• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 9,858 Views, 729 Comments

'I Hate Ponies!' - Scripture

Friends of an avid brony get swept up into Ponyville. The problem? They have a deep dislike of MLP!

  • ...

The Second Rampage- Part 1

'I Hate Ponies!'

By: Scripture

Chapter 10: The Second Rampage- Part 1

Huff huff


Huff huff huff

“Rainbow… are you okay…?”

Huff huff haaaaaaaaa…

“Uh… a-are you-“



A sigh pulled out of the rainbow maned mare’s lips and she went over to her shaking friend, putting a gentle hoof around her. “Eh… sorry I snapped at you… It’s just that guy was a REAL jerk! I mean, what kind of nerve does he have, calling me gay like that?!”

The blue pegasus released her yellow pal and started to pace around the room. “I mean, really?! What kind of stallion goes around and tells other ponies he or she is gay?! I’m STILL riled up from him, even though he left like, 10 minutes ago…” She snorted from her nostrils and ground her teeth a bit, starting to go for the door. “Maybe I should catch up to him and throw another table at his head for good measure…”

“Eeek! No Rainbow! He’s already hurt!” Fluttershy clutched onto her angered friend, who in return looked at her curiously. The yellow mare blushed a bit and let go of her friend, quickly explaining what Matt’s friend, Silver Jack, had told her earlier on. As she went however, Rainbow’s expression went from curiosity to realization to a hoof to her face, all in rapid succession.

“Oh horsefeathers… THAT guy was one of them human thing ponies Lyra and AJ are looking for!” she grumbled a bit and rolled her eyes around a bit, starting for the door again. “Great… now I have to apologize to this dude so I can get him back to AJ soon…” She stretched out her wings and shot off into the sky as soon as she reached outside.

Just hope he hasn’t gotten too far up in the clouds…

The blue pegasus didn’t hear the pleading and confused cries of Fluttershy however as she streaked across the sky with her usual rainbow trail. Poor Fluttershy was then left all alone with her animal friends around her and she sighed loudly, turning around to go back inside.

On her way back though, a sudden thought crossed her mind, one that she hadn’t thought of until right then, when she noticed something missing…

“Oh my… where is Johnathan…?”








“…And then, he started to roll some of them big rocks at us like we were nothin’ but bowlin pins!”

“Yeah! We almost got flattened a few-“

“DON’T even mention flattening things around me…”

“Er… sorry Vinyl…”

“Urgh… ugh…”

“Alright alright girls, he’s waking up… Thankfully Spike went out to get a bite to eat at Sugarcube Corner, so he won’t interrupt us. I will just have to see what his problem is… Luckily I just touched up on my pony psychology recently! Hopefully it helps a bit with this…”

Twilight nodded at the other three mares in her house, Lyra and Applejack nodding back eagerly while Vinyl scoffed and continued to glare at the shuffling body a few feet in front of them. The purple unicorn did a double check in her mind and prepared for the small session she would be having with this… stallion.

Too bad he’s crazy… she mentally sighed, and sat down to watch him stand slowly up, as if from a groggy dream. The mare was worried he was going to fall over right off the bat, but he luckily caught himself with a hoof, breathing heavily.

The room was awkwardly quiet for a little bit, the only sound coming from the ponies labored breaths and some louder citizens from outside the library. Nopony said a word. All they did was watch, wondering when he would make his mo-

“Why the HELL did you squash my FRICKIN sandwich?!”

Everypony except Xavier watched as a fuming Vinyl walked forward, glaring daggers at the back of the dark blue unicorn. Lyra stepped besides her, looking at her awkwardly, and coughed slightly to get her attention. When the white unicorn faced her, Lyra put on a serious face and plainly stated, “Vinyl. It was a sandwich. Get over it.”

Vinyl, however, wasn’t phased in the least by the mint green mare and stomped angrily. “It was NOT just a sandwich!” She whimpered a bit and held her hooves up close to her face, her lip jutting out and her eyes starting to brim with the tears of her terrible loss.

“It… it was life, Lyra, life itself!”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow at the drama unfolding while AJ simply rolled her eyes. Vinyl was about to say something when a soft cough interrupted her, causing all of them to stare at its source, who smiled mischievously at all of them.

“Oh, no, it’s ok to just ignore the psychologically imbalanced unicorn in the middle of a building! No, go on back to your chit chatter! I am perfectly fine, so I think I will just be go- OW!”

