• Published 12th Oct 2014
  • 9,745 Views, 1,206 Comments

Cold Days and Warm Hearts - moguera

Story 7 of the Savage Skies series. After the tumultuous first few months of Dawn Lightwing's stay in Ponyville, he settles in to spend the autumn and winter with his new family and friends.

  • ...

August Assemblage

Chapter 23: August Assemblage

Everypony's eyes widened as they took in the grand vista of the Royal Palace's main ballroom, decorated with the trappings of the Winter Gala. Pale-blue ribbons and shimmering crystals ran between columns and twined about them, the crystals catching the light radiating off the chandeliers and throwing it about the cavernous room with almost wild abandon. Throughout the room, ponies dressed in a variety of outfits mingled and chatted, while others pranced about the dance floor. Soft music from a familiar quartet drifted about the room, setting a peaceful, reserved atmosphere.

Sweetie's eyes widened even further and she couldn't keep a gasp from escaping her as she recognized Octavia, standing proudly upright on stage, moving her cello's bow with long, precise motions, adding the instrument's warm, enchanting voice to the melody carried by her companions. Octavia was clad in a shimmering black dress that clung tightly to her body, showing her every movement as she swayed in time with her own music. Seemingly feeling eyes upon her, Octavia turned her attention to Sweetie and threw the filly a playful wink before returning her full attention to her playing.

The rest of the group was busy taking the sights. Rarity had to suppress the urge to yelp when she heard a familiar voice by her ear. "You and your friends resplendent tonight, Miss Rarity."

Twirling about, Rarity pressed a forehoof to her chest as she took deep, steadying breaths. "Oh! You startled me there, Fancy Pants." She managed to regain enough of her composure to give him a playful smile. "Isn't it rather poor manners to sneak up on a defenseless lady like that?"

"I'd say that too," said a familiar-looking white mare, decked out in a similarly white dress. Her flowing pink mane was unmistakable.

"Ah, Fleur! How are you faring?" asked Rarity, excitedly rushing up to embrace Fancy's wife.

Fleur de Lis laughed lightly as she returned the embrace, the two of them rising up on their hind legs to do so properly. As they hugged, Rarity could feel the bulge of Fleur's abdomen pressing against her.

"Well enough dear," said Fleur lightly as they settled back down. Her tail whipped out from beneath the wide skirts of her dress to snap playfully against Fancy's flank, drawing a yelp from Fancy as his mustache bristled, the monocle nearly popping out of his eye in surprise. "As I was saying, Fancy seems to enjoy making mares squeak. I think he likes the sounds they make when they're surprised."

"Well, you have to admit that you make the most adorable sounds when you're startled, my dearest," teased Fancy as he leaned in to nuzzle up agains her cheek.

"Hmm..." agreed Fleur in a playful tone as she leaned back out of his reach, "And the other mares?"

"Well, they do have a delightful assortment of sounds," admitted Fancy.

"You tease," chided Fleur with a laugh.

"But none nearly so wonderful as yours," quickly added Fancy as his horn lit and a faint spark of magic tweaked Fleur's ear, eliciting a delightful squeak from her.

Her elbow came up and jabbed him sharply in the ribs. "Behave," she admonished through an amused smirk.

Rarity couldn't help but giggle. Part of her adored watching the married couple bicker and play-fight. It showed the sheer depth of their love for one another that they could tease and taunt each other so easily with no ill feelings whatsoever. Rarity desperately hoped that she herself might find such a strong connection with somepony in the future.

"I take it the little one is coming along well," said Rarity. Fleur's dress had clearly been designed to hide the lines of her figure, which made a certain sort of sense. In the circles that Fleur and her husband regularly moved, even the slightest perception of weight gain, regardless of the cause, would be enough to draw ridicule. It was a terrible, disgusting truth, but a truth nonetheless.

"There aren't any complications so far," said Fleur, gently rubbing her bulge through the fabric of the dress, "Though pregnancy is no treat, let me tell you."

"I imagine the cravings you must get are...interesting," ventured Rarity, though she had no desire to find out exactly how interesting said cravings got, "The mood swings are probably difficult to cope with as well."

"Oh hardly," scoffed Fancy Pants with a chuckle, "As mercurial as she can be by default, I've hardly even noticed a difference."

That got him a cuff across the back of the head that knocked his monocle off. It took the disgruntled stallion a moment to work it back in place before he gave Rarity a playful smile. "See. Business as usual."

"Oh you," huffed Fleur, though she was clearly trying to hide a smile.

"And how are your friends faring?" asked Fancy, "Are Twilight Sparkle and Sir Arkenstone getting along well?"

"Well enough," said Rarity, "They were being irritatingly slow. However, I suspect tonight has brought their relationship a great step forward."

"Is that so?" asked Fleur, "And here I thought that Arkenstone was far too stiff to ever consider a romantic relationship."

"I think he may have reconsidered," said Rarity with no small amount of pride, "After all, the dress I made for Twilight has knocked his socks off, or so to speak."

Fancy blinked. "Dress...? But isn't Arkenstone blind?"

"Indeed," said Rarity before turning to Fleur, "I'm sure that a seasoned model like yourself noticed some things about my dress when we greeted each other."

"I did," admitted Fleur, coming in closer to run a hoof along the fabric going over Rarity's shoulder, "The fabric feels wonderful, so soft and silky...and it has a lovely scent as well."

"It was Twilight's idea," explained Rarity, "She wished to pretty herself up in a way that a blind pony like Arkenstone could appreciate. Since he can't see, I turned to looking at other options. Arkenstone 'sees' with his nose, his ears, and his hooves. Twilight's request actually opened up an entirely new dimension of fashion to me. I decided to experiment in how to bring out a pony's inner beauty, not just through visual appearance, but through texture, scent, and sound. If Arkenstone's reaction was anything to go by, I believe my efforts have paid tremendous dividends."

"Oh! That's simply wonderful!" exclaimed Fleur, clapping her hooves together, "Once my foal is born, I'll have to ask you to make one of those dresses for me. It sounds fascinating."

"I'll be happy to do that for you," said Rarity.

"Once word of this gets out, I'm sure that you'll be swarmed with orders," noted Fancy, studying Rarity's dress with academic interest.

"It's lucky then that I'll have some extra help," said Rarity. Turning her head, she let her eyes wander across the gathering until her gaze found a particular pair of mares that Rarity had known would be present. After all, the Winter Gala also served as a late after-party of sorts for the cast and crew of the pageant. Rarity used her magic to gently prod the older mare on the shoulder, drawing her attention. Once she was spotted, Rarity quickly waved her over.

"I'm sure you know Miss Lockstitch," said Rarity as the dark-red mare and her younger companion approached, "She and her apprentice are the ones behind the pageant's ensembles."

"Indeed he does know us," said Lockstitch with an easy smile, "After all, you were the one to recommend us for the job, weren't you, My Lord?"

"Please, there is no need to be so formal here," said Fancy with a casual wave, "But yes, I did put the suggestion to the Princesses that you were suited for the job. However, I had no idea that your apprentice would do such a fine job."

Coco Pommel blushed fiercely under Fancy's praise. It was already a lot for her to handle, being surrounded by such important ponies. But to have one of the Marquess's stature praising her work was almost too much to bear.

"When I return to Ponyville, Coco Pommel here will be coming with me," said Rarity proudly, "She has stated, with Miss Lockstitch's support I might add, that she wishes to finish out her apprenticeship under me."

Coco nodded eagerly, breaking into an excited smile at the prospect.

Fleur smiled and giggled at Coco's eagerness. "Then I shall wish you the best, Miss Pommel. I know that Rarity here will take good care of you. I certainly look forward to seeing your work in the future."

Coco froze, her smile breaking as she gasped in astonishment. "Oh! I...I mean...I-I'd be h-honored My Lady! I don't think anything I could make could compare to Miss Rarity's work, but..."

"Come now," said Fleur, stepping in close, causing Coco to close her mouth so quickly that her teeth clacked audibly. Fleur raised a hoof and gently brushed back the strands of Coco's mane. "There's no need indulge in such self-deprecation. Lockstitch and Rarity wouldn't speak so highly of your potential if they didn't mean it. Humility is good, so is recognizing your limits. But you also need to believe in yourself." She gave Coco a friendly, almost motherly hug, which was only enforced by the presence of the developing foal being pressed lightly between them. "I know you'll go on to do grand things."

"Thank you so much," whispered Coco, scrunching her eyes closed as she tried to stem the tide of tears welling up inside. She stepped away from Fleur, sniffling and wiping at her eyes, trying her hardest to get her feelings under control.

"There there now," said Rarity with a soft smile as she levitated a hoofkerchief and gently dabbed at Coco's eyes, "There's no need to bottle up your feelings. You are amongst friends." Rarity decided to give Coco a hug of her own as Coco continued to sob with now unrestrained happiness.

Somewhere...in the way way way way waaaaaaaaaay back of her head...but still definitely somewhere back there, Rainbow Dash knew that yawning at an event like this was a serious faux pas. But she couldn't help herself. As far as she was concerned, it was boring as hay. Sure, the music sounded nice, but it wasn't the kind of music Rainbow liked. Nor did she care about silly things like ballroom dancing or dainty treats preferred by the high-class types that frequented events like this or the insipid conversations of aristocratic stallions and mares.

Why did I agree to come to this again? she wondered to herself. She figured that a smaller, less-publicized event would have the leeway to be livelier, but it looked like that wasn't going to be the case. The Princesses should have invited DJ-Pon3. She'd shake things up.

A sigh escaped her mouth as she continued to observe the small groups of well-dressed ponies socializing and dancing throughout the ballroom. She recognized several of them as the crew and the supplemental cast of the Hearth's Warming Pageant. There were a few others as well, possibly wealthy benefactors. Fortunately, the stiffest of the stiff upper-crust ponies that had made the Grand Galloping Gala such a drag appeared to have been exempted from this particular event, which was just fine, as far as Rainbow as concerned. As it was, it seemed that there was no one interesting to talk to.

As the quartet playing up on the stage started up another song, a hoof tapped lightly on Rainbow's shoulder. "Excuse me miss, might I have this dance?"

Rainbow's whole body went rigid at the sound and teasing tone of the voice. She briefly became a cerulean blur as she spun about to face the other pony, her jaw dropping as she took in the familiar and welcome sight of the pale-blue stallion standing just slightly behind her. "Soarin'!"

Soarin', looking quite smart in his dress uniform, as always, flashed an earnest smile at Rainbow. "Hey there. I thought you were looking kinda bored. We could-" The rest of his sentence was lost as Rainbow slammed into him, knocking Soarin' off his hooves and sending them crashing into the wall behind him. The stallion opened his mouth to grunt in pain as his back collided harshly with the unyielding marble, but even that was silenced as Rainbow's own mouth crashed against his in an intense kiss that made all thoughts of pain fade from Soarin's head as he returned the kiss with equal enthusiasm and wrapped his hooves around Rainbow, holding her tightly to him.

When their mouths finally parted, Soarin' was gasping for breath, in part because of the kiss's intensity, but also because slamming into the wall had knocked the wind out of him and Rainbow had denied him the chance to get it back. However, he didn't hold it against her and instead pulled her up against himself, resting his chin against her shoulder so that their necks were pressed together. He savored the warmth of her presence even as his hooves explored the fabric of her dress, which brushed against him like faint wisps of woven cirrus cloud. Inhaling deeply, he reveled in Rainbow's scent, which mingled with the faint smell of freshly-fallen rain.

"I missed you," he said softly.

"I missed you too," said Rainbow, finally pulling back far enough for them to look each other in the eyes, "What are you doing here?"

"The Princesses invited the Wonderbolts to the Winter Gala," explained Soarin' with a grin.

"Really! So Spitfire and the others are here?" asked Rainbow, grinning like a filly.

Chuckling, Soarin' nodded. "And a few other ponies besides. Some of them are quite eager to meet you."

They finally let go of each other so they could settle back on their hooves. "Really?" asked Rainbow, canting her head, "Who else besides the Wonderbolts would want to meet me?" She found it hard to imagine any of the stuffed shirts who usually frequented events like this wanting to have anything to do with her.

"Come on," said Soarin', draping a wing over her back, "I'll show you. I think you're gonna like them." He led Rainbow away from the ballroom and towards one of the adjoining chambers.

"What about that dance?" asked Rainbow.

Soarin' favored her with a playful grin. "We'll have it later. The night is young after all."

Twilight couldn't quite keep the blush from her face as she and Arkenstone entered the ballroom. Looking about, Twilight tried to pin down some familiar faces, even as she eyed the dance floor with interest. Dancing with Steel Flint at his little social event had been a hideously uncomfortable experience. But, perhaps, dancing with Arkenstone would be much more appealing. As it was, the beige stallion seemed glued to her side, continuing to explore and indulge in the textures of her dress with his barrel and haunches. Though she was a bit uncomfortable with the two of them showing their affection so publicly, Twilight couldn't help but feeling triumphant in that her plan had worked out so well. The dress Rarity had made for her was apparently holding the normally unshakable Knight spellbound.

"There you two are. I was worried when your friends showed up without you." Cadance grinned cheerfully as she and Shining Armor trotted up to join them.

"Well...we just got a bit...caught up," said Twilight, her blush deepening.

"Oh?" Shining's own grin became mischievous as he looked at the two of them, "What did the two of you get caught up doing, hmmm?"

"Stop that, you," chided Cadance, bumping her husband gently with her shoulder, noting that Twilight's face was completely red. Arkenstone, of course, seemed not to notice Shining's jibes. Seeing the two of them leaning together made Cadance want to leap with joy. Her own magic could also detect the deepening affection between the two of them, making it clear to her senses that the pair had grown closer since she had last seen them...which hadn't been all that long ago, come to think of it.

Twilight and her beloved sister-in-law fell into a lively chat together. Arkenstone finally pulled himself away from Twilight's side to talk with Shining.

"So," said Shining, "I see the two of you have been making progress."

"Slowly," said Arkenstone with a shrug, "I have to admit that this is unfamiliar territory for me. Even with what happened between us the last time we were in Canterlot, I still have a hard time as seeing Twilight as something other than my best friend's adorable little sister."

"But that changed tonight?" asked Shining as he raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Somewhat," said Arkenstone with a fond smile, one ear swiveling in Twilight's direction as she laughed at some joke Cadance was telling her, "She and her friend went through a great deal of effort when it came to her dress. I've always been telling myself that Twilight has grown into a wonderful mare. But tonight, the way she dressed has brought that to the forefront."

To Shining's shock and amazement, a faint blush actually blossomed on Arkenstone's cheeks. He'd once thought he'd never live to see his old friend act like that. "Looks like you've got it bad," he teased.

"I suppose so," admitted Arkenstone readily enough, "After tonight, I don't think I could bring myself to stay away from her. She's somepony precious that I want to hold for the rest of my life."

"Good," said Shining, "I wouldn't accept anything less from you."

Meanwhile, Twilight and Cadance were on a slightly different tangent.

"I always love this time of year," sighed Cadance as she looked around, "It's wonderful to see so much earnest love amongst my little ponies."

"Though I bet Hearts and Hooves Day is better," mused Twilight.

Twilight was actually surprised to see Cadance sigh with a mild degree of despondence. "You don't like Hearts and Hooves Day?" asked Twilight in confusion. She'd never really spoken on the subject with Cadance before.

"Well...yes and no," said Cadance with a sigh, "It's technically my official holiday, just like the Summer Sun Celebration is Aunty Celestia's and Nightmare Night is Aunty Luna's."

Twilight nodded slowly in agreement. "But..."

Again, Cadance sighed. "It just seems so...pretentious at times. The only thing I truly love about Hearts and Hooves Day is when it serves as the impetus for ponies to confess their feelings to one another. But I always feel it puts too much pressure on ponies that already are together, in whatever stage of their relationship they might be. There's always so much pressure to come up with some kind of romantic gesture and it always has to be better than last year's. Ponies try to take their relationship 'to the next level,' even when it's obvious they're not ready. I swear, a few dozen of the marriages that are proposed or conducted on that day end up broken because the ponies taking that step aren't ready for that level of commitment and end up doing serious harm to their relationship in the long run."

"When you put it that way...that actually sounds kind of awful," Twilight admitted.

Cadance nodded. "Twilight," she said, turning to regard the lavender mare with careful eyes, "That's why I want to request this of you. When the next Hearts and Hooves Day comes around, please don't feel that you have to do something incredibly special or profound for Arkenstone. A romantic dinner or a quiet date is fine. But please don't get caught up in trying to create some kind of grand gesture of love and please don't try to do something you're not ready for."

Twilight nodded, having a fair idea of what the "something" Cadance was talking about probably was. She and Arkenstone had gotten closer, but were definitely not at the stage where either of them would seriously consider becoming lovers in the more...active...sense.

"Good," said Cadance, "I hope Arkenstone doesn't feel that he has to do that either. I know that he's probably mature enough for that. But this is his first real experience with romantic love after all..." She winked at Twilight. "...just as it is for you. I honestly hope that the two of you will truly work out."

"So do I," said Twilight.

Their conversation was stalled as Arkenstone stepped between them. "I beg your pardon Cadance, but Twilight and I have somewhere to be."

For a moment, Cadance blinked in confusion. "What do you mean-Oh!" Her eyes widened and an almost devilish smile blossomed across her face. "That..." She chuckled. "Yes, we certainly wouldn't want Twilight to miss a chance like this."

"Like what?" asked Twilight, looking between Cadance and Arkenstone.

"Oh, you'll see," said Cadance in a teasing sing-song tone.

"Come with me," said Arkenstone, bumping gently against Twilight and using the contact to steer her towards one of the doors out of the ballroom, "This is a truly rare event, one that I think you'll find fascinating, if only for its sheer novelty."

"Okay..." said Twilight with no small degree of uncertainty as she allowed Arkenstone to guide her out, casting one look over her shoulder at Shining and Cadance as the latter waved goodbye to them.

Cadance chuckled as she watched them go. "Our little Twily's going to be in for a shock."

"That's true," agreed Shining as he turned towards another door.

"Where are you going?" asked Cadance.

"I'm going to see if I can coax our very own Ebeneighzer Scrooge out to join the festivities," replied Shining.

"Good luck," said Cadance as she saw her husband off.

"Well, this is kinda boring," muttered Scootaloo, glancing around the ballroom. The foals had split up after Melon had guided them to the ballroom. Scootaloo found herself wondering if she and the other Crusaders (plus Spike) were the only younglings at the event. However, she'd occasionally seen other colts and fillies roaming about with their parents, though not many.

"Maybe there's a room set aside for ponies closer to our age," suggested Dawn, eyeing the exits.

"That would make sense," agreed Scootaloo, wishing that they'd checked with Pinkie Pie as to whether or not that was the case. There wasn't much for them to do in this room, save maybe sample the food at the buffet. Neither of them was interested in trying their hoof at dancing and, even if they were, they were more likely to be a trip hazard for the adults than actual participants.

Dawn cast his eyes about, looking for a one of the waiters or any other servants who wandered about the room with various drinks and dainties on offer for the guests. Any one of them would probably know where the foals were supposed to go and would probably be the ponies most likely to actually answer their question.

Scootaloo and Dawn felt another pony approach them at the same time, their wings twitching almost in unison as they picked up the faint surge in the air that built up ahead of the mare coming towards them like the bow wave of a boat. Their mutual training kicking in, the two of them turned about in unison to face the unknown pony with a synchronicity that was almost eerie.

It was with a slight amount of surprise that the two of them found themselves facing a familiar-looking pink alicorn, who was watching them with nearly as much confusion and surprise as they were feeling. "Okay," said Cadance, blinking slowly, "I'll admit, that was kinda creepy to watch."

Dawn and Scootaloo looked at one another in confusion before turning back to Cadance. "You mean the way we moved together?" asked Scootaloo.

Cadance let out a laugh. "Yes...that. I guess it makes sense. The two of you have the same training, the same sense, and you have a lot of experience reading one another as well, which is what probably allowed the two of you to move in unison like that."

Scootaloo scratched her head. "Uh...sure. Is there something you wanted to talk to us about, Princess?"

"A couple things," said Cadance with an indulgent smile, "I have to admit, I was hoping for the chance to talk to you and Dawn for a little bit."

"Any particular reason?" asked Dawn, canting his head a bit.

"Not specifically," replied Cadance, "But we haven't had a chance to really speak since you came up here and I've been looking forward to the opportunity. I know and like Scootaloo already, but my husband has spoken very highly of you, Dawn."

Dawn blushed slightly and ducked his head. "That's nice to hear."

Cadance had to lift a hoof to her mouth in order to stifle her giggle at the colt's modesty. "In any case, I've been hoping for the chance to get to know you. Would you be willing to talk for a little bit?"

Dawn and Scootaloo exchanged another glance. They had been looking for something to occupy their time in any case. "Sure...I guess," said Scootaloo, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Oh...everything," said Cadance with a wistful smile as she guided them away from the ballroom and the dance floor, leading them outside into the gardens.

Rarity savored the graceful tones produced by her dress as she sauntered down the hall. Such quiet was fairly welcome for a little bit. Granted, she was looking forward to joining her companions again, but the quiet of the unpopulated hallway was a welcome relief to the constant press of sound in the ballroom.

Rarity had briefly excused herself from her conversation partners in order to attend to certain...necessities. Perhaps she had indulged in the champagne a bit too much. But it was a special occasion, so Rarity figured that she was within her rights to indulge. In either case, after a swift trip to the powder room, she was now making her way back to the ballroom, humming contentedly as she considered her options. Perhaps Fancy Pants would be willing to accompany her to the dance floor, given that his wife wasn't in any state to do so. It would be fun and she knew Fleur wouldn't mind. Or, just maybe, she could solicit Coco Pommel's input on her dresses and see what adjustments and modifications the young mare might make. Rarity wasn't nearly so foolish as to assume that her designs were perfect and flawless. An outside perspective could prove invaluable, given what she was attempting in the future.

Her thought process was interrupted by the sound of voices seeping out through a door that she was passing. Though it was rude to eavesdrop, Rarity's interest was hooked when she realized that she recognized both of those voices.

"Come on," cajoled the stallion, whom she almost immediately recognized as Shining Armor, "The night's way too young for you to be lurking about in here."

"If it's all the same to you, I would rather stay here," replied the other stallion, his voice sending simultaneous shivers of recognition and revulsion down Rarity's spine. "The only ponies currently out there on the floor that are worth having a conversation with happen to hate me with a passion," continued Prince Blueblood.

"Come on," said Shining, "It's not that bad. You've already talked to Twilight about it. She promised to talk to her friends about your situation."

Did she now? wondered Rarity, raising an eyebrow. She hadn't realized that Twilight was on speaking terms with the biggest boor in Canterlot. It would have had to have been when she and Arkenstone had gone to Canterlot to research Dawn Lightwing's condition. However, Twilight had never mentioned Blueblood at all after returning.

"I can hope so," said Blueblood, "But a simple conversation doesn't quite make up for a first impression like the one I gave."

"Well yeah," agreed Shining, "But this is your chance to make a second and better impression. Do you really want to waste it?"

"Why should I even bother? It's not as though I have any intention of building a partnership or forging a lasting relationship with any of those ponies."

"You don't have to think about that," said Shining, "But there's no reason you can't make some friends Blue. Fancy Pants and I are starting to worry. I know Arkenstone would worry too if Twilight wasn't giving him enough headaches as it is. You're always so cynical about other ponies you end up shoving them away."

"And why shouldn't I be?" demanded Blueblood, his tone irritable, "You know as well as I do how ponies see me, regardless of what class they come from. All they ever seem to notice is Princess Celestia's nephew, Mister Most Eligible Bachelor. That's what that one friend of Twilight's was clearly thinking about when she approached me back then."

In spite of her own indignation, Rarity felt a quiver of guilt down in her stomach. It had been extremely inconsiderate of her to approach Blueblood, only thinking of his rank and nearly nothing else. Part of her objected that, where most mares would have calculated such an action sheerly for social gain, Rarity's interest had been almost purely romantic. But is that any better? a voice chimed in the back of her head, After all, did I really give a single though to Blueblood the pony or was I too carried up in the idea of a prince sweeping me off my hooves into some fairy tale happy ending? She supposed that much was true. That doesn't exactly excuse the way he treated me though.

"Maybe so," said Shining, "But I think there's one mare you feel differently about."

Oh!? Where indignation had been simmering, curiosity had taken its place as Rarity pressed her ear up against the door, the promise of delicious gossip too engrossing to ignore.

"Th-that's not important," protested Blueblood weakly, "Besides, it's not as though I can go up and talk to her."

"Come on now," said Shining, his cajoling tone back in place, "She won't be playing the whole night through. This is your chance to have a real conversation with her, maybe even get a dance in while somepony else is playing on the stage."

"Don't be ridiculous! You know that would never be accepted. She may come from a very well-off family, but she's still a commoner and an earth pony to boot. Steel Flint was willing to commit murder over the fact that your sister, a mere knight, was willing to engage in such a relationship. How do you think the Noble Court would respond to a duke expressing such feelings?"

"They won't like it," agreed Shining, "They'll squall and pitch a tremendous fit like the overgrown foals that they are. But if you have the maturity to follow through on your feelings, then they don't have to matter. Cadance and I are with you. So is Fancy Pants. Above all else, you know that Celestia and Luna are on your side too. I'd like to see any of those fools try anything. You have your own means too Blue. Right now, you're just using them as an excuse, because you're afraid to try."

"I..." Rarity could hear the hitch in Blueblood's voice. "I wish I could...But how can I? Even if she doesn't care about my station, she almost certainly knows about the rest of my reputation. What could possibly convince her that I'm worth her time."

"Maybe honesty," said Shining, "It worked wonders for Cadance and me. If you're honest with her about your feelings, then she might be willing to look past the things you've done to scare other mares away. She doesn't exactly have all that much reason to doubt you after all. As you pointed out, there's certainly no political gain in courting her, so that reason is out."

"But isn't she supposed to be involved with that DJ from Ponyville?" asked Blueblood in the voice of a stallion who clearly knew he had no hope of winning the argument and was feebly grasping at the last straws available to him.

She could practically hear Shining Armor rolling his eyes. "Not that I know of. From what I hear, they went to school together, but have hardly seen each other since. I haven't heard anything about either of them being interested in the other that way. Come on, enough excuses."

Rarity found herself waiting with baited breath for Blueblood's answer. Once again, her conscience reminded her that she probably shouldn't be listening in on this conversation, but the subject was too interesting to ignore. Part of her still loathed Blueblood with a passion, but she was beginning to see that she had been at least partly wrong about him...partly.

"I...I suppose I could give it a try," admitted Blueblood, a nervous quaver in his voice, "Are you sure it will work?"

"Love's never sure," said Shining wryly, "My wife's the Princess of Love, so you're getting this from somepony who knows. But the one thing that is sure is that doing nothing won't work. You need to get out there, take a risk, and give it your best shot."

"V-very well then," said Blueblood, his voice becoming softer.

To her own surprise, Rarity could feel a tiny smile of triumph across her own face. Realizing that she should probably be on her way, she finally managed to pry herself away from the door. She headed down the hall at a brisk trot. She imagined that she'd see Blueblood again that evening, but she resolved to keep her distance. Even if she couldn't bring herself to hate the very sight of him anymore, any attempt to reconcile in this setting would be unbelievably awkward for both of them. And they could both do without that.

True to her word, Cadance let the topic range far and wide, following her curiosity as she asked about Dawn's integration into Ponyville life, his encounters with hostile ponies, both within the Cult Solar and without, his training and the experiences he'd had with his Master. However, what seemed to interest her the most, naturally, was the progress of the relationship between Dawn and Scootaloo. She inquired about what they did together during their free time, how much time they spent together, where their interests overlapped and where they differed. She couldn't stop laughing when Scootaloo expressed her vexation about Dawn's pickiness, especially where the issue of sweet things was concerned.

"It drives me crazy!" complained Scootaloo loudly, "After everything that went on during Nightmare Night, he left all of his candy at the statue...All of it!"

"I wouldn't have been able to eat it," replied Dawn levelly.

"You could have given it to me," said the filly, glaring at Dawn, who merely smirked.

"I like to think of it as doing your mother a favor."

Cadance couldn't help it. She laughed loudly as Scootaloo thrust out her bottom lip mulishly and looked pointedly away from her coltfriend, who was chuckling himself.

Cadance was frankly amazed by the breadth of Dawn's experience. At the same age as Scootaloo and her two friends, he had already been through a great deal of hardship and had grown tremendously because of it. She could easily imagine that he was, at times, a difficult pony to get along with. However, he and Scootaloo seemed perfectly at ease together, able to enjoy each other's company and friendship, even enduring the odd disagreement with little difficulty. The two of them were surprisingly mature for their age, which gave Cadance a lot of hope for their future.

Her eyes slipped to one of the clocks in the ballroom and she realized that her time was nearly up. It was time to usher the two young ones on to the next event. "Thank you for talking with me," she said, "I think I've occupied enough of your time now."

"Can you tell us if there's a place here for foals?" asked Scootaloo.

"There is," said Cadance, "One of the side rooms has been set aside for the younger crowd. But the two of you are expected elsewhere."

"Huh?" Both Scootaloo and Dawn raised their eyebrows.

With a sly smile, Cadance pointed to a door, the one that Arkenstone had led Twilight through a little while earlier. "You see, there are some ponies visiting who wanted to meet you specifically, Dawn. I know that they'd be happy to meet you too, Scootaloo. If you follow that hallway down, it's the third door on your right."

Dawn and his fillyfriend exchanged a confused look for a second. "Alright," said Dawn, "Are you coming with us?"

"Not right now," said Cadance, "But I might drop by later. Trust me, I think you'll find this an interesting surprise.

With a hesitant nod, Dawn and Scootaloo departed from Cadance and headed for the door. Watching them go, Cadance smiled to herself as a giddy feeling rose in her chest.

"What'd you think?" asked Shining Armor as he trotted up to join his wife.

"They're a remarkable pair," said Cadance, "They've formed a strong, healthy bond with each other. There's a great deal of trust, care, and affection that's rare, even among couples much older than they are."

"So, is it love?" asked Shining.

"Not yet," replied Cadance with a giggle, "Right now, it's more of a mutual infatuation. Scootaloo looks up to and is a little in awe of Dawn, while Dawn has a deep respect for Scootaloo's potential as his student. But that bond will serve as the foundation for a strong and passionate love in the future." She turned to look at her husband. "I think they'll be fine."

"That's good to hear," said Shining, leaning in to nuzzle his wife, "You think they're gonna like the surprise?"

"Oh, I bet they'll be at a loss for words."

"Let's see...Here it is." Scootaloo and Dawn came to a stop outside the third door on the right after they had left the ballroom. The door was a large one, indicating that the room that laid beyond it was large as well.

Scootaloo raised a hoof to push the door open, but stopped when Dawn hooked his foreleg over her own. "What is it?" she asked, glancing at the colt, finding him uncharacteristically tense.

Dawn frowned, his eyes narrowing and his brow furrowing. "I don't know..." he admitted, "I just feel something?"

"Feel...?" Scootaloo spread her wings and tried to sense something from the other side of the door, using the narrow cracks between it and the walls and the floor. However, the picture was muddled and she couldn't get a clear idea of what was on the other side, though she could feel the presence of some other ponies, though she had no idea as to who.

Dawn raised his right wing slightly, orienting the feathers toward the door, clearly trying to get a feel for what lay on the other side for himself. However, he had just as much difficulty as Scootaloo. Their wind-sense was hampered by the nearly complete barrier between them and what lay on the other side. However, it wasn't his wind-sense that had made Dawn cautious.

"I can't say exactly," he said, "But I can feel the presence of other ponies..."

"What other ponies?" asked Scootaloo, tensing up herself now. There was no way the Cult Solar could have infiltrated this far into the Palace without anypony realizing.

"I don't know," said Dawn, "But they aren't ordinary ponies. They feel...formidable."

Scootaloo swallowed hard and turned her attention back to the door. Both of them jumped when the door let out a loud creak and began to swing open, forcing them to jump back. They sank into identical crouches, partially spreading their wings as carefully honed reflexes took over. However, they both froze when they saw who was waiting for them on the other side.

Twilight Sparkle blinked as she stared down at the two foals. "Dawn...Scootaloo?"

"Twilight Sparkle?" Scootaloo stared back up at the older mare, "What are you doing here?"

"Arkenstone brought me," said Twilight, "You two must have been sent here too. Come in."

Scootaloo and Dawn walked into the room, looking about nervously. It was another ballroom, much smaller than the main one. The torches that should have been illuminating the space were out and the entire room was bathed in darkness. Only the faint circle of light cast by Twilight's horn made things visible. Even then, it only illuminated a small portion of the space.

To their surprise, Twilight wasn't the only pony there.

"Rainbow Dash!" exclaimed Scootaloo as she bounded up to her idol.

"Hey there squirt," said Rainbow as she stepped away from Soarin' to gently brush Scootaloo's mane, "I guess you got invited here too."

"Yeah," said Scootaloo, "Princess Cadance told me and Dawn that we should be here. She said that there were some ponies who wanted to meet us."

"Arkenstone said that too," said Twilight, "But then he left after he brought me here."

"Well," said Rainbow, turning to her coltfriend, "What about it?"

"Sorry," said Soarin' with an apologetic grin, "But I've been told not to spoil the surprise."

"Surprise?" The word had barely left Scootaloo's mouth when the quality of the air in the room changed. All of a sudden, the hairs of her coat stood on end and her entire body began to shiver as though she were standing on the surface of a thundercloud. Her wings instinctively stretched out, whether to fight or flee, she wasn't sure. Beside her, Dawn did the same, his own body tensing like a coiled spring as some kind of strange energy seemed to fill the room.

Dawn's eyes cast about, trying to locate the source of the strange sensation and lock down its characteristics. However, it was so all-encompassing that he couldn't manage that. However, he was able to discern one thing about it. It's presence...the presence of somepony powerful. Indeed, the presence that filled the room seemed to make the air hum with energy.

Slowly, Dawn's instincts felt the massive presence begin to divide and resolve itself into six distinct individuals. His ears twitched as he picked up the sound of hooves on the polished marble of the floor as somepony approached them slowly. Finally, a familiar figure stepped into the circle of light created by Twilight's magic.

"Arkenstone." Twilight sighed in relief and stepped towards the beige stallion. "Don't scare me like that."

"I'm sorry," said Arkenstone, "I'm afraid that one of us has something of a flair for the dramatic. She wanted to make a show of it, since it's so rare for us to get together like this. We decided to indulge her."

Twilight's eyes widened in shock. "Us...? We...? You don't mean..."

Arkenstone nodded. "That's correct. This is something of an auspicious occasion." As he spoke the torches resting in their sconces on the pillars throughout the room's perimeter blazed into life, seemingly of their own volition. Even Twilight's practiced eye could only just barely discern the faint spark of magic leaping from one torch to another, lighting them all in turn. The light from the torches quickly spread out to illuminate the whole room, revealing the figures of five other ponies.

"Without further ado," said Arkenstone, "Allow me to introduce the members of the Celestial Order of Knights."

Author's Note:

Only a couple more chapters left before the end...

Fleur and Fancy are absolutely adorable together. I somewhat based their interactions on my sister and her boy-...sorry...husband. Damn, even though I was totally okay with them getting married, it really throws me to have to keep reminding myself that they are, in fact, married. It's one of those situations where you hardly notice any change because it's clear that the wedding is simply a formality.

Given that Cadance is the Princess of Love, it made sense to me for her holiday to be Hearts and Hooves Day. It also makes a certain amount of sense for her to be leery of the implications of the day, because one of the big complaints I hear about such holidays is the pressure it can put on established couples to do something "significant" with each other or one-up what they did last year. I imagine that would be a recurring source of frustration for Cadance.

Next chapter: Probably one of the last ponies you'd expect to be a Knight.