• Published 27th Aug 2014
  • 3,103 Views, 49 Comments

The Battle for Equestria: Spike vs. King Ghidorah - Dashzilla93

Spike is now fully grown. What he thought was gonna be the start of a new life turned into a nightmare when a new Three-Headed threat named King Ghidorah made their presences known. Thankfully, Spike is not alone in this fight.

  • ...

A Painful Good-Bye

Author's Note:

Finally updated. Still a feels galore, but there are more stuff added to the chapter and probably some stuff that has been touched up. Enjoy the read. :twilightsmile:

Seventeen years had passed and the time had finally arrived; most thought it would have taken a lot longer for that certain day to approach them. But for one alicorn, that day came to her in a blink of an eye. And she had hoped that day would never surface. But ultimately, and unfortunately, dreams will be dreams and she had to accept the reality that gazed upon her, stared her right in the face, and cloaked itself deep within her subconscious. Now as she stood, right before her was a very dear loved one about to leave her life.

Ponies from Ponyville gathered in a huge crowd in a large open field near the bridge to Ponyville as they look at a massive, familiar, friendly, violet-scaled draconian form stand before them as the moon shined the night sky, sending a glisten on its scales, letting the shadow of the draconian blanket over them as it gave them a kind, warm smile. The large being was none other than Spike the dragon. He was now a full-grown adult dragon; not by greed, but by nature. He turned his head and surveyed the crowd who gave him tearful looks and warm smiles of their own. They all knew a time like this would come someday, and it would have been very respectful to come and see their dragon friend off, to say their goodbyes before he departed for The Great Dragon Migration.

Spike's smile grew wider, happy to see that all of his pony friends had arrived to say their goodbyes and wished him good luck on his journey. He greatly appreciated that. But what would make him even happier was if five certain ponies were here to join the one who sat before him and give him their goodbyes. He certainly didn't have to wait long as his wish came true in the form of those certain ponies approaching him with loving smiles and tearful eyes.

Spike felt his heart warm up to the brim when he saw his best friends; Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy all stand in an individual line with Twilight as they looked up at him with the same happy, yet somber, expressions on their faces. Spike noticed those looks and returned the same smile, but he noticed a pair of celestial and lunar forms hovering down from the jeweled sky before landing and stand right behind the mane six. His wholesome grief turned into a sudden surprise.

Spike widened his eyes in astonishment as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna themselves arrived to meet him before his departure. The mane six and the rest of the ponies were blown away by this, as well. They all wanted to give them their traditional bows, but the princesses were not here for that. They both looked to their subjects and rejected the bows just this once to give their full attention to Spike. Like everyone around them, they too wanted to say their goodbyes to their dear friend and hero. The six friends and Ponyville residents complied and gazed up back to the adult dragon. The princesses gave him respectful smiles, letting him know that they would kindly hold off anything to partake in a day such as this and be there for him to see him leave.

Spike had no words to say. A small tear rolled down his cheek and his lips quivered; even the royal sisters came to see him off? He almost choked up, but he kept to decent composure. Though, that didn't stop some ponies from noticing. He may have a tougher exterior now, but that didn't stop him from wallowing up and feeling the loving warmth in his heart increase. Seeing the royal sisters show up to bid him farewell was just as special as his other friends being there for him -- especially Celestia. If it weren't for her, he would have never gotten adopted and be in the caring hooves of his beloved mother: Twilight Sparkle. He could reminisce with them all night about it, but time was not in his favor.

But, speaking of which, he narrowed his eyes at everyone and noticed a few were starting to cry while others slowly yet weakly waved at him. Most were hurt pretty bad to see him leave, sad to see such a dear friend and rather a large part of their lives leave their said lives, and he couldn't blame them; he was just as hurt and sad to go. But when he hovered his eyes over at the six mares before him… his heart broke in two.

They too were hurt to see him leave; however, they all had little cuts compared to a certain purple alicorn. Spike pinned his sight on Twilight, first. She wasn't just hurt, she was absolutely destroyed. She tried to keep her head up but she was too heartbroken to do so and hung her head down; her eyelids shut tight and sobbed from the pain of seeing her adopted son leave, the tears flowing down her cheeks, escaping from her clenched eyelids. She felt pressure build-up in her chest, trying ever so hard to stay strong and look him in the eyes, but it was just too much for the young alicorn. She wanted to beg him not to go, to stay here with her; but she knew that wasn't the case anymore. They both knew it.

