• Published 27th Apr 2012
  • 866 Views, 12 Comments

The test of harmony - Uzlesniz Savage

When a strange pony steals celestia, its up to the elements to get her back.

  • ...

chapter 5

Everypony was proceeding with caution as to not disturb anypony or anything. They proceeded through until they came upon a fork in the maze-like hallway. No pony knew what to do until twilight spoke up.

"I think we should go right. Since neither way makes sense might as well guess." said twilight motioning towards the right hallway.

"Well I think we should go left. It looks a lot cleaner then the right hallway." Said rarity sounding snobbish.

"Well, since neither way makes sense, why don't we split up and holler if we find anything?" applejack said making sense to everypony.

"Sounds splendid, I’ll take applejack and rainbow and twilight can take fluttershy and pinkie pie, sound good to everypony?"

"Sounds fine ta' me" said applejack

"Fine by me." said rainbow barely caring to hear what they were talking about.

"Okey dokey loki." said pinkie hopping over behind twilight.

"Oh well sounds fun." said fluttershy quietly.

"Well alright we'll see you guys later, Byi!" hollered twilight.

The Three ponies continued on through the maze-like castle not finding anything until rarity, applejack, and rainbow came upon a door with a big "D" on it. Either discord was in there or pinkie hid doughnuts.

"I think we've found Discord!" exclaimed rarity hopping with giddiness almost as much as pinkie does.

"Don't go and start celebratin' just yet rarity, 'member. We are down three ponies and we can’t beat him unless we have the elements of harmony." said applejack bring down the white mare's mood.

"You guys don't have to worry. I'll beat discord by myself if I have to." said rainbow stretching to fight.

"Oh really, is that right. This coming from rainbow dash, a Pegasus that wouldn't even hurt a fly. You couldn't beat me." the voice rang out through the halls.

"I-I'm not afraid of you! Show yourself you coward!" hollered rainbow at nothing.

Suddenly rainbow could tell there was someone behind her.


Unaware of the new discoveries twilight, fluttershy, pinkie pie, and spike all walk through the hallways looking for something to help them find discord. They continued until they ran into a pink pony. But it wasn't a normal pony; she had swirly eyes and was hovering because of a hat with a propeller on her head. Even pinkie thought that it looked weird.

"Hiya, I'm pinkie pie....And you are?" she said giving the pink pony a smile.

The pony just stood there continuing to stare back at pinkie.

"Can you talk? HELLO!?!?! Twilight, what’s wrong with her?" asked pinkie.

"Good question pinkie. I have never seen a pony like this in my life. Maybe she's one of discord's creatures?" said twilight trying to make sense of this strange mare.

As twilight finished what she was saying the pink mare spoke.

"DISCORD!!!!!!!!" she hollered as it echoed throughout the halls. She started to clap her hooves.

"HEY! You pathetic waste of a pony, come over here and give me back my cape!" Yelled a random pony.

Twilight knew that voice, but who's was? Just then a blue mare in a purple hat ran around the corner.

"Hey! What in all of equestria are you thin...” She stopped in mid-sentence.

It was now obvious how the mare yelling was. It was the great and powerful Trixie. But what was she doing here. She began to speak with some satisfaction in her voice.

"Ah…Twilight sparkle and friends. What a pleasant surprise...For me!" she exclaimed.

With a big flash of light the 3 ponies on the ground where bound to the wall. She was using celestia's magic now and twilight became a little worried. Trixie now moved her eyes onto the hovering pink pony.

"Screwball, why would you take my cape? I told you not to touch this because it's special." she said taking the cape back and placing it on her back.

"Hey! Your screwball. Thee Screwball! Oh my gosh!" Twilight seemed giddy for a random reason.

"Uhhh, twi, are you okay? Do you know who this pony is, because she looks kind of fun." Pinkie asked still staring at the hovering mare.

"Yes Pinkie, I do believe I know who she is." said twilight feeling smart.

"Oh good, can you tell me 'cause I’m kind of lost." said pinkie scratching her head.


'Long ago, before anypony we knew was alive, discord ran throughout equestria causing mischief and mayhem. But when Celesta and Luna tried to fight him and, he knew he was going to lose, he hid and created screwball so that he could still cause mischief without being found out by the princesses. And when they did find him they banished screwball and with celesta out of the way she can now come back and help discord take over equestria." Said twilight.

"Wow, you really know your stuff." said Trixie rolling her eyes.

"Well, celestia told me that she might come back to free discord and wanted me to be ready." twilight retorted flashing Trixie a smirk.

"Well, you might think your special, but just you wait til' you find out about your precious princess." Trixie said sounding triumphant.

"What did you do to celestia!?! Tell me or I’ll banish you myself!" exclaimed the purple unicorn sounding irritated.

"Well, it wasn't anything special except that I stole her magic!"

Twilight was mortified at the thought of her mentor being drained of her magic. She only had one thing and that was to help celestia and destroy Trixie.

"What! How is that even possible!" twilight exclaimed at the blue mare.

"Well it was simple really. All it took was a little of chaos magic and unicorn magic and we freed discord. Then came luring celestia into the garden to have discord drain her of her magic. The hard part was trying to put her magical powers into me to use, but once you learn how to control them it was easy." Said Trixie sounding confident that she had won.

Pinkie spoke up remembering something.

"Hey, how do you know that Princess Luna won’t come and help her?" questioned pinkie.

"Well, I already thought of that. We sent her a message that if she tries anything funny that she will end up in the same fate as her sister. And to make sure we got the point across easy we included a couple of strands of hair. And to top it all off, I sent screwball to the castle to make sure she doesn’t leave." said Trixie starting to giggle.

"No you didn't!" Exclaimed pinkie," She's hovering right there!"

"No that’s impossible. That’s a recreation discord made using chaos magic."

Trixie thought for a second trying to decide what to do with the restrained mares. Then she looked back to see pinkie poking at the decoy screwball.

"Wow Trixie, good job, It looks realistic." said pinkie smiling at Trixie.

"How did you escape my magic spell trap!?!" Hollered Trixie.

"Easy actually, you just used rope and I united it, See." replied pinkie showing her the untied rope.

"Pinkie! Untie Me!" Hollered twilight still surprised at pinkie's abilities. She hovered pinkie into the air towards her.

"No Stop!" yelled Trixie launching a magic rope at pinkie.

Now the two unicorns were in a tug-of-war with the hovering mare, neither showing an ounce of holding up. Then, twilight thought of something. If she let pinkie go then she would go flying at Trixie. She didn't have any other choice, so she let her magic up and pinkie let out a loud scream as she flew through the air towards Trixie, just as planned.

"OW! Twilight that hurt." said pinkie rubbing her head.

"Sorry pinkie.' said twilight starting to untie herself.

"Oh, now you'll pay you useless welp!" said Trixie launching a blast of magi at twilight.

"Crap!" Said twilight jumping out of the way of the blast and launched her own.

It hit Trixie in the chest and the battle began.