• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 9,858 Views, 729 Comments

'I Hate Ponies!' - Scripture

Friends of an avid brony get swept up into Ponyville. The problem? They have a deep dislike of MLP!

  • ...

Jack Vs. Matt

'I Hate Ponies!'

By: Scripture

Chapter 12: Jack Vs. Matt




“C’mon Jackwad, we need something…”



Finally, it was down to this. An annoying Matt, an irritated Rainbow Dash, an entirely confused Derpy Hooves and a stressed out me. All of us, versus one ticked off plant-dragon hybrid itching to get his teeth into the one responsible for wedging a table onto his back. Specifically Matt who, being my friend, I had to protect…


…Even if he is REALLY pissing me off right now…

Matt, I knew, could get very… verbose when he was under pressure. He didn’t care who he was talking to at that moment either, just that somebody was getting called a name, punched in the gut, or otherwise inflicted with pain. Combine this with a rather limited temper and cocky personality, he was a ticking time-bomb for irritating the hell out of anyone.


For example, a mandrake.

“All right, all right!”

Finally, I had concocted somewhat of an idea and turned my head towards Rainbow Dash, pointing at the creature coming straight at us. “Rainbow! Get to flying around Johnathan and distract him for a bit! Do WHATEVER you must do to get his attention!”

Rainbow smirked a bit and readied herself up. “Gotcha!” With a quick buzz of her wings, she shot up in the air, flying circles around the beast’s head. Johnathan eventually couldn’t ignore the buzzing about his head and roared at Rainbow, trying to take a few swipes at her. Nimbly avoiding his claws, Rainbow smirked and looked down at the mandrake.

“Ha! C’mon! I bet my grandma could throw her hooves around better than you!”


The distraction working perfectly, I nodded my head in approval and looked at Derpy and Matt. “Ok, you two! We NEED to get that table off of Johnathan’s back! It’s causing him a lot of ache and pain and the only way we could EVEN try to possibly calm him down is to get it off him!”

Matt looked over at the thrashing body of the mandrake, watching as its swishing tail knocked down a good portion of another building. Rolling his eyes towards me, he pointed his hoof at him and scoffed through gritted teeth. “And just how do you suppose we do that? That thing is fuckin moving around too much! There is no way we could get the table off of him!” He threw his hooves in the air sporadically. “I could get hurt after all!”

Glaring at him, I looked him down ferociously. “Well, do you have a better idea? Cuz honestly, I’m all ears Matt!”


“Well, anything? Anything at all? Hm?”


“…I fuckin thought so. Now…” Shaking my head a bit, I exhaled, preparing myself for the next part of my hastily strewn together plan. You being the one hurt? Dude, you have no clue what I am even gonna try to do…

“Ok! Matt! There is some rope by that house over there! Grab it and follow us!” Matt nodded stiffly, silently heading over to some rope that was lying by the side of the house. It looked like it had been used as a clothesline, but due to Johnathan’s recent chaos, it had snapped and laid loosely coiled on the side of the housing complex.

Looking over at Derpy, I looked at her straight in the eye and held her cheeks in my hooves, making sure her attention was on me. I almost felt like melting with her pure adorableness in front of me, but I resisted, giving her my instructions. “Now, Derpy, this is VERY important. You-“

“More important than muffins?” Her voice scrunched up with worry, making me realize that she was actually being serious.

“Uh… yes, it is.” The gray pegasus’s eyes widened and she nodded, a look of determination painted across her face now.

I cocked an eyebrow at the shift in attitude but quickly dispelled it, continuing my instructions. “You have to get on one side of the mandrake and grab the rope, ok? When I say, ‘Go!’, you lift up as hard as you can, ok? Got it?”

Derpy, with her chubbed up cheeks in my hooves, saluted proudly and hovered up into the air. “All righty Mr. No Cutie Mark!”

“Uhhhh ok… Right then! CHARGE!”

