• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 813 Views, 4 Comments

Sisters Forever - Cinnamon Clover

How did Scoot and Emy end up living in an abandoned warehouse?

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The Beginning of Their Story

Sisters Forever: Chapter 1: The Beginning of Their Story

Story Summary: The prequel to "Temporary Home". Scootaloo and Emerald have not always lived on the streets. This is the story of how they ended up living in that abandoned warehouse.

Chapter Summary: After their mom dies, the twins are split up and brought to live with their grandparents.

It was a dark night, as most stories do begin. Our story begins in the Ponyville Hospital. Two elder ponies were pacing the waiting room as their two four-year-old grand-fillies slept curled up on a chair. Suddenly the doors the operation room opened revealing a white nurse pony who approached them steadily, a frown she wore her face

"I'm sorry, we did everything we could. She was just too sick." the white nurse pony said to a unicorn mare and a pegasus stallion. She had a pink mane which she wore in a bun and a white nurse's uniform with a nametag bareing her name, Red Heart.

The unicorn was once a very bright ruby red but the years had made her coat a rather dull shade of red. Her light blond mane was short and curly. Her visitor name tag read "Ruby Shimmer". The pegasus too had a much more lustrous coat in his younger years. His coat now was a dull orange. His mane was grey and messy. According to his name tag, his name was Peddles Zoom. They had been waiting for the results of a surgery to save Sunstone Shine's life. She was Ruby's daughter and Peddles' daughter-in-law.

"What about her fillies? Where will they go?" Ruby asked concernedly. They knew that there would be time to mourn later. They had to be strong for their grandfillies. Their dad had died when the twins were one so they were all their grand-fillies had left.

"Well, I looked into the family records and it seems that you are the only two relatives that are qualified to watch over them." the nurse said sympathetically.

"I guess that means one of us shall have to do it," Peddles' said calmly, "but how do we choose? I mean if Emy and Scoot both come to live with me then Scoot could learn flying but how will Emy learn magic? And if they live with you how will Scoot learn to fly? Sunny lