• Published 27th Aug 2014
  • 3,104 Views, 49 Comments

The Battle for Equestria: Spike vs. King Ghidorah - Dashzilla93

Spike is now fully grown. What he thought was gonna be the start of a new life turned into a nightmare when a new Three-Headed threat named King Ghidorah made their presences known. Thankfully, Spike is not alone in this fight.

  • ...

It Arrives

Magic enveloped a pocket of air, then quickly expanded before evaporating and releasing the ponies it transported. They didn't know if they arrived on time or too late. Her timing was a bit off, but Ponyville was just minutes away behind them, so it wasn't a stressful deal.

Twilight gazed up at the airborne chaos above them. Nervousness coated her. She still had no clue what they were dealing with but she didn't take any chances to find out. Not only that, but she left one of her friends behind! She saw lightning blast down occasionally, but she didn't know if that hit anyone.

"What do we do now, Twilight?" Applejack asked, concerned about what just happened. She was worried about Ponyville, but they left Fluttershy behind. Like Twilight, she and the others were concerned, too. The storm was so unpredictable, that they had no clue who or what was gonna end up on the receiving end of a lightning strike.

Twilight had two options up in the air, but one was proving to win this tug-of-war. She growled at herself, "We need to warn everypony. Fluttershy can handle things on her own, right now." The others would've objected to that, but considering their odds right now with the wild storm above them, they had no choice but to comply. And with no time to spare, they rushed to Ponyville and left Fluttershy behind.


Meanwhile, in Ponyville, ponies went on and enjoyed their day like nothing would ever ruin it. Some ponies casually walked alone or with friends and/or family. Other ponies tended to their shops serving for their customers or stayed at their respected homes to do anything they saw fit. A couple of young colts and fillies played hoofball in the local park while other ponies talked to one another about random topics.

"Go long!" Rumble called out as he threw a hoofball at a light blue earth pony filly who easily dodged another colt and caught the ball.

"Nice toss!" Topaz complemented as she hurled the hoofball at one of their pegasus friends.

Roseluck smiled sweetly as she gently placed a vase full of freshly bloomed scarlet roses on her stand, "Here you go, sweetie. Are these roses for anyone special?" She asked curiously to her customer.

An adolescent unicorn mare magically placed ten gold bits down and carefully levitated the roses as she smiled with a gleam of positiveness to it, "Yes, they are. They're for my mother. She wants some roses because they make her home feel very special. I heard your rose shop was the best here, so I thought I'd come by." The dirty tan unicorn spoke in a tone so sweet and cute-like, that one would mistake her for still being a filly. Her mane was a mix of orange and brown that draped down over her shoulders and back and her tail had the same colors as her mane that hung over down to where her knees are. She was like a walking sundae with how she looked. The only thing that stood out about her was her cat-like eyes. Those pupils were a mystery in themselves.

The young unicorn looked at the roses and smiled again, "And I can see those rumors are true."

Roseluck was caught off-guard. She blushed faintly, feeling so bashful and appreciative of her comment about her roses. One of her whole life's goals was to plant perfect roses – hence her namesake and the rose cutie mark on her flanks. She did love all types of flowers, but she always had an eye for roses and saw them as the prime plant for anything romantic and/or special. She loved seeing smiles on ponies' faces when they'd give their loved ones, family, and friends her roses. And today, It brought such a warm feeling to her heart to hear that another set of roses would be used to make a home feel special. Roseluck couldn't help but smile gratefully and nearly shed a joyful tear, "Aww, thanks. That means a lot."

But, then she wondered something, "Um, before you go, what's your name, sweetie?" She's never seen this mare before. She's quite familiar with the current residence here in Ponyville. But, she was a new face. Was she visiting? She definitely looked like she wasn't from around here.

The young unicorn blushed a little embarrassingly from that question. Buying roses and the only thing she neglected to do was introduce herself. Where were her manners, "I'm sorry, m-my name is Twinkle Rosene." She said with an innocent, apologetic grin.

After Twinkle paid for the roses and bid a farewell to Roseluck, she walked away with an excited smile on her face. The unicorn used her cherry-colored magic to levitate a list in front of her. The roses, unfortunately, were not on the list since her father told her and her brother to buy groceries; her father did hand them extra bits but said no word about it. She wondered if it was intentional, unintentional, or maybe it was just her father being a total silly breezie, again. Whatever the case was, I'm sure her mother would appreciate the roses.

Wait, something did seem off here, but what – she gasped to herself before looking around, "Speedy? Where'd you go?" It now occurred to her that while she was buying those roses, she lost track of where her brother went. She paced a little before walking a little further near the Ponyville bridge.

"Aww, come on, it was just a compliment," a familiar voice rang in her ears. Twinkle perked her ears and quickly looked behind her. She pouted in slight annoyance. While she was happy to find him, she wasn't too thrilled finding him unnecessarily preoccupied.

A few feet away from her stood an adolescent burgundy pegasus stallion with a thick pitch black mane that had the color and fur trail perfectly down from the back of his head to his back right between his wings to his equally pitch-black tail; it looked like an unnatural mohawk. He was standing in front of two mares who shared equal annoyed glares as she did. Twinkle noticed him flex his arms and flare his muscles, but that didn't really faze the mares, at all.

She rolled her eyes. As always, and she'll never understand why, when she and Speedy go to Ponyville she always found her brother flirting with mares. She, honestly, thought it was a complete waste of time for numerous reasons. A lot of the mares he's met before when they came here either don't care about him and his wooing and just brush him aside like he were a gnat, not be interested and would want to spend their time doing anything else than deal with him or they don't really swing that way and would rather see a bear trap clamp his twig and berries off. She would gladly intervene and get Speedy away from those mares, but she decided to go against that idea. Why? She wanted to see how things played out – his previous attempts turned into either a mare just walking away with a justified glare, a brutal scold from them, or just a flat-out, jaw-breaking slap across his face. The formers were entertaining in their own ways, but the latter was way more hilarious. She knew he'd never learn, so what was the point? No matter the results, though, it was always rewarding for her.

So, what was it gonna be this – slap – never mind. That answer came quicker than she thought. She winced as she watched Speedy instinctively back away from the mares. He looked like a scared puppy with his tail between his legs. It was almost sad, but she just wasn't in the mood to care.

She tried to hold in her laughter but merely snickered as her older brother saw her and walked back to her with his left cheek so red that it almost looked like he had a pulsating, bioluminescent light in the shape of a hoofprint. He saw his sister try not to laugh and he just sighed, unenthused by it.

"So, how was your little visit?" Twinkle asked with a slight snicker, dying to hear how her brother approached this.

