• Published 6th Oct 2014
  • 6,833 Views, 968 Comments

A Scratch On Shining Armor - BaeroRemedy

Vinyl Scratch, being oh so popular with the Canterlot guards, gets one assigned to her to 'rehabilitate' her. This will be fun.

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The Calm

“Everything is negotiable. Whether or not the negotiation is easy is another thing.”

-Carrie Fisher

“What in Celestia’s name just happened?” Vinyl asked the question that was blitzing it’s way through Shining’s mind. It had all just happened at such a breakneck pace, first the reinstatement of Thestrals, then all of the nobles were arrested and…and now everything was different. Just like that.

“I believe we just witnessed a revolution.” Velvet spoke up first. “Usurping the House of Nobles and reinstating a true diarchy…I will admit, I did not see that one coming today.” Shining wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t. He was in shock still, he had just witnessed the most significant Guard action in history. Not to mention what it did to his potential promotion.

Whatever leverage his grandmother had with Galea, whatever power, was most likely gone now. So that left him on shaky ground with the only course of action being doing a damn fine job. He literally had to blow Galea away with progress or else he was gone.

Now how in the hell was he supposed to do that?

“Twinkle! Yo, Twinkle!” Shining blinked, a white hoof being waved in front of his face snapping him out of his worry. “I kinda want your thoughts on this whole thing. Because I really don’t know how to feel about this whole thing.” Shining was still trying to process it as well, but he would give it his best shot.

“Well…” Shining started with a sigh. “…I think being a guard just got a lot more complicated. Other than that, I guess we wait for the trials for the Nobles. They aren’t guilty yet, so we just have to wait for that to come to fruition.” Shining thought it over, and his mind settled on the Princesses. “Couple that with a fundamental change in the way the government is run, and we have a recipe for disaster, or at least some unexpected changes. Cadance is going to become a lot more busy, that’s the only thing I can say for certain.” He was trying to look at this from a more pragmatic point of view, which was helping with coping with the whole thing.

“So, long story short: everything is kind of screwed at the moment and we know nothing except that Princess Pink in the Dream castle is going to have extra hard days.” Well, when Vinyl put it like that, it sounded a hell of a lot less optimistic. When framed as ‘pony you don’t really like is going to have a hard time’, it’s hard to feel bad.

“I need to go find Mother.” Velvet leaned over the railing to better see into the tangle of restrained nobles. “If she was able to blackmail Galea, who knows if something has happened to her.” Yeah, Shining wasn’t too worried about Grandma Satin. Worst-case scenario she was in cuffs down there and pissed beyond all belief, and best-case scenario she was just pissed beyond all belief.

Galea had messed with and taken away her power, and given direct power to the one pony that was no longer connected to her. If Shining didn’t know better, he would say this was a coincidence. It wasn’t, though. This was one big rude gesture to his grandmother straight from the Captain of the Guard.

“What’s the plan, Twinkle?” Again, Vinyl with the pertinent questions. He didn’t really have a plan except for go home and try to get everything for tomorrow set up. That was all he could do, wait.

He hated waiting.


Galea trotted off of the stage, Princess Cadance hot on her hooves. Of course there would be questions, and of course it would be the younger of the alicorns to ask them. Galea would do her best to address them, and hopefully put any of Cadance’s worries to rest.

“A full diarchy?” the Princess asked incredulously. “That’s not what we decided on, we agreed it would be a temporary arrangement until we found a better solution.” Galea smiled inwardly. The alicorn’s stern facade had cracked and faded in just one speech, now Galea had the upper hoof in dealings.

“This is the better solution,” Galea stated flatly. She stopped and turned around, facing the baffled Princess. As she was about to speak, Galea held up a hoof. “What? Do you want me to rescind my idea? Do you want me to tell Celestia that you got cold hooves and don’t think you can handle the responsibility, is that it?” Cadance’s lip stiffened. Galea could practically see the little alicorn telling herself to ‘buck up’ and not be afraid.

“I can handle the responsibility, I simply do not like to be tricked or lied to,” Cadance stated, stomping her gilded hoof on the tile. “When a deal is made, I expect it to be adhered to and not changed without my knowledge.”

“No decision has been made yet,” Galea posited. “I simply proposed the dissolution of the House. It is up to yourself and Princess Celestia to decide on the actual fate of such things.” Galea started to walk again, to her office. It was the only place she wanted to be at the moment, even if Celestia or the press would want her elsewhere.

“What are we supposed to do, Captain?” Cadance kept pace with Galea easily. “The ponies of Canterlot will have that idea in their head now. Are we supposed to just ignore them when all of the papers cry for the same?” Cadance was getting the picture now, that was good. Galea did not like ponies who were slow to catch on.

“That’s none of my concern, Princess Cadance.” Galea lifted her helmet off of her head, but kept it floating nearby. “My only concern is the nobility that have wronged this city facing justice. How the government changes is up to you and Celestia.” Once again, Galea had only wound up the cogs, now they were spinning freely. She knew the Princesses would not stop the spinning, they were not like that.

They reached her office, and she opened the door. Galea appreciated the silence of the Princess, it meant understanding and a form of compliance. That was all Galea could ask for in this time of uncertainty, a little understanding.

Speaking of uncertainty, in her office was a pony that nopony ever quite expected to be around. The slightly off-white stallion, his salt-and-pepper mane coiffed to perfection, was sitting in front of her desk. He simply raised an eyebrow at the Princess who followed Galea in.

“Good morning, Intrigue. A pleasure to see you as always.” She looked back to Cadance. “If you’re delivering your report on that special assignment, then I believe Princess Cadance should be here for this.” Galea strode across the room, putting her sword and helmet on their separate racks as she went and finally ending up behind her desk. “Please, Your Majesty, sit.”

Cadance did as she was asked and took a seat beside the stallion. What a life that Galea led where she could have a Princess and a Spymaster in the same room together. It was refreshing to have something as unique and unusual as this in her presence.

“It is about that assignment.” Intrigue straightened his posture and pulled a pair of glasses from seemingly nowhere. “My ponies have been following Shining Armor as you’ve instructed, and we have new information.”

“You’ve been spying on Shining Armor?!” Cadance stood up, her voice angry and full of venom. “F-for what purpose?” Galea internally rolled her eyes at the outburst. Such a childish thing to do: react without knowing everything.

“Because I do not trust him, Princess Cadance.” Galea leveled her icy glare at the alicorn. “I do not think he is taking his job seriously and I believe he would rather lie to me than do his job properly. I know his family and I know their methods. Now would you please be quiet and allow me to hear the rest of the report?” Cadance and Galea’s glares met, but Cadance’s faltered first.

“As I was saying…” Intrigue continued. “Vinyl Scratch is not going to forgive Skyward Glory, in fact she is cutting her out of her life entirely.” Galea knew that Shining Armor wasn’t up to the task of saving a pony who wasn’t able to be. Nopony was, but his hubris and pride would not allow him to step aside. “On top of that, we have more concerning things to discuss. I’m afraid he’s broken a few rules.” Galea smiled, this was going to be good. “It seems he is pursuing a relationship with Vinyl Scratch. Our surveillance spells caught them talking about it on more than one occasion.”

“W-what…?” Galea wished she was capable of that kind of shock, but alas she was not. It was Cadance who once more stood, a hoof to her agape mouth. Galea saw her mouthing the word ‘no’ over and over again.

“I don’t like rule breakers.” Galea stated. “If he admits to it or they do anything after his assignment is done, then he is gone. Until then I have no proof that he has done anything.” Galea did not like to be without proof or results. She had given the young guard a chance, but he had already unknowingly squandered it on a troublesome mare. “If he doesn’t get it through his head that his job is to get Vinyl Scratch better, then he is not worthy of the guard.” Galea looked down at her desk, a file labeled with Guard Armor’s cutie mark sitting on top of everything else. Probably the transcripts from the conversations.

The sound of a door closing drew her attention back to the room in front of her. It was now without a Princess.

Galea sighed.

“She’s going to do something stupid, isn’t she?”


Cadance galloped through the castle, tears barely contained. How could he even think of moving on so fast? He had told her that they could get back together! He had said that there was a chance and he would never really get over her! Now he was thinking of dating Vinyl? Didn’t he know it was going to cost him his job?

Didn’t he know how much it hurt…? Did he even think about how such a thing could make others feel? She knew that deep down she shouldn’t care about what Shining was doing, but she still care for him. No matter how much she tried to be like Celestia, how cold she tried to be, she just couldn’t let go of him in the core of her being.

Cadance’s panicked running transformed into a sad trot. The weight of everything finally settling down on her. Shining was moving on, and he was making a huge mistake. Moving on meant endangering his career and getting on Galea’s bad side.

Could Cadance sit back and allow that to happen? Could she be as distant as Celestia and just allow things to unfold? That was the dilemma: could she just sit back and let bad things happen to good ponies?

The bitter answer was ‘no’. She couldn’t let Shining jeopardize everything he had worked so hard for, for her last act of love she would save him from himself. She was going to have to change Vinyl’s mind about Glory and somehow pull them apart.

For now, there was only one place in the world that could help her accomplish that. The Royal Library. It had information on every kind of magic ever created or studied, including love magic. So maybe she could glean something from the tomes that could help her.

Her destination was reached easily and without incident. Her appearance alone had signalled the guard to open the locked archives when she arrived, and she made a beeline towards the section littered with books about love magic.

Cadance had spent many of her formative years in this very section of the library. She had developed her skills, honed her craft, in these very seats. Even after all of the years she had never read all of the books on the subject, there were still a few select tomes that had not been thoroughly explored before. Some because Celestia had forbidden her from touching them, others because she had never quite reached the skill level required to understand them. For the latter, Celestia had assured her she had all the time in the world to get them.

The alicorn pulled one of the more advanced tomes from the shelves. The title was ‘The Rose and The Dove’ and it was written by a pony from long ago named Eros, the progenitor of love magic. This was as advanced as it got, and she was going to need it. There had to be something inside that would allow her to change familial love, that could let her change minds and opinions.