He knew this day would come. He knew he would see his friends and family wallow in pain and heartbreak. He expected this, and it was hurting him too. But what Spike never expected -not in millennia- was how bad this day would crush his mother's spirit. It was crushing him just as much. Goodbyes are hard, that much was true – but did it really have to pound this much hurt on him and his friends? Apparently for this occasion, yes, it did.

He turned his head over to Applejack and Rainbow Dash and saw that they were looking up at him with sad, painful eyes as they sat next to one another. Unlike Twilight, they had a strong head on their shoulders and stayed strong in this sad moment.

Applejack was trying her hardest to keep her tears inside, but the shiny, sad look in her eyes and the slight quivering lower lip spoke volumes. She would really miss seeing him around, especially when he would sometimes help on the farm.

Rainbow Dash was desperately trying not to break down into tears in front of every pony who was gathered; her pride wouldn't allow her to do such a thing. She even showed it by quickly wiping a tear or two that threatened to escape, using the tips of her wings – she couldn't afford to crack and break into pieces right now. But more importantly, she was trying to stay strong for Spike for when he leaves for the Migration. Ever since he first got his wings, he was her latest 'little new flying buddy' – she always helped him out with the basics of flying as she was always in the sky herself. Granted, she didn't exactly know what formation dragons fly in, but it was close enough. Though, looking at him now, he wasn't so little anymore.

He chuckled lightly to himself at seeing the two trying to fight their tears from escaping. They were always the strong ones of the group, albeit stubborn, too, but they always showed loyalty and honesty towards him growing up -- they were not just friends, but they were like sisters to him. Yet, he gave them props for being so strong.

He then gazed toward the crying pair of Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. They were taking it pretty hard just like Twilight; Fluttershy bawled in Pinkie's fur while Pinkie hugged the sensitive Pegasus close. Though, that didn't stop the party pony from bawling, too. Of the five, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were the ones to help him emotionally when Twilight wasn't around.

Pinkie Pie always had ways of cheering him up through her wacky antics and god-tier funniest jokes. Sure, she was extremely wacky and random, but she always managed to make him laugh and got him to smile, even in the bleakest of situations.

Fluttershy's ways were much different from Pinkie Pie's, though. When he felt hurt emotionally, Fluttershy would cheer him up with kind words and treat him to a special time with her and her animal friends for tea and games -- even though he liked to keep that one a secret from everyone else. And whenever he needed a hug, she was always there to be his shoulder to cry on as she gave such a warm, cuddly hug to help lift his spirits.

Even though he kind of saw her as a sister, too, Pinkie liked to be referred to as an 'aunt' in a way. He never knew why, but he never argued, nor could he ever. So, even though they were best friends, he saw Pinkie and Fluttershy as loving, caring, cheerful aunts. And to leave them hurt him just as much as it hurt them.

And last, but certainly not least, he gazed his eyes over to the pony he cherished most of all. The one pony he didn't view as some kind of figure growing up, but viewed as someone he thought was an angel sent by the stars unknown. She was his heart and soul to him and he would do whatever it took to make her happy. He gazed at the love of his life: Rarity.

And just like the others, her cheeks were coated with mascara-tainted tears. Her lips quivered and her ears flopped down like a sad dog when she gave a pained and sorrowful face to him; just like her friends before her, she was absolutely devastated and sad to see him go. She always wore make-up for the occasion and some would think it was for dramatic effects; ponies always assumed she was the biggest drama queen in Equestria but that was not entirely true. In moments like this, she didn't care whatsoever what ponies thought or if her make-up ran. This was not an act and she was certainly not pretending. She was genuinely crushed, sad to see her closest friend leave. And, like Twilight, she was heartbroken and wished he'd stay with them forever; stay with her.