Speedy rolled his eyes at her, "She couldn't take a compliment." He rubbed his cheek and winced in slight pain then snorted, annoyed and frustrated that they couldn't handle a damn joke. "All I said was she had beautiful eyes and she and her friend got all huffy with me." All he was doing was trying to be nice and make them laugh, he wasn't trying to flirt or anything. He had no clue why those two went up at arms with him. That slap was highly unnecessary.

Yeah, that was a bald-faced lie if she ever heard one, and him being a bit noticeably dramatic wasn't helping his case; she saw him flex in front of those mares. He was flirting with them. While he should know that there's a time and place for something like that, Twinkle did notice Speedy wasn't trying to force things on them. Speedy looked like he was just trying to be funny – hell, even try and make new friends with them – but they didn't see it that way. On one hoof it was wrong for that one mare to slap him, on the other hoof it was justifiable since Speedy was around that age where he wanted to be in a relationship. And from what she's seen thus far, finding that right one was gonna be tricky for him. She peeked over Speedy and saw the beige-colored and mint-colored mares walk away nuzzling each other. And seeing how those two were acting, that was never gonna happen with them.

She looked back at her older brother as he looked down as if he was thinking about something. Whatever he was thinking, it had to wait because they had a task to do, but, at the same time, she couldn't leave him looking like a sulking sloth.

Unlike Speedy, Twinkle wasn't interested in dating. If she were a walking library, a romance aisle would be non-existent. Dealing with the drama would be too much of a hassle for her and she was already doing other things that earned her time rather than just waste it on a downward spiral. So, advising on this subject was not gonna happen with her. Just a regular chat with mom and dad would be a much better option – obviously; well, mom more so over dad in this case. She had a feeling his influence might be at play here and dear ol' daddy's advice backfired, hard. And as hilarious as it looked, she didn't like seeing him so down after another failed attempt.

She placed a hoof on his shoulder and got his full attention. She wasn't in the mood to be dealing with his shenanigans, but she smiled softly at him nonetheless, "Don't worry, Speedy. You'll find someone, eventually." She said supportingly. "There are other fireflies to catch" Even though she's not interested in dating and she was justifiably done with his antics, that wasn't gonna stop her from supporting her brother. "I don't think here would be the best spot." Right now would be a better time for him to take a break.

As much as he hated to admit it, she was right. Speedy tried for a couple of months looking for someone in Ponyville and every mare he encountered rejected him, "I guess so." He didn't want to give up, but a break sounded good. Ponyville was just too stern, but their resources were great. No wonder their parents always asked them to come here.

Speaking of, "Hey Twinkle, did you find the – "

"Citizens of Ponyville, I need your attention!" a loud voice called out, getting not only Twinkle's and Speedy's attention but the whole town's attention, too, as five familiar mares came rushing over the bridge and announcing their presence.

"Who are they?" Speedy asked, curiously.

Twinkle tilted her head and eyed the purple mare front and center from the other four. Something about them felt familiar but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it, "I don't know, brother. But, they look scared about something." But it didn't last a second before her muzzle was greeted by a peculiar scent in the air, almost... smokey?

Then she looked up to her far-right and widened her eyes in shock. What seemed like an ordinary, peaceful day quickly turned at a dime. An enormous black cloud-like anomaly began to float over and slither like a snake over Ponyville. The daylight quickly dimmed. Twinkle, Speedy, and some ponies around their vicinity were confused; scared, even. The sheer darkness of this abnormal cloud just didn't sit right with them. Yet, they watched on, baffled but worried. Some asking questions like 'What is that thing?', 'where did it come from?', 'is it gonna destroy us?'.

Twinkle and Speedy kept their gaze on the cloud, but the purple mare's sharp calls brought them out of it, "Everypony, get to safety! You're all in serious danger!"

What did she mean by that? Twinkle took one step, but one of the mares, an orange mare with a cowgirl hat, spotted her and her brother and quickly came up to her, a look of worry in her eyes.

"What's going on?" Twinkle asked, concerned.

"And what kind of cloud is that? Is there a storm approaching?" Speedy asked the mare, frightened but curious at the same time.

"We have no idea," Applejack replied. "We're wondering that ourselves. The only thing we know is that whatever's coming ain't no storm. And we want all of you to take shelter as soon as possible." These two were the first Applejack saw, so it was fair to warn them first.

A warning Twinkle and Speedy took seriously. Whatever was coming, they had to go, now. Grocery shopping can wait. Twinkle looked to Speedy and nodded before quickly using her magic to teleport herself and her brother away from Ponyville. Applejack returned to her friends as Twilight continued her announcement.


"That was fun! Oh, the fires, the dancing wind! How I've missed carnage like this," The red-eyed brother gleamed with joy, having expelled some of his power on the forest below them. It wasn't enough to satisfy him, but it gave him the luxury of knowing he can still cause carnage.

"Was it carnage, brother?" The blue-eyed brother asked, unsure about that. "You missed a house just below us and only several animals perished under your little warm-up." Not the kind of fun he expected from his brother, but it had been years since they've destroyed anything. So, it was obvious they were rusty, out of practice so to speak.

The red-eyed brother did not care if it was a warm-up or not, fun is fun and he was gonna enjoy it. But the mention of the house below them did catch his attention and he felt embarrassed for missing that. He even blushed when he realized, "Aw, shit, you're right. I suppose it can be considered a warning shot." Then he asked enthusiastically with an eager child-like grin. "Can we go back? I wanna practice my aim a little more."

But the gray-eyed brother spoke up and said, "No. You've had your fun. Now it's time we let our presence known." If it was time for the right moment, now would be good. The forest area was nothing more than a waste of time.

"As if we hadn't already made our presence known," The blue-eyed brother quipped. They were encased in a self-made cloud covering their bodies. So, he wouldn't doubt them thinking this was a typical thunderstorm.

"Regardless who knows, you three will have your moment," As much as the hooded mare hated to be sidetracked from her goal, the idea of showing others their return would be an interesting watch. They'll be aware and it'll mean more fun for her boys. She looked down and saw what looked like Ponyville and motioned to the small town. "You guys can stop there if you want. I know copperhead over here would like some action." She tried to joke, but the different color-eyed brothers looked down at her so confused, they couldn't tell if she was being serious or was insulting the red-eyed brother.

"Copperhead?" the red-eyed brother said, confused by what she meant. "The hell are you on about?" If she was attempting to make a joke, she really sucked at it.

"I think she was talking about you, brother," the gray-eyed brother guessed as he looked to the red-eyed brother, just as confused as him, tilting his head slightly in bewilderment. The guess made his psychotic brother seem to pout and snort out smoke in unamusement.

Even the blue-eyed brother was confused, he hasn't been familiar with jokes, and if their ally was trying to make a joke, then she's going to have to work on being more specific with the name-calling. He tried to break it gently to her, "I, uh… hate to break it to you, my dear, but if that was supposed to be a joke or so, I'm afraid ya lost me. We all have copper-colored scales." The blue-eyed brother somewhat bashfully told the mare who widened her eyes and then facehoofed, realizing that not only did it look like they were rusty with their firing – but they also couldn't even tell the difference between a joke and a jab at one of their heads.

The hooded mare sighed disappointingly and rolled her eyes as she said, "You know what, nevermind. Just land before my good mood wears off." Why did she even bother? She never did have a funny bone, anyway.


They gazed at the dark cloud above them. They all didn't know what to think, but the citizens of Ponyville knew a nightmare when they saw one. It almost felt like Nightmare Moon had returned once again. Yet, Princess Luna never showed herself. Each one had fear, confusion, anxiety, and/or curiosity all clouding their minds. They didn't know what to do in this sudden situation. Instincts told them to run, hide or scream, yet the call from their saviors got only some of their attention.

Once Applejack returned, Twilight warned the citizens, "Everyone, listen. This isn't a thunderstorm. Something is controlling the cloud above us." She motioned to the cloud that was lazily floating in the sky above their town. "We don't know what it is, but you all need to seek shelter or evacuate Ponyville." She hoped they'd all listen. If they panicked and started a stampede, there'd be no controlling it.

Some citizens heeded her words and backed off, but others were so fixated and mesmerized by the nightmarish occurrence that they couldn't hear her.

"Least they aren't starting a stampede,' Rainbow Dash noticed. "Think they'll listen?" She asked because she's been around the block to know ponies are basically scared of everything if they don't know what it is.

Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, Twilight wanted everyone safe and with them just standing there can be taken differently, "I hope they do. They need to get to safety as soon as possible."

"What was that about Applejack?" Pinkie Pie asked, earning a confused look from the farm pony. "Who were those two you talked to." She's never seen anything like them before, especially when both of them had unusual-looking eyes.

Applejack just shrugged. She had no idea but she thought it'd be alright to warn them beforehand, "I don't know. That's not really my concern, cousin."

Rarity felt uneasy. More uneasy than usual. Aside from the cloud above them, something else made her feel a little ill. Nervousness? Guilt? Anxiety? A lot of things were flooding her mind and they weren't going easy on her. Applejack's look was not a good start, Fluttershy's departure made things worse, all those deaths in the forest were hard to forget, it really did a number on her mind and body. She had to go find a place to rest, but there was a situation that had to be dealt with. Oh, why did it have to be today? She tried her damnedest to keep a calm composure, but her stress was getting the better of her. 'I can't keep going on. Won't someone help us?' She thought to herself as she looked away from her friends and the crowd in front of them, almost hyperventilating while grabbing her head slightly tight.

'Don't worry, hun. I'm on my way!' Rarity stopped and snapped her eyes open. She looked around shocked and confused. Did someone just talk to her? She looked at the crowd but saw no sign of any magic from the resident unicorns being used. If it wasn't any of them, then Who was it and why did they sound oddly familiar?

"Hello?" Rarity called out to herself, but no received response. She was fortunate none of the ponies around her noticed her panicked behavior, but she couldn't help but say something. Someone talked to her, but who?

'Go to the sweet store!' another voice suddenly called out to her, but this one sounded younger; much younger. But she couldn't make out whether it was a colt's or filly's voice. Two voices were in her head?! And it seemed like only she could hear them. Had she gone mad?

Rarity looked nervous, "Oh great, now I'm losing my mind," she said hesitantly, thinking this whole day had driven her to insanity. Yet, she didn't feel totally off. She didn't need to cause a scene or panic immediately. Truth be told, Rarity felt a little awkward with herself by what just transpired. Still. What did the voice mean by 'sweet store'? Did they mean Sugar Cube Corner? If that was the case, then, why? Obviously, it had to have meant shelter, but she wondered if Pinkie Pie was aware of something they didn't? She rubbed her temple to ease any stress she may have before calling her over to ask her questions but the shout of a frightened citizen shouted drowned her thoughts.

"It's coming down!"

The mane five quickly turned their heads. In a shocking twist of reality, or even if one could call it that, a huge part of the cloud suddenly curved and dove down like a foggy waterfall, heading directly near the bridge.

They didn't have enough time to talk. They didn't have enough time to evacuate. They didn't even have enough to heed their warnings. It came as a sudden shock. Most of the citizens panicked and ran away like a horde of ants heading back to their dens. Only ten unicorns remained and watched the anomaly before them.

Twilight and her friends just stood there as the wind began to pick up, intensely. They held their ground as best they could, trying not to get blown away.

But, bravely, Twilight rushed and stood in the middle of the bridge, gazing up at the cloud. She glared defensively and, with no other option than to stand her ground, aimed her magic-covered horn at the oncoming ominous downpour cloud. She began to concentrate, igniting her horn in a bright flow of lavender aura. There was no time to think of a logical plan and the cloud suddenly dipped down. If this thing had any form of impact, she needed to take measures and protect her town at all cost. Worrying about Fluttershy was out the window, for now. Even if she were still alive, she hated to admit it and regret thinking it, she was on her own.

"What are you doing, Twilight!?" Rainbow Dash called out, confused and anxious about Twilight's move. She better not be trying to stop that cloud herself! A cloud that big would be too much even for an alicorn like her. What was she thinking?

As she concentrated, she barely spoke to them as she tried to focus her energy on this last-second plan, "Got to... cast... a force-field. Must protect Ponyville. You four need to get to shelter! I'll try to hold it off as much as possible." She didn't know if this spell was gonna be strong enough, but she had to at least try. If she didn't, the cloud could have a high chance of causing severe collateral damage to Ponyville. And seeing what happened to the forest earlier and how extremely lucky Fluttershy's home survived that ruthless onslaught, she had to try and, at least, lower that chance.

"Are you sure you're strong enough to keep that cloud at bay?" With how powerful Twilight's magic was, Rainbow Dash didn't know if she was strong enough to cast a force field to block a cloud like that. She'd be taking a huge risk.

"I won't know unless I try. Now go, please. Help the others and get to somewhere safe," Twilight barked, ordering Rainbow Dash to do her task. Rainbow Dash nodded and rushed to the others to help them, not questioning Twilight's decision. But that didn't stop her from worrying.

There was no time to argue. Twilight made her decision and so should they. Applejack in particular had a clear mind to escort anyone in the vicinity who didn't run like they were supposed to. She placed a hoof over her head to keep her hat from being blown away by the rushing winds, but she noticed the ten unicorns that remained behind. Steadily, she headed up to one of them, but then caught Rarity fumblingly rushing away.