She took the book and poured over it’s contents. From the beginning where it talked about increasing pleasure for sexual partners and how to extend orgasms for hours, to the more subtle arts of seduction and manipulation.

That’s when she found it, the spell she needed. It was old and complicated, and came from a land she couldn’t even pronounce. Some race called ‘Changelings’ had perfected it and passed it on to others. It allowed a pony powerful enough to effectively plant post-hypnotic suggestions in the minds of others when under the spell. It was nothing but a gentle stimulation, simple pleasure that pacified and allowed somepony with strong enough magic to just put ideas in. Eros had used it to push ponies together who needed it, Cadance was going to do the opposite for reasons that were just as good.

There was a problem, though. It could be administered through magic alone, but it was very short lived when done that way. Hours, maybe a day if she was lucky. The only way for it to linger, for weeks, even years the book said if the caster was powerful enough, was to administer it through an intimate method. The way a lover would, so either through a kiss or something more.

Considering the latter was unfathomable, Cadance would settle for the former. She would have to get in a room alone with Vinyl Scratch, administer the spell by way of kiss, and then issue her orders.

A twinge of guilt shuddered through Cadance. She was going to be doing something she promised she wouldn’t do again, she was going to mess with Vinyl’s head. But it was for her own good, for Shining’s own good.

She knew that didn’t make any of it morally right, but it made it palatable. That was all she needed to do, be able to live herself. She thought she could definitely do that, she could live with doing something ambiguous if it saved Shining’s career and Vinyl a lifetime of emotional pain.

She was going to go through with it.


Vinyl picked up a wooden spoon and scooped up a piece of the dish she had cooked. Gently, she blew the steam off of the gathering of foodstuffs and popped it in her mouth. It was a little hot, but it was as delicious as ever.

“What did you call this stuff, Scratch?” Vinyl was happy that Twinkle finally calmed down about the whole Galea thing. The whole day he had been spouting little hypotheticals and situations that could happen, all while berating Galea’s decision to include Bat Ponies back into the guard. He called them traitors, but Vinyl just put that bit on old school prejudice.

“Tater tot hotdish.” Vinyl stated for the umpteenth time. “I spent like a week in Whinnyapolis, and the dude I was staying with made it.” Luckily the weather in the north was no different from that of the mountain city, so she had adjusted nicely. “It’s casserole, but they call it a hotdish up north. It’s just some cream of mushroom soup, vegetables, and tater tots on top. Trust me, it’s really good.” Vinyl had like ten recipes up her sleeve she could do, and this was by far her favorite.

“I’ll give it a shot.” Twinkle said as he eyed the glass pan warily. “Just know I’m not that big of a fan of tater tots.” Sweet Celestia, he was getting weirder as time went on. It was always something with him.

“How do you not like tater tots?” Vinyl asked, scooping some of the dish onto plates. “They’re like a staple for foals everywhere.” She levitated one in front of Shining, which he took and carried over to the couch.

“I don’t know, it’s just the texture.” He stuck his fork into the food. “I’m really big on the texture of my foods. Tater tots, those chalky candies, and stuff like that. They just feel weird, so I don’t like eating them.” Vinyl rolled her eyes at the picky stallion as she took a seat beside him.

“What are you, six?” She pointed at his food with her fork. “Eat your damn food, you picky unicorn.” She started shoveling it into her mouth, happily eating one of her favorite dishes. She had cooked it specifically to take her mind off of everything that was going to happen soon.

“So for the order, I was thinking it would go Uncle B, Intrepid, Cadance and then Glory.” Shining chatted as he chewed his food. Pretty bad manners for someone who came from nobility, if Vinyl was to have an opinion on the matter. “I want some buffer between Uncle B and Glory, I want you to be able to marinate on what he says for awhile.”

“Do we really have to talk about this when I’m eating, Twinkle?” Vinyl questioned after swallowing. “Like, can’t we have an easy night before it all goes to hell tomorrow? I just want one easy day, I even made you my specialty as a bargaining chip.”

“Should’ve asked what my favorite food was if you wanted to negotiate.” Shining noted, which earned him a glare from Vinyl. “Alright, alright.” He relented, putting his hooves up in surrender. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow. Tonight will be the calm before the storm, got it.”

Vinyl could live with that for now. All she needed was a little time of peace to balance out the coming chaos. It didn’t hurt that she was with her favorite stallion through the whole thing, either.

Those doubts and negative feelings that she had been feeling about Twinkle, they had faded. They were all about her being afraid to mess it all up, they were all about her being afraid to hurt Twinkle and ruin his life. But what could she possibly do to cause that? They were going to go to Celestia and show her that Vinyl was fine now, that everything was good. Shining was going to get that promotion and then they could be happy.

Vinyl wasn’t going to fuck anything up this time.

Author's Note:

We're setting up for the finale, boys and girls. We're almost there.

Also, I had to use a quote by the late, great Carrie Fisher in this chapter. It might not be one-hundred percent applicable...but I needed to. She was a bit of a hero to me.

Thanks for reading. Tell me what you think.