• Published 17th Apr 2012
  • 14,459 Views, 303 Comments

Just One Man - Cordovan Splotch

A very confused web-designer suddenly finds himself on a Manehattan rooftop. Adventure ensues.

  • ...

Dear Princess Luna (Interlude 1)

Dear Princess Luna

As I recounted in my previous letter to you, I have for some time now been travelling through the Desert lying in between Equestria and Arcadia in search for old abandoned Gryphon encampments in order to research their culture and history, for the impending signing of the peace treaty.

I am writing this letter to you this evening, to tell you that we have discovered one of these campsites earlier today and have set up camp nearby.
We have not yet begun our actual research work, but a preliminary look at the remains of the camp and the items left behind support the theory of a nomadic lifestyle, despite the surprisingly large size of the abandoned campsite. Perhaps three or more groups had crossed each others paths and camped together before parting ways again.

There’s quite a lot of distinctively Gryphonian artifacts in the abandoned camp, as well as remains of wooden mechanical structures that are too damaged to guess at their function without much closer inspection.

I believe we may have found an encampment that alone should provide us with more than enough knowledge about their culture and history. I go to rest now that I may have a clear mind for the work ahead of me.

Your faithful student
Dusty Dunes

Comments ( 102 )

Totally off topic...
am i missing something?

I don't really know what to make of this yet...

How would I know... are you talking about something specific?

??? Preview Of The Future Or His Dreams? Also NO SCIENCE

That's okay, there's no rush.

Uhm, what is the connection between this and the other parts of the story?..

Wait, we will see, right?

Maybe you will, maybe you won't... who's to say.

What are you talking about? Archaeology is a science... and that was an interlude, not an actual chapter.

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not...


Yes, very seriously in all actuality.

My body is ready... or is it?

Why do I even....

Just write the next chapter already!

625834 Because she is almost as shy as me and I don't know who else he would expect.... other than Pinkie.

Alright, alright already... I'm going... sheesh...

I think you der'd that one a bit.

626135 puu.sh/opZZ IT'S A JOKE (notice Reference )

Now the cover image for this makes more sense.

Don't worry... I doubt you understand the true meaning of it yet. I designed it to change it's perceived meaning several times throughout the story.

Awww... but I love you Gilda! You've broken my heart.

let me quess they are humans

626223 No Now She Is Mine *Makes Out In Front Of Author*

Who? There's only one human in this story... or is there?


you troll....
it is your story...

it may be humans or, camels.......
but if it where human they would travel everywhere not just in the desert, camels.

but anyway, this is some of humans fun stuff to mess with
neodymium magnet(got one at school, it is fun to play with :D)
and of course cane swords

This is why I loved technology: if you used it right, it could give you power and privacy.

Oh! If you're talking about Dusty Dunes then she's a pony who us the student and protegé of Princess Luna.

i got that -.-................... YKW JF It

Anyway GOOGLE Metamaterial
and reprap(i know you like it if you have seen any of the "stars"(startrek stargate battlestar))

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

I don't see what all the complaints are about. It might, perhaps, have worked better at the end of a chapter rather than as an entirely separate one, but it's the fairly standard "this is a plot thread that will eventually become relevant" device. Either that or a "fleshing out the universe" one.

Prediction time:
Time travel
Damn Dirty Apes reference
Rosetta stone
Translation attempts
:twistnerd: this face never gets used

It really doesn't matter how he got there, all that matters is that he's there... so I leave it as a mystery for the readers to guess at.

I could have put it at the interlude letter at the end of Chapter 5, but I chose not to because of reasons that I will not reveal yet.

Those are some interesting guesses you come with there, care to tell me how you came to think of them?

*evil grin*

626425 Ah, I thought there might be a reason. Hence the "perhaps".

There's a reason for everything in this fanfic... if not, I'll just make one up later and make it look like it was my plan all along.

1. twilight will get angry and "Unstable"
2. dash will get in truble.
3/0. dude you got viking blood! use it! :facehoof:
4. ***********************
5. HE will go assassins creed to steal back most of his stuff!
6. liar paradox.

btw Luna got a pet! yay, i can feel that luna's "pet" will work with the human in the future..........


One of those might actually happen.

I'm loving this story very much!

The language barrier, a undeniable eventuality that occurs whenever 2 cultures clash, makes it even more challenging for our protagonist - and more fun to read! You're doing superb job with gestural communication. Ha ha! I loved it when the dude had to sample his own blood with Fluttershy almost fainting! :rainbowlaugh:

As to the interlude, I completely understand it. "Meanwhile, during an archeological expedition in the desert..." One serving of Gryphon culture coming up! :twilightsmile:

I eagerly await more of your work.

Next chapter

Thank you mightily
As for the interlude? Sure... indeed you have it exactly right.
More chapters coming up.

Take it easy broski... I gotta write it first.

just don't get him executed.

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

No idea... to tell you the truth it won't matter all that much where he goes initially. But he'll probably stay away from pony settlements to avoid getting caught again.

Nice interlude.
I have a feeling things are about to get Eygipty up in this joint! :pinkiehappy:(The cover art will be made relavent)

If by Egypty you mean Ancient Greekish, then yep... but not yet.

Think I'll track this and read it when I have time, the setting is new I like it.

627089 Huh..... Doh!:derpyderp2:
Your right, that pot is obiviously of ancient Greek design. I have no idea how i mixed those two up, though I think i focused a bit to much on the sand dunes:twilightblush:.

To be honest I am probably mixing the two cultures together a bit.

Cool! I hope you enjoy it when you get to it.

on a totally unrelated topic as that seams to be the theme of these comments I wear my sunglasses at night.

i think we will get along great

It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.

So I assume the dream in the desert and this desert correlate?

The more into the story we go the more interesting it gets

hooked now.. no escape...

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