• Published 2nd Nov 2011
  • 2,280 Views, 26 Comments

Barraki! Creeps from the deep. - Vicron

the great kingdom of sea ponies reaches our for help in facing a threat unlike any they've ever see

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Equestrian North Shore: Evening Star Cove.

It was just another day out on the surf for Sunny Shores. Out on her boat kelp fishing, which was done basically by lowering a giant salad fork into the water and paddling around. It was easy, slow going work that let her mostly just sit back and relax, every now and again she would meet a sea pony who had decided to come up for a chat.

Normally the water was beautiful, clear enough to see the bottom, but today the waters ran black; this was usually the product of some far off storm so she didn't really pay much attention to the small dampener on her spirits until something made the boat heave.

"Ug, stuck on a rock again?" She pulled on the rope and immediately knew something was wrong, it was much lighter than before. She pulled it up, something had cut clean through the line, leaving a jagged tangle of rope that reminded her briefly of roots. The black water churned around her and a massive tentacled form erupted from beneath the boat, sending it skipping several feet. "Holy horseapples!"

The boat rocked for a few more moments before stabilizing enough for her to look over the edge, watching for the massive squid that had tossed her boat. There was a splash from behind her and something landed in the boat with a thud. Sunny whirled around, oar at the ready. It was a yellow sea pony, badly injured, blood gushed from a gaping wound in its side and it wheezed pitifully, which didn't normally happen because sea ponies can breath underwater and above it.

"Please... you must help us... They are coming!" It pleaded, gasping for breath.
"What? Who's coming?" Sunny asked, looking around as the water started to churn again.
"They came from the blackness." Tentacles sprung from the water all around them, Sunny started paddling as hard as she could, hoping to outrace the creature below them. Luckily they were close to an outcropping, so Sunny hefted the unconscious sea creature onto her back and jumped. As her hooves left the wood a great beaked maw came up beneath them, splintering the boat. The creature let out a shrieking cry of frustration at having been denied its prey and sunk back underneath the black water.

"Well that was close, wasn't it?" Sunny said picking herself up off the rock. She turned to the yellow creature, it had stopped breathing, the squid may not have been able to eat its prey but it had still killed.
"You must help us." "They came from the blackness." The sea pony's pleas rang through her mind. Whatever it had been talking about was a lot scarier than a rogue squid, sea ponies had to deal with that sort of stuff all the time.
Deep beneath the water, the master of the kraken snapped its tentacle like a whip. Missed that one. It sulked inwardly. Oh well, there are bigger, easier targets out there Kalmah. You just have to wait.