The purple mare chuckled a bit as Xavier’s face collided with a semi-transparent purple bubble enveloped around him, reminding Twilight of a hamster in a plastic ball. Xavier, however, didn’t seem to like his new imprisonment and immediately gave Twilight a nasty look, his words sputtering out of his lips. “W-What the FUCK did you do to me?! What the hell is this thing?!”

Now it was Twilight’s turn to smile as she slowly walked around Xavier in a slow circle. “Well, it’s like this… After you ran out of magical energy and Vinyl knocked you out,” The white pony smirked. “Applejack, Lyra, and Vinyl carried you into Ponyville and to me, where they knew I could contain you. And that’s what’s happening to you now, since you basically exhausted all your magic supply for a bit…”

At this point, she has stared Xavier down, her smirk to his glare, and completed her complete revolution around him like the moon to the earth. She sat down in front of her friends again, and indicated with a hoof. “Well, I know they have questions they want to ask you but first, I must say… from what I heard of the others, you have a little more power than the average unicorn. Not much more, but enough to stand out a bit…I wonder if-”

“Twi, you’re analyzing again…”

“Ehehe… sorry AJ. The floor is yours now…”

“Thanks sugarcube.”

AJ switched with Twilight, glancing over at Lyra and Vinyl, Lyra nearly bouncing about in anticipation and Vinyl just being grumpy over her lack of food, indicated by a grumbly stomach. Applejack exhaled once and faced the troublesome pony, who ground his teeth silently in defeat. Although crazy, she could tell he was smarter than he looked, making her worry about him all the more, and wondered if his answer would even be valid.

Ah well... might as well try I s’pose…

“So, Xtra… Are ya’ll what they call a… human?”

A crack of a grin begin to form as the question hit his ears, Xavier chuckling softly a few times. Sitting down now, knowing he wasn’t going to go anywhere for a bit, he put a hoof to his chin in thought, the grin still hanging on his head. “Well… No. I suppose I am not…”

Twilight immediately jumped in front of Lyra, her own smile on her face, giving the minty mare a shock. “Ah HA! I told you they didn’t exist and he isn’t one so with that, can you all please leave my library and-“

“…But I suppose I once was, hm?”

The purple unicorn’s mouth was hung halfway open, a mocking smile already set on Lyra’s face. “You were saying?” Twilight blushed hotly and promptly turned back towards their captive.

Xavier shrugged his shoulders and continued on, staring directly at Applejack now. “Honestly, I think I am insane and totally lost it, so I don’t give a fuck anymore. Pony, human... If you’re crazy, it’s all the same…” He bowed his head a bit and scraped the floor with his hoof, giving a weak chuckle. “I-I mean… is this real? Is this all in my mind? Is this a dream I don’t want to wake up from?”

The mares shuffled awkwardly as they watched him put his hooves over his head, whimpering slightly as his body curled into a ball. “I-I just don’t want a-anything to happen to anymore… I… I don’t w-want to go away anymore…”

Everypony was silent, watching the hovelling figure before them. Even Vinyl felt a tinge of pity for the stallion in front of them and had to look away for a second. Twilight was silent, and even her breathing stopped, and she slowly got up. The other mares watched her as she sat in front of the bubble, a bit or worry etched on their face. Twilight smiled slightly and turned her head to look at them.

“Girls… Give me some time with this stallion… I don't know whether he is telling the truth or not, but I know he needs someone to talk to more than anything at the moment…”

Reluctantly, AJ nodded in agreement and started to head for the door. Vinyl and Lyra didn’t move though, watching her leave with disbelief on their faces. “Wha-What? You really think Twilight is gonna be fine with that stupid jerk in there? I don’t think we should we leave him with her…“

Vinyl nodded in agreement and stood up now. “Yeah! I don’t trust that jerkwad in there for one second alone wi-“

Vinyl was cut off by AJ with a snap of her neck turning around. “Girls. I trust Twilight and I know she is more than capable than this guy with magic. Anywho, his magic is exhausted right now apparently so I reckon he isn’t very harmful at the moment…” She glared at them both. “So let’s GO.”

Without a word, the two other mares got up and filed out of the library, one by one. Vinyl, being the last one out, took a quick look around and noticed that the two had started talking already. She stared at them for a little bit, wondering what they could be talking about, when Xavier’s eyes suddenly locked with Vinyl’s. He gave her a small, warm grin and immediately returned to talking to Twilight.

With mixed feelings now, and her brain curious about the smile, Vinyl left the library, pondering over the last hour of events. “Hmmm… Hmmm… ouch! Too much thinking, brain hurts… OW!

