• Published 23rd Sep 2014
  • 4,911 Views, 103 Comments

Kindness & Strength - APoeticHeart

Fluttershy and Big Mac begin their relationship toward marriage.

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Chapter Two: Meeting the Parents

After a romantic evening with her soon to be mate a week ago, Fluttershy awoke before Princess Celestia’s sun had the chance to fully rise and light up the morning sky. She looked out her bedroom window to see the sky was still a deep blue with the faint touch of light starting to form. With a smile across her muzzle, she exited her room and headed downstairs, making sure to trot lightly so not wake her son up this time of morning.

She looked around the living room to see that no creature was stirring, happy that her animals were all still sleeping. A sigh of relief escaped her lips I’ll feed my animal friends when the time comes, but first I got to see what to do first to prepare for mom and dad’s visit. I’m so excited for them to meet my soon to be mate Big Mac, and their grandson. I just hope dad won’t be too skeptical of him, because he can be judgmental at times, but I know he just worries about me. She trotted into the kitchen as she calmly shook away her thoughts for the time being.

I just have to be careful of the time I spend tidying up here so Toby and I won’t be late picking them up from the train station. She looked around the kitchen to see what do first and spotted a small bucket she had sitting next to the pantry door. With a nod to herself, she trotted over and retrieved the bucket to take over to the sink. She turned on both the hot and cold water faucets to begin filling it up, adding some lemon dish soap to it.

She took in a deep breath and exhaled Now then, time to start cleaning and get this place looking spick and span.

As time passed, Celestia’s sun rose to bring on the morning and the light drifted in through the window of Toby. The young child could feel the blanket of warmth wash over him as he let out a slight yawn and blinked his eyes open. He climbed out of his bed and stretched out his arms as he peeked out of the window It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day today again.

He walked over to the small dresser that he had in his room and pulled out a pair of clothes to wear for the day. In one drawer there were several different hoodies of different colors that Rarity created for him during his time in his new home of Equestria. They ranged from his usual red hoodie to blue, orange, and brown.

He chose to wear the orange hoody for the day as he pulled it out and closed the draw back. He opened the one below it where there were pairs of matching jogging pants to go along with the hoodies. After he got his clothes for the day, he exited his room and walked across to the bathroom to get dressed.

Dressed for the day, he left the bathroom with his pajamas folded neatly in a pile and walked back across to his room to place them in the drawer with a few other sets of pajamas. After closing his pajama drawer, he left his bedroom and walked downstairs to find something for breakfast.

Once he arrived he saw all of the animals were already enjoying their morning meals “Good morning everyone.” He greeted them with a warm smile, in which they responded with their usual chirps, squeaks, and chitters. Soon he could smell something sweet, yet lemony coming from the kitchen Hm.. Momma must be fixing something sweet for breakfast. He cleared his thoughts as he walked into the kitchen to see Fluttershy standing at the stove “Good morning Momma.” He smiled happily.

She turned her head as she was finishing up adding some cut up strawberries and blueberries to the oatmeal. She gave her son a warm smile “Good morning sweetie.” She placed the pot onto the counter and trotted over to him, giving him a kiss on his forehead “Did you sleep well last night Toby?” She wrapped a foreleg around his shoulders and pulled him in for a hug.

He sighed warmly in the hug and returned the hug around her neck “Yes Momma I did.” He looked up at her with a big smile and took another sniff of breakfast “Mm… breakfast smells good Momma, what are you cooking?”

She lets out a slight giggle as he sniffs at the air “I decided to fix your favorite, but with a little twist. It’s oatmeal with milk and honey, but I decided to mix in some strawberries and blueberries. Is that okay sweetheart?” She stroked at his hair tenderly with a hoof.

“That sounds yummy Momma!” He smiled brightly, but looked at her curiously “Are you going to eat some too Momma?” He reached up and hug at the hoof that stroked at his hair.

“Of course dear, I fixed myself some eggs with toast, butter, and jam.” She moved her hoof down to stroke at her cheek.

He blushed at the stroke of his cheek as she gently removed her hoof to go fix his bowl for him. He walked over and climbed up in the chair at the table, where he could smell the scent of lemon. A soft sigh escaped his lips “Mm.. Momma, why does it smell nice like lemons in here?”