Because deep down, she realized that not only was he an amazing, kind dragon, and a great helper around her boutique. No, he was more than that, he was a great friend; a friend she cherished as much as Twilight, and everyone else did. Maybe more. Over time, she too was developing feelings for him. Feelings that she wanted to express to him and tell him how much she loved him, but now, it was too late for her to say anything. She waited too long and it came to this. She was not only sad to see him leave, but she was angry at herself for not saying a single thing to him about how she felt towards him; that saying 'actions speak louder than words'? Ha, what a load of pish-posh.

That one night she had with him when he was a young adult, as a late birthday present, was what she hoped was the ticket to give him the hint, but she cursed herself so much for not just saying it to him. She cursed herself now for not saying it sooner.

Luna shed a tear and softly quivered her lips before glancing over to a heartbroken Twilight who was in so much pain as she cried, a little pool of tears right at her hooves. She huffed through her muzzle, understanding how the purple mare felt; being trapped for a thousand years made her miss her old friends dearly. She still regretted the day she let envy take a hold of her mind and transformed her into the soulless monster that every pony feared. It's a mistake she'll live with for eons, and hoped it will never again happen. Her left ear flickered when she heard another sniffling huff.

She craned her head up to her sister and, to her utmost surprise, saw her sister about to cry. A small gasp emitted from her throat. She never witnessed Celestia tear up like that before. But, then again, she probably did the same thing after she defeated her as Nightmare Moon. She cursed that moment and she was happy to be back and by her sister's side. Luna, still in tears, looked back at Spike and the others. But, still, to her, this moment was just as sad and devastating as her defeat. She never got to know Spike all that much after her defeat, but he was special as she had been hearing from the little ponies and her sister; plus with how her sister was sobbing, she could only guess that he was indeed something special to her too.

Celestia, she too was saddened by this gut-twisting, heart-wrenching grief that her little ponies were facing. She felt her soul breaking apart as she mentally prepared to say goodbye to the closest, and oldest, friend she had ever had. Spike was more than just a subject, she almost viewed him as like a son, if not a grandson as Twilight had taken the motherly role. It was her that placed his egg under Twilight's care when she was just a filly, after all. Now, seeing him all grown up, made her heart swell up with pride, but at the same time, sink like a stone. She too knew that this day would come, and she secretly dreaded it. She wished that she could've prevented time like this from occurring, but sadly, that is not how magic or life works.

Spike looked down at all his friends and smiled wholeheartedly. He was so grateful that everyone cared for him and wished for him to stay, but it was for naught and the tears still loomed and rolled down his cheeks. He wiped them away and watched as they cried. Gulping down a forming lump in his throat, he let out a deep, calming, and gently growling sigh to soothe the pressure in his chest so as not to succumb to the sob-fest, too. But seeing his friends cry so much made it very hard for him to keep it together that it ultimately broke him to where he couldn't hold it in.

Seeing Twilight, Rarity, and everypony else the way they were was too much for him to bear. The grown-up Spike shed painful, emotional tears as he looked to Twilight and approached her, leaning his head down close to her and causing the other ponies to back away as he did so.

Twilight continued her hard sobbing, unaware, and too hurt to move a muscle or open her eyes. She wanted this to be a dream. She wanted this to stop. She tried so hard to think this wasn't real; make it all go away and not have her adopted son leave her like this. She tried so hard to think of this as a dream, a nightmare if anything, but a gentle rub against her snapped her back to reality. With a slight gasp, she fought through her emotional breakdown and looked ahead to find Spike smiling down at her softly before rubbing his snout against her again; being that he's a sixty-foot tall dragon, he couldn't hug her like he normally would as a young one anymore, so the only way of hugging her now was to snout rub, and they didn't mind at all.

Twilight slowly smiled, wiped her tears away as she hugged Spike's snout close and a bit tight. She calmed down a bit while hugging him, but her choppy breaths were still acknowledged and her hug slowly turned weak. She had a feeling he didn't want to leave seeing her cry; she couldn't be more right. Spike would not want to see his mother and his friends cry themselves to death once he left; he wanted them to stay strong, feel proud, and aware that they will be missed by him too.