"Rarity!" Applejack called out, but it looked like it went by deaf ears. Applejack groaned a little before she rushed over to her, Pinkie following after.

Rainbow Dash heard Applejack but saw the remaining ponies eyeing the cloud, not doing a whole lot. What were they doing? She was about to sore over to them but they suddenly moved in unison like a triangle, heading for Twilight.

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash shouted, immediately. She had no idea what these unicorns had in mind, but what could she do about it? They outnumbered her and she lacked any magic. It wasn't until she watched all of them light up their horns like Hearth's-warming lights.

Twilight sharply focused to gather more of her magic. Just a little more and the force-field should be ready. She just didn't need any distractions –

"Twilight!" A familiar voice called out to her and easily broke her concentration, cutting off her magic. Twilight growled in annoyance. Are they serious right now? Now was not the time and place! Who would dare interrupt her? She sharply looked back and glared, but was shocked to find a familiar face standing before her with nine other unicorns already lending their own magic to cast a force-field.


A pink unicorn with a violet, lavender streak, mane, and tail, stood in before Twilight. Like her, she had no idea where this cloud came from but it clearly meant trouble. The nine other unicorns behind her were the same way but they were quick on the draw to cast a force-field spell around all of Ponyville.

"What are you doing? You should evacuate or get to cover," Twilight freaked out. She was supposed to protect Ponyville while citizens got to safety. Why were she and the other unicorns here?

But Amethyst wasn't having any of that bullshit. She glared at Twilight and threw a fact bomb she thought Twilight read in one of her books, "Take cover? Are you kidding me? You think we're just gonna stand idly by while you risk your life and get yourself killed by whatever this thing is?" she barked at Twilight for her decision. Yes, it was a noble act but she's read and seen a lot of that to know how much of a cliché it was – and it got on her nerves. Not to mention, for too long, every time something bad happens – she and the other citizens of Ponyville had always been running the other way, but no more.

This time, she and her fellow unicorns are going to take a stand!

Twilight flinched a little and tried to retort. All she wanted to do was protect Ponyville and save lives, "But, I was just – No, I'm your princess and I order you and everyone to take shelter." As much as she hated doing that, she really didn't want to have others get hurt because of what she was trying to do. As a princess, she was sworn to protect everyone and everything she held dear. She wouldn't forgive herself if any of her friends got hurt.

Amethyst, however, was in no mood to hear any of that. She rolled her eyes annoyingly at that command and waved it off like it was a toddler demanding candy. Yes, she was the next princess, that's great and all, but Ponyville was her home, too, and she and the other unicorns were gonna protect it with their lives, as well. "Twilight, it's great you're exercising your princess title, but I don't give a flying shit. The other unicorns and I have been training while you and your friends have been away to go do some friendship quest. We're not gonna run away like we used to do. This time, we are gonna stay and protect our home."

Amethyst could not make it any more clear to Twilight. No more running. No more fear. Every time their flight or fight response kicked in it was always flight. Well, no more. It was about time that fight took over and Amethyst and her friends were gonna show it. They were gonna cast force-field as Twilight intended, but twice as strong. The only thing left was standing right in front of her...

"Now, Ms. Alicorn princess, are you still gonna do this alone, or are you gonna have friends back you up?" Amethyst smiled confidently. Her whole idea was to train hard with friends to at least keep up with Twilight and her magic. If Twilight were to join them, an alicorn's magic would amp up the force-field to unknown measures. It probably wasn't gonna be near Celestia's or Luna's level, but Twilight was still plenty skilled with magic, so it should still work regardless.

There was nothing Twilight could say to get her to go. Amethyst was keen on doing what she wanted to do and she couldn't think of any way to object. From looking at the unicorns, it seemed like they were mixing their magic together to create a hardened force field. A great strategy and Amethyst seemed like she really needed Twilight's help for this. She briefly noticed Rainbow Dash heading away to meet up with Applejack and the others, so saying no was out of the question. Twilight sighed in defeat and nodded with the same confident smile, "Alright, I'm in."

The two words rang like music. Amethyst was ecstatic that Twilight joined her. And what timing as the roaring winds grew stronger when the cloud was about to land. It was all or nothing, "Okay, I'll step back and join the others, you do your thing and let's make this spell stronger than a dragon's stamina." Amethyst started to back up.

Twilight nodded again before facing the cloud, "Right, this should be – wait, what?" What did Amethyst just say? Whatever. Twilight shook her head and regained her focus. She concentrated as her horn reignited with magic.

Guess doing this alone was out of the question. She didn't expect her fellow – well, she can't really call herself a unicorn anymore. Damn it all, what wouldn't she give to have her old life back. Or what could she give to stop this nightmarish scenario? – magic wielders to help her out. It would make a lot more sense if more magic was put in play here. Now she just hoped it was enough.

Getting back on track, Twilight concentrated and conjured as much magic as she could muster. Her horn began to store magic and build up her power. She gained an extensive amount of knowledge in magic throughout her life and became quite powerful because of the training she did, but she was no super mare and she knew exactly what her limits were. And today, she was about to take a risky chance and see if she could surpass those limits. She had to for this moment.

Twilight's horn began to glow bright, again, powering up her horn with more of her magic. She never channeled so much of her magic all at once. She began to worry. Her fear of messing up coursed through her; she didn't know what she was in for. Would this cause any effect on her body – a massive strain? A coma? Would her horn be destroyed, or would it kill her? That last part was the last thing she didn't want to think about. Her body remained intact, that much was great news. But she started to hesitate because of not only the harsh winds building up, but because of the challenge she gave herself. She was thankful for Amethyst and the other unicorns for their help, but she just couldn't but think –

'Ah, screw it!' She threw her hesitation away like a used candy wrap. Amethyst and her friends were confident in their abilities, why can't she. Ponyville didn't just need a guardian, there can be more! And she would not let them down, let them all down! Twilight ignored any more annoying negative thoughts that sang in mind and unleashed a huge beam of magic that aimed at the force field. Her magic collided and mixed with the ten unicorn's magic. The force field thickened and the girth soared across Ponyville.

Some of the ponies that safely made it to their homes peaked out from either their windows or doors. But to their amazement, they witnessed a beautiful light over their homes. A powerful dome that glistened and danced much like an Aurora Borealis over their peaceful town. Their fears and worries began to whither knowing they were gonna be safe.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack stood outside of Sugar Cube Corner and watched. Throughout their lives, they witnessed a lot of things and trekked through many adventures, but today might as well put all of that under the water. Magic from eleven different ponies conversing into one to make a barrier seemed unreal, but here it was being showcased like a finale to a New Year parade.

Suddenly, the wind stopped and Applejack noticed, "Looks like they did it." She said with hesitant relief.

But Rainbow Dash didn't respond. Though the barrier had them protected, something still didn't add up. She leered through the bright barrier and kept it there for a little bit. Suddenly, her vision began to zoom in unexpectedly catching a glimpse of orbs colored red, gray, and blue that seemed to be dancing about in the cloud. Rainbow Dash freaked out and instinctively blinked before plopping on her flanks, "What the hell?" she said shocked as she rubbed her eyes.

Applejack tried to help Rainbow Dash but the ground beneath them began to shake, causing them to freeze and hold themselves in place as they looked ahead of the bridge.

The cloud made landfall. The impact was powerful and it shook the earth like a newly formed tremor. Houses, shops, and decorations shook in rhythm and scared everyone in the proximity of their respective dancing foundations. Everyone braced for something to crumble, collapse or explode. But, remarkably, despite the tremor shaking everything, Ponyville was still one piece. How?

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and any pony outside who wanted to witness what was going on saw a sight that brought a sense of hope to them.

Eleven ponies stood their ground, launching beams of magic up in the air and brightening sky. Seeing them the way they were was like looking at a beacon. And that beacon paved the way to lead a path out of darkness and into a new light. The barrier worked. The impact from the cloud caused a thick foggy tsunami to roll over and blanket the barrier in darkness. But that did deter Twilight and the unicorns from breaking concentration. With their magic combined, barely anything was fazed. They succeeded in protecting Ponyville, but they didn't know how much time they had before the fog cleared up.

As of now, they made it their duty to keep the barrier up until then.


They landed in front of Ponyville. Before they knew it, they caught a glimpse of something shiny in front of them. It intrigued them and wondered why it covered the small town before them. But before they could investigate, their landing caused more than just a grand entrance. The three brothers and hooded mare saw the unknown aura get swallowed up by the aftermath of their descent. Wait, that wasn't supposed to happen!

The hooded mare started to grow annoyed by the hazy curtain of her ally's landing blocking her view, but then heard a loud ripple come after. She was officially confused. Where did that…? Suddenly she took a whiff of the air around her, noticing it seemed a bit thicker around her and her ally; and when she did, she quickly blocked her muzzle, wincing in deep shock and disgust. She groaned in shock, "Oh, for crying out – are you guys freaking serious right now?!" she snapped through helium breath – sounding like a high-pitched squeaky toy, turning her head and glaring up at them who looked at her in confusion – especially with how her voice sounded.

The first two heads look at one another in confusion before taking a whiff as it soon ended up in their nostrils and they almost nearly gagged with wide eyes. It wasn't until they started to realize why exactly she was holding her muzzle and glaring at them like that, before the gray-eyed and blue-eyed brother beamed their respective glares at the red-eyed brother. Both brothers looked as appalled as she did, but the red-eyed brother rolled his eyes away and chuckled deviously, both at his ally's squeaky voice but also not bothering hiding what he did.

"Oh! Brother!" The blue-eyed one scolded him, glaring at him, really not amused by his immaturity.

"Seriously?" The gray-eyed one scoffed, shaking his head at him.

But the red-eyed brother kept his mischievous smirk, "As if I was gonna hold it in any longer," he said carefree of his action before the fog faded from existence.

The hood mare groaned in annoyance, "You could've at least warned us, Pyrah! My mouth was open and everything!" She rolled her eyes before turning her attention to Ponyville. 'Well, whatever. Now we can see what the hell's going on."

Then all three got a glimpse of what they saw earlier and the gray-eyed brother was somewhat mesmerized by the sheer power of the dome, its glow shining and reflecting in his eyes, "Well now, the ponies came prepared. I figured their foundations would've crumbled when we landed." Their weight would've at least toppled some structures, but he was genuinely surprised, a shame he'll change that in a bit.

The hooded mare nodded in agreement. Whoever was down there was quick to the draw and in doing so must be using powerful magic to cast a barrier that strong, "You're right, Grevada. Whoever is down there must be – wait?" then it slowly dawned on her, could one of the targets she's looking for reside down there? It was a sudden guess but she had to take this chance. "Don't start just yet. I wanna see what's going on down there."

That stirred up Pyrah's patience and he glared over to the hooded mare in rage, "Are you serious? We were just getting started on our attack! Now you want us to stop?" He said in a sour tone, having fed up with all this waiting, and here she was barking orders, again? "I knew you'd try something like this!"

"Pryah, relax!" Grevada barked, ordering his brother to stand down. "Obviously, there's something going on and our little friend here is curious." Just like her, he wanted to know what these ponies had planned for them to generate such a strong defense. And lashing out was not gonna be an option, for now, at least.

The last brother nodded, "I agree. For all we know, this could be an opportunity to form a plan – gah!" the last brother winced and groaned for a moment as he reared his head back a bit, eyes shut tight in a spurt of pain. Pyrah and Grevada quickly noticed before they suffered the same occurrence as they let out similar sounds of pain as they reacted similarly like him, with Grevada looking like he was in pain and actually almost near tears, as seen through his tightly shut eyes – almost looking like he had been struck bad, while Pyrah was trying to tough it out as his brows furrowed and his teeth bared while he let out a pained growl, shaking his head desperately about – as if to try and make it stop.

Something didn't feel right but they didn't know what caused it.

The hooded mare barely felt it, but she knew her ally sensed something was off. She turned her head to see them writhing as if they were hurting – actually hurting, which got her concerned for once. "Pyrah, Grevada, Anidelpha? What's wrong?" Although she was mysterious, she shed her shell just a bit enough to show concern for the brothers when she noticed they genuinely seemed to actually be in pain. Her tone changed to a hint of worry and almost somewhat care for them. "Are you guys alright?!" She's never seen her ally act like this, at all. What the hell was wrong with them?

Luck was on her side when Anidelpha shook his head frantically to shake it off and he looked to her reassuringly with a faint hint of a smile down at her, "Don't you worry about us. We're still standing. We're fine." But he knew exactly what happened, and his brothers were right behind him.

"We're okay! No cause for alarm!" Grevada agreed as he gave a little chuckle, a hint of a smile on his muzzle as he reassured their ally as well, before he came to his senses, shaking the brief moment of pain off enough to give her the affirmative that they're okay; but now things have gotten interesting, "Looks like someone briefly linked with us before canceling themselves out." Whoever it was, they were in close range to do so. Which meant the culprit was near and he had a hunch they were within that barrier.

Pyrah would've been annoyed by this sudden discovery, but then he smiled wickedly, once the realization hit - now knowing that there was another among them once he shook his pain off just like his brothers have, "Ooh, some little pissant thinks they can link with us? Us, of all things? Ha!" He laughed, making a taunting wink as he made a jab to whoever dared tried to connect with them, "Hope they didn't see anything too personal. Don't want them knowing what we're thinking." Whoever it was that they sensed had their full attention. Now they were more than eager to know what this town was made of if they had another wielder with them. So the number one question they thought was: just who were they connected to?

