• Published 12th Oct 2014
  • 9,745 Views, 1,206 Comments

Cold Days and Warm Hearts - moguera

Story 7 of the Savage Skies series. After the tumultuous first few months of Dawn Lightwing's stay in Ponyville, he settles in to spend the autumn and winter with his new family and friends.

  • ...

Compliments of the Season

Chapter 13: Compliments of the Season

Gleeful laughter echoed through the expanse of Whitetail Woods as Scootaloo danced back and forth between the trees. Her wings and hooves worked in rhythmic movements that kept her suspended mere inches above the snow. At one point, she kicked downward, throwing her shoulders over and going into an airborne cartwheel just in time to pull her haunches out of the way of a snowball that went whistling past.

As she went through the spin, Scootaloo dipped the tips of the primaries of one wing into the snow, scooping a small amount of it up and transferring it quickly to her hooves. Resuming normal flight, Scootaloo worked the snow in her hooves into an orb. Picking out her target in the eddies and swirls of air between the trees, Scootaloo took aim, hefted the snowball into the air and used a flick of her wing to propel it in the direction of her opponent.

Dawn twisted his body into a roll, bringing up a wing and using a cushion of air to catch the snowball as it came hurtling towards him. A second later, the projectile was arrowing back towards Scootaloo faster than her eyes would have been able to track. Scootaloo responded by going into a spin, catching the ball with a current of air that redirected its momentum and sent it whipping around her body and back at Dawn.

Meanwhile, Dawn was in the process of making another snowball himself. He imitated Scootaloo's move, sweeping the incoming snowball into an air current of his own. Just before he launched it back at the filly, he added his own one and fired both of them at slightly different velocities. Scootaloo, not quite ready to try and catch both at the same time, squealed as one of the snowballs burst against her mane, though the other missed and spattered across the trunk of a nearby tree.

Their movement carried them into a snow-covered clearing. When Scootaloo was half-across it, Dawn came bursting from the tree line. Scootaloo went into another roll, sweeping a wing across the ground, the wind lifting up a large wave of snow and launching it at Dawn. Dawn turned sideways and tilted his wing so that it was perpendicular to the ground, aligning the feathers like the blade of a large knife. Swinging it downwards, he created a vacuum blade that split the wave of snow in front of him, allowing him to dart through the opening he created. However, just behind the wave of snow, two snowballs were following. One exploded across Dawn's forehead, while the other hit his shoulder.

It took a quick shake of his head for Dawn to clear the snow from his eyes and Scootaloo was already following up her original attack with more. They were quickly diverted by the winds that Dawn summoned and sent spiraling off to one side. As the distraction cleared, Dawn suddenly realized that Scootaloo had gotten very close to him.

Scootaloo had been trying to close the distance in order to limit Dawn's window of opportunity to react to her attacks. Unfortunately, she'd misjudged the distance slightly and had ended up getting too close. The snowballs she'd been about to launch went flying off in random directions as she accidentally tackled Dawn, knocking the breath from both their lungs and sending the two of them tumbling down the ground, sending up a spray of white powder as their bodies dug a trench through the snow. Once Scootaloo recovered her senses, she realized that she was laying on top of Dawn, the ebony colt sprawled out beneath her, looking just as disoriented as she had felt.

"Heh! Sorry," said Scootaloo, blushing slightly with embarrassment.


Scootaloo blinked and looked down at Dawn. She realized that he was blushing harder than she had ever seen him blush before. "Dawn? Are you okay?”

She was thrown onto her own back as Dawn abruptly shot out from under her, the gust from his wings causing Scootaloo to overbalance and flop back down. “Ouch! What they hay!” Rubbing her bruised behind, Scootaloo got back on her hooves, shooting a confused and frustrated look at Dawn, whose wings were fluttering erratically, even as he refused to meet her eyes. The poor colt looked as though his cheeks were about to catch fire.
 “Dawn?” Scootaloo blinked and stared. Dawn simply…ducked his head, allowing a small portion of his mane to hide one of his eyes. Yep. Fluttershy’s his mom alright. “Dawn…what’s the matter?”

“I…I’m sorry,” said Dawn, his voice nearly a whisper.

Scootaloo was shocked. Who the hay are you and what have you done with Dawn? He’d seemed fine when they’d met up earlier. Their play/sparring session had started up without the slightest problem. Okay…she might have noticed Dawn blushing more often than usual whenever she looked at him for a little too long. They were special someponies, but it felt like somepony had set the clock back by a couple months and made then Dawn into the ultra-shy colt that had been crushing on her. It was weird as all get out.

I can’t think of anything that’s really changed, she thought for a moment. Just the other day, they’d had that sleepover in the quinzhee. Then they’d gone their separate ways and Dawn had promised to talk to his folks about…Oh…

So that was it. Dawn had gotten The Talk from his parents, or at least one of them. Now he was in that same awkward state of mind that Scootaloo and the other foals had been in briefly before the novelty of staying in a warm shelter that was paradoxically made out of snow had wiped that from their minds. It was probably worse for Dawn since, as far as Scootaloo knew, Dawn had never had to wrestle with those kinds of feelings before, not even when they’d actually gotten together as a couple.

