• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,124 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Arsenal: Phoenix, In Transit, Aquatos

As the trio made their way to the ship, Twilight paused to ask a question that had been preying on her mind. "Captain, how did you come up with such a well thought out plan?"

Qwark smiled easily. "Oh, I'd actually come up with a much simpler plan based solely on some crayon doodles I made when I couldn't focus on my lessons with Al. When I presented it to Skrunch-"

"Skrunch?" Twilight asked.

Qwark gestured to the green clad, one eyed monkey, who bowed to Twilight. "He suggested a few alterations. I incorporated them before the presentation."

Twilight smiled. "Well, it's a good plan," she replied. "See you when we get back!" With that, she leapt into the ship.

"What was that about?" Ratchet asked.

"I wanted to know where he got his plan making skills," Twilight replied.

"And?" Clank inquired.

"The monkey's the brains of the outfit."

"Suddenly, everything seems right in the world," Ratchet joked, taking off.

Partway to Aquatos, the ship phone rang. "Oh no," Ratchet muttered as he saw the caller ID.

"Clank! Bubbi!" Derek Tovid said as he grinned from the view screen. "You and Twilight are killing me!"

"Ex...cuse me?" Clank asked.

"I'm trying to make a picture here," Derek explained, "and my Big-Shot stars are nowhere to be found!"

"If you'll examine page 324, paragraph six, subsection 2 of our contract," Twilight interrupted, "you'll see that filming will sometimes be required to be suspended due to danger to the galaxy...at our discretion."

Derek blinked. "So...this isn't something I can work around with incentives?"

"Afraid not," Twilight replied. "Which really sucks, because I love playing Sparks. But right now, the safety of the galaxy is of paramount importance."

"After all," Clank added, "no one will have time to watch the new holo-vid if Tyhrranoids are burning their homes down and shooting them in the back."

"Huh, that's a good point," Derek replied. "I don't suppose your quest to save the galaxy this time around would have you swinging by Holostar Studios and possibly filming the picture while you're there?"

"We'll let you know if it does," Ratchet spoke up. "But for right now, we need to get to Aquatos."

"Aquatos, huh?" Derek mentioned. "Hmm...underwater would make a nice setting for the next film."

"But...but I can't swim!" Twilight complained.

"Oh, even better!" Derek proclaimed. "We can ladle on the drama as Sparks desperately wants to go help Secret Agent Clank, but can't because she can't handle the water due to a design flaw in her cybernetics...and then she and Jeeves build her a little submarine so she doesn't have to get wet! I think we could get the base product built pretty quick, and then film the two of you putting the finishing touches on it when you're next here!" He clapped his hands eagerly. "Filming genuine inventing would be great for the realism!"

Twilight's grin split her face, and the sparkles of excitement in her eyes lit the canopy.

"Should the opportunity arise, we will definitely be stopping by," Clank promised.

"Thanks, babe!" Derek said happily. "We'll keep the set warmed up for you!"

With that, the connection was cut.

"We're almost at Aquatos," Ratchet commented. "Everyone get ready for aquatic entry.

Once the ship entered the atmosphere, Twilight got into the prepared capsule to be properly placed by Skid as he took a separate path into the base. Ratchet was nervous about leaving Twilight's safety up to Skid - he wasn't exactly reliable, as far as he knew - but Twilight wouldn't let him deviate from the plan.

Before long, Ratchet and Clank bumped into Skid again. "How'd it go?" Ratchet asked worriedly.

"No worries, mate," Skid replied seriously. "The package is wrapped and delivered, this side up! No damage, or your money back, guarantee!"

Ratchet stared at him flat eyed. "Drop the spy speech and just tell me."

"She's perfectly safe and sound, waiting for Clank to unseal the capsule," Skid promised. "She even has a few snacks and a GSM in there with her."

"With the Holo-double-display?" Ratchet asked enviously.

"Eeyup!" Skid replied. "She'll be just fine. And here." He handed over the Hacker. "You'll be needing this."

"Thanks," Ratchet replied, stowing the gadget.

"I'll stick close anyway until you two part ways," Skid pointed out. "Be a distraction for the bad guys."

"Our thanks," Clank replied.

Eventually, the trio reached the point where they were to take their separate paths. "I'll be heading back to the ship now," Skid said regretfully.

"Good work Skid!" Ratchet complimented him. "You did better than I thought you would."

"I had not expected you to be so brave," Clank added.

Skid scratched the back of his head. "Before I closed her up safe and sound, Twi said she believed in me," he replied sheepishly. "I couldn't go and let her down, could I?" With that, he turned and raced for the ship.

"This Twilight girl has a future in politics if she chooses to pursue it," a familiar voice whispered from a metal cylinder with an eye slot.

"Slim Cognito?" Ratchet asked in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"Still modding weapons, as usual," Slim replied. "Didn't expect to see you two again. You sure get around. I take it you saved that Twilight girl you were so worried about last time we met?"

