• Published 23rd Sep 2014
  • 4,903 Views, 103 Comments

Kindness & Strength - APoeticHeart

Fluttershy and Big Mac begin their relationship toward marriage.

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Chapter One: The First Date

As the crack of dawn struck the town of Ponyville, the light of Celestia’s sun drifted through the bedroom window of Fluttershy. She felt the sunlight shower her with a blanket of warmth as a soft yawn escaped her lips and blinked her eyes open. A warm smile crept across her muzzle as she climbed out of her bed to stretch out her legs and wings. Her ears twitched at the faint sound of morning birds chirping outside her cottage.

What a beautiful morning it is. I’ll go check to see if my precious little one is awake yet so I can fix us something good for breakfast. She took in a deep breath and exhaled as she trotted out of her bedroom and across the hallway to the small guest room which was now officially Toby’s room.

Slowly, she opened the door to peek in and her heart immediately melted at what she saw. Toby was curled up underneath the covers, all snug and warm with his small form slowly rising and falling as he softly breathed. She quietly trotted inside his room and over to his bed with that warm smile etched on her face.

She leaned her head down down to nuzzle tenderly at his cheek “Toby sweetheart, it’s time to wake up and get some breakfast.” She reached up a hoof to gently stroke at his side through the covers.

The young child’s eyes slowly fluttered open to see his mom smiling warmly down at him. He let out a soft yawn and returned a soft smile of his own “Good morning Momma.” He carefully crawled out from underneath his covers and climbed out of his bed to stretch out his own arms and legs. He looked up at her happily and walked up to her to hug at her foreleg.

Fluttershy let out a light-hearted giggle and wrapped her free foreleg around his back. She leaned her head down to give him a kiss on the top of his head “Good morning sweetie, are you hungry?” She gave a playful grin and used her hoof to lightly rub against his tummy through his shirt.

He giggled and wiggled against her rubbing hoof, looking up at her “Hehe.. yes Momma, I’m hungry. What are are we going to have for breakfast?” His little hands gently held onto her hoof as she tickled his tummy.

She smiled warmly down at him and reached her hoof up to lightly boop at his nose “That my baby boy is a surprise.” She giggled playfully and turned to trot of his bedroom as he smiled happily up at her and followed behind her.

When they arrived downstairs they were greeted by a chorus of chirps, squeaks, and chitters by all of their animal friends that lived with them inside the cottage. The two looked at them with warm smiles and nods “Well good morning little ones, are you all hungry?” They all chittered and chirped happily letting her know they were hungry. She giggled and looked at Toby “Sweetheart, would you like to start feeding them while I go into the kitchen to fix breakfast?”

“Yes Momma I would.” He then looked at the group of critters while Fluttershy trotted into the kitchen to start preparing breakfast “Okay everyone, let’s get those bellies of yours full of something yummy to start the day.” He smiled happily at them as he walked over to the bags of food and started to dispense the correct amount of food and correct food to each of the animals.

While Fluttershy was fixing her and Toby’s morning meals, and he was feeding the remainder of the animals, there was a knock at the door. He looked up at the door wondering who could be coming to see them this early in the morning “I’ll get it Momma!” He called out and walked over to the door. As he opened it, he smiled up happily for it was the country mare, Applejack standing before him “Auntie Applejack!” He exclaimed excitedly and rushed up to hug at her foreleg.

She smirked softly and chuckled as she wrapped her free foreleg around him to return the hug. She looked down at him “Howdy sugarcube, and how is my little rascal of a nephew doing on this fine morning?” She reached her hoof up to ruffle at the boy’s hair.

He giggled “I’m doing good Auntie Applejack, I was just feeding the animals while Momma is making us breakfast.” He smiled up at her warmly.

“Sweetheart who was at the… oh… um good morning Applejack.” Fluttershy gave a light pink blush as she trotted into the living room “Um… it’s good to see you…. um would you like to have breakfast with me and Toby?” She gave a warm smile.

“Well, that’s a mighty nice off Fluttershy, but Ah just wanted to to come and speak with the little feller for a little bit if that’s alright though.” Applejack looked at Fluttershy curiously “Ah just want to ask his opinion on something.”

The yellow pegasus nodded “Um… of course Applejack, you and Toby can talk.” She gave the country mare a warm smile and then looked down at Toby “Breakfast will be ready when you’re done talking with your Aunt Applejack, okay Toby?” She nuzzled the top of his head and turned to trot back into the kitchen.