Spike heard rushing hoofsteps and smiled happily as four of the mane six came up to him and group-hugged his snout from all sides. The rest of the ponies watched this lovely yet emotional moment occur and could only shed their tears once more, while a few walked away not out of spite, but because if they stay any longer, they too would break just like Twilight has. They just couldn't handle any more sadness. They weakly waved at him and gave him sad, yet encouraging smiles before leaving, wishing him luck on his journey.

Tears rolled down Luna's cheeks from seeing such a sad event. It got to her, but the sensitive hiccups of her older sister drew her attention. She looked up to Celestia who finally broke under the pressure and poured tears of sorrow and strongly quivered her lips; Celestia covered her face in her hooves and cried her heart out. Try as she might to keep a strong head up as Applejack and Rainbow Dash have shown, the pain of her breaking heart beat her at the last second. Luna smiled sympathetically and placed a hoof on her shoulder. Celestia looked to her younger sister for a moment and immediately hugged her, silently bawling just like the others. For the first time, in a thousand years, she had never seen Celestia cry like this; sure, she shed little tears when they reunited after Twilight and her friends vanquished the dark Nightmare Moon within her, but still. She shared her pain and hugged her close as she looked over to Spike and the others.

The royal night and day guards, who followed the princesses after as their personal escorts, noticed the royal sisters cry and sob. They were breath-taken by this and couldn't believe such an event like this would make them cry, yet, they can perfectly understand why as they too heard of the stories Spike had done over the years; saving the Crystal Kingdom, helping the elements stop Discord, vanquishing Sombra by returning the Crystal Heart, cornering Diamond Dogs to save Rarity and saved the equestrian games from suffering an icy grave. To those feats, they proudly gave their respects and friendships to the brave, kind, and noble dragon. The crying of their princesses didn't stop them from showing slightly sad looks as well; they surely will miss the formerly little dragon that brought light into all of their lives. But instead of giving in to their tears, they stood strong and gave Spike an honorary salute.

Twilight and the other ponies gave Spike one last goodbye hug before backing away and letting him leave, all but Rarity who was absent from the hug.

Spike narrowed his eyes down at Rarity who sat there gazing up at him with those broken, anguish-filled eyes before the pressure within her cave-in too much. She couldn't take it, she had to tell him. She couldn't let him leave without telling him the truth about her feelings. He had to know.

With a bawling scream, she rushed up to Spike and glomped his snout, or what looked like a glomp, and hugged his snout close and tight. Needless to say, he and the mane five were caught off-guard by that rush. They wondered why she took a bit to join the group hug, but when they heard her cry out loud was when the girls got the hint; this was a very heavy blow on the poor fashionista's heart, and she viewed him as not a part of the family; but someone even more special than that – a significant other. Of course, this will be very personal and hard for her to do, but Spike just took it the glomp and let her let it all out. He lightly whimpered as he shed another tear, the drop splashing onto the grass.

It wasn't until she rushed from his nose to his cheek and hugged it so he could see her and know what she was feeling. Gazing his large eye down at her, Spike looked confused at what she was doing before Rarity looked up to him with red, puffy eyes and motioned him to lend an ear. And so he did, looking curious about what she wanted to tell him, listening in as she started to whisper into his ear.

The mane five watched for a second, realizing what she was about to say when they saw the shocked look on Spike's face, the widened eyes, the dropped jaw, everything – it was right there. The truth was finally out.

Spike looked at Rarity with shocked, widened eyes before he teared up once again. She nodded sadly but gave him a little loving smile as her mascara tears drip down her cheeks, she meant what she said. He never knew and now here they were about to be separated from each other. He grabbed his chest and breathed slow, heavy breaths trying not to cry, again. Now he knew and he hated the fact that he had to leave and say goodbye to the very pony he had a crush on ever since he was little. He wanted to stay here and be with her and the others so he could lessen the pain. But it was for naught.

Yet, Spike let out a tiny chuckle before leaning his head down and nuzzling the mascara-eyed Rarity close, making her giggle just a bit as their tears gently mix together. He remembered the days he spent with her growing up to where his eighteenth birthday rolled around and came a few days later when he and Rarity shared a few secret intercourse moments together; he figured Rarity would remember those days, too. Fun times. If this never happened, he would gladly be together with her; now and forever. And he'd love every second of it. He nuzzled his snout close to Rarity, again, and prompted her to giggle once more. Hearing that made him feel better every minute. He wanted to see her smile just like everyone else. It would hurt him so to see his beloved cry in his departure.