The hooded mare paused before looking back at the barrier-encased Ponyville. For someone to link up with her ally like that all of a sudden raised a lot of flags. Another wielder? Links? Looks like there was more than one target around this area and she was gonna find out. This got real interesting real quick.

"This day just got a lot more… interesting~" She cooed softly with a little smirk of interest, sharing that thought with her ally, all three heads lowered down to join her to take a look at what they're dealing with, purring with her while having amused smirks on their muzzles.


Canterlot was quiet. The bright city that ponies called the most fanciest area in all of Equestria stood momentarily silent as the citizens noticed the bright skies slowly dim; almost as if the princess of the night was bright her night way too early. Confusion racked everyone's brains. Were the royal sisters planning an eclipse? Did the princess of the night betray them, again? Was Celestia drunk and mistakenly took over Luna's moon? To them, they had no idea. Ideas and speculations were thrown about, but they still had no idea.

But the idea of Princess Luna betraying them was not the case. Not after all she had done ever since she came back to them, thanks to Twilight and her friends.

At the castle that loomed over Canterlot like a palace, in the left tower where a dark room resonated in, Princess Luna blissfully slept in her bed as the time passed by. At least it would've been peaceful if an uneasy feeling crept up on her like a sleep paralysis demon. She grunted and groaned uncomfortably before she shot herself up on her haunches, gasping in sudden shock. Her eyes widen and her heart raced a mile a minute, she didn't know what just happened or comprehend the dream she just had. She gently rubbed the sides of her head against her temples before she threw her sheets off and hopped off her bed. Confusion melded strong. Had the Tantabus escaped from her dream and reared its ugly head? She walked up to her balcony doors – only one way to find out.

She opened her balcony doors. She expected the light of her sister's morning sun to shine through and burn her retinas to cinders like it always does when she opens her doors

Instead, what she assumed was something to brace for barely happened. 'Strange.' Princess Luna fully opened her balcony doors and walked out. She wished she did. She looked up and saw that her sister's peaceful day had been infested and overshadowed by an ominous dark cloud. The sight of it brought her such dread and worry. It reminded her so much of what she used to be back then. She hoped her citizens didn't think she was the cause of this. She'd never do such a thing. The cloud already brought horror to her and she was already a victim of damaged emotions. To top it all off, she noticed the cloud was mainly over Ponyville. But why? What sense did that make? She was so confused. She had to do something! But what?

"Oh please… Please let this be another nightmare. Please!" She pleaded for what was occurring right now to be another nightmare in the dream realm. The creepy feeling she had felt while sleeping wasn't what she thought it was. It was a message. A gut feeling that something was wrong – very wrong. And she was right.

She had to fix this, but she needed help. Where was her sister? She looked around her balcony before looking over to the other tower where Celestia's bedroom resided, but, to her relief and worry, Celestia stood over her balcony and watched down, as well. Luna could tell Celestia probably had questions about this and was likely petrified like her. Right away, she ignited her horn with magic and teleported herself over to Celestia's balcony. Celestia was already aware of this unknown cloud's arrival. She knew her younger sister had just shown up, but her attention was vice-gripped on that cloud.

Luna stood by her side and watched, feeling uneasy about what was going on. And more of what Celestia thought. Did she believe she was the cause of this? Celestia's precise glare on the cloud was hard to read but she must have a hint of familiarity with it. Guilt coursed through her veins like venom from a viper. She had to say something to her; let her know she wasn't the cause of this.

But, it was too late; Celestia spoke up and said to her, serious and confused, "That cloud? There's something… familiar… about it…," Celestia kept her gaze on the anomaly as she tried to place what was familiar about this cloud to her. Something about this cloud rang bells that radars couldn't detect, just yet. When she first woke up, the moment she walked out of her room she saw her bright sky slowly dim. A weird, shadow-like cloud loomed over Ponyville and slowly blanketed the sky like a virus. Right away she knew this was not her sister's doing and something else was in play here. And that something was so very familiar; she just couldn't put her hoof on it on where or what. She had a hard time processing this.

Her thoughts were cut off when Luna began to plead to her, "Sister, this isn't my doing. I swear I had no part of –"

"Luna, it's alright," Celestia said. "I already know you had nothing to do with this." She revealed she knew that her youngest sister would've assumed that she had something to do with this, but she gave her the truth that she knew this wasn't because of her little sister. "If this was something like the Tantabus, we'd be sure to fix that right up." She looked at her sister with a reassuring smile to calm her down. "Let your guilt wash away. You're not to blame for this." Luna's past actions have been righted before and her sins have been cleansed. Celestia wanted her sister to know that and that everyone had moved on and forgave her. The relief on her face brought a small amount of joy to her.

"Oh, thank you, sister," Luna said, feeling the unnecessary weight she gave herself fall off her shoulders. "I for sure thought this was my doing. That I casted a spell while I was asleep or let the Tantabus out." To know this was not her fault made her feel all the more better but still left her with dozens of questions.

"But, even still, what in the world is making such a cloud?"

That's something she wanted to know. This phenomenon was something otherworldly. Unlike Luna, though, who likely couldn't sense it, she could. And it felt so familiar to her yet looked so new, it was tricky to wrap her brain around it. Almost as if it was a masterful puzzle even she had a hard time putting together. Heck, it was almost like a master puzzle that even Starswirl himself would be stumped while trying to figure it out.

While Celestia was in thought, Luna now thought they should take action since the cloud was hovering over Ponyville and they had friends down there that could use their help – even a certain former student would likely need their help on this one, "Shouldn't we do something, sister? Twilight is down there and she could need our help."

Even with these thoughts and feelings lingering over her, Celestia ultimately shook her head and refused to help, "No, Luna. This is something Twilight and her friends can handle herself." As noble as it is for Luna to go and aid Twilight, this was something that they needed to keep to stand down on. Twilight was alicorn now, and she was capable of handling things without them. She's proven that.

Still, she needed to figure out exactly what this cloud was and why it was here specifically.

Luna looked at her sister with an unsure glare, disappointed with her decision. Really? With what's going on right now, Celestia was not gonna help Twilight and friends? "Sister, with all due respect, don't you think that's a poor decision? What if Twilight needs our help? What if she can't handle this on her own?" That statement was gonna backfire and she knew it. With how Celestia had been acting the moment she laid eyes on that cloud, she'd hoped she'd jump in and help Twilight defend Ponyville like she was gonna do. What the actual hell?