She hovered slightly above the floor, carrying her plate in one hoof and his bowl in the other. After placing them on the table she gave him a warm smile “Well sweetie, I was doing some cleaning before you woke up, because today my mom and dad, your grandparents are coming for a visit.” Her smile grew into a blushing one.

He looked at her happily, yet curiously “Really Momma? I have a grandma and grandpa?”

She nodded, but a heavy sigh escaped her lips “Yes honey you do, but I want to apologize for not telling you about them. You aren’t mad at me, are you Toby?” She gave a little frown, feeling guilty for not telling her son about his grandparents.

He gave her a soft smile “I’m not mad at you Momma, but do you think they will like me? You know, since I’m not a pony?” He lowered his head a bit and took a bite of his oatmeal.

Fluttershy’s heart ached at the weary in his tone, but reached out to stroke at his free hand “Oh Toby, please don’t think like that. Of course mom and dad will like you. They will absolutely adore you, I promise.” She gave him a warm, reassuring smile.

“Okay Momma, thank you.” He spoke after swallowing his bite of oatmeal, and then went back to eating at his breakfast. Fluttershy gave him a soft nod and started to eat at hers as well.

After breakfast, Fluttershy washed the dishes and placed them on the counter to dry. She turned to her son who climbed off the kitchen chair “Are you ready sweetheart to go meet your grandparents?” She gave him a warm smile and he nodded “Would you like to walk or ride on my back Toby?” She nuzzled at his cheek.

He blushed and giggled as he looked up at her “I think I’ll walk Momma. I can’t wait to meet my new grandma and grandpa!” He beamed excitedly as Fluttershy let out a light-hearted laugh. The two exited the kitchen and went into the living room.

They greeted all the critters with a warm smile as Fluttershy cleared her throat “Alright all my animal friends, I want you all to try and keep this place nice and clean. We are having special guests come visit today and I want you all on your best behavior.” They all chittered and chirped in understanding.

Angel hopped up to his caretaker and friend as she rubbed between his ears “Angel, now you be on your best behavior as well. Now you’re in charge, okay?” The bunny would chitter and salute with a paw.

Fluttershy and Toby turned to exit the cottage “We’ll back soon my animal friends.” She looked back at the critters and waved a hoof as Toby waved a hand. The left their home and began their trek toward the train station.

Chugging it’s way along the railroad track toward the Ponyville Train Station was the Friendship Express with a few passengers on board. Two of them were seated next to the window, a pegasus mare and an earth pony stallion as they looked out at the beautiful scenery as the train passed by. A soft sigh escaped the lips of the mare as a smile of warmth crept across her muzzle.

Her coat was a smooth coat of cyan blue, the same shade of cyan as Rainbow Dash, but just a bit darker. The feathers of her wings were perfectly preened as she had them tucked in snugged. Her eyes were a stunning and calm spring yellow, and they possessed the same warmth which Fluttershy’s had. She had a smooth, flowing mane and tail in the same style as Fluttershy, but it was a darker shade of pink than hers, like a magenta color. Finally, there was a picture of a honey jar with three tiny bees fluttering above the lid as her cutie mark.

“Oh Iron honey, I can’t wait to see our beautiful daughter!” She beamed as she looked over at the stallion and held his hoof in both of hers.

The stallion known as Iron Badge had a thick orange coat, but the fur was nice and smooth like the mare’s. His mane was short like a military cut and was a rich golden yellow along with his tail. His were ice blue, and for his cutie mark, he bared a badge with two silhouettes of guard ponies on each side.

“I know Honey Dew darling, I’m looking forward to seeing Fluttershy again. It’s been such a long time since we’ve seen her. However, I’m not too sure about meeting this human that she has come to adopt or this stallion that supposed to be her husband.” He patted at her hoof and let out a heavy sigh.

Honey Dew shook her head lightly at her husband’s comment “Well, I’m happy to get to meet my future son-in-law, and especially my grandson! I don’t care if he is human or not Iron, our daughter really loves him as a son, and I think we should love him too.” She gave him a hopeful smile.

He sighed heavily “I don’t know sweetheart, I guess I’ll give it a try. I just don’t want our daughter getting hurt by this future stallion of hers or ridiculed by other ponies for having a child that is a non-pony.” He looked at her with worry.