Oh, sorry Lyra! I didn’t see you guys st-

What the HELL happened to Ponyville?!”

AJ casually raised a hoof, pointing at where a statue of Ponyville used to be. “THAT happened…”

Vinyl stared at where AJ had pointed and couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t. But it was there, below a flustered Fluttershy, Rainbow limping a bit in the air, and another worried Pegasus. It was behind two battling stallions that were biting, kicking, punching, and shouting at each other in a frenzied brawl with no clear winner at the moment. It was right there and she couldn’t deny it.

Well, this time anyways...

The DJ sighed and grabbed some bits, placing them promptly in a smug Lyra’s hoof. “Fine… Asparagus Monsters are real… You win…”




“I… I can’t believe it! It’s Ponyville! It truly is Ponyville!”

Being free from his friends, Jack had finally begun to enjoy a bit of his visit into this world instead of lying and chasing around his friends all over the place. With some kind of unbelievable luck, the path Zecora had pointed out to him had brought him to the show’s main landscape… Ponyville! For once, he could actually let his heart soar a bit at being in Equestria… and it felt damn good!

Breathing in the fresh air, he exhaled slowly, enjoying the minimally polluted air around him, surprised at how sharp and crisp it was. “Man… this place is like, EVERYTHING I thought it was!” His smile turned down a bit as a few thoughts ricocheted in his head. “Well, minus one friend getting knocked out and the other having some serious mental problems… But besides that, everything is great!”

Happily, he trotted into the small town, his gaze trying to take in everyone and everything around him. Hey, there’s Berry Punch! And that’s The Doctor over there, talking to the Mayor! Spike just went into Sugarcube Corner, and I KNOW I saw a smidgen of Pinkie Pie in the doorway…

Wow, I can’t believe this still! I wonder if the background Ponies are like what the fandom portrays them as… And who knows? Maybe they actually have bigger roles here than the show makes them out to be and-



My ears perked up at the odd sounds in the distance, wondering what could possibly be making such a ruckus. Something about the first sound however seemed oddly familiar…

I… I can’t put my finger on it, but it sounds like Johnathan… But he is all the way back at Fluttershy’s! Why would he-


“Help me! Somebody!”

Now I was thoroughly confused, the second voice throwing me for a loop. Was that some mare in trouble? It sounded awfully high pitched after all… But they seem to be getting closer to town! I wonder what all the hubbub is about…

It wasn’t only me now, but a small crowd of Ponies at the edge of town were now surrounding me, looking at the same cluster of trees the voices happened to be behind. Everyone was talking to each other, wondering what was going on, and I myself was getting rather curious.

I mean, what poor mare would Johnathan be after anyways? Fluttershy is taking care of Matt so somebody COULD have upset him, but I highly doubt that they-

An explosion of leaves and branches suddenly bombarded everyone as a petrified and rather exhausted looking red-brown Pegasus launched himself through the trees, half-heartedly trying to flap his wings to fly. His attempt failed though and he soon found himself rolling across the ground, scrambling up from his fall, and shoving himself through the crowd.

Everything went in slow motion right after that, the connect-the-dots in my head immediately figuring out the general situation in record time… And in record time, I followed my friend as he raced through the city streets, missing the giant green plant dragon hybrid literally blasting away the trees, causing most of them to hit the nearby buildings.


Matt yelped in surprise at the roar but kept pushing on, me hot on his trail and Johnathan not too far behind. I only took a glance back at him and noticed that a table had miraculously wedged itself onto Johnathan’s back… Johnathan’s very sore, very achy back.






“OHHHHH… THAT…” He sheepishly looked at me, whose glare could have poisoned a soul if allowed to. “I ACCIDENTLY, UH, THREW A TABLE AT IT!”





Normally, I wouldn’t have decided on that idea, fearing that I one of us could be trampled by the mass of ponies in front of us. Being trampled on wasn’t how I planned on dying…


However, I believe being clawed out by a vicious, angry, and rampaging Mandrake may be worse…


Alright! So, sorry about taking so long on this chapter~ I was very busy lately and no good inspiration had been coming to me at all~ FINALLY i got some and got around to this chapter!

Now, this is the first part... gonna get the second part done asap~ and then you will see just what happened during the time Xavier was being interrogated...

And why the hell nopony heard the disaster outside! XD

Also, thanks to Anoobus93 who, as always, is a great editor and vurry good at helping me with issues here and there with the story :3