Granted, she gave Luna that and agreed that was a rotten choice. But Twilight needed to fight her own battles and not rely on her for help. Celestia nodded, "I understand your concerns, Luna. But, I have complete faith in Twilight. She has gone through so much throughout her journeys and showed us what she's capable of." Celestia believed Twilight had this situation covered. She never doubted for a moment her former student wasn't capable of solving a problem such as this.

Luna looked up at Celestia as if she had the most deluded mind on the planet; her bullshit radar malfunctioned so badly that she just couldn't hold her words back anymore, "Are you delusional, Celestia?" Luna said with a twitch in her eye. "Having faith in someone else under that kind of situation does not solve anything!" she sharply pointed at and glanced over at the cloud before giving her 'oh so highly intelligent' sister you-are-so-stupid glare. "I don't know what those thousand years have done to your head, but I think I speak for anyone with a brain-cell left who heard what you just said would say, oh, I don't know...help a fellow alicorn out!" Luna had noticed for a while that Celestia had been neglecting the option to help out her former student when she needed it; now and then was rare, but still. Luna wanted to help out Twilight more than she did, but Celestia insisted that 'Twilight could handle it'. Well, now the lunar princess was up to her neck in so much of her sister's 'beliefs' that now was a good time to screw her head back on and tell her to, "Pull your head out of ass and wake up!" Luna panted heavily from letting all her frustrations and annoyance out, looking at Celestia like an exhausted wolf after cornering its prey.

Celestia widened her eyes and leaned her head back after witnessing her sister go through that temper tantrum. She blinked a couple of times and waited for her sister to cool down until she was ready to speak, "Uh, well, yes. You're right." Truthfully, she was just horsing around for time while saying that, but Luna did have a point in saying that. The moment was unnecessary and understandably cliché. Perhaps this moment did require both of them to help out.

"Maybe we should help out Twilight this time. She probably does need our help," It relieved Luna to know they were going to help this time. However, she noticed her older sister look a bit closer at the cloud, a look of focus yet contempt on her face as she squinted lightly at the storm cloud. "Hmmm… It's really strange though, little sister…" She looked to her little sister, giving her younger sibling her personal thoughts on what to make of this cloud, "I feel I know this type of cloud before… but I just can't place where--" Celestia said until the sound of unearthly bells chimed through the air and knocked emotions out of the sisters.

Both mares looked at each other with eyes of similar shock and haunting realization. Hearing that noise gave them chills as the final piece of that puzzle came to them – especially Celestia, whose contempt and early confidence suddenly transformed into a haunted look of horror once she realized what exactly it was that they were dealing with.

"Oh no..." Celestia whispered to herself in horror, as all the humor and positive vibes she felt quickly drained away, replaced by earth-shattering shock and dread as her eyes slowly widened to the size of her own sun in horror and fear, her pupils shrunken to pinpricks in fright; something that really startled Luna once she saw such emotion take place on her face.

Now it was all coming back to her; with those unearthly bell chime sounds, Celestia remembered exactly where she saw this type of storm before. Panic started to rise in her once she could now just barely make out those little colorful orbs within the storm cloud above Ponyville, increasing the horror she felt as it confirmed to her exactly who it was right above that innocent little town. "It can't be!" She spoke out in fear, really catching her sister off guard. She thought that nightmare was over. That she didn't have to deal with it anymore, deal with them anymore. "He's supposed to be sealed! How in the wide world of Equestria itself did he escape?!"

Luna was just as scared, but she was also confused by what her sister meant by that, "Sealed? Sister, what's going --"

"No time for explanations, Luna. We need to rally our troops now!" Celestia darted away, heading out of her room and into the hallway. Luna followed after her, trying her damnedest to catch up.


Twilight and her allied unicorns gave it their all. They kept their magic keened and focused on supporting the force-field they cast. To their ungodly luck, they succeeded, protecting Ponyville from succumbing to the parasitism of the cloud's darkened haze. Outside was a dark and grim world that no creature should ever be in, but inside shined lights so blissful and hopeful it paved the way for every pony there that there was nothing to be feared and that this bioluminescent catacomb was gonna be a safe haven until the dark finally ceased.

"Come on Twi, you got this," Applejack watched with anticipation and worry. They were safe so far, but that didn't stop her from worrying about her friend.

Rainbow Dash was the same way. She glued her eyes on Twilight and the other unicorns, hoping they would last as long as they could, "You got this Twilight! Don't give up!" Rainbow Dash cheered, even if her words went by deaf ears. But, still, she looked back up at the cloud and tried to focus on what she saw earlier. It was hazy, but she thought she saw something clearly moving about in that cloud. Whatever it was inside that cloud, whatever what was causing this cloud itself, it was big… really big.

Inside Sugar Cube Corner, Rarity watched through a window at Twilight's and the other unicorn's attempts to protect Ponyville. She felt bad for leaving, but what use could she be? In the state she was in, she'd just be in the way. She heard sobbing behind her and she looked over to find Pinkie Pie tending to the cake twins who were crying from all the commotion outside. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were there to ease their kids, too. Seeing them like that made her ponder. She looked down and placed a hoof on her swollen gut. If she wasn't gonna be any help outside, she was sure gonna be help with other means. But, the thought of those voices still lingered in her mind. After one of them told her to go to Sugar Cube Corner, they just went silent; off the radar. Who were they, and why did one of them sound so familiar? This was getting so jarring; she just wished everything would settle down right now.

Pinkie Pie noticed Rarity acting a lot stranger than usual. She had Pumpkin Cake nestled in her arms so she could try and calm down, but the whole time she never took her eye off Rarity, and Rarity never suspected a thing. What was Rarity doing? Pinkie Pie was so confused and was about to call her over until she saw her arm on her chunky belly and the somber look she gave it. Pinkie Pie softly gasped and widened her eyes. Rarity was chunky, but not that kind of chunky. Pinkie Pie froze to process what she just discovered. This was gonna take a lot of time to think about. But, for now, there were other problems that needed to be dealt with.

Time felt slow to Twilight. She couldn't let anything distract her, but the roaring winds seemed as though they were getting louder and louder. She didn't know how long she and her allies could keep this up, but she had a feeling it was putting a strain on all of them. But Twilight pressed on. Her eyes were shut tight as she kept her focus on the barrier, but then her mind began to suddenly wander off. Twilight opened her eyes to find herself in a dark void of nothing. What? How? Where was she? How'd she get here? Did she fail? Her mind twisted with questions, but she felt like she was still on that bridge casting the barrier spell. Just what was going on here?

"Hello?" Twilight's call echoed.

But, in an odd twist of reality, her call was answered but who answered was someone she was not familiar with, "Who... are you?" Twilight flinched. Whoever spoke to her sounded demonic in nature. Guttural and intimidating, yet curious and confused as she was.

