• Published 27th Apr 2012
  • 866 Views, 12 Comments

The test of harmony - Uzlesniz Savage

When a strange pony steals celestia, its up to the elements to get her back.

  • ...

chapter 7

"What in tarnation are ya doin' with ma brother!" exclaimed applejack.

"Oh, so I take it your good friend fluttershy hasn't told you the good news. And that he's not just your brother anymore." laughed Discord smiling at the orange mare.

By now fluttershy was steaming with rage. Not just from this, but from turning her most favorite thing in the world against her. But applejack didn't care for anything that discord had to say, so she didn't fall for his plan. Applejack retorts angrily at discord.

"Now you listen here, I don’t care to hear anythin' you have to say 'bout anythin' so give me ma brother back and leave or I swear I’ll give you a wippin' you lil' minion will feel!" Hollered applejack almost as loud as Luna used to.

"I don’t think you’re in any position to be making demands or threats, I still have your brother." laughed discord.

"Yes, and remember, we beat you last time." laughed rarity.

"Ah yes, but don't look now, your missing two members of the elements of harmony." assured discord.

"Hey discord! Make that One." said twilight as she finished tying up Trixie.

"Wow Trixie, you said that you were stringer and I even gave you celestia's magic. And by the looks of it, you failed." said discord sounding irritated.

"Well, she's stronger Celestia's magic...” said Trixie trying to escape.

"Obviously." laughed discord. "Or maybe she could beat you."

"Hey, I just did what I was told. This wasn't my idea anyways." said Trixie sounding pissed.

"Obviously" said discord as he turned away from the tied up blue mare.

Just then everypony realized just what Trixie had said before twilight gagged her. It rang in everypony’s ears, “It wasn't even my plan anyway." And that meant there was an even harder villain waiting. As Normal, Pinkie was the first to speak.

"Wait! If it wasn't your idea, and it wasn't Trixie’s idea, then who made this cockamamie plan Anyhoof." hollered pinkie waving her hoofs in the air.

"I guess that's for me to know and you foals to find out soon enough." said discord smiling evilly.

Just then, discord shot his magic at the ground and he vanished. Then Trixie got the gag out of her mouth and hollered at nothing.

"I don't believe this! That over-grown lizard left the great and powerful Trixie here with you imbosiels!" she exclaimed rolling around on the floor.

"That's good news for us Trixie, now tell us who made this plan to destroy the elements of harmony." said twilight stopping her from rolling.

"And why should I tell you dumb mares. All you'll do is try to beat her and fail miserably, like you did last time." laughed Trixie.

"Well, I think that we can beat whoever is trying to take over equestira." retorted twilight.

"Ha! You wish! And do you want to know something else?" asked Trixie.

Twilight seemed not to care but then she knew what she was going to say.

"You forgot to block my magic you dumb filly!" hollered Trixie as she used her magic to teleport out of the room.

"Oh for celestia's sake, how could I forget to block her magic!? I'm such a dumb mare." she said hiding her face in her hoofs.

"Oh twilight, don't beat yerself up over this. It was an honest mistake that any of us might have made. We'll get her back for this, I promise." reassured Applejack.

"Yes and it’s not like anything else went wrong." Offered rarity as reassurance.

Just then, a green aurora appeared around big mac. The cage door flung open and he kept out, yet even with his black, soulless eyes, fluttershy and applejack both knew that he wanted to destroy somepony. But they both knew that it was discord that was controlling him.

"Look out rarity!!" Exclaimed twilight as she leaped towards the white mare, knocking her out of the way.

"Wow there big mac, I don't wanna put a hurtin' on you." Said applejack sounding scared to fight her older brother.

Fluttershy was torn about what to do. On one hoof, she beats up her fiancé, but on the other hoof, her friends might get hurt.

"You wouldn’t want to hurt your soon to be husband, now would you Fluttershy?"

She knew that voice, and when she turned around, all that was there was a green aurora-like hand lea dinging off into the hallway behind her. It wasn't a normal thing to happen in her normal day, but she was curious about where the hand would lead her. She followed it into the dark, dark hallway.

Fluttershy followed the green hand for what felt like forever, til' she came onto a great door. She slowly approached and then suddenly heard a voice calling out to her.

"Fluttershy...Wont you come here? You know you want to." said the mysterious voice.

She was scared out of her mind, but then she thought of all of her friends. How they all act tough, even rarity in her own way. She knew that if she was going to beat the villain without her friends here she would have to be as strong as her friends would and did. She thought about what Rainbow had said to her after they beat the manticore, “You need to look at danger and think it's going to be a trap", and right now, that was probably some of the smartest advice rainbow ever gave her. She went in feeling that something bad was about to happen, so feeling as tough as she could be, she opened the gigantic door. Just as she stepped light filled the dark hallway behind her. She was blind for the bright light, and when her eyes finally adjusted, she saw the evil villain, sitting on her thrown, drinking what appeared to be a wine of some sort.

"Ah, my darling Fluttershy, so good to see you again."

Fluttershy knew that voice and when she had move the cup from her face, she had revealed herself. It was the evil changling Queen Chrysalis.