Applejack smiled at the two and cleared her throat “If it’s alright with you sugarcube, let’s go outside to talk.” She motioned him to follow her outside and he complied.

They stepped outside into the cool, calm morning air and Applejack led him to the side of the cottage. He looked up at her curiously “Auntie Applejack, what would you like to ask me?”

She sat down on her haunches beside him and placed a hoof on his shoulder “Well Toby, Ah wanted to ask if ya knew if ya and your mom are going to be busy today, specifically this evening?” She rubbed at his shoulder.

He shook his head softly “I don’t think so Auntie Applejack. The only place Momma said we might go is to the market to get some fruit and vegetables.” He looked up at her with a smile.

Applejack nodded softly and ruffled his hair “Well sugarcube, do ya think ya could keep your mother busy for today until evening? Ah ask this, because your papa wants to surprise her by taking her out for a wonderful night together.” She smirked softly.

“That sounds great Auntie Applejack!” He smiled brightly “Momma is going to love Papa Big Mac doing that for her. I promise not to tell her Auntie Applejack, it will be our secret.” He let out a happy giggle.

She chuckled along with him “That’s my nephew. Ah’ll go and check up on Big Mac, because he also wants to get a few extra surprises to make this an unforgettable night for your mother.” She ruffled at his hair “Now ya go eat some breakfast, ya hear me sugarcube?” She nuzzled at his nose playfully “Oh, before Ah forget Toby, ask Fluttershy if she could wear her dress she wore to the Grand Galloping Gala.” She gave him a wink and trotted away a few feet before waving a hoof to the child.

He returned the wave “Bye Aunt Applejack!”He smiled happily and turned to walk back into the cottage as the aroma of a freshly cooked breakfast wafted through the home. He sighed warmly and a smile crept across his face as he walked back into the kitchen “That smells good Momma, what did you fix?” He walked over to the kitchen table and climbed up into the chair.

The pegasus trotted over to the table with a tray on her back “Well sweetie, I’ve made us both some scrambled eggs with toast and jelly, and a two glasses of orange juice.” She gave him a warm smile and placed the tray on the table. As she handed him plate and placed hers on the table she looked at him curiously “Um… what did your Aunt Applejack want sweetheart?” She gave him a warm smile.

As he prepared to bite into his food he looked at her with a soft smile “She just wanted to talk to me for a little bit Momma. She wanted to tell me that my big sisters were planning on going on a campout this weekend in Whitetail Woods." He let out a small giggle and started to eat at his food.

Fluttershy laughed softly as well “Um… that indeed does sound interesting.” She smiled warmly as she took a bite out of her eggs and drunk at her orange juice. She looked up from her plate to see him eating at his breakfast “Is your eggs and toast good Toby?”

He chewed at his eggs as he looked at her with a warm smile. He swallowed the bite before speaking “Oh yes Momma they are very good. I always enjoy your cooking.” He giggled softly as he ate a bite out of his toast.

I know I shouldn’t lie to Momma, but Auntie Applejack told me not to tell her about the surprise Papa Big Mac has for her. I can’t wait to see how Momma reacts when he comes to take her out for the evening.

While trotting through town, Applejack decided to make a stop by the Carousel Boutique to visit Rarity. Approaching the fashionista’s home and business she sighed heavily Ah hope Rarity has Big Mac’s suit ready for him. My brother has been planning this date with Fluttershy ever since they returned home from the Crystal Empire. She trotted up to the door and reached up a hoof to knock at it.

“Coming!” Applejack chuckled softly as she could hear the regal voice of her friend as the door opened with Rarity’s blue aura surrounding it. Rarity gave her a warm smile as she saw standing in the doorway “Ah.. good morning Applejack darling, what brings you by my humble abode today?” She stepped aside to allow Applejack to enter.

“Well sugarcube, Ah came to see if ya have that suit for Big Mac ready? Ya remember him planning to take Fluttershy out on a date, don’t ya?” She looked at Rarity with a quirked eyebrow.

The unicorn chuckled “Oh of course I remember dear, and yes I’ve completed his suit. Come with me darling, I believe that you’ll certainly approve of it.” She gave a gleeful smile as she trotted ahead motioning for Applejack to follow.

Once they reached Rarity’s bedroom and trotted inside a beaming smile spread across her muzzle “Well darling, what do you think?” She stretched out her hoof to motion toward her newest design.

It was an all black tux with a red interior. The collar and lapel were both red as well and on the hips of the tuxedo was two small diamond encrusted designs in the form of Big Mac’s cutie mark. Pride and satisfaction for her outfit swept through Rarity’s heart as she looked at Applejack with a hopeful smile that the country mare liked it.

“Sugarcube, Ah think you’ve outdone with yourself with this suit and Ah really like it. Ah think Big Mac is going to love it, thank you Rares.” She gave Rarity a big smile and wrapped a foreleg around her neck in a hug.

“You’re welcome dear.” She patted Applejack’s back softly before they broke the hug “Now tell me Applejack, where does Big Mac plan on taking Fluttershy for dinner?” She wiggled her eyebrows in a curious manner.

“Well, he wants to do something simple yet still romantic at the same time. So Ah suggested to him take her to the top of the hill overlooking the park and they could enjoy a nice picnic underneath the stars.” She turned her head slightly with a blush on her cheeks.

Rarity clapped her hooves together “My, that sounds like a marvelous idea indeed Applejack. I wonder what our darling little nephew Toby thinks about his momma and papa going out on a date.” She tapped at her chin and grinned softly.

“Ah think the little feller is truly happy to know that his momma and papa are together. He deserves to have a loving family after all he’s been through.” Rarity nodded in agreement and Applejack tipped her hat “Well Rares, Ah’m gonna go and take the suit to Big Mac and also Ah’m gonna help him pick out a nice hoof ring to give to her.”

“Oh, that sounds like a wonderful gift for Fluttershy.” Rarity beamed as she levitated the suit over to Applejack “Now you take this to your brother darling, and I’m going downstairs to fix me some nice, fresh mint tea.” She giggled lightly as Applejack nodded, tipped her hat, and took the suit. As they trotted back downstairs, Rarity opened the door for Applejack and both waved a hoof to each other.

I sure do hope the two dears will have a marvelous evening together.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac was finishing up bucking the remaining apple trees when Applejack trotted up to him “Howdy big brother, how are ya doing?” She gave him a smirk.

Big Mac stopped for a second and reached up to wipe away the sweat from his brow. He panted softly “Just finishing up these last couple trees sis.” A chuckle escaped his lips as he watched her carrying his suit on her back “Oh, is that mah suit Miss Rarity made for me?”

Applejack nodded “Yes it is and Ah think she done a mighty fine job on it. However, why don’t ya stop bucking for now and lets go get ya ready for your date tonight with Fluttershy.” She gave a chuckle of her own and led the way toward their house with Big Mac following in tow.

Later that night

Toby was reading a book in the Daring Do Series when he could hear hoofsteps coming down the stairs. He turned to look and saw his mom trotting down dressed beautifully in her Grand Galloping Gala dress. He placed his book down on the nightstand beside the sofa and carefully got up to walk over to her “Oh Momma, you look so pretty!” He spoke proudly and smiled up at her brightly.

A rosy blush formed on her cheeks “Um… thank you sweetheart, but why on Equestria would you want me to wear my dress for?” She smiled warmly down at him when of a sudden there was a knock at the door. A curious look formed on her face as she looked at the door, and then back down at him “Toby sweetie, is there something you aren’t telling me?”

He blushed and giggled “Momma, it’s a surprise, but I think you’re going to like it.” He smiled up at her and walked over to the door to open it. As he did Big Mac was standing strong and proud with his mane combed back, dressed handsomely in his tuxedo, and on his back was a bouquet of a dozen red roses and what appeared to be a heart-shaped box. Toby looked up at him “Oh Papa Big Mac, you look great!” He stepped aside to let the stallion in, along with Applejack who trotted in behind him.

Big Mac gave a bow of his head “Well thank ya my big man.” He reached up a hoof to ruffle at the boy’s hair and lifted his gaze up to look at Fluttershy “Well my, my, my Miss Fluttershy, you are looking mighty beautiful this evening.” He gave a warm smile as he reached behind him at the bouquet and box “These are for ya my love.”

Her cheeks turned a little redder at the compliment “Oh… my Big Mac...um… thank you. Um… and you look… um… quite handsome yourself tonight.” She let out a little squeak of shyness and very gently took the roses and box “Um…. thank you very much Big Mac… but… um… what is this all about?” She looked around each at Toby, Big Mac, and Applejack. She trotted over to place the bouquet carefully on the nightstand “I’ll put these in a vase of fresh water later.” She turned back to the three.

Toby swallowed softly “Well Momma, Papa Big Mac wanted to take you out for the evening and Aunt Applejack wanted me to keep it a secret.” He then looked up at the country mare “Isn’t that right Aunt Applejack?” He smiled and blushed.

Applejack simply chuckled and ruffled his hair gently “That’s right sugarcube.” She tipped her hat and looked at Fluttershy “Ah promise you won’t be disappointed with what mah big brother has in store for you Fluttershy. That bouquet and box of chocolates are just a couple of a few more surprises he has for you.” She smirked proudly and turned to wink at the stallion before turning back to the pegasus “Ah’ll look after Toby while yall are out having a darn good night.”

Fluttershy looked between the three with a warm smile on her face, on the verge of tears, but she took in a deep breath and exhaled to prevent herself from crying. “Um… I… I really don’t know what to say… but… this certainly is a wonderful surprise.” She trotted up to Big Mac and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Big Mac blushed, but cleared his throat “Well mah lady, are ya ready to have a wonderful evening?” He gave a soft grin as she replied with a nod. The two then trotted to the door and Big Mac stepped aside and gave a bow “Ladies first Miss Fluttershy.”

Before exiting the cottage, she turned toward Toby “You be good for your Aunt Applejack sweetheart and don’t stay up too late.” She trotted up to him and kissed the top of his head “Thank you my precious little one for keeping such a wonderful surprise a secret.”

He giggled and smiled softly up at her “You’re welcome Momma, and don’t worry, I’ll be good for Aunt Applejack. You and Papa Big Mac have a good night tonight, I love you.” He gave her a gentle hug around her foreleg which she returned.

“I love you too Toby.” She nuzzled the top of his head and looked at Applejack “Just watch after him and make sure he gets to sleep on time.”

Applejack wrapped a foreleg around the child’s shoulders “Don’t worry Flutters, the little feller and Ah will be alright. Now you two go on and enjoy yourselves.” She tipped her hat and smirked.

Fluttershy nodded and turned to trot toward Big Mac “Ready honey?” She blushed and let out a little giggle.

“Eeyup!” Big Mac grinned as the shy pegasus trotted out ahead of him and he followed behind, and the two made their way toward Ponyville Park.

Once they arrived at the hilltop Fluttershy gasped at the sight she beheld. On the ground laid a nice, sizeable sheet with a red and white checkered design. She also saw that there was a straw picnic basket on top of the sheet with plates already set out. On those plates were to freshly made salads, two glasses of sparkling apple cider, and there was a candle set as the centerpiece.

“Oh… my Big Mac… this… this is beautiful!” She placed a hoof to her chest in awe at the thought and time that must have went into him setting this all up.

“Only the best for a mare as lovely and beautiful as ya Miss Fluttershy.” He lifted her hoof with his and gave it a kiss “Come mah lady, let’s take a seat.” The two trotted to the layout and sat down on the haunches “Ah hope ya like the view Miss Fluttershy.” He tilted his head up for her to see that Princess Luna’s moon was full and it showered the park with it’s warm glow.

“It’s very beautiful Big Mac… um… but you really didn’t have to do all this for me.” She gave him a warm smile as she started to eat at her food.

Big Mac just gave her a warm smile “Ah wanted to though Miss Fluttershy, because ya deserve it for being not only a beautiful mare, but an amazing mother to our son.” He then began to eat at his salad.

While they ate, they couldn’t help but look into each other’s eyes from time to time as they shared a gaze of warmth and love for one another. Fluttershy looked up at the moon illuminating the evening sky and at how it lit the park up with just the right amount of light. Her heart fluttered with joy with what the stallion has done for her “This is indeed a wonderful night Big Mac, thank you.” She gave him a warm smile.

“No need to thank me at all Miss Fluttershy, but there is one more thing.” He reached a hoof into the left side of his tux and pulled out a burgundy velvet ladened box . He then held it in his hoof “Ah know Ah already asked ya to marry me Miss Fluttershy, but Ah didn’t have this to present to you. Ah just wanted to make it right.” He used his other hoof to very carefully lift the top of the box open.

Fluttershy gasped as she saw a golden hoof ring inside. It had a golden ring, and instead of a normal diamond in the middle of it, it had three diamonds in the center, each the shape of a butterfly. They were also the same color as her cutie mark “Oh… my Big Mac, it’s beautiful… but… how…” She was gently shushed by him placing a hoof tenderly against her muzzle.