Twilight was about to answer back, maybe ask whoever this was if it was responsible for the cloud outside the barrier. Yeah, that had to be the case, "My name is Twilight Sparkle. Who are--?"

"Twilight... Sparkle?" the horrific voice cut her off as two gigantic, bulbous, horrifying eyes shined bright red down at Twilight and shifted down on her to look at her.

Twilight was caught off-guard as she gasped from the sudden appearance of those large eyes looking down at her. She hunched down like a scared kitten as she gazed upon something she had never expected to see in her entire life. She had no idea who she was meeting, but her eyes locked on the ones before her. No irises, no retinas, nothing. They looked like enormous crystals and Twilight saw her shivering reflection coming off them as clear as day.

"Yes, you have potential. ...We will meet soon," the voice said, rather surprised, yet impressed, someone willing linked themselves to them to awaken them. An award seemed fitting for power such as this.

Twilight was still confused. "M-Meet? Who are you? What are you?" she tried desperately to ask this giant anomaly as many questions as she could. She felt like she was brought away from her goal but also felt like she never left at the same time.

But her questions went through deaf ears. Above the giant eyes shined three curved pillars of dirty yellow lights that ignited, crackled, and surged with powerful electrical purple-hued energy. Twilight hunkered down and watched as the pillars shine brighter and brighter. Twilight covered her eyes, but that did little to help as she was enveloped in god-like light that she started to lose control of what she was doing.

The battle between offense and defense was cut in an instant. Twilight screamed in fear and panic before she pumped more magic in the barrier, making it unstable for the unicorns to keep up.

Amethyst opened one eye to see what the hell Twilight was doing only to barely see that Twilight was throwing her head around, looking in pain, and fidgeting about as if something was harassing her. The other unicorns became restless, too. Twilight's movements were disrupting their concentration and she was suffering along with them. Amethyst was about to call out to Twilight, but the link between their magic became too unstable and none of them could withstand it any longer. Their training worked for a while, but they weren't prepared for something like this.

Amethyst and her friends released their magic grip with Twilight as Twilight let out a panicked scream. They tried to book it and run but the barrier above them caught their attention and saw that it was beginning to wave and sway. Whatever Twilight was doing was making things worse. Amethyst yelled out Twilight's name to get her attention and hopefully wake her up, but she didn't respond. Twilight still behaved like she was being assaulted. "Twilight!"

Twilight's frantic movements became too much and the magic barrier protecting Ponyville eventually contracted before exploding into a huge bomb of light. The impact was so strong it blew away the cloud above Ponyville. Remarkably, Ponyville was untouched by the explosion, but Twilight was forced to sever her link with the barrier. While Amethyst and her friends managed to cut their magic links with the barrier to avoid any issues, Twilight wasn't so lucky and the severed link backtracked too fast for Twilight to see and it resulted in a magic explosion to her face. The force of the explosion sent Twilight careening back like how a Minotaur would flick a bug. Rainbow Dash and Applejack saw her coming their way and Rainbow Dash punched the accelerator and zoomed-in Twilight's way. "Twilight!" She caught Twilight but was easily caught in the force and both alicorn and pegasus flew over Applejack's head and crashed through the roof of Sugar Cube Corners with a hard impact. The sudden impact drew the attention of the residents inside.

"Twilight! Rainbow!" Applejack shouted in shock and rushed into the bakery before anyone else could, ignoring the motionless, dark cloud behind them while six flaring, multi-colored eyes beamed down, humming and spying on them and the rest of the small town when the barrier had disappeared.

That explosion knocked away the parts of the cloud above the small puny town. Whatever that was, their defenses are down and they could see everything going down. Now they had a chance to find who tried to connect with them.


A unicorn guard stood before the princesses in the middle of the hallway leading to the bottom chambers. Celestia and Luna stopped their galloping as Celestia's guard take some heavy breaths and tried to give the royal sister unfortunate news, "Princesses, we have an emergency! A large storm cloud has appeared over Ponyville," the royal guard inhaled large amounts of air before he continued, "And, reports have come in that something might be controlling it. No details on what, your highness. Just these strange noises, these unearthly noises and ominous hums," A beat of sweat slid down the side of the guard's head, exhausted from searching for Celestia, out of breath, and somewhat terrified of the situation that loomed upon them.

But the details mattered little to Celestia. She knew who it was and she was more than ready to handle it, "We are aware of its presence. But, I'm glad you showed up when you did." She knew the time would come and she knew her guards would be ready.

The guard looked confused for a moment before he looked over to Luna who was just as confused. He looked back at his princess and asked firmly when he gathered his bearings and saluted his princess – ready to receive orders, "What are your orders, then, Princess Celestia?"

Princess Celestia was confident. With what she had planned in secret, she could finally bring it into fruition, "Gather all the guards, troops, and aerial support and lead them to the underground bay – day and night ponies alike; gather everypony. We are about to launch an all-out assault." On paper, it sounded extreme – like they were about to go to war; but looking at this situation, it just might be the case. But the project Celestia had worked on in secret had to be made in case something like this was to eventually arise. There was no backing down now. "And make sure you inform the general, first."

The guard gave Celestia a prideful, loyal salute, "Yes, your highness." Then he left as fast as he arrived.

Princess Luna was still confused about what just happened and what was going on. She grew anxious and worried and she needed answers, "Sister, please. I need to know what's going on! What's controlling the cloud? What do you have planned?" She looked at her, frightened but desperately wanting answers to what was here and having her sister act this way. "What are you hiding from me?"

Celestia wasn't gonna be cryptic about it. Luna deserved answers, but in the hallway was no place for it, "Follow me. I'll tell you everything when we get inside the underground bay just below the castle, but, before I do, I need to make some calls. I didn't learn anything before but I'm sure she can help me this time; help us. Twilight and the others will know, eventually – if they can make it." She hated to think of that, but regarding what was going on she had hoped they'll arrive on time to save her and Ponyville. "You're right about one thing, sister; Twilight can't defeat this entity - not alone."

As Celestia began to walk, Luna asked worriedly, "Who, sister?" Celestia was acting weird, a mysterious cloud arrived, Ponyville seemed under attack, what had this day in such chaos? And not the kind Discord approved of. "Who exactly are we up against?"

Celestia stopped. She didn't look back to face her sister, but she knew she had to at least answer that question so she'd know who they were facing. She hated saying his name – especially out loud - because it brought her so much dread, yet it's a name she'd didn't think she'd have to bring up in a long time but she said it to Luna in a tone so serious and foreboding, even Luna felt unnerved and shaken from how ominous it sounded...

"King Ghidorah."