Rarity tearfully smiled as she held his snout, looking him into his emotional eyes with her own. She had no more words, but she did the one thing she could do before walking away. Gently pulling his snout close, she leaned down and placed upon his large lips one last kiss before he can depart.

It surprised her friends some to see her actually make the move; so surprised, that Dash dropped onto her haunches as her wings locked up, Applejack's hat drifted off her head to the ground as she gazed in shock, Twilight actually stopped crying enough to look flabbergasted at Rarity's bold move, Fluttershy was blushing brightly as her mane as she covered her muzzle in surprise and Pinkie's mane and tail stood up straight as the party mare looked stumped. The princesses too were stunned, but they regained composure enough to watch. Spike was buggy-eyed from the sudden kiss, but rolling his giant eyes upwards and closing them from the happiness of getting at least one last kiss before he left, he could only enjoy it.

Rarity slowly brought their lips apart after granting him this parting gift, to show he will always be hers. She allowed her lips to gently linger for a second longer before finally backing up from the adult dragon. Smiling sadly up at him, she lowered her ears and looked down as she turned around to join her friends.

Spike watched as his former crush walked away and stood next to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, looking at him with that beautiful smile of hers. Tears rolled down Spike's cheeks as he raised his body up. He looked down at his friends -- no, family -- and gave them one last goodbye wave with a cooing growl of love. He waved to the remaining crowd before he turned when the sound of eight clopping hooves caught his ear. The dragon turned his head just in time to see none other than Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walk up to him, passing the mane six.

Spike gazed down at the princesses, surprised yet happy to see them. He turned and leaned down to them, but not first bowing his head, folding a knee under himself and crouching as low as he can. The only thing a 60-foot dragon can do to show his respect to royalty. The Princesses appreciated the gesture and bowed back to the dragon. They stood back up and smile at him, respectfully, lovingly, and tearfully.

Spike awaited the Princesses give their goodbyes to him, but instead of a proper send-off, they lunged up and hugged his cheeks close, resting their heads on his snout. Spike never noticed the teary, red-eyes the princesses had until now. Like the mane six, they were sad to see him go.

Twilight and the rest of the ponies unhinged their jaws and went wide-eyed; surprised to see the Princesses hug Spike. To get the royal sisters to cry and hug someone, was truly a sight to behold, but it was quickly realized that much like the rest of them, Celestia and Luna are just as affected by this sad goodbye, and they will miss their friend dearly - Celestia more than Luna.

Much like Twilight, Celestia took Spike's egg under her wing when she and her guards found it abandoned under a tree near a river where a hydra lived. She never wanted to imagine what could've happened if the creature were to find the egg. Nonetheless, she chose wisely to let her faithful student hatch his egg. And now, here he was all grown-up. It pained her to not be there for him as much like Twilight had, but it was best left for Twilight.

Spike was beyond surprised, but he smiled at them and nuzzle-hugged the alicorns close before they backed away as he saw the tears in their eyes. He nodded to them a thank you for everything they've done and gave an acknowledging smile to Celestia; he knew as well and if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't be under the wing of the pony he'd proudly call his mother.

Spike bowed in respect to not only the princesses, but to the mane six and all of Ponyville for making him the dragon he was today. He then rose back up and gazed at Twilight and the rest of the ponies one last time with a sad, but grateful and loving before letting out a gentle roar as he turned around to unfold his fully developed wing. The ponies watch in awe as Spike flapped his wings and jumped in the air, taking into the sky and heading to The Dragon Migration. A single teardrop fell from his face and hit the ground in front of Twilight.

Turning his long neck, he gazed back to see all the ponies wave goodbye to him as he flew away towards the dragon migration; letting out an emotional roar, he turned slightly and waved goodbye to his family, trying to keep them in his sight as he flew himself backward until he disappeared into the night clouds.