Dear Celestia, this will be the end of me…


“Oh, oh dear… Uhm… excuse me, please, excuse me…”

A passing stallion looked behind him, his hooves planted on his face. “Oh dear Celestia! That thing destroyed my shop! First the Cerberus, now some… asparagus monster thing!” Shaking his head woefully, he shoved past a buttery yellow pegasus trying to politely swim through the crowd of oncoming Ponyville citizens.

“M-m-m-monster?!” Fluttershy squeaked, frozen in place now. Oh… oh my… I didn’t think there was a monster in town! Maybe I should leave quietly… Before she was about to turn around and try to get home for some peaceful tea, hoping Johnathan and Matt would simply return on their own, she spotted a streak of rainbow bolt across the sky, followed by a clawed green hand narrowly missing her just above some buildings from the town.


Suddenly, a pink pony with blonde hair and a small lily in her mane stood up, screaming at the battle waging on in Ponyville. “Oh the horror, the horror!” Pointing a hoof at the scene briefly, she quickly ran away, being swept up in the crowd.

Fluttershy wasn't sure if she should go back to town or follow the crowd, knowing how she usually is with other creatures of this size. However, she knew that she was the only one who could truly stop Johnathan…

Whether she wanted to or not.

Ohhhhhhhh… Why me…






“WHOA! Ha ha! Nice try, ya dumb dumb!”

“Good job Rainbow! Only attack him if we get desperate, ok?!”

“Kay! This lug won’t be getting a hair on my mane any- WHOA! Ok, maybe you should hurry up!”

Already trying my best here… My part isn’t exactly easy!

For about the fifth time now, I barely dodged the sweeping tail of Johnathan, catching up to the dragon-like monster. We made sure to stay behind him so he wouldn’t spot us, but luckily Rainbow Dash, with her diversions, made it much easier to race up to Johnathan undetected. Obviously with their yelling, Johnathan knew we were around, but he was focused on beating up a small rainbow fly to give us much acknowledgement.

“Yo, Jackass! You SURE you know what we are doing?!”

I looked over at Matt, who now had the rope coiled around his neck as he trotted besides the huge creature, careful not to get hit by his tail… again. A big bruise was already forming where he got blindsided last time. He would be fine after a bit of recuperation but the same couldn’t be said for the door.

At one point I feel bad, but at another, I almost wish it was a metal door he hit… I mean really... Jackass, Jackwad? These stupid puns are really starting to frickin annoy me…

“Of course I don’t! Honestly, I’m winging this whole thing! But if it works, we SHOULD be all right, ok?”

“’Should’?! What the fuck do you mean by tha-“




“Fine… asshole…”

This is no time for petty arguments Jack! Get it together!

My brain yelled at me to focus, but then of course… my brain said a lot of things. And a lot of things at that moment involved rope, Matt, a knife, and several things about him rather left unsaid. He, of course, was not exactly helping an already stressful situation so connecting the dots is rather easy.

I looked at the tail swishing back and forth above me, noticing that for some reason, it had developed a pattern to it. A slight prick of curiosity made me wonder why, when suddenly the huge beast turned abruptly, making us jolt to the side so we wouldn’t be spotted.

Silently, I prayed in my head that by the end of the day I wouldn’t become some pasty jam in between some huge monster’s toes… whether Johnathan’s or some other creature that may terrorize the town. Ponyville DID, after all, have some pretty bad luck for huge disasters, and one more town-destroying-monstrosity wouldn’t be too far from the mark in today’s events.

Looking up, I finally noticed the source of the repeated motions. Rainbow, doing her best to be the most annoying little pest in all of Equestria, had repeated a few dips and dives over and over again, missing the claws by bare inches sometimes.

“Ha!” She finally called out after another fierce swipe, only for it to grab empty air. “Dang… you really suck at this, don’t you?”


“Oh roar all you want, you green, asparagus looking… monster… who… is growing… and growing… and… aw horsefeathers…”


“Uhm… Excuse me… Pardon me… I… I need to get to my friends and- EEP!”


