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Chapter 7: The Time Lord

Ponyville -- Twilight Sparkle's House -- Day: 24th / Year: 2013 / Month: April

A chestnut coloured pony darted right into Twilight Sparkle's house. He panicked and looked around the library ground floor. Twilight was stunned to see him.

"Doctor?", Twilight and Rainbow Dash stared at him.

"Ahhh.. Ahh.. Haaa.. Uhgg.. One..", The Doctor's British accept spoke with gasps.

"Twilight.. Problem.. Equestria.. Humans.. Time..", The Doctor caught his breath.

"Whoa, whoa. Slow down. What's wrong?", Twilight asked, helping the chestnut coloured earth pony sit down.

"You know Carl, right? Been here for a year and what-not?", The Doctor started to explain.

"Yeah, of course. Why?", Twilight looked at him with a furrowed brow.

"Well, since his friend, Kieran -- That I've heard 'bout -- came here, there's been a major shift in time. Space is starting to collapse all over! Their presence in Equestria is causing this world, and other alike, to shift. The only way to stop it is by getting rid of the humans.", The Doctor looked at the two.

"We can't get rid of Carl! He's my .. My everything!", Rainbow Dash protested.

"We have to, Dash. I don't want to do it, but we must! I have the TARDIS ready for action!", The Doctor's eyes glared over at Twilight.

"I really.. Don't know what to say. Whether to believe you or not.", Twilight said.

"You have to! Time is slowly collapsing. Haven't you noticed that it's night at 5pm?!", The Doctor pointed outside. The moon was brightly shining.

"Maybe Luna raised the moon too early?", Twilight tried to make an excuse.

"No! Luna and Celestia, as well as everypony else's clocks are all wrong! Because time has shifted entirely!", The Doctor went on.

"We have to get rid of Carl and Kieran imme--"

"Oh my, my, my. Our poor Doctor Whooves is in a predicament, is he?", A dark, bellowing, voice interrupted The Doctor.

"It seems that time is going to collapse. All because of two siwwy wittle humans!", The voice chilled with laughter.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!", Doctor Whooves yelled.

"I'm right here, Doctor.", A small rift opened and there the voice was.

It was a black coated, green mane, red eyed earth pony, leaning out. His cutie mark was that of an hour glass.

"Oh, didn't expect me, did you? You can't imprison somepony forever.", The voice laughed.

"Who are you?!", Everypony in the room yelled.

"I am Nexus. Shifter of Time. I took the opposite form of Doctor Whooves so that it looks like he'll be causing all the trouble. Those humans just make my job easier. You'll never be able to catch me. There's nothing in Equestria that can travel at the speed of light! But, I'm dabbling. I have some.. Fun to be made. See you!", With that, the rift closed up and Nexus' laugh flowed in the room.

Doctor Whooves only stood there in anger.

"GRRR! Now I'm going to be falsified all over the universe! We need to stop him, Twilight!", Doctor Whooves looked over at Twilight.

"But, he travels at the speed of light. How can we catch up to that?", Twilight asked.

"Nopony underestimates the TARDIS!", Doctor Whooves ran outside of the house. Rainbow Dash and Twilight couldn't help but follow.

Ponyville -- Pinkie Pie's house -- Day: 24 / Year: 2013 / Month: April

Kieran got up from his bed, looking around. He saw the time was 5pm. It was odd for it to be night right now. He noticed that the room was blue with pink polka dots everywhere. Mostly girly stuff for him; but, it had pictures of Pinkie Pie with all her friends and a crocodile

He also noticed Pinkie Pie was right next to him.

"Hello!", She lightly whispered.

"How.. Did I get here?", Kieran asked, looking at her bright blue eyes.

"Well, after you passed out, I washed you up and brought you here, silly!", Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Oh.. Well.. I have to say.. That was fun..", Kieran smiled lightly, and nervously.

"Yeah, it was! We should do it again sometime!", Pinkie Pie smiled brightly.

"Yeah.. We'll see.", Kieran laid backed down, resting his head on the soft, cotton, pillow.

"Sleepy?", Pinkie Pie rested her head on Kieran's chest.

"Yeah...", Kieran answered, closing his eyes.

"Hope you don't mind if I sleep with you tonight.", Pinkie Pie snuggled up, under Kieran's chin. Her cotton-candy smelling mane gently brushed his neck and chin and Kieran just smiled.

This was weird. But, it felt amazing.

Pinkie Pie lightly snored as she fell asleep. All Kieran could do was think of Carl. How much he wanted to be near him right now. Kieran's family must be worried about him so much. Kieran thought about his brother and sister; how much he missed them. He thought about his other friends, as well. School. Family. Friends. Everything. It flooded to his brain and he started to cry softly. Tears dripped onto Pinkie Pie's mussel. It woke her up instantly.

Pinkie Pie slowly erected, looking at Kieran.

"Hey.. What's wrong?", Pinkie Pie looked at him with a frown.

"I.. ", Kieran sniffed.

"I miss my family and friends.. I missed Carl so much I totally forgot about home..", Kieran started to cry and then he hugged Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie could only return the hug, patting his back with her hoof.

"It's okay, Kieran. I'll cheer you up. They may miss you, but, you'll be safe here. I promise. Nopony will hurt you here in Ponyville.", Pinkie Pie gently pushed him away, looking into his eyes.

"Promise..?", Kieran asked.

Pinkie Pie silently crossed her heart, then made a motion of flying, then she put her hoof to her eye.

Kieran laughed and hugged Pinkie Pie again. Pinkie Pie just giggled.

The TARDIS -- Space Continuum -- Day: ?? / Year: ???? / Month: ?

The group entered a small, telephone booth shaped, building. It was labelled "TARDIS" and it had a deep shade of blue to colour it. Inside, it seemed massive. Glowing lights everywhere, millions of switches and a bright portal that was on the ceiling.

"This is the TARDIS?", Rainbow Dash question, and exclaimed in awe.

"Yup! Amazing 'in't?", Doctor Whooves exclaimed as he pressed a few buttons.

"Exactly how do you know where he is?", Twilight asked.

"Well, if he's me and I'm him and him being me is him, him, I, me and us will be where we always are!", Doctor Whooves pressed a large red button.

"Uh...?", Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked confused at Doctor Whooves.

"The Space Continuum! It's not far. Just a few hundred light-years!", Immediately after that, the TARDIS started to warp all of them and eventually disappeared.