Cautiously, Scootaloo inched closer to her suddenly nervous coltfriend. “I guess you talked to your folks then.”

Dawn nodded slowly, still unable to bring himself to meet Scootaloo’s eyes. Scootaloo couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh Dawn. It’s not a big deal, you know.”

Dawn blinked and finally lifted his eyes to look at her. “I suppose not…But, when I get close to you, I can’t help but start thinking about it.” He shivered. “I know we’re not ready for anything like that, but I can’t help but notice the things I used to overlook so easily in the past. It feels like something’s changed.”

“Nothing’s changed!” snapped Scootaloo. Now that she was within arm’s reach of Dawn, she caught his shoulders with her forehooves and forcefully turned him to face her. “Dawn, I like you. The fact that you weren’t thinking about me that way doesn’t change that. The fact that you are now…” She paused, her own cheeks flaring. “Okay…maybe that changes things a little bit.” She couldn’t help but admit that part of her was flattered that Dawn hadn’t been consciously looking at her that way when they’d first started their relationship. Even though they were both at that age where colts and fillies started to get a little bit frisky, it was reassuring for Scootaloo to realize how little her…appeal…mattered to her coltfriend when it came to his feelings for her in contrast to the things that made him truly care for her.

“The point is,” she continued, “we both know that we’ve got a loooong way to go before we try anything like that. Where we are now is just fine and we don’t need to do anything differently.”

“I know that,” said Dawn, trying to avert his gaze again, although Scootaloo simply put a hoof to his muzzle and forced him to continue looking at her, “I just…Whenever I’m close to you, those thoughts, those feelings, I can’t ignore them.”

I guess it’s true what they say, thought Scootaloo wryly, Ignorance is bliss. “You’re right,” said Scootaloo with a smile, leaning forward to bring their foreheads together, “But you shouldn’t ignore them. The important thing is that you don’t let those feelings control you, right?”

Dawn nodded.

Scootaloo’s lips widened in a smile. “Then maybe what we need is for you to get used to those feelings so that they don’t drive you up the wall whenever I’m less than a foot away.”

“What are you suggesting?” asked Dawn, his tone surprisingly nervous.

Scootaloo couldn’t help but giggle as her wings fluttered. She couldn’t help it. She liked Dawn nervous. It was cute as hay. “What I’m saying is that we should approach it like training,” she said slyly, “We need to practice being close like this until your used to it again. Sound like a plan?”

Dawn nodded slowly and Scootaloo’s smile turned into a grin. “Good,” she said, “‘cause our training starts now.”

She backed away just enough to give her and Dawn room to tilt their muzzles back up before Scootaloo pulled him into a kiss, holding him tightly and refusing to let him back away. Through the hooves she had on Dawn’s shoulders, she could feel the wings on his back practically quivering with nervous energy. I think I’m gonna like this training.

A festive atmosphere was sweeping over Ponyville as Hearth's Warming approached. Throughout the streets, ponies were hanging up colorful garlands, fragrant wreaths, and hanging ornaments and lights from the branches of trees. With Twilight Sparkle's organizational experience, the process of transforming the town for the upcoming holiday was running smoothly and efficiently. Already, the sounds of the occasional carol could be heard as ponies sung or hummed through their work. Several local stores saw an upsweep in business as ponies flooded in to purchase presents for their friends and relatives. Houses and the local inn were beginning to fill up as relatives came in from out of town to participate in the holiday with their families.

Amongst the crowds of ponies arriving at the train station, a particular pair of cloaked ponies attracted no extra attention to themselves as they stepped off the platform and made their way through the streets, slowly heading in the direction of Ponyville's library and Twilight's home

"I take it that nothing bad happened with Sweetie Belle and her coltfriend," said Flaxseed as he set out a teacup in front of Rarity, who took it with a grateful nod and sipped daintily from it.

Rarity nodded, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she remembered the utter spectacle she'd made of herself when Sweetie Belle had first broached the topic of the sleepover the other day. She'd spent the evening in a tizzy while Flaxseed found himself in the strange position of having to keep her calm and stop her from rushing off every hour to go check on Sweetie.

"Yes," said Rarity, who couldn't have been more relieved when Sweetie came back the next day and claimed that nothing had happened (which Arkenstone had already confirmed for her). "I have to apologize darling," she said, looking up at Flaxseed, "I'm afraid that you saw a rather unappealing side to me that evening."

"Seeing as you have much greater exposure to my unappealing side, I can't exactly complain," replied Flaxseed wryly.