As soon as Spike vanished, Applejack lowered her head, scooping up her hat and returned to Sweet Apple Acres with a heavy heart; Fluttershy flew back to her cottage with her mane covering her face as she tried to keep from sobbing, whimpering only lightly; Rainbow Dash flew back to her cloud home, albeit quickly so nopony can see her cry; Pinkie Pie walked back to Sugarcube Corner with her mane and tail completely deflated and void of the light pink color it once had, passing the Cake family as she walked into her room, head hunched down; and with their escorts sticking close to their sides in a form of comfort The Princesses returned to their Castle, while the rest of the civilian ponies headed back to their respectful homes, minds full of memories both good and bad, but hearts heavy with the pain of saying goodbye to a friend – one that they believe they will never see again.

All but Twilight and Rarity were left sitting there eyeing the sky. Rarity looked to Twilight who still looked just as hurt as she was and she couldn't sit there and let her friend suffer. She walked up to Twilight and placed a gentle, supporting hoof on her shoulder. The young alicorn gazed her red- puffy, teary eyes at Rarity who smiled softly at her. Spike was gone, but Rarity reminded her that she still had her friends to support her. Twilight smiled weakly but hugged her friend close, grateful to be reminded of that; Rarity returned the hug, as well. Tears from both mares rolled down their faces.

As they separated the hug they bid each other goodbye while the night was still young. Rarity left for her boutique, leaving Twilight to do what she wished. Her hoof gently places itself on her lips, she could still feel his gentle, large lips on hers. She gazed at the night sky and to the clouds one last time but shook her head sadly. It was all over, she finally told him and now there was nothing else she could do.

Twilight sat there a couple more minutes. She was still heartbroken, torn apart to see her number one assistant, her only son, leave before her eyes. She knew this day would come and she knew it would happen; She knew that someday she had to say goodbye. But, she never knew how bad it would hurt her, how bad of an impact it would put on her, or how hard it would be, until now. She looked down with pain and sorrow in her eyes. She now knew how Shining felt when she left to go live in Ponyville. Saying goodbye to him was very painful and she could tell he was trying to stay strong for her. He was always a softy when it came to her and she loved Shining for that. But something like this was unbearable. She felt like a piece of her life had been torn away from her and all that remained were memories. This pain will take a long time to heal, but she will find some way to deal with it.

Twilight looked up at the night sky and tried to stop her crying. She knew Spike wanted her to be strong, but she could almost barely pull herself together. She was alone now. No one to keep her company in the Tree Library. Yes, there was her pet owl – Owlowicious to stay by her side, but it wasn't the same without her son. It was just her now. After a little while of staring into the night sky, where her son had vanished into, Twilight finally decided to head back home to her library. She slowly got up and walked back on hoof. Her wings just didn't want to work tonight as they slightly slouch from grief.

Making it home to her tree library home, the very home she shared many memories with Spike, she opened the door to her tree home and walked inside. Turning her head to look at the spot where Spike once was, she let out a little heartbroken whimper as her ears lower before closing the door behind her with her magic and headed straight to bed.

Owlowiscious cooed gently once he saw his owner, but he knew she was in no mood for conversing for the night. He was well aware of what had happened, so with an understanding nod, he wrapped a wing around her head as she gingerly nuzzled him while passing by to her bedroom.

When she reached her bed, her window had a clear view of the beautiful moon and the jewel-starred night sky as it had before on the very first time she moved into this home years ago, but it also gave her a clear view of the same spot she saw her only son fly off to. In a soft, whisper-like tone, she uttered, "Goodbye, m-my son… m-my sweet… little…S-Spike…" Her voice broke as she soon gave in to her tears once more, crying into her pillow. Owlowicious looked worried and flew over to comfort her, only managing to hear her utter in heartbreak…

"I love you..."

The night sky only could twinkle on in this sad time for everyone; for the shining stars can only shine down on them on their journey of healing.

Within the starry night sky, Spike too was crying from the pain of finally saying goodbye to the only family he had ever known. But with the Dragon Migration awaiting him, he knew that he can't turn back. As such, he kept on flying…

Twilight's voice whispered out one last time, their sadness in complete sync with one another, whispering out at the same time with his deep, grown-up voice. "Goodbye…"