• Published 6th Oct 2014
  • 6,832 Views, 968 Comments

A Scratch On Shining Armor - BaeroRemedy

Vinyl Scratch, being oh so popular with the Canterlot guards, gets one assigned to her to 'rehabilitate' her. This will be fun.

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Duty Binds

Love can do much, but duty more.

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“I’m sorry Shining Armor. Perhaps you misheard me. That was not a question or suggestion, it was an order.” Galea stared Shining Armor down with the intensity of a blizzard. She was not going to budge on this and neither was he.

“I heard you, Captain. But as I said, I’m afraid I can’t comply.” Shining Armor stood resolute. He was not going to just give up on Vinyl because he was ordered to. This was more than a matter of professionalism, or even personal investment in Vinyl. It was his duty to help her.

“Are you being insubordinate, Guardspony?” Galea stood up. Shining decided she was quite imposing for being so much shorter than himself. It was the eyes and he knew it, they were daunting and cold. Most likely they were calculating his demise as he stood there.

“No ma’am.” Shining swallowed hard. What he was about to say next would either make or break his entire career as a guard. “I was told to rehabilitate her, not just by Captain Knock Out, by Princess Celestia herself. I will not follow your order unless Princess Celestia authorizes it as well.” He met Galea’s gaze, and tried to match its intensity.

“Leave my sight, Guardspony.” The interim Captain growled out as she sat back in her chair. “I’ll call you back once I have Princess Celestia’s authorization...and then, you’re dismissed. Permanently.” The mare waved her hoof towards the door dismissively and spun her chair around.

Shining Armor left as fast as his hooves would let him without sprinting from the office in terror. That was the single most terrifying experience of his life. He had already had an outburst with Captain Knock Out, and now he had directly disobeyed his replacement.

He needed to speak to Princess Celestia as soon as possible. That was his main course of action right now. If he didn’t get to the Princess before Galea, it would surely end with him being reassigned. The problem with getting to Celestia was that she could be in a very important meeting or holding court right now. If he interrupted either it could throw more trouble his way. He decided to take the risk, it would be worth it if it meant keeping his current assignment.

Shining’s first inclination was to check his little sister’s quarters in the tower. Celestia liked to spend her downtime with her prized pupil. But what time was it? Twelve-thirty? She would either be in the middle of court or be having lunch. Both dangerous in their own right.

He decided that lunch would be the safer option. At least then she would be eating food and that might keep the regent from getting too mad. A part of him knew he was overreacting to the whole situation. He knew that Celestia would be on his side and would most likely let him stay with Vinyl and tell Galea he was exempt for the time being.

‘Most likely’ was his problem there. A margin for error was still a margin for error in his eyes. If there was even the slightest chance that something could go wrong, he had to accept that and think about how to deal with it when the time came.

So with his best course of action set, he went off towards the dining room. It wasn’t a place he usually went, so he had to briefly think about how to get there. Was it left before the Royal Apartments or was it the right before? He knew they were big double doors at the end of a hallway. He just didn’t know which hallway it was.



Cadance waved down her coltfriend, who was seemingly wandering aimlessly through the halls.She had just come out of the Senior Noble’s office so they could discuss when more hearings for a new captain should be held. That is if Knock Out didn’t make it.

“Huh?” Shining spun and turned in her direction. “Oh, Cadance! Perfect!” While she would like to think Shining Armor was talking about her appearance, she had the feeling he was just talking about her presence. He looked frazzled and worried, which wasn’t like him. The only other time she had seen him like this was when he had asked her out on their first date.

“I have something very important to ask you-” What could it be? Her heart fluttered. What if he was finally going to pop the question? What if him being called here to the castle was all part of his plan? Whaty if he had to ask Celestia for her hoof in marriage and that’s why he came here? An inescapible smile spread across her face as she involuntarily bounced on her hooves.

“Ohhh! Of course Shiny! You know it’s a yes!” She pulled the stallion into a passionate embrace and gave him a nice long kiss. It wasn’t everyday that he would deserve this, but today was special.

“Perfect, so you know where Celestia is, good. If I don’t talk to her before Galea, I could lose my job.” Wait a tic. What? All of a sudden she was missing a very important part of the puzzle. Now the only thing she knew for certain was that she had grossly misread the situation...and where Princess Celestia was.

“She’s in the dining room having lunch…” Cadance responded, her spirits now thoroughly crushed from embarassment and disappointment. She was now too embarrassed to ask him what he was talking about in regards to his job, so she kept silent.

It’s not like it was her fault for assuming such a thing. Four years they’ve been dating and not even a peep on that front. Trust her, she kept her ear to the ground in regards to any possible proposals. Twilight Velvet, Shining’s mother, and Cadance had an arrangement. If she knew Shining was going to propose, Cadance would know. But the Princess wouldn’t put it past Shining to somehow stay under the radar. He could be crafty when he wanted to be.

“Right...problem is I don’t remeber how to get there.” Cadance looked around. Obviously this was the wrong hallway, these sconces were silver, not gold. The Dining Room hallway had golden sconces.

“Follow me.” Cadance playfully rolled her eyes and smirked. Sometimes Shining could be a little unobservant. It wasn’t his fault, most ponies around the castle were pretty unobservant when it came to where specific rooms were. “So Galea wasn’t too gentle?” She was going to try and pry that information of him.

“Blunt is the word I would use.” Shining still looked rather upset. He looked like he had been told his puppy died on his birthday. It was a mix of shock, anger, sadness, and worry. “I can’t believe she would even suggest taking me off of Vinyl’s case! I mean, we’re so close Cadance! I got her to promise to work every day at her father’s shop, I was going to talk to my friend at the train station to book some tickets for a trip to Ponyville! I just-I don’t know. I’m close to helping her.”

It was moments like these that reminded Cadance why she loved Shining Armor. He was dedicated to his work, but not to an unhealthy degree. He understood his job was to serve the ponies of Canterlot, and he relished it. At first he had been fed up with Vinyl, but Cadance knew that deep down he had always believed he could help her for the better. Now he was fully committed, though.

“I’m sure Princess Celestia will be on your side, Shining.” If for some bizarre reason Celestia denied their request and decided to hear Galea out, Cadance could always pull her ace in the hole. In times of crisis the Presiding Chairpony of the House of Nobles could control the Royal guard given that the current captain was incapacitated or worse. Would it be an abuse of power? Most likely. But if it was to help Vinyl and keep Shning’s job, well...it might be worth it.

“I hope so.” Cadance took a right and pointed towards the large double doors at the end of the hallway. “Oh, it’s the right after the intersection after the Royal Apartments…” Cadance could tell Shining was trying to plot the course for later use. “I was close at least.” Cadance appreciated the optimism.

“Would you like me to go in and talk to her?” Cadance figured she would offer. She had a little more pull with Celestia than Shining Armor did. Perhaps she could sway the monarch more easily than he could.

“No, I think I’ll take this one.” He turned and gave Cadance a kiss on the cheek. “Wish me luck?”

“Good luck, Shiny.”


“Excuse me, Your Majesty?” The monarch finished chewing her food and swallowed. She turned towards the guard that had approached her. Usually she was not to be disturbed when she was having her meals, so this had better be good. “Shining Armor is here to speak to you. He says it’s urgent.”

“Hmm.” Celestia thought about it for a second. Shining Armor was supposed to be with Vinyl Scratch, and if there was something urgent he needed to speak with her about it must be about Vinyl. “Very well, send him in.” Better to deal with this now rather than later.

She turned her gaze to the far end of the dining hall, where the doors opened and a white figure in gold armor entered the room. All of the guards looked remarkably similar at a distance. Perhaps she should require a little more diversity amongst the guards for less confusion. It would certainly help at least bring a little more color to the castle.

“Your Majesty.” Shining Armor gave a polite bow. “I apologize for interrupting, but I have a rather pressing matter.” Celestia could see it on his face, worry and a hint of panic. Usually he was so confident it didn’t strike her as possible to see him this frazzled.

“Please Shining Armor, sit.” She motioned towards the cushion to her left. “Have you eaten yet? The kitchen cooked up some delicious Potato soup I simply must recommend.” The monarch gave her best welcoming smile. Hopefully it would go to settling the guard’s nerves.

“No, I haven’t had any lunch yet, b-” Before he could finish, Celestia tapped her hoof on the marble below them.

“Can I get a bowl for my guest?” One of the staff scurried towards the kitchen to fetch the guard some food. “Sorry, it would be terribly impolite not to offer you some food. Now, what seems to be the problem?” Shining Armor closed his eyes, as if sending up a quick prayer in his favor.

“It’s Interim Captain Galea, Princess Celestia.” A problem already? Celestia knew that mare was not a good choice for captain. She was too cold for her own good. “She wants to reassign me, and I can’t follow that order.” Insubordination was new for Shining Armor. Hopefully he had a good reason for it. “I’ve spent a week with Vinyl now, and I’m just so close to getting her back on track, Princess. She’s opened up more, she’s actually letting me help her now.”

Princess Celestia let a little smile slip. There was a reason she chose Shining Armor as Vinyl’s rehabilitation guard. Mainly because it fit Vinyl’s criteria of ‘a looker’, but also because he was largely untested. Celestia wished to see if he presented the same fortitude Twilight did, if perhaps the drive to complete a task they were given was shared. It appeared that it was indeed.

“Well, why don’t you present me with your roadmap now? An update after that rather heavy moment the other day would be appreciated.” The same staff that had scurried off to the kitchen came back out with a bowl on their wing. They put it on the table in front of Shining Armor and took their place a few feet away.

About the other day, though. It was still on Celestia’s mind. Never had she encountered such emotion in a room, such turmoil in a singular pony. The memories reminded the monarch of her parents, and a big fight with her own sister that left them estranged to this day. In a way, Celestia had a deep sympathy for Vinyl Scratch, for their situations shared paralells.

“Well she just told me this morning that she has an Uncle in Canterlot. We went to visit him and apparently he runs Vinyl’s dad’s record store. I talked with him and he and I agreed that Vinyl would go to work there. So that’s step one at the moment.” Vinyl didn’t have a job? Well that was news to Celestia. At the end of this she would have to ask Shining Armor for a full write up on the situation.

“What’s step two?”

“Well Cadance, Vinyl and Glory located Glory’s foal. Thanks to you letting us use the census records. She’s in Ponyville, Lily Valley is her name. I’m going to take Vinyl and Glory there, for closure.” Celestia wasn’t sure if she agreed with that plan of action. If Lily was indeed in Ponyville and perhaps had a worse upbringing than imagined it could drive Vinyl and Skyward Glory even further apart. It was a risky gamble to say the least.

“Step three?” She was curious as to how far ahead the guard had planned. Celestia would shoot for perhaps getting the mare in a relationship. A partner whom she could rely on once Shining Armor was gone would be helpful.

“I want to see what happens before I plan any more. Things tend to fall in my lap when I’m helping Vinyl. My off the cuff ideas seem to be the most effective, so for now I’ll stick with those.” Well she wasn’t going to challenge his methods if they were working, and they seemed to be.

“Very well. I’ll tell Captain Galea that you are to stay on the case until it is completed.” Shining let loose a sigh of relief. She could tell the right decision had been made. Unless Galea had a solid argument she would consider nothing else. “Now, how about while we eat you tell me how you and Cadance are doing.”


Cadance had a plan, now. It was still her own personal plan to get Vinyl in a relationship. The first date with Intrepid had gone well enough, now she just needed to push the two together again. By ‘chance’ would be the best way, that way it would seem she wasn’t interfering in either’s love life.

The only question was how to accomplish that? Her first thought was to slip a note under Intrepid’s door, a flyer for the shop Vinyl was now employed at. That was too suspicious, though. Or at least that’s how she felt about it. Plus it would mean having a flyer made up for such a plan to work, and that might be more trouble than it was worth.

A friendly visit and a mention of a small shop he should visit? It was a much better alternative. Plus she would be able to check up on him. It was a win-win, then. She would get to meddle and check up on a good friend.

A brief memory flashed through Cadance’s mind. When she was younger, just after her ascension to alicornhood, Celestia had spoken to her about her duty. Cadance was the princess of love, and that meant bringing ponies together when they were meant to be. Celestia had explained that the power that came with Princesshood also came with a sort of ability to understand the future before it happened.

Cadance had experienced that phenomenon on limited occasions. The few times she had experienced it, it related to love and two soulmates diverging. It was then her duty to bring the two together, to fight fate and change their course.

But now there was doubt tugging at her mind. Was it her place to force two ponies together who had no place in the eyes of fate? At least as far as she could tell? Could she break the promise she made to Celestia to not abuse her power? Celestia had warned her that love was a touchy subject, because creating or destroying it infringed on the matter of free will and true love.

It was for the best, though. That was Cadance’s final thought on the matter. Sometimes fate had to be made, not just changed. She could feel it in her soul that these two needed each other, and she wasn’t going to stop until they were together.

Whether they liked it or not.

Author's Note:

Hey friends. I hope you're enjoying the story. Feel free to leave a comment to tell me what you think so far! I appreciate every comment that is left.