Without warning, another mare shoved into her, fleeing the scene behind her. Fluttershy was bumped back into the giant, rampaging mob and got skittered a few more feet back. The crowd was unforgiving, as the pink-maned pegasus found out quite quickly after being tossed backwards a few times.

But… But I need to get to my friends! She thought, slowly getting up after a rough landing. I need to get to them… NOW!

A rise of surprising courage and heat boiled in her mind, and suddenly images and words from a particularly buff Minotaur started to assault her head, making her have plenty of ideas to get through this never-ending throng of ponies. One line of speech, in particular, seemed to have jutted itself forward and she smiled evilly towards the incoming ponies.

If they won’t move out of the way, it’s time to make them pay!

“Every… pony… MOVE!” She flared her nostrils a few times, watching angrily as the shocked (and now even more terrified) crowd immediately split apart, giving her a pathway straight for Ponyville without any interruptions now.

With a smug look on her face, she made her way down the now-split path in the crowd and smiled sweetly to them all. “Thank you, everypony!” Hurriedly, she broke into a gallop, hoping that Johnathan wouldn’t start using-

“Oh… oh my… He did use it…”


We all stopped, mortified as we watched Johnathan slowly growing larger and larger, soon reaching his head to Rainbow’s level of flight, then up so more so he was now the one looking down on her. He snorted once, Rainbow hovering dumbstruck at the sight before her.

“By Luna’s mane…”


The shortened roar blasted away a now-terrified Rainbow Dash, who quickly righted herself in the air and desperately avoided Johnathan’s claws as they swooped menacingly down on her. She was fast, yes, but Johnathan was huge.


Awed myself, I wondered if this was the plant part of the hybrid animal being used when a quick flutter beside me and a face full of grey and yellow impaled my vision, making me shout in surprise and take a few steps back.

“Mr. No Cutie Mark? When are we gonna do this plan?” Derpy softly cooed, oblivious to the devastation Johnathan was collecting around him as he tried to tear a certain blue pegasus apart.

In all honesty, I had been holding back on the plan, if only out of plain and simple fear.

After all, who wants to go headfirst on top of a raging mandrake’s back?

Anyone? Anyone?

Thought not.

Sighing once, I pushed past Derpy and headed for my goal; the table. Unfortunately for us, it had wedged itself even more firmly between as the creature’s plates as it grew, digging into the creatures back further and further. I would have to alter my plans a little bit, but… still…


I leapt, landing upon Johnathan’s tail close to its base. Clinging onto one of his weird plant-like growths, I was tossed about for awhile while Johnathan kept swiping at Rainbow. The whole thing reminded me of a scarily realistic version of Shadow of the Colossus, and I truly wondered how long my holding meter would last with me like this.

My answer came quicker than I thought, with a sudden cessation of movement. Either Johnathan had gotten a hold of Rainbow, or he had noticed us finally and was assessing which target to go after. In all honesty, I didn’t care. I was just happy I wasn’t being tossed around like a ragdoll anymore!

Taking the advantage, I unlocked my hooves from his tail and hurried to the broader base of his back, finally reaching the wooden table. Looking over Johnathan’s sides, I could barely see Matt on the ground to my right, and Derpy was floating worriedly on my left, keeping level with Johnathan’s back.

I was a little curious as to why he hadn’t noticed me yet, but immediately I thought about the pain he was in. it was probably that I was so light to him now and the pain was so much, he wasn’t phased by me being on his back.

Well, hopefully for long enough… I thought, shuddering as I pictured myself getting eaten by the creature. Ugh… gnashing teeth…

“Derpy! Can you get the rope from Matt and give it to me? Tell him to stay there so he can have one end of it to pull, ok?”

The grey pegasus nodded dutifully and swooped down towards Matt. I gripped a few of the plants on Johnathan’s back, clinging on for dear life. Johnathan had started becoming riley again, thrashing about. For what particular reason, I couldn’t tell until out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small streak of rainbow whiz by, answering a few questions that had popped into my mind. A wave of relief washing over me, uncluttering my head to focus on my current task.

The gray pegasus finally had come to hover over me, depositing an end of rope from her mouth. Instinctively I grabbed it with my hooves, but soon found out that while picking stuff up with hooves was easy enough, doing fine work with them was another thing all entirely. Whimpering inside of my head, I approached the table, a dirt-tasting rope inside of my mouth.

Urgh… Definitely wasn’t expecting this today…

Looping the rope under one side of the table, I kept it going underneath and wove it out to the other side. With that end, I threw it up to Derpy who swooped down and caught it with her teeth. A quick nod and I went over back to Matt’s side, waving a hoof in the air.

I stopped in mid wave as I looked at him finishing up tying the rope around his body. He smiled up at me and cupped a hoof to his mouth. “Yo! I think this will work better than me holding it!”

Mimicking his actions, I shouted back at him, although with some slight irritation. “No! You aren’t supposed to use the rope! Rainbow Dash is! Now, I want you to go and get-“

“Go? Okey dokey then!”

Already too late, I shouted out a call to Derpy, realizing my mistake right after she spoke. However, it fell upon deaf ears as she launched herself into the air, rope clenched in her mouth, and a screaming pony attached to the other end of it. I couldn’t do anything but simply hold on to Johnathan, readying myself for the impending crash…



Ooooo that’s gotta hurt…

It didn’t take very long for Matt to meet wood, and wood to nail Matt in the side. I watched the scene as if in slow motion, watching his ragdoll like resistance to Derpy’s tugging. It would have been much more comical if it didn’t look so painful for him... or if it didn’t launch the table off of Johnathan’s back like somebody ripping off a very painful band-aid.


Either that was a sound of relief, or immeasurable pain…


… And if Matt doesn’t shut the fuck up, HE’LL be the one in immeasurable pain!

Quickly scanning over Johnathan’s back, I made sure that nothing else could possibly be hurting him and tenderly rubbed a hoof over his back. I didn’t know why I particularly did that, but I felt it was the right thing to do… almost like giving somebody a pat on the back for being a good boy!

I could feel Johnathan shift underneath me however and looked up, noticing that his head was lowering down. Wait… no… it’s not lowering, he is just shrinking back to normal! Sighing with relief, I jumped off his back, landing a bit awkwardly as my hooves hit the ground.


Now… why does that sound familiar…? And what does he expect me to do? Fly after him or something?!

Derpy, however, had been able to hear the frantic screaming and shouting of Matt and finally looked down to notice him dangling there, like the ball of a yo-yo at the end of a string. She giggled once and waved to him, getting a vicious glare back. “Hey Matt-pony! How are you doing?!”

Matt put a hoof to his chin and contemplated the question for few moments. “Gee, I don’t know… I do like being the wrecking ball to demolish tables, along with being tossed around helplessly in the air! It’s SO much fun!”

“Haha yeah! Probably as fun as being mandrake food!”

“Oh yes, of cour- Wait, what?”

A powerful snort sent Matt’s mane back, making the red pegasus freeze up at the feeling. Slowly turning his head around, he locked his gaze in with a pair of huge red eyes staring at him. Matt’s face fell and before he knew it, he was climbing up the rope faster than he ever did in gym class, even with hooves. Whether it was because he was a pegasus now or fueled by the possibility of being dinner, I couldn’t say.

What I could say though, was that Matt was still in deep shit with this monster.


Derpy rolled her eyes and put her hooves on her hips, watching as he started to close distance between themselves. “What do you saaaaaay?”


A smile curled on her face. “Much better! Zoom~!”

The plant-dragon snapped at Matt, barely missing his tail by inches as the grey mare started to draw Johnathan out of the town, much to my relief. Frantically, I began to search for Rainbow Dash, hoping that she could help us try and settle this creature once and for all. Instead, I found her panting, lying on the ground between a few apple crates, looking up into the sky.

“I… I… That… was a workout…”

Bolting over to her, I grabbed her shoulders roughly and shook her rapidly. “Rainbow! Raaaaaaaainbow! C’mon! We need to stop this thing before-“

The multi-colored pegasi grabbed my hooves with surprising strength and glared at me, looking me straight in the eye. Pushing me back, she got herself back onto her hooves and shook a bit of the dust on her. All in all though, she looked incredibly exhausted still.

“Look, uhm…”


“Yeah, Zack. When… when that thing got all super sized and whatever… I… basically spent all my energy trying to survive… Right… now I don’t think I can… really even hold much fight against him… I can keep him distracted a bit longer... possibly do something risky... but it won’t end terribly well...” She cracked a small grin. “Still, don’t count me out just yet! Give me like... 5 seconds...”

A loud groan elicited from deep within my throat as I turned around to face my friend, the muffin lover, and the carnivorous monster all heading away from me. Looked back at Dash really quick, I rolled my head back at the trio and left the mare behind. I had to help my friends, I had to! I felt exhausted myself but…

Luna take the moon and shove it up Matt’s ass! Why does he keep doing this to me?!

Although slightly unfair that I was blaming everything on Matt, it… well… it was true! The only thing that hasn’t been from him so far was Xavier’s little bout of insanity, but in some twisted way I knew my mind would come up with a connection to blame things on him, even if-

Suddenly, Johnathan fell forward, taking Derpy and Matt along in his midst. My heart jolted. What… what the… I found that I had no more exhaustion in my body as I raced after them, a fairly large dust cloud already forming. Wings flapping behind me, Rainbow had finally caught up with me, but at the speed I was running, I wasn’t sure if she would surpass me.

It only took us moments to be in the vicinity of the crash site, which involved part of a house right by Twilight’s Library. Immediately, I launched myself into the dust, searching frantically for two pony shaped forms.




Adrenaline high kicking in once again, I recalled something from one of the My Little Pony episodes and immediately turned to Rainbow. “RAINBOW! CAN YOU CLEAR THIS DUST?!”

I couldn’t tell where she had been but a few seconds later, the wind was whipping in all directions, sending the dust away in a small tornado of Rainbow’s design. Geez... still has the spunk to go on, hm? As soon as I could open my eyes, I finally found the two of them, my worries alleviated like a rock had been lifted from my chest.

Although… I wasn’t particularly happy in the way they had landed…

Matt was lying on the ground, his back flat against the hard stone road, looking dazed, confused, and most likely about to throw up. Indeed, I think he would have given us a good hurling… If Derpy’s rear end hadn’t ended RIGHT on top of his face, suffocating him as a side effect. The distant mare, however, didn’t seem to even notice this oddness as she rubbed her head, smiling in my direction.

“Oh! Mr. No-Cutie-Mark! I’m alright, thanks! Luckily I landed on something soft, so my bum is all- YEEHEEHEE!” Squealing in an acutely high pitched voice, Derpy almost took Matt back into the air with her as she bolted up into the air. Matt had started to wriggle under her from lack of oxygen, and had begun to panic. I was slightly surprised that she was still holding onto the rope, but cartoon ideals soon popped into my head, dispelling the notion. If there is a gag in a cartoon, they keep it running, right?

Matt gulped up the air, reminding me of somebody over-exaggerating a fish, and put a hoof to his chest as he bolted up. I shook my head, plopping my tired rump upon the ground, trying to get a moment’s reprieve while Johnathan was still down. Wait… why IS Johnathan down anyways…?

Looking over at the big lug of a monster, I noticed a very familiar yellow pegasus on top of the Mandrake’s snout, giving the beast some rather harsh words… At least, from the shy pony she always was. I pondered at the idea that Flutterbitch had somehow resurfaced inside of her, but she wouldn’t go back to that… would she?

“…and how DARE you try and eat our guests! You knew Jack and STILL were chasing after him!”

Johnathan responded with a few “gree’s” and “groo’s”, but Fluttershy cut him off with a glare and a swipe of her hoof.

“No! No buts! You need to get back to the cottage so you can heal up and get back home! First though, you WILL help clean up the mess you made! Are we clear?”

The mandrake swiftly nodded his head, Fluttershy giving a firm nod in confirmation. Shaking my head, I still wondered how such an innocent pony could get so… bipolar like that! Even as I was shaking my head, she put on a sweet smile and kissed his nose as she hovered down to the ground. Fluttershy and Rainbow immediately then fluttered over to my pegasus friend and began to try and untie the ropes around him.

Well, until he angrily smacked their hooves, grumpily resuming the work himself.

Fluttershy “Eeeped!” and immediately cowered away behind me, shivering slightly as she peeked over my shoulder at him. Rainbow was a little shocked at first, but soon recovered, looking about as peeved as I could possibly imagine her being. “Hey! Jerk! I was only trying to help you ou-“

“Oh shut the fuck up, you rainbow asshole!”

…Not a good idea Matt…

Matt took a few more seconds to untie the rope and finally got up, shaking some of the dust off himself. He was not pleased. No, not at all. Finally, he was about to blow his top after all the strange events of the day. Rearing upon Rainbow Dash, he started to release his full fury upon the world.

“I… I can’t take this anymore! Ponies, ponies FUCKIN everywhere! So far, all FUCKIN day, I have been frickin ASSAULTED and thrown HUGE ASS TABLES at,” he heatedly glared at the rainbow mare, who reluctantly bowed her head a bit. “…and had incredibly HOT soup shoved down my FUCKIN gullet! My throat HURTS! IT HURTS LIKE A BITCH, OKAY?! I can STILL feel it burning in my throat!” He pointed at his throat for extra emphasis, making Fluttershy cower all the more, and I could hear a few sniffles behind me. The noise wrenched my heart to pieces.

… Don’t go on Matt… Don’t do it…

Turning around, he focused his rant on the now-calm Johnathan, who seemed much more passive than before… which didn’t bode well for the hybrid animal. My hooves gently tore at the ground underneath me as Matt almost literally yelled himself up into the air a few inches. “AND not to mention that I had a dragon, A FUCKIN DRAGON, chase me through an ENTIRE town, knocking down HUGE ass buildings and stalls, AND NEARLY KILL ME SEVERAL TIMES!” The mandrake, looked away, knowing how guilty he already was feeling. Finally, he rounded upon the grey pegasus, whose wall-eyed stare was worriedly looking at everypony around her.

Matt was about to say something when I trotted to him, plainly announcing to the red pegasus in a calm, serene voice. “Matt, that’s enough… okay?”

“Enough?! ENOUGH?!” Matt looked at me, incredulous, and pointed at the blonde mare with a hoof. “By far, that… that… retard has probably been worse than all of what’s happened to me today COMBINED!” He huffed at her, and slowly began to close distance between them.

“First, she almost fucking killed me by leaving me with that thing, saving YOUR sorry ass, Jack! Then, she launches me up into the air, using ME as a FUCKIN wrecking ball to basically demolish that stupid ass table! THAT HURT LIKE A BITCH, BLONDIE! To add some more onto THAT, she almost had me eaten, TWICE, while up in the air when I was tied on that fuckin rope! TWICE! Even WORSE, somehow, when we crashed (which I am ALSO blaming on her), her ass landed right on top of my face! I HAD PONY ASS, ON MY FACE DUDE! WHAT. THE. FUCK. And all day, you have been completely worthless in helping us! Yeah, you’re shitty plan worked, but look! Half the town is gone, AND I AM HURTING LIKE A SON-OF-A-BITCH! YOU LOUSY PIECE OF-“



With more force than I even thought possible, I pivoted on a dime and bucked his side with enough force to send his body reeling into the nearby building, a poof of dust accompanying his crash. Flaring my nostrils, all I could see was a burning red in my vision and a deep burning passion to watch blood spill from my friend…

If I could even call him that now.


With a roaring shout, I stampeded at Matt, who was groggily getting up from the impact, a slight trickle of blood dripping out of the left side of his mouth. It took him a second to notice me charging at him, but he was narrowly able to dive away from my headbutt. Saving himself some broken ribs, he got up a few feet away, huffing a bit as he watched my poof of dust settling around me.

Before it could however, I launched myself into the air, frenziedly yelling at him, and tackled him to the ground. We rolled around for a bit, both of us landing a few good shots, but we both knew that as soon as his back touched the ground, this fight was all in my favor.

Out of the corner of my eyes, some part of my mind recognized a trio of ponies coming out of Twilight’s library, one of them being Applejack, but I ignored it, focusing on my prey. A few good punches with my hoof later, he hit the floor with me on top, giving me the perfect access to wail on him. I finally let some of my frustration vent through my words, timing everything I said with one of my punches. Words I didn’t even realized I had said until Rainbow and the others told me afterwards.

“You… you bastard! You egotistical mind-fucking idiotic drunken mess of a guy! I have helped you throughout almost all of your life. ALMOST ALL OF IT! I was the one who helped pay for your lunch every day at school. I was the one who begged and pleaded for my parents to take you and your mother in each time you had trouble around the house! I fuckin helped pay for over HALF of your car! I GOD FUCKIN DAMMIT TOOK THE FALL FOR YOU SO MANY TIMES, I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY TO GET MYSELF TO WORK, LET ALONE COLLEGE! I AM SO SICK-“


A swift strike across the nose and I could barely even register a crunch from the impact.



That time, his ribs weren’t spared…



His eye was already starting to swell in a hoof shaped mark, right under Applejack’s blow to him earlier.



Were forearm’s supposed to bend like that?


I got up now and sent a buck to the other side of his ribs, sending him rolling around until he hit the building again, a small trail of blood following him. My chest heaved from the physical and mental exhaustion, but I slowly made my way to him. Nopony moved. They all simply watched, staring at me, as I slowly progressed to my friend.

Slowly, to savor this.

Looming over him, I looked at Matt below me. He looked so… pathetic. His body was bruised and covered in blood and dust, making a dark sheen of liquid cover his coat and mane. Several body parts were limp or looking like they were stuck on his body the wrong way. His chest, still moving, was concave slightly in a few spots and his breathing shuddered a few times. He rolled his head at me, his one good eyes wide with what I knew was most definitely fear.

Every fiber of my being telling me to finish the job. A little voice in the back of my head told me that such a troublesome piece of garbage didn’t need to exist anymore. He didn’t deserve to be a part of my dream, my world. This was now my reality, and all he had done so far was fuck it up. So why. Why would I let him heal up? Let him wander around some more? Cause more destruction? Cause more chaos, disorder, and hatred?

Slowly, I bowed my head and stared hard into Matt’s eyes. We exchanged looks for a bit, but he only gave me the frantic searching eyes of fear. I returned the look with a mixture of hate and pity, but without a touch of remorse at what I did. Shaking my head a few times, I looked at him with disgust, spitting out a few venomous words at him for good measure.

“Matt, what am I worth to you? Hell… what the fuck are you worth to me for that matter?”

I shook my head once more and was about to turn around when all thoughts of mine abruptly seized up, and a cold wave of malice took over my mind. Yeah… what IS he worth to me… A cruel smile wrapped itself on my face as I raised a hoof over Matt’s head, his eyes growing wider and wider as I lifted it higher and higher.

“Maybe… maybe you’re just worth the blood on my hooves…”

“N..nnn….noo…” Croaked Matt, his eyes glittering slightly with tears.

I had heard nothing. Just the stupid squealing of a beaten animal.

“Good-bye, Matt.”

My hoof started to launch down on him, gaining speed as it went down with enough force to-

I stopped.

An inch above Matt’s face, I stopped, my hoof perfectly still and Matt fainting from the stress of the moment.

A few drops of blood dripped down from a bloody nose I didn’t notice I had had before, landing on Matt’s coat to blend in with the red. I stared at him, for a moment, and then followed where the rest of my blood was dripping onto. As if looking through a haze, I traced the gray forehoof up the arm of a beautiful blonde-maned mare, whose head was tight against me, her hug warm and wonderful.

My blood, landing on her perfect coat, felt like I was dropping pieces of sin into the expanse of heaven, marring the beauty that I had grown to love and care about. This beauty, the wonderful mare hugging me closely and weeping into my body, cleared my mind of its coldness, letting up the fog clouding my judgment.

Through tearful and misdirected eyes, she gazed up at me, fighting to hold back the flood works that were slowly leaking through. She hiccupped a few times as she spoke, some snot running down her nose she was in such a mess. “N-no…p-please… n-no… H-he m-may be a m-meanie, b-but n-nopony deserves th-this!”

I didn’t know what to say. How could I? My idol, the one I oddly looked up to the most, was begging me, stopping me, from inflicting more pain on my friend. I opened my mouth to say something in response, but immediately the world was sucked away from my vision, my body immediately hanging limp and falling to the ground. The last thing I could hear was a crashing of a door and several ponies shouting all at once. Then, when the darkness fully enveloped my brain as I passed out, there was a sob.

A single, mind-tearing sob.


Freedom was in the form of wallowing darkness, I had always thought, and the land of sleep would cradle me in its comfort.

I was wrong.










“Why must thou make this a long trip with thine idiotic and repetitive popping of the lips?!”

“Why must you talky so weirdo-y?”

“Because! After so long of being away… I… tend to slip into that kind speech…”

“Ahhhhhhh… wonderful story! Needed more action though…”


“Princess, hun, you’re scaring the animals below. Simmer down.”

With a sigh, the dark blue alicorn turned around and grumbled a bit to herself. They had barely left the vicinity of Canterlot and ALREADY this young mare was giving her trouble. Oh… why me…


“If only we could just move faster…”

The other mare, a tawny brown pegasus and waving chestnut colored hair, smiled mischievously, and put a hoof to her chin. “Hehehe… faster hmmm? I wonder…” Leaning to the front of the chariot, she leaned a shoulder on the railing and cooed out over to the pegasi driving them, both in the dark armor similar had her guards wear.

“I wonder if Night Stomper and Darkmane will be able to have some free time with us after we get to Ponyville, right Luna?” Luna looked appalled at the sudden notion, but the other mare only winked at her and continued, much to the stallions interests.

“My my my… at this pace, we will never get there in time! And I was so looking forward to taking a dip in the pond over there, under the moonlight… It’s just so…” She leaned forward, whispering her last word loud enough for both of the very interested pegasi to hear.


Luna had to hold on to the railing for dear life, totally bewildered at the speed doubling what they usually flew at. Wow… I’m their Princess and they don’t fly this fast for me! Getting her bearings straight, she had to take a second to readjust her royal outfit and make herself look more presentable in general.

The mare snickered and let herself enjoy the refreshing breeze in her mane, eventually looking back at a confused Luna. She laughed for a moment and shouted above the wind at her. “Men! They only think with their dicks!”

Luna flushed a little red at that but nodded slightly, keeping that stashed into the back of her mind. Immediately mental images of things flashed through her mind, her face flushing hotly. Slowly, she shook herself, trying to bring herself back into the situation at hand. Ohhhh yes… this is going to be one long ride…


SO! Here is another chapter of my story (obviously)! It took awhile to get it written and edited but i believe that you all shall enjoy it for now~ its a bit longer than normal just... cuz... XD But I think it came out pretty awesome either way!

A mysterious new mare, Princess Luna, Jack going absolutely apesh** on Matt's arse! What could this all mean?!?! And what will happen to Xavier?!


I certainly do, but i sure as hell ain't telling all of you! ;P

Thanks, always, to my editors who helped me!

Innate Enigma!




So thank you editors who have used their time to help edit and make this story 50 times better than it should have ever been! Also, I did notice one other person who happened to edit some stuff... But I didn't catch who! WHICH ONE OF YOU GUYS DID IT?!?! D: EDIT: Nevermind, got it XD