“Don’t worry about the cost of it Miss Fluttershy, because a beautiful mare such as yourself is well worth it.” He gave a tender smile and gently lifted her hoof in his. He took the ring out of it’s box, and slowly slid it onto her hoof.

She couldn’t hold back her tears any longer as she looked into his eyes deeply “Oh Big Mac, I love you!” She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and he returned the hug by wrapping his around her back.

“Ah love you too Miss Fluttershy!” Then the two pressed their muzzles together and shared a kiss of passion, warmth, and true love. The light of Luna’s moon glowed warmly down upon the couple as they shared a romantic evening with one another.

As they returned to her home Applejack was sitting on the sofa enjoying a good book. She watched as the two trotted in with them holding each other by their forelegs “Well Ah would guess that yall had a good night tonight?” She smirked.

“Oh yes we did Applejack. Big Mac certainly is a great gentlecolt.” She looked at him blushingly, and then back at Applejack “How was Toby?”

“The little feller is sleeping nice and sound in his bed. Ah didn’t have no problem at all, he is such a good boy, that ya shouldn’t ever have to worry about him being looked after by me or any of the girls.” She gave Fluttershy a wink “Well Ah’ll go on ahead and start the way home. Just come when you’re ready brother.” She tipped her hat to the two and trotted out of the cottage.

Fluttershy turned to Big Mac “This was indeed one of the best nights I’ve ever had Big Mac. Thank you so much for the dinner, the ring, but most importantly your love.” She winked and pressed her muzzle against his in a loving kiss.

Big Mac grinned ear from ear “Ah had the best night too Miss Fluttershy. Thank you also for loving me and allowing me the chance to show you a good time.” He pressed his muzzle against hers returning the kiss.

She trotted with him to the door “Goodnight my strong and gentle stallion, I love you!”

“Goodnight my kind and beautiful mare, Ah love you too!” With a bow of his head, he slowly turned around and trotted down the dirt path, over the small bridge, and made his way toward Sweet Apple Acres.

Fluttershy carefully shut the door and let out a heavy sigh of joy. A warm smile crept across her muzzle as she trotted upstairs and stopped by Toby’s bedroom before going to hers. She opened the door to see him sleeping peacefully “Goodnight my precious little one, and thank you.” She whispered as she placed a hoof to her lips and blew him a goodnight kiss.

She trotted across the hall into her room and before going over to her bed she went to her dresser. She reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill. Placing the quill between her teeth she started to write.

Dear Mom and Dad,

This is your daughter Fluttershy, and I just wanted to write to you both since I haven’t spoken to you in such a long time. As you know I’m one of the six Elements of Harmony, the Element of Kindness, and I’ve been busy as of late helping to protect Equestria, but also taking care of all my animal friends. But I didn’t write to tell you about that, but I wanted to invite you to come to my home in Ponyville.

You see mom and dad, I met this stallion, his name is Big Mac and he is such a gentle and kind soul. Don’t be mad, but a couple months ago, he asked me to marry him and I said yes. Now I know you two might be thinking that I’m crazy in wanting to marry somepony, but he is truly a great guy and I think you two will love him.

Also, this will come to you both as a shock maybe, but I would like to congratulate you two on being first time grandparents. That’s right, a couple years ago, I adopted a child, a colt to call my own and he has been such a blessing in my life. His name is Toby, he is nine years old, and he is a human.

Now don’t be quick to react or think that a pony adopting a human is crazy, because he is such a wonderful and precious little boy mom and dad. I can’t tell you how much joy he has brought me ever since I found him. Yes I found him, but I don’t want to you tell about all that has happened to him in this letter. I just hope you two will come to visit us, get to know Big Mac, and especially get to know Toby. I promise you will love him, you will love both of them.

I hope you two will be able to come, I would love to see and talk to you again.

P.S. I will ask Princess Celestia if she could send you two train tickets in this letter. I love you mom and dad!

Your little butterfly,


After finishing writing the letter, she folded it in half and placed it on her dresser I’ll mail it in the morning. She smiled warmly and trotted over to her bed, climbed inside, and crawled under the covers. With a sigh of warmth escaped her lips she slowly closed her eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Best night ever.

Author's Note:

Don't worry, I'm still going to work on Heart of Diamonds and Dream Come True, but this came to my mind the other day, and I had to write it down. This is the first of three parts of Big Mac and Fluttershy's relationship before the wedding, which all would lead up to A New Home 4 :twilightsmile:. Next, it looks like that we will be meeting Fluttershy's parents :pinkiegasp: