluded me, it was as if it had sounds I’d never heard in any language before, intermixed with melodically arranged vowels.
It was pretty evident that I had greatly failed at repeating the purple unicorn’s words, especially from the pink one’s snorting gigglefit as it rolled around on the floor and the varying degrees of blushes on the faces of the other ponies in the room.

The rest of my breakfast passed fairly peacefully as the purple one didn’t give up easily and became determined to teach me the words for as many things as possible.
When I decided to also tell it the human words for those same things, it excitedly noted it all down in what I assumed passed for phonetic writing in this world.
After I finished eating the delicious breakfast, the language lesson seemed to be over. Instead, the purple unicorn walked around the table and came up next to me. Then it sat down and grabbed my right arm in between it’s too forelegs, closely examining it and my hand while talking back and forth with the yellow pegasus.

For the better part of an hour I was prodded in many various places through my new clothes, though mostly on my arms, legs, hands, feet and face. Even the timid yellow one came over to help with the examination. The pink one on the other hand completely misunderstood the entire situation at one point and pounced on me over the table and started to tickle me.
How in the world that thing instinctively knew exactly where my most ticklish spots were, I’ll never know. Despite being short lived on account of the note-taking unicorn chasing the pink tickler away, the episode did elicit some chuckles from the other ponies... especially the rainbow haired one.

After a while it seemed like what I assumed to be an examination of my bone and muscle structure had come to an end without any more awkward situations coming up.
All of the ponies once more left the cell, the rainbow haired one uttering a short, bored-sounding sigh as it flew past me and out the door before closing and locking it.
For the rest of the day, nothing much happened, except the yellow pegasus coming back to the cell with various foodstuffs, some edible to me... others... not so much.

After the sun went down however, the rainbow haired one came back into the cell, eyeing me less warily than it had the last time it came in to the cell alone.
It seemed a little different tonight though, like it wasn’t quite sure what to do now that it was in here. For the first few minutes it just sat in the middle of the cell, looking like it was having an internal debate, so I just decided to lie down and close my eyes for a bit.
Either the pegasus didn’t like the lack of attention or it just decided on what to do right after I closed my eyes since I quickly felt a soft hoof poking me in the ribs and opened my eyes to see it glaring at me.

As it started talking I could tell it felt frustrated about something... and that it’s voice sounded strangely feminine, yet raspy and boyish. Now that I thought about it, all six of the different ponies had various feminine voices, at least by human standards. Maybe it was safe to assume that they were female.
Even though I was slowly starting to figure this world out, it didn’t help me to understand what this pegasus was ranting about, all I could tell was that she wasn’t happy about something.
I assumed it had something to do with me, but couldn’t for the life of me guess why she was telling all this to me. I’m sure she knew I couldn’t understand her, so why...?

Soon the sky blue pegasus was standing right next to me, her face no more than two feet from mine, still ranting and raving.
It didn’t take long until she finished it all off with a heartbreakingly hopeless sigh though and just lowered her head, looking at the floor next to my mattresses.

I couldn’t help myself. I don’t quite know why I did it, but I carefully reached out a hand and stroked her mane in an attempt to comfort her.
Her head jerked upwards and she backed up by half a step as my hand fell back into my lap.

“I’m sorry.” I said quietly as she looked me in the eyes.

For a full minute the pegasus seemed to be conflicted once again, before approaching me with her head slightly tilted. I stroked her mane again and felt her ever so slightly pressing her head against my hand. I could feel the muscles in and around her neck, slowly growing less and less tense, as I scratched her behind the ears.

As I continued to stroke her mane and scratch her behind the ears (which made these adorable little flapping motions by the way), she moved closer and closer until she was finally leaning against me, talking slowly and in a much more relaxed manner than before.
This went on for about five more minutes until a sound came from outside the cell, at which point her now closed eyes shot open and she rushed out of the room and closed the door.

Once again, I was alone in my cell and laid down to get some sleep. In the quiet darkness I couldn’t help but think about my family and whether I’d ever see them again. I was really starting to miss all of them, but I specifically missed my little sister. She had always been the hard worker and diligent student of the two of us, the go-getter and achiever. I was every bit as smart as her and maybe even had a bit more potential, but I never put my heart and soul into anything like she did. I was easily distracted by whatever caught my interest at any given moment, and to be perfectly honest, I was always a bit lazy.
Despite all that however, I couldn’t remember a single moment where I hadn’t enjoyed her company greatly. She was funny, intelligent, hard-working, honest, kind and an all around joy to be near... I was so proud of her... compared to her, I was just some guy.