"Yeah, she's alright now," Ratchet replied. "Why are you here in Solana?"

"There was a minor...misunderstanding regarding a Suck Cannon upgrade that was mistakenly sold to a minor," Slim explained evasively. "I swear, the kid looked 18. Anyway, I needed to go someplace less conspicuous to do business, so I set up shop here till the heat blows over. Interested in some mods?"

"Not just now," Ratchet replied. "But we'll be back if we want them."

"Think you could bring Twilight with?" Slim asked. "I did some research about her while I was here, and I think she and I could make some...unique modifications that would be quite the upgrade, know what I'm saying? Think she might be interested in learning a few of my...techniques?"

"As long as you come up with a way to suggest it to sound less creepy," Ratchet said nervously.

"She, too, is a minor, after all," Clank pointed out.

"I'll keep that in mind," Slim replied.

One submarine ride later, and Ratchet and Clank took their separate paths further in.

"Twilight and I will meet you further in," Clank promised.

Nodding, Ratchet activated the Tyhrra-Guise, and the two separated.

Through the vent, it wasn't long before Clank found the capsule and opened it. Twilight smiled as she stowed the GSM away in her bags. "Let's go!" she said eagerly.

"We will need to be at least somewhat cautious," Clank pointed out as Twilight started to pull out one of her weapons. "Destroying everything in our path would draw too much attention."

Twilight pouted as she put the weapons away. "Aww..."

Working together as a team, the pair were able to make their way through the vents easily, with Twilight flying over gaps to activate switches, using her magic to deflect laser blasts from security drones, along with occasional assists as Ratchet got various paths cleared using the Tyhrra-Guise.

Before long, they reached Nefarious' office. "We must work quickly," Clank whispered.

"Right," Twilight agreed, rushing to the computer. Focusing her magic, she cast a duplication spell on the hard drive. "Got it!" she proclaimed, catching the duplicate as it fell. "This has all the information on Nefarious' computer."

"And what about everything that might be on these disks scattered around?" Clank asked.

Twilight quickly duplicated each of the disks and flash drives, putting the copies in her saddle bags. "There. That's everything, and he won't even know we were here."

"Well done, Twi," Ratchet said as he entered the office. "Now let's get out of here." He glanced towards a bookshelf stocked with every episode of Secret Agent Clank - and quite a few Sparks miniatures - and shuddered. "Before Nefarious gets back here and sees his favorite stars waiting for him."

Diving into a nearby pipe, the trio made their way to the sewers.

As they descended into the sewers, Twilight spread her wings while Clank triggered his Wing Pack. The trio then glided to a stop near the exit, where a surprising figure was waiting for them.

"Whoa," Ratchet said as they approached. "Deja Vu."

"It's The Plumber!" Twilight said happily.

The Plumber stood up quickly, bumping his head. "Ow!" He turned around. "Well, it's you three again!" he said happily. "Right on schedule! This here's one of the nastiest, smelliest sewers in the galaxy."

"I noticed," Twilight commented dryly, her O2 mask extended from her helmet to block the stench. "I'm definitely going to need a bath when we get back to the Phoenix..."

The Plumber chuckled. "Most guys wouldn't set foot in a place like this. But me?" He inhaled happily. "Ah, I just can't get enough."

"So...what were you working on?" Ratchet asked curiously.

"Looking for sewer crystals," The Plumber replied, holding out a dark green stone. "Gonna make somethin' special for the Missus."

Clank looked curiously at the Sewer Crystal. "That's...an unusual gem," he commented.

"Oh, that's just what it looks like when harvested," The Plumber replied. He held out his other hand. "This is what they look like if you know how to clean 'em up." He opened his hand.

The stone was much smaller than the raw Sewer Crystal...but it sparkled on every facet and shone with a rainbow of colors. It looked like a successful crossbreeding between a cat's eye and a fire opal.

Ratchet, Clank, and Twilight all gasped in shock. "It's...it's beautiful," Twilight breathed.

"Yeah, but if you don't know exactly what you're doing with cleaning them up, all ya get is stinky dust," The Plumber pointed out. "If'n ya find any in here, I'll pay ya bolts for 'em. 2,000 a piece!"

Twilight blinked. "Can I...take a closer look at that raw stone?" she asked.

"Sure thing," The Plumber replied, holding it out.

Twilight examined the Crystal for a time with her magic, then grinned widely. Closing her eyes, she focused as her horn glowed.

The sewers suddenly echoed with the sounds of shattering crystal and the death screams of King Ameboids. Crystals flew to surround Twilight, held in her magical grip.

"There we go," Twilight said happily. "Every sewer crystal in the entire sewer system that's ready for harvesting. ...101 total."

The Plumber grinned as he accepted the crystals and handed over the promised bolts. "You don't do anything by halves, do you Twilight?"

Twilight grinned widely, shaking her head as the trio headed back to their ship, leaving The Plumber to his polishing.

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