• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,124 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Nexus: Knock Down the Walls

Eventually, the group reached the end of the looping path after carving their way through the waves of Thugs that tried futilely to even slow them down, let alone stop them. Between Cronk's unparalleled ground combat skills, Zephyr's aerial maneuverability, Ratchet's weapons fire, and Twilight's magic, the attacking Thugs were mowed down like chaff. At the end of the path, they found one of the newer models of infobots, which promptly flipped open to play its recorded message.

"Are you an unemployed deviant, reprobate, cutthroat parolee and/or ne'er-do-well?" the voice over asked as it displayed an image of three question marks. It then shifted to a golden crest somewhat resembling an ax, before shifting to an image of a colosseum. "Then come on down to Thugs-4-Less Destructapalooza, and earn a place amongst our esteemed enforcers!"

It then proceeded to give various 'before and after' testimonies of 'successful Thugs', before shifting to the end pitch. "Destructapalooza! Where there are no rules. No regulations. Just one basic principle: try not to get D-E-D Dead! New inductees will also get a free jetpack upgrade. That's right, this oddly specific prize is just what you need to convert your robotic friend into a pint sized commander of the skies! And it's only available here, at the Thugs-4-Less Destructapalooza!"

"So..." Twilight spoke up as the message ended. "Yet another colosseum match that we can fight for bolts and other prizes, including one that the advertisement makes a point of how useful it will be for us?" She shook her head ruefully. "If this were the first time, I'd suspect a trap...but at this point, it's a bloody pattern."

"Guess we know where we're going next once Aphelion gets here," Ratchet joked, following Cronk and Zephyr forward.

With the loop fully explored, the group headed along the other path in search of Pollyx and answers. As they entered the sewers, however, strange purple creatures with tendrils could be seen disappearing along the walls. "Looks like a serathoid infestation," Cronk offered carefully. "Hate those buggers, they just won't hold still."

"I'm not gonna be much use down here," Zephyr spoke up. "I'm not so good in confined spaces without open air to maneuver in."

"Know the feeling," Twilight confirmed. "I'm the same way."

"Stay close behind us, then," Ratchet offered quickly, taking point with Cronk.

Thankfully, the sewer tunnel proved quite short, leading directly into the wide open - though enclosed - Azeril Caverns. While not as open as being above ground, it did give Zephyr and Twilight aerial maneuvering room. As they entered, however, another shake accompanied by pink light and spectral forms caused a collapse of several stalactites. "We should be extra careful in here," Clank warned.

"And extra fast," Ratchet added. "Wouldn't want this place collapsing on us. Everyone, keep an eye out for Pollyx' equipment!"

"With how dark it is in here, it's hard to see anything," Twilight grumbled before switching her helmet visor to alternative vision.

It took the group a while as they moved carefully, the shakes continuing to drop stalactites around them, but they eventually managed to make it back out into the light. Once there, they caught sight of a Thug drop ship that hadn't spotted them yet.

"Blast it?" Twilight asked hopefully, her eyes alight.

"Alternatively, follow it to see if it leads us to Pollyx," Clank countered logically.

"We need directions," Ratchet agreed flatly. Sighing, Twilight followed along with the plan.

"I'll tail from the air!" Zephyr offered, shifting to his flight mode and taking off after the drop ship, the others now following his nav beacon.

Eventually, this path led them into another darkened, underground area. As they followed the cavern, they saw several thugs patrolling in the distance, but Twilight caught sight of their quarry. Shifting behind some crates, she confronted Pollyx. "There you are!" she whispered. "We've been looking all over for you! We're here to rescue you...just as soon as we know what Vendra and Neftin have you working on."

The Terachnoid businessman nodded swiftly in understanding. Twilight's glare made it plain she wouldn't let him weasel around a full explanation. "It's...a transdimensional portal device. I used the theories behind the Dimensionator and scans of your energy wavelength...to try and find your home dimension. I got something similar, and that's when Vendra and Neftin came after me."

"From the sound of it, you got their home dimension or something," Ratchet spoke up as they arrived. "Nether energy and Twilight's magic are antithetical. I doubt if Twilight could survive in a dimension overrun with the energy Vendra uses."

"That is...interesting and disappointing," Pollyx admitted sadly. "Still, we can't let its completed form fall into their hands. I was hoping to give it to Twilight, but if the energies are antithetical..."

"Hey, nerd!" the patrolling Thug called out. "What are ya doing down-" His voice suddenly cut off. "Never mind!" he shouted again...though his voice sounded off. "As you were! Don't gimme any trouble while I'm poppin' a squat over here!" The Thug then shambled backwards to a corner before Cronk dropped him on a stool, wiping his hands before leaping down. "You were sayin?" Cronk asked in his normal voice.

"Over here," Pollyx told them all, leading them into another chamber. "There isn't much time, so I'm going to have to take a major risk. I just hope Nether energy is compatible with Zoni..."

"Zoni?" Twilight gasped out. "You're going to install the system in Mommy?"

"More the software," Pollyx responded as he directed a large laser system at Clank. "His systems will take care of the rest." He glanced over from behind the console. "This may sting."

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