"Please don' be like that," pleaded Rarity, "This was completely different. I should have trusted Sweetie Belle, especially when I know that Rumble is a perfect gentlecolt who would never do something like that with her at such a young age." She sighed. "I just get so wrapped up in an idea that, before I realize it, I've gotten completely carried away. I'm afraid poor Sweetie was utterly mortified with me when she left."

"She seemed fine when she got back," said Flaxseed, "So I don't think she holds it against you. Besides, from the sound of things, it seems that the others got similar talks from their families."

"I suppose," agreed Rarity, taking another sip from her cup, "By the way, did you have any plans for the holiday?"

Flaxseed froze, his own cup halfway between the table and his mouth. "I..." he said, as though fishing for the right words to use, "...No...nothing."

"I see..." Rarity frowned slightly and looked across the table at her houseguest/live-in employee. "I don't suppose I could convince you to come to Canterlot with the rest of us for the pageant."

The nervous, sweating look on Flaxseed's face betrayed his thoughts all too well. Though Canterlot should have, ironically, been the safest place in Equestria from the Cult Solar, the mere idea of mingling with so many ponies, many of whom had come from far and wide to see the Canterlot pageant, was unpleasantly daunting to the gold-colored stallion, who was still trying to get used to the idea of stepping beyond the Carousel Boutique's front door on his own.

"I'm sorry," said Rarity quickly, "I was just presenting the idea. I wouldn't dream of pressuring you to come if you don't feel up to it."

"Well..." said Flaxseed slowly. It wasn't so much that he was against the idea...okay, maybe he was. He desperately wanted to say yes. He knew that Rarity and her other friends would be there, as would Sweetie and the rest of the foals. But thinking about those crowds...Flaxseed's legs began to shiver.

Rarity got up and carefully made her way around the table to Flaxseed's side. Slowly, she moved a comforting hoof up to the stallion's back and slowly began to run it up and down his spine. "Shh dear, it's alright. There's no need to force yourself to do something you're not comfortable with yet." She sighed. "I was just worried that you might get lonely here, all by yourself, since Sweetie and I will both be going up to participate in the pageant."

In fact, they would be up there for over a week, arriving three days before for rehearsals, before spending a week in the Palace to celebrate the season with the Princesses. There was even going to be a Winter Gala, a smaller, less formal counterpart to the Grand Galloping Gala. Because the Winter Gala was by personal invitation of the Princesses only, there was little risk that any of the nobles vying for control of Twilight Sparkle or members of the Cult Solar would be there.

"It wouldn't be the first time," said Flaxseed with a tone of resigned acceptance. After all, he'd been on his own most of the time since he'd fled for his life from his parents' house. Since then, there had only been one other time that he'd felt safe enough to open his heart and trust another pony, but he didn't want to think about that now. That he felt so safe and secure in the Carousel Boutique with Rarity and Sweetie Belle, even though they both knew about his eyes said a great deal for how far he had come. It helped that nearly all of Ponyville, or the ponies that he'd met so far, seemed to be on his side as well. Flaxseed was beginning to feel that he really could be safe here.

"If you're sure," said Rarity softly, still gently rubbing Flaxseed's back, "If you want or need anything before we leave, feel free to let me know. I'll do my best to help."

"Thank you," said Flaxseed softly.

Setting down her teacup, rarity dabbed her lips daintily with a napkin. "I'm terribly sorry to leave you with the dishes, but I need to get back to work on a dress I'm preparing for a client."

"Is it somepony important?" asked Flaxseed.

"Well, she's not a celebrity, if you're asking," said Rarity with a smile, "But I still intend to do my best work for her all the same. Fortunately, she won't be coming to pick it up until after Hearth's Warming, so I have plenty of time. But whatever I can get done now will go a long ways towards helping me later."

"Alright then," said Flaxseed softly. He finished his own cup of tea and took both cups along with the pot to the sink. Washing them was easy. Once he'd left them to dry, Flaxseed looked forward to returning to his room and catching up on his reading. Twilight had been kind enough to loan him an adventure novel from the library. Moving as frequently as he had had left Flaxseed with little opportunity for leisure reading, so it was nice to start that habit again.

In spite of the fact that Sweetie Belle and Rarity would be out of town for the holiday, Flaxseed couldn't shake the optimistic feeling he had that this would be the first Hearth's Warming in a long time that he'd actually be able to enjoy.

Sadly, Flaxseed's plans were interrupted by a pounding from the front door. Probably another prospective customer, he thought. He initially thought to let Rarity handle it, but realized she might not be able to hear the knocking over the sound of her sewing machine. Besides, it was good practice for him to work on his socializing. As long as I don't let myself panic, I'll be fine.

He carefully trotted across the showroom floor and pulled the door open. His carefully worded greeting died on his lips at the sight of the pony who stood outside. The mare was tall and willowy, with a natural grace that had probably swept more than a few stallions off their hooves. She was an absolute stunner from her light-blue horn to the immaculate strands of silvery mane.

"Who are you?" gasped Flaxseed, his initial greeting forgotten by the sight that had almost literally stollen his breath away.

"I'm fine, thanks. Who are you?" She gave Flaxseed a cheeky grin.

The wording of her response threw him for a loop, but not as much as the sound of a stallion's tenor coming from a mare's mouth. "I'm fine too," answered Flaxseed reflexively.

"Ah wonderful," said the mare(?) as she moved forward, Flaxseed stepping to the side to allow her to pass without a thought of protest, "I must admit, this place seems every bit as fashionable as I'd heard about."

"Um...forgive me for asking," said Flaxseed, "But-"

"Stallion," replied the other pony before he could finish asking.


"I'm a stallion. That's what you were about to ask, right?"

Wordlessly, Flaxseed nodded. "You must get that question a lot then."

The strangely effeminate stallion nodded in agreement. "Quite. My name is Arcana Lulamoon. And you are...?"

"Uh...Flaxseed," said the gold-colored stallion, "Can I help you?"

"Ah well, I was looking for the proprietor of this establishment," said Arcana, "I believe she is one Miss Rarity. I would like to speak to her about a com-"


Flaxseed jumped as Rarity's voice practically roared out from behind him. He whirled around with a squeak to see that Rarity was staring with startling intensity...right past him at the figure of Arcana, framed in the doorway.

"I beg your pardon?" said Arcana with a curious tone.

"You!" repeated Rarity, her tone not softening in the slightest, "You're perfect!"

Now it was Arcana's turn to look completely flummoxed. "Huh?"

"So, them apples ain't ripe yet?" asked Applejack as she eyed the book that Twilight had shown her speculatively.

"At least, not according to this," said Twilight, "It's hard to say because this is the first time that wintersilk apples are being grown domestically. But it appears that the signs we're supposed to be waiting for are for the skin to turn completely white with just the tiniest hint of blue."

"Then we take 'em down," said Applejack, nodding.

"That's right," agreed Twilight, "I'll be over in a little bit to cast those stasis spells on the barrels you're using to store them. That should allow the apples to keep fresh for around a month."

"Thank ya kindly fer agreein' to do that Twi," said Applejack with a smile, "Ah want to do some experimentin' with them apples to see what they're good fer. Ah've got a few ideas, but Ah don't want the whole crop to go bad while Ah'm workin' on them."

"Oooh!" squealed Twilight, taking on a bright grin that would put Pinkie Pie to shame, "An experiment! I love experiments. What kind of things are you trying?"

"Well, Ah'm lookin' at a good hard cider to start with," said Applejack, "Ah'm also gonna take advantage 'o the season to try some freeze distillin' and makin' mah namesake."

"I've never actually had applejack before," mused Twilight, "But drinking hasn't really been my thing."

Applejack grinned and chuckled. "Remind me to invite ya out to the barn one 'o these evenin's. Rainbow and Ah sometimes meet up fer a nip 'o the bottle once and a while. That'd be a good time to try out some new stuff. Maybe we should invite the rest 'o the girls while we're at it."

"Sounds like a plan to me," said Twilight, nodding in agreement.

They were about to continue their discussion when a series of low thuds sounded from the door.

"Ugh!" groaned Twilight, planting her face against the library's table, "How many times do I have to tell ponies that they don't have to knock during business hours?" She gave her friend an apologetic look. "Sorry Applejack, I'll get it. It's probably somepony from the garland team. They probably got another tangle they need me to sort out."

Twilight walked to the door and opened it, her business face already in place as she prepared for whatever issue she was going to be asked to iron out. However, her eyes widened in shock when she realized that the pony who stood at the threshold was not one of the ponies who had been working on decorations. It wasn't even a Ponyville resident.

The mare before her was draped in a plain brown cloak that seemed barely sufficient to ward off the chill. Beneath the folds and cowl of the garment, Twilight could barely make out a pale-blue coat, along with a few matted strands of a silvery mane. Recognition was almost immediate. "Trixie!"

Trixie Lulamoon shied away from the sound of her name. "H-hello Twilight Sparkle. Trix-I have come to take you up on your offer to visit."

"Is that Trixie?" asked Applejack as she came up behind Twilight.

At the sight of the orange earth pony she had humiliated at one point, Trixie quailed and backed away slightly.

"Whoa there now," said Applejack in a surprisingly calm tone, "Everthin's alright Trixie, ya ain't got nothin' to worry about."

"She's right," agreed Twilight, "Please, come in."

Trixie nodded hesitantly and stepped through the doorway so that Twilight could close the door behind her. Twilight took her cloak from her and hung it on a peg by the door. Applejack let out a startled gasp at Trixie's state. "Land sakes girl, ya look like ya've been through Tartarus."

Twilight nodded in agreement. Trixie looked much as she had the last time Twilight had seen her, thin and bedraggled. "I take it your brother's been working you hard."

"Yes," replied Trixie, "Although things have been a bit harder since my training began.

"How so?" asked Twilight.

Before Trixie could answer, Applejack jumped in with her own question. "Did yer brother come with ya to Ponyville?"

"He did," said Trixie, "But he said to go on ahead to the library while he took care of some business with your friend, Rarity."

"Rarity?" Twilight raised a confused eyebrow. "What does Arcana want with Rarity?"

"I don't know," admitted Trixie, "My brother has no use for clothes. I doubt he even really needs his cloak. He never seems to be cold, even without it. I think he just likes it because he thinks it makes him look mysterious."

"That sounds like Arcana," muttered Twilight. She sighed. "Something tells me that we should go see what he's up to."

"Are you sure?" asked Trixie, "I don't know that he wanted anypony else to interfere."

"It's fine," said Twilight. She went to the door and donned her own scarf and winter coat for the short walk to the boutique, slipping on her boots as well. Behind her, Applejack was doing the same. With a sigh, Trixie decided to join them and reared up on her hind legs to pull her cloak off its peg. A few minutes later, the three of them were out to the door and heading to the Carousel Boutique.

The bell above the door let out a soft ring as the group stepped through. "Rarity," Twilight called across the empty showroom floor, "Are you here?"

"Of course I am," Rarity called back, "Over here dear."

Following the sound of Rarity's voice, Twilight led the others to the door to the back room. Opening the door, Twilight peered in and her jaw dropped. "What the...?"

"Twi?" Applejack sidled up behind her. "What's wrong sugarcube?"

Wordlessly, Twilight opened the door all the way and stepped into Rarity's workroom so that Applejack and Trixie could come in behind her.

Arcana stood on one of the pedestals Rarity used for fitting, wearing a beautiful violet dress that glittered with tiny diamond fragments. Twilight wasn't sure what baffled her more, the fact that Arcana looked completely at ease in the dress, or the fact that it made him look positively stunning.

"Wha-what are you doing?" demanded Twilight, unable to believe your eyes.

"Wait a second," said Applejack, her eyes narrowing, "With those colors, its clear yer Trixie's family, but Ah thought she had a brother."

"I am her brother," replied Arcana, completely nonchalantly.

Applejack was struck dumb as her jaw dropped all the way to the floor.

"What are you doing?" Twilight repeated, still staring with wide eyes.

"I think it would be obvious," said Rarity as she stepped out from Arcana's other side, a few pins and a tape measure hovering around her, "The moment I laid eyes on him, I knew he was destined to wear one of my designs."

"But a dress?" exclaimed Twilight, stunned that Rarity was doing this to Arcana, even though it was apparent that she already knew he was a stallion.

"Of course," said Rarity, humming thoughtfully as she examined her work, "I couldn't help it. The moment I laid eyes on him I was inspired. It was practically meant to be...I don't know. What do you think, darling?" She levitated over a mirror so that Arcana could see himself.

"Hmm," mused the pale-blue stallion thoughtfully, "I'd say slim down the skirt and train...and maybe raise the hemline by another couple of inches."

Rarity's eyes widened and her horn sparked. "Why yes, of course! What was I thinking, trying to hide your form with frills? Your figure should be on full display."

Twilight's jaw worked soundlessly as she tried to figure out what to say. Finally, she let out a defeated sigh. "You know what, I'm done. I give up. Let's go." She turned and left, using her magic to draw a poleaxed Applejack with her. Trixie followed the two of them silently, letting the door swing shut behind them.

Rarity and Arcana watched them go. "Why whatever is the matter with them?" asked Rarity.

"Beats me," said Arcana with a shrug, "I can't help it if I make this look good."

"Maybe we should pretend we didn't see that," suggested Applejack lamely as they got back to the library.

"That sounds like a plan," agreed Twilight as they hung up their winter layers again, "Can I get you girls anything to drink?"

"Cocoa sounds 'bout right," said Applejack.

"Um...I'll have the same...please...if it's alright," said Trixie.

Twilight gave Trixie a relaxed smile. "Of course it is. I'll be right back." She made her way into the kitchen and came out a few minutes later holding three mugs of steaming hot chocolate in her magical grasp.

As she set them out on the library table, Applejack reached out and immediately started taking large sips from hers. Trixie sandwiched her mug carefully between her forehooves and pulled it in front of her so that she could blow on it gently before sipping daintily from it.

Twilight frowned as she watched Trixie manipulate the mug. "Trixie, are you alright?"

"Yes," said Trixie quickly, "Why do you ask?"

"You don't seem to be using your magic," said Twilight, remembering that Trixie had used her hooves to get her cloak off the peg earlier, as well as hang it up again when they got back.

"There's nothing wrong," said Trixie quickly, "But it's part of my training to not use any of the spells I learned before."

"Why?" asked Applejack, "Just how in the hay is that magic training."

"Because you're learning to use your magic differently," said Twilight softly, connecting the dots and remembering what Trixie had shared with her during their brief conversation in Canterlot, "You're studying the Still Way, aren't you?"

"I am," said Trixie with a nod.

"Ah don't get it," said Applejack, looking between the two unicorns.

"The Still Way is the unicorn art of the Three Pillars," explained Twilight, "like the Gale King style that Dawn uses. Arky told me that it's the most difficult of the Three Pillars for a pony to learn, since a unicorn has to essentially abandon magic as they know it in order to master the style."

"Uh...Ah'm still not sure Ah get it," said Applejack, raising the brim of her hat so she could scratch her head, "But Ah wish ya the best 'o luck Trixie."

Blushing slightly, Trixie ducked her head to hide it behind her mug. "Thank you."

"So what brings ya to Ponyville?" asked Applejack.

"Just as I said earlier, I was taking advantage of Twilight Sparkle's offer to come visit." Trixie's form shrank a little more. "I also wanted to apologize to the ponies that I wronged."

"Well, Ah don't see any problem with that," said Applejack, looking at Twilight, "Ya think we could arrange things."

"Probably," agreed Twilight, "But we don't want to make too much of a spectacle out of it."

The three of them continued talking, coming up with plans that would allow Trixie to make amends for the harm that she had done.

"Feel better?" asked Scootaloo, nuzzling up against Dawn's cheek.

"Much," admitted Dawn. After their training bout and conversation in the woods, Scootaloo had brought Dawn back to her home, where the two of them could relax on the couch as they warmed up after spending so much time out in the cold. Scootaloo had also spent the time in close contact with Dawn, helping him get back to feeling comfortable around her without being too troubled by the feelings aroused by his earlier talk with Caramel. It had taken some work and Dawn was still a little tense when she tucked herself beneath his wing, but he was gradually getting used to being in Scootaloo's proximity again.

"Have you figured out what you're getting everypony for Hearth's Warming?" asked Scootaloo.

Dawn nodded. The idea of getting and giving presents was still something of a novelty for him. Still he'd gotten some help in choosing presents for his friends and family from his grandparents when they had visited. Posey had gleefully taken Dawn shopping through a variety of stores to find items that his friends would appreciate. The only remaining hurdle was whenever somepony asked him what he wanted for Hearth's Warming, a question for which Dawn continued to draw a blank.

"This is gonna be awesome," said Scootaloo excitedly, "We get to go up to the Royal Palace for over a week. We'll get to explore all the halls and rooms and find all sorts of neat stuff. We'll also get to see everypony during the pageant too. Rainbow Dash is going to be playing Commander Hurricane again."

"It certainly sounds like fun," admitted Dawn, having never actually sat through a Hearth's Warming pageant before.

The door to the living room swung open to admit Melon Cream as she shook the snow off her boots before setting them aside. While she was taking off her scarf and jacket, there was a sound of fluttering wings and Fluttershy darted inside, followed by Caramel. Behind the pair of them, Rainbow Dash swept by in a blue blur, the wind of her passing closing the door behind her.

"Hiya squirt," said Rainbow as Scootaloo immediately leapt off the couch to give her honorary big sister a hug, which Rainbow enthusiastically returned.

"I figured I'd find you here," said Melon with a sly smile as she and Caramel carried several bags worth of groceries towards the kitchen, "So I invited Dawn's parents and Rainbow over for dinner."

"That's awesome!" exclaimed Scootaloo, dropping to the floor once Rainbow released her. "We were just talking about how we're all going up to the Royal Palace. I can't wait to see Rainbow in the pageant again." She paused before grinning sheepishly. "Oh...and you too, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy giggled and brushed a hoof through Scootaloo's mane affectionately. "Thank you," she said, clearly not minding that her presence in the play was more of an afterthought in Scootaloo's mind. But then, Fluttershy had never been one for the spotlight. "What about the Winter Gala?" she asked, "Are you going to wear the same dress you wore to the Harvest Festival?"

"I don't see why not," said Scootaloo, shifting uncomfortably at the idea of wearing a dress again, even if she did like the way it seemed to affect the way Dawn looked at her, "I don't see the point of having to get a new dress every single time something like that comes around. The one I already have should be good enough."

"That's the spirit," said Rainbow, nodding in agreement. She had every intention of wearing the same dress she'd worn for her last date with Soarin' to the gala. She even hoped she might see him there, though she hadn't heard for certain if the Wonderbolts were coming to Canterlot at all.

"Ah...well...I suppose you have a point," admitted Fluttershy. She had actually been seeing Rarity in secret in order to get fitted for a new dress of her own, which she wanted to surprise Caramel with.

Scootaloo climbed back on the couch and snuggled up to Dawn once again. Fluttershy and Rainbow took seats of their own and the four of them enjoyed chatting as Caramel and Melon went to work in the kitchen, preparing dinner.

"Come in," sang Rarity as the chime from the front door rang once again, indicating the arrival of a new customer. After her fulfilling experience of being able to design a dress for Arcana Lulamoon's magnificent figure, she was feeling particularly upbeat. Trotting out to the showroom, Rarity came to a stop and stood staring at her visitor. "Oh! Twilight, you're back."

"Y-yeah," said Twilight, somewhat hesitantly, blushing and averting her eyes slightly, "Sorry about earlier."

"Think nothing of it," said Rarity with a dismissive wave of her hoof, "I can understand that the idea of a stallion allowing himself to be fitted for a dress can be somewhat...disconcerting. Where are he and Trixie, by the way?"

"Well, Trixie is going to be staying with me and Spike in the library," said Twilight, "Arkenstone said he'd allow Arcana to stay with him in the teahouse." What Twilight neglected to mention was that she wouldn't be surprised if the shop was a pile of rubble by the next morning, Arkenstone having limited faith in his ability to get along with Trixie's mercurial brother.

"That's lovely. I'm glad that Trixie's well," said Rarity, "Though, from what I saw when she came with you here, she could probably benefit from a session in the spa. That shall be our first priority with her."

"O-okay," said Twilight.

"Now then," said Rarity, "I trust you didn't come just to chat about Trixie and her brother. What can I do for you, dear?"

Twilight gulped. "Well, I was wondering if you could make a new dress for me for the Winter Gala."

"Why of course," said Rarity eagerly, "You know that I would never turn down such a request from you or the girls. I do so love the opportunity to design for you." Her eyes narrowed as she took in Twilight's mannerisms. "But there's more to it than just that, isn't there?"

"Yes," said Twilight, "Arkenstone is going to be there with me, which is why I wanted to ask you for help with this."

"I'm afraid I don't follow," said Rarity, tilting her head slightly as her ears stood upright.

Twilight sighed. "I want you to help make me beautiful for Arkenstone, in a way that he can perceive."

"What do you mean by tha-oh..." Rarity's voice trailed off as she made the connection. Arkenstone was so naturally proficient with nearly everything he did that it was easy to forget he was blind. It wouldn't matter just how much Twilight's dress caught the lights or complimented her natural colors. Arkenstone wouldn't be able to see it.

"My," said Rarity, "That certainly is a challenge. I can see why you came to me, though I'll admit that this is something I've never taken into consideration with my designs. I'm going to have to take some time to think very carefully about this."

"Of course," said Twilight, giving her friend an apologetic smile, "Take as much time as you need. I don't really have the slightest idea on how to go about this."

"I shall," said Rarity. She closed the distance between herself and Twilight and wrapped the other unicorn up in a friendly hug. "You needn't fear, darling. I shall give you my best work, I promise you that."

"Oh Rarity," said Twilight, leaning into the embrace, "I never doubted that for a second."

"Wonderful," said Rarity, pulling away, "Then I'll get started right away. I'll let you know when I need your help."

"Alright," said Twilight with a dutiful nod as she made her way to the door.

"Have a pleasant evening dear," called Rarity as Twilight left.

"You too."

The door closed and Rarity was alone with her thoughts, for the moment. Now then, she thought, tapping her chin, Where to start... Sir Arkenstone is blind, so he won't have any appreciation for visual appeal. But that doesn't mean I can afford to neglect Twilight's appearance. We must make a good impression on anypony else who is there after all. Since Arkenstone's eyes don't work, I'll need to dress Twilight to appeal to his other senses.

Touch and hearing are both good places to start, seeing as the right material can produce some pleasant noises, feel wonderful against the coat and still be fabulous to look at. Scent might be a little more tricky. From what Twilight tells me, Arkenstone relies mainly on his nose to navigate and has a very acute sense of smell. It is probably very easy to overwhelm his sense of smell as well, so nothing too strong...Hmm...Maybe a dash of scented oil worked into the cloth. That might work. As for taste...let's not dwell on that one.

Wrapped up in her pondering of Twilight's request, Rarity ambled back into her workroom and set aside the designs she had been working on earlier, instead setting about to create a new design for Twilight's dress. Dabbing a quill in ink, she worked furiously. The clean, smooth lines of the dress came naturally, but that was merely the beginning. Around the design, on the margins of the paper, Rarity was rapidly inscribing notes as she floated ideas to herself to improve the overall product.

"Rarity?" Flaxseed slowly crept into her workroom, a bit surprised to see the fashionista working so furiously, hunched over her drawing board. "Rarity?"

"Oh!" Rarity jolted upright as she suddenly realized Flaxseed's presence. "I'm terribly sorry dear. I got so wrapped up in my work that I didn't notice you come in. What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to let you know that it is getting late," said Flaxseed, "Your sister should be back soon."

"Oh my," gasped Rarity, "I completely lost track of time. I need to get started on dinner."

"I'll help however I can," said Flaxseed as he followed Rarity towards the kitchen, "I didn't realize your client was that important."

"Oh...This isn't the one I told you about earlier," explained Rarity, "You see, Twilight came to me a little bit ago with a request for me." She laid out what Twilight wanted for her.

Flaxseed's eyes widened as he learned about the challenge that Rarity had ahead of her. "That sounds very tricky," he admitted, not knowing too many particulars about clothing designs, "You certainly seem fired up about this."

"Of course!" said Rarity, striking a dramatic pose, "The more I thought about it, the more I realized how momentous this task is. Think about it. Fashion is primarily concerned with the visual aesthetic. Beyond being comfortable, and some so-called designers consider even that to be optional, most designers only really contemplate how their designs look.

"But this...this about more than simply making fashion appealing to a pony who cannot see, this is about opening an entire new dimension in art of design. It is taking fashion beyond a visual medium and opening it to all a pony's senses. I will blaze a brilliant new path and lead a revolution in the field of fabulosity!"

"My...that certainly sounds...ambitious." Flaxseed was a bit taken aback by Rarity's enthusiasm. But he supposed that this was where her passion lay, so of course she was excited about it.

Rarity, in the meantime, had once again gotten swept up in her thoughts, forgetting that she was supposed to be heading to the kitchen. "Oh my goodness. I certainly can't stop with just Twilight. This is a chance to make something special for all the other girls as well. I can't believe I've never thought about this before. Oh, I simply must get started right away!"

"Why don't we get started on dinner first," suggest Flaxseed wryly, more than a little amused by this side of Rarity, "You're going to need your strength, so we should make sure you get something to eat."

Rarity froze, realizing that she'd gotten carried away in front of her guest. "Oh...Sorry about that," she said, blushing.

Flaxseed chuckled and simply continued on toward the kitchen, Rarity following in his wake.

"That was a lovely dinner," said Fluttershy as she, Dawn, and Caramel made their way back to their home for the night.

Dawn nodded his agreement. It had also been fun to spend the evening with Scootaloo and her mother, as well as Rainbow Dash. They'd spent the evening talking about everything from their plans for Hearth's Warming, to what Rainbow expected when she fully joined the Wonderbolts in the spring. They'd talked about Scootaloo's progress with her training, while Rainbow teased the foals about the progress in their relationship. It was all good fun and Dawn looked forward to doing it again.

Right now, he was walking between Fluttershy and Caramel, the three of them staying close as they made their way across the snowy ground. They had just reached the street that would take them the rest of the way to Caramel's house when Dawn froze in place. His form seemed to double as he skipped forward a few paces, his wings spread partially and his ears turning back and forth, scanning the environment around him.

"Dawn?" Both Fluttershy and Caramel noticed his strange behavior. They kept a short distance away, both of them knowing that, if Dawn felt threatened, he would need room to maneuver. "Is something wrong?" asked Fluttershy, looking around, trying to see what had alerted her son.

Dawn frowned as he allowed his awareness to fill the space around him, extending to reach nearly thirty meters in every direction. He felt the contours of every object in his vicinity. "I could have sworn..." he said softly. He wasn't sure what he'd sensed before. It wasn't intent, or the feeling of somepony's eyes on him. But, for the briefest of instants, Dawn felt the presence of somepony who shouldn't have been there. But now, all signs of that pony were gone.

"Maybe I'm just imagining things," he said finally.

"Are you sure?" asked Caramel, sweeping his gaze across the darkened street, "We can't be too careful."

"Maybe" agreed Fluttershy, "But we might be safer back at the house. Let's go." In truth, she was feeling more than a little nervous out in the open. There was no sign of anypony, but Dawn wasn't the sort to jump at shadows, which meant that he must have sensed something. But since nothing had happened, it was probably best to simply get to a place they were fairly familiar with.

Dawn nodded and the three of them continued on their way. As they turned the corner and made their way to Caramel's house, they left the deserted area behind them. In that space, a mound of snow had been piled up against one of the houses. Once Dawn, Fluttershy, and Caramel were out of sight, that mound of snow began to shift as something stirred from beneath it. Slowly, the head and shoulders of a pegasus mare emerged, her piercing blue eyes turning to look the way Dawn and his parents had gone. The mare let out an irritable snort and began to pull herself free.

Author's Note:

Ever since I'd conceived of Arcana as a character, I'd been waiting for a chance to write a scene where Twilight walks in on him being fitted for a dress and him being completely nonchalant about it. That struck me as completely hilarious. This was because Arcana was inspired, in part, by Akari from Samurai Deeper Kyo in that he's a guy who looks so much like a girl that you wouldn't be able to tell the difference just by looking.

Yeah, that's a guy folks.

Twilight having Rarity make a dress that uses components like texture and scent to enhance her beauty in order to better appeal to Arkenstone is also something I've had in mind for a while. Not being a fashion expert myself, I can't tell if Rarity's idea is actually something all that special in the actual fashion world. But I thought it would make for an interesting idea within the context of the story. How would you dress someone up in order to appeal to someone who is blind?

Next chapter: Look who's stalking.