“Oh Iron, sometimes I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.” She shook her head and kissed his cheek “I’m sure Fluttershy wouldn’t have written us with such joy in the tone of her letter if something was wrong. Now stop being a worry wart and be happy for our little butterfly, because we’ll pulling up to the station now.” She pointed a hoof to signal that the train was coming to a slow and steady stop.

As they waited for the train to stop, Toby looked up at his mom “Momma, where does Grandma and Grandpa live?” He had an arm wrapped around her foreleg in a hug.

She smiled warmly down at him and laid a wing of his back “Well sweetheart, your grandparents live in the town of Trottingham. It’s a small village where the ponies help raise cattle to produce fresh milk that is delivered all around Equestria. Your grandma works as a beekeeper there and when the time is right she collects the honey from their hives and puts it in jars. That honey I put in your oatmeal all the time is mom’s honey.” She let out a giggle and stroked at his back with her wing.

“Oh that sounds so neat Momma! How about grandpa,what does he do?” His curiousness along with his excitement to hear about his grandparents grew.

Fluttershy simply smiled and giggled softly at her son’s joy. She nuzzled the top of his head “Your grandpa is the sheriff pony Trottingham sweetie. He makes sure that there is peace in the village, but if there are any crimes that happens, he makes sure to catch the bad ponies that commit those crimes and bring them to justice. However, crimes rarely ever happen here in Equestria, but he is always prepared when they do occur.” She looked up to see the train stop with a toot of the horn.

Fluttershy beamed as the passenger doors opened and out trotted a few passengers before she saw her parents exit the train. She beamed with joy “Mom, Dad over here!” She reached up her free foreleg that Toby wasn’t hugging and waved in the air.

Honey Dew and Iron Badge smiled collectively as they seen their daughter waving toward them “There she is Iron and she has grown into such a beautiful young mare.” Honey beamed happily as she hooked her foreleg with Iron’s and both waved back.

“Yes she has my love.” He smiled warmly at his wife “Go greet her and I’ll get our luggage.” He gave her a kiss on her muzzle and unhooked his foreleg from hers and trotted toward the the rear of the train to collect their baggage.

Honey Dew trotted toward Fluttershy and Toby “Hey my beautiful butterfly!” She smiled brightly as she gave her daughter a warm,big hug with her forelegs around her neck “I’ve missed you so much Fluttershy!” She had tears of joy forming in her eyes.

Toby carefully stepped aside to let mother and daughter share their moment as he smiled softly at the sight Momma looks like grandma a lot, except their coats, manes and tails, and eyes are different colors, but she is very pretty.

“I’ve missed you too Mom!” Fluttershy hugged Honey Dew back around the neck and both nuzzled each other with their cheeks. After breaking the hug she beamed at her mom “Mom, I’d like to meet my special little one.” She looked to the side and motioned for Toby to come to her “Mom, I would like for you to meet my precious and wonderful son, Toby. Toby this is Honey Dew, your grandmother.” She smiled warmly down at him and back at her mom.

He gave a wave of his hand “Hi grandma, I’m Toby!” He looked up at her with a soft smile.

She immediately gasped and her eyes lit up as she laid them upon her new grandson “Aww… Fluttershy, he is absolutely adorable!” She pressed her hooves together in joy, and then opened them “Come here pumpkin, let your grandma give you a hug!” She beamed and waved her hooves, motioning for him to come to her.

Toby looked up at Fluttershy who gave him a nod of reassurance and he walked forward, only to be swallowed up in a big, warm embrace from Honey Dew. She would lay her chin on his shoulder “Aren’t you just the cutest little thing I ever did meet?!” She nuzzled his cheek, causing the child to blush.

He giggled “Thank you grandma. You are very pretty just like Momma.” He lifted his head back to give her a soft smile.

Fluttershy blushed “Well sweetheart, I do get my looks from my mom.” She reached a hoof to rub at his back warmly.

Honey Dew released her embrace on Toby after a couple minutes and stroked at the top of his head “I’m so happy to meet you Toby, and I hope I’ll be a great grandmother for you.” She gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Soon Iron Hoof came trotting up to the three and looked at Fluttershy first “How about giving your old man a hug?” He put their baggage down as Fluttershy trotted up to him and hugged at his neck tightly.

“Hey dad, I’ve missed you!” She smiled happily and kissed at his cheek “How have you been? You haven’t been working too hard in Trottingham have you?” She pulled back and looked at him with a little concern.

Iron simply chuckled “Ha… me overworking myself, never. I’m just as fine and dandy as when I was a young colt, so don’t worry about me sugarplum.” He gave her a reassuring smile “Now, where is this grandson of mine?” He gave a smirk and looked around.

Fluttershy giggled as she silently motioned for Toby to come over and Honey Dew gave the child a soft nod. Toby walked over to his mom “Here he is Dad. I would like to introduce to your grandson, Toby.” She wrapped a hoof around his shoulders as Iron turned fully around to look.

Once he looked down to notice Toby, a look of curiously etched across his face “Oh, well hello there young lad.” He gave the child a smirk and a pat on the head.

Toby giggled and blush as he looked up at the stallion “Hi grandpa!”He said happily and walked back over to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy smiled warmly down at him and kissed the top of his head. She looked at her parents “How about we go take your luggage to our home first, then we can go get something to eat? I’m sure you two must be hungry after a long train ride.” She looked down at Toby “Sweetheart, if it isn’t too much trouble would you like to help carry your grandma’s luggage and I will get dad’s?” She stroked at the top of his head.

He looked up at her and nodded “Oh okay Momma.” He gave her a soft smile and walked over to Iron Badge “I’ll take grandma’s luggage for you grandpa.” He gently took Honey’s luggage by the handle and lifted it up to his side.

Iron smiled softly down at him “Well thank you my lad.” He ruffled at Toby’s head with a hoof. Although he was being nice toward Toby on the outside, a constant and worrisome thought kept streaming through his mind He doesn’t seem too dangerous like the humans I read about in that book back home, but I better just keep my eye on him to make sure he doesn’t try to bring any harm to my daughter.

“Well that is truly sweet of you my own little honey bee!” Honey Dew gently nuzzled Toby’s cheek.

Fluttershy had her dad’s luggage on her back “Well, let’s go to the cottage, and then we can go get something for lunch.” She gave a warm smile to the three and they exited the train station to head toward the cottage.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac was watering the last bit of crops so they can be nourished by the sun. He smiled proudly at all the hard work he performed since the crack of dawn. He carried the hose back into the barn and hung it up over the hook nailed into the barn wall. While he exited the barn he could see Fluttershy along with his son, and her parents trotting up the hill toward the farm.

“Hi Papa Big Mac!” Toby said happily as he ran up to the red stallion and gave him a hug by laying his arms up against his chest.

He chuckled and wrapped a foreleg around Toby’s back. He smiled warmly down at him “Hey there big guy, how are you doing?” He reached up and ruffled at his hair.

Toby giggled and smiled up at him warmly “I’m doing good Papa Big Mac, how are you?” He released the hug and stood by his side.

“Ah'm doing alright buddy.” He chuckled again and looked up to see Fluttershy “Howdy Miss Fluttershy, good afternoon to you.” He gave a blushing smile.

Fluttershy blushed “Hello Big Mac, you know you don’t have to call me Miss Fluttershy anymore.” She giggled and cleared her throat “Big Mac, I would like for you to meet my parents.” She motioned toward the two with her wing “My mom, Honey Dew, and my dad, Iron Badge.” She then looked at her parents “Mom, Dad, I would like for you two to meet my soon to be husband, Big Macintosh Apple.” She beamed with joy.

Big Mac bowed his head and cleared his “Good afternoon Mister Iron Badge and Miss Honey Dew, it is an honor to meet ya both. Ah am Big Macintosh, and welcome to my home of Sweet Apple Acres.” He gave them a warm smile, but inside his heart was beating like a drum being in the presence of his future wife’s parents.

“Well my fine fellow, it is great to meet you too. I can sense that you have a good head on your shoulders and also by the looks of your farm here, you’re a hard worker. I like that in stallions.” Iron gave Big Mac a smirk and reached out his hoof as Big Mach reached out his they both shook.

“And you certainly are a handsome catch too.” Honey Dew giggled and blushed as she winked at Fluttershy “Don’t let this one get away Fluttershy, he certainly is a gentlecolt too showing such great manners.” She gave both of them a warm smile as Iron simply rolled his eyes at his wife’s giddiness.

Fluttershy giggled “Don’t worry Mom, I don’t plan on letting him go. We love each other and we love our dear son.” She turned to look down at Toby who stood between the two and they wrapped both forelegs around his shoulders.

He is a fine stallion indeed and for my daughter, he is perfect I can say. However, I’m still unsure why she would choose to adopt a non-pony for a son instead of a normal colt or filly. I’m going to have to have a talk with her about it alone. Iron let his thoughts dissipate as he looked at Big Mac “Well my future son-in-law, what do you say about giving us a tour around your farm?”

“Alright Mister Iron Badge, Ah would be more than happy to.” A proud smile crept across Big Mac’s muzzle “Follow me and Ah’ll take ya both to the apple orchard first where we grow our own fresh, juicy apples.” They nodded in agreement as Fluttershy leaned down for Toby to climb up onto her back. The five exited the barn and started their way to the orchard.

After taking them through the entirety of the ranch, Big Mac led the group back to the Apples’ home “Well Mr. and Mrs. Shy, what did yall think of Sweet Apple Acres?” He gave a hopeful smile.

“Well my boy, like I said before, I see that you and your family are hard working, but after experiencing all that you do, I can say that is an understatement. You and your family have done very well for yourselves with this farm and you all should be proud of yourselves.” Iron patted Big Mac on his back “And by the way Big Mac, no need to call me Mister. Dad would be just fine with me.” He chuckled.

Big Mac chuckled in return “Well shucks, haha… thanks Dad.” He then looked at Honey Dew “And what did ya think of the farm Miss Honey Dew?”

“Now, now dear, just like my sugar dumpling, you don’t have to call me Miss either. You can just call me mom, and your farm is absolutely beautiful and I am very proud of the hard work that you and your family have put into it.” Honey Dew gave him a warm smile and patted at his cheek.

Big Mac couldn’t help but blush at the comments made by both of Fluttershy’s parents about the farm “Thanks.. Mom!” He smiled proudly and turned to face his house “Ah would introduce you to the rest of the Apple clan, but they went to visit my little sister’s cousin and her family in Manehatten.”

“I hope Aunt Applejack, Granny Smith, and Big Sister Applebloom have fun visiting Babs Seed.” Toby smiled happily as he sat on Fluttershy’s back.

Iron Badge couldn’t help but look at the child curiously Aunt? Big Sister? Gosh, even Fluttershy’s friends it seems to have come to consider this creature about of their family. He cleared his throat “Fluttershy my dear, could I maybe speak to you for a minute in private?”

A look of confusion swept across Fluttershy’s face “Um… okay Dad.’ She leaned down for Toby to climb off her back and gave him a kiss on the forehead “We’ll be right back sweetheat. You just stay here with your papa and grandma okay?”

Toby smiled up at her softly “Okay Momma.” He walked over to join Honey Dew and Big Mac.

“Yall can go talk in the house if yall would like to.” Big Mac opened the door for them and they nodded as they trotted inside.

Iron Badge looked up and around the homey place of the Apples “Well, it sure does feel cozy and welcoming in here, if I do say so myself.” He breathed in the fresh air of the home and exhaled.

Fluttershy nodded in agreement “Yes, Applejack and her family’s home is always welcoming.” She then looked at her dad nervously “Dad, what is it that you would like to talk about? If it’s about Big Mac and I getting married, I’m sorry but…” She felt him gently place a hoof against her lips.

“No my dear, it’s not that. I quite like Big Mac, and I’m happy that you chose a hard working and noble stallion to marry.” He gave her a warm, reassuring smile.

She reached up with a hoof to scratch at the back of her head “Well Dad, if it isn’t about Big Mac or us getting married,then what is this about?” She looked at him confused.

Iron turned his head to the side and let out a heavy sigh “I’m just going to be frank about this dear, but why in the world of Equestria would you adopt a creature that is not a pony? I mean why couldn’t you adopt a real colt or filly instead of this human.” He turned to look at her and saw a look of pure shock on her face.

She gasped and placed a hoof against her chest “Is that what this is all about? Me adopting Toby as my son and him not being a pony?!” Her tone rose a bit “Dad, why would you ask me such a question like that? I thought you liked Toby or it seemed that way when you and Mom arrived.” She placed her hoof on the floor and looked at him disapprovingly.

He closed his eyes and took in yet another deep breath, and exhaled. He looked at her worriedly “I do dear, it’s just I’m afraid of what he will become when he grows up. You see Fluttershy, I’ve read about humans once your mom and I received your letter, and they are told to be cruel to animals. They slaughter them and use them as sources of food, clothes, and other uses.”

Outside, Big Mac, Toby, and Honey Dew were sharing some apple cider together out in the back at the barn when they could hear what sounded like fussing coming from the kitchen door. Big Mac swallowed at his glass before putting it down on the table they sat at outside “Hey you two, Ah’ll be back, Ah am going to go see what’s happening.”

“Okay Papa Big Mac, me and grandma will be here.” He smiled up at him and then at Honey who stroked at his hair gently with a hoof.

Big Mac nodded and trotted toward the house. Once he entered the kitchen he could see Fluttershy on the verge of tears, but with a scowl on her muzzle “Hey now, what’s going on with ya two?” He looked at both worriedly and confused.

‘Tell him dad, tell your future son-in-law how you feel that our son, your grandson is a danger to us!” She turned her head and a couple tears fell to the floor.

Big Mac looked at his mate confused and then at Iron Badge who reached out a hoof to her “Oh sugar plum, it’s nothing like that, I promise. I’m just concerned for you, and what I’ve read about these humans, I just don’t want that happen to you.”

“Excuse me Mister Iron Badge… er… Ah mean Dad, but Toby isn’t anything like that. He is a very caring, respectful, and kind human child. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.” He gave a proud smile but frowned as he looked at Fluttershy. He trotted over to her and wrapped his forelegs around her “Shh.. calm down Fluttershy, your dad is just showing some concern, but Ah know he doesn’t mean to judge Toby like that, do ya Dad?” He looked at Iron Badge with a hopeful smile.

He shook his head “Of course not dear, I just think it probably would be best if you would’ve adopted a colt or filly instead. It would be much easier on you two if there are two ponies with a child that is actually a pony and not a foreign creature.”

Fluttershy gasped and lifted her head from against Big Mac’s chest and looked at her father with disappointment “What?!”

The yell caused Honey Dew to jump a bit Oh gosh, what is going on in there? She turned to look at Toby “Hey honey, how about you stay here and I’ll be right back? I’m going to go see what your momma and grandpa is talking about, okay?” She gave him a warm smile.

He nodded as a little worried look formed in his eyes “Okay grandma, I’ll stay out here.” She smiled warmly at him and then trotted to the house.

As he sat outside for a few minutes, Toby grew extremely concerned of what was happening with his new grandpa and his Momma. Being curious, he got up from the table and carefully walked toward the house. When he got close enough, he quietly snuck to the side of the kitchen door to listen to what the adults were talking about.

“Iron Badge, I’m truly appalled that you would speak of such a precious child like Toby in that manner.” Honey Dew shook her head disapprovingly “So what if when he grows up to be an older human, I’m sure he would keep that same kindness and care in him that he greeted us at the train station.”

Toby smiled softly to himself as he heard his grandmother’s words about him, but what he heard next would shatter his heart.

“Honey dear, I don’t mean to judge the boy in any harsh way, but if our daughter would have adopted a colt or filly, then maybe I wouldn’t have to worry so much about her maybe getting hurt.”

Grandpa thinks I’ll hurt Momma, because I’m a human. I would never hurt Momma, I love her. Toby felt tears form in his eyes as he slowly opened the door and spoke out shakily “S-so you don’t like me, do you grandpa?” His little lips quivered as the room fell silent and the others gasped at seeing the child.

“Oh young lad, no it’s not that. I like you Toby, it’s. just…” He was cut off with gently as the boy raised a hand.

“I-It’s okay grandpa, I understand.” He looked toward Fluttershy “I-I’m sorry Momma, that I’m not a pony.” He let go of the door and he ran from the house up the dirt path.

“TOBY!” Fluttershy cried out and then turned toward Iron Badge “See what you did now Dad! I hope you are proud of yourself!” She said angrily as fresh hot tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at Big Mac “Big Mac dear, I got…” He gently silenced her with a hoof on her lips.

“Don’t worry my love, you go comfort our son and I’ll talk to your father.” Fluttershy gave a tearful and sad smile as she galloped out of the house in search of her heartbroken son. Big Mac turned toward Iron and Honey “Dad, ya might want to take a seat and listen to me. Ah got to tell ya about how Fluttershy found Toby and how he came to be apart of our family.”

Honey Dew just stood there appalled, disappointed, and sad “I can’t believe you said that Iron! How could you break a child’s heart like that? Who cares if he is not a pony, he is still a child, and needs a loving family in his life.” She shook her head disapprovingly as she took a seat at the table and looked at Big Mac “Okay Big Mac, tell us Toby’s story. Come sit dear!” She turned to Iron and pointed at the seat next to her.

Iron sighed heavily and trotted next to his wife who bore a hole through him.

Outside away from the house Toby was sitting up against the base of an apple tree with his knees hugged to his chest and his head buried in his lap. He shook with sobs Why would grandpa or Mister Iron Badge say stuff like that about me? I could never hurt Momma, Papa, or any of my family. I love them all so much and I just want them to love me. He continued to cry until he heard the voice of his mother.

“Toby sweetheart, where are you?” Fluttershy was trotting through the row of apple trees looking for him Oh dear, where could he be at? How could dad say those awful things about my precious little one? I know his heart is in the right place, worrying about me, but sometimes he makes me so mad at him, being overprotective. Her thoughts disappeared as she could hear sobbing. She trotted in the direction of the sobbing until she found Toby sitting at the base of the tree.

Her heart broke at seeing her son like this as she carefully trotted and sat down beside him. She wrapped a wing around his shaking form and pulled him gently into her side. She leaned her head down to nuzzle at the top of his head “Shh… shh…. sweetheart, please don’t cry.” She rubbed at his back soothingly with her wing.

He slowly lifted his head up from his lap to look up at her, tears flowing freely down his cheeks. He sniffled “M-Momma, why did grandpa say those things about me? I won’t ever want to hurt you Momma, I love you!” He reached out his arms and hugged at her side.

Fluttershy felt tears of her own form in her eyes as she hugged him with her wing and kissed the top of his head “Shh… I love you too sweetheart. I know you won’t ever hurt me Toby, my dad is sometimes just overprotective of me though, but what he said was not true at all.”

He lifted his head up, his tears calming down a little and he sniffled “Really Momma?” He gave a hopeful smile.

She gave him a warm, reassuring one as she stroked his hair with her free hoof “Of course Toby. You are my son, and as I’ve told you before, no matter if you are a pony or not, you will always be my precious little one, and I’ll always love you with all my heart!” She kissed his forehead and he hugged her again at her side. She returned the hug and they shared it for a few moments.

Suddenly Iron Badge, along with Honey Dew and Big Mac trotted over to the tree. A look of guilt was etched on Iron’s face as he saw the child snuggled up to his mother sniffling. A heavy sigh escaped his lips “Fluttershy dear, Toby, could I maybe sit with you?”

Fluttershy looked at him apprehensively, but nodded “Yes dad you can.” Her and Toby moved over to make room for him as the other two sat on the side of the tree.

Iron sat down and took in a deep breath “My beautiful daughter, I would like to apologize for those cruel things I’ve said about you adopting this precious child.” He reached over and gently patted Toby on the side.”And Toby my lad, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive an old pony for such harsh words. I shouldn’t have been so quick to judge you by just what I’ve read in some books. I’m truly sorry to both of you.” He looked at his daughter and his new grandson with a hopeful yet sad smile.

Fluttershy reached up with one foreleg to hug at him around his neck while keeping the other wrapped around the child “Oh dad, I forgive you.” She allowed a couple tears to flow down her cheeks and kissed at his cheek.

Toby gently stood up and walked over to him,, and gave him a gentle hug around a foreleg. He looked up at him with a soft smile and sniffled “I forgive you too grandpa. I love you, and I would never hurt Momma or any of my family.”

Iron felt tears sting at his eyes as he wrapped a foreleg around Toby “I know Toby, and I love you too my grandson!” He spoke proudly and rubbed his hoof up and down the child’s back.

Honey Dew’s heart melted at the sight and sighed happily. She looked at Big Mac, and then at her daughter “I’m proud of you Iron dear. Now, you know what this means since your father and I are here my beautiful butterfly?” She looked at Fluttershy.

“What is that mom?” She asked curiously yet with a soft smile on her muzzle.

Honey trotted up to her and hugged her warmly “This means that it’s time for us to plan for you and my future son-in-law’s wedding!” She beamed and a joyful laugh was shared among the five.

With Iron Badge forgiven, and him accepting Toby as his grandson, the five sat atop of the hill where the apple tree was. A smile of warmth and joy was etched on each of their faces as they looked out at the horizon to watch the slow descent of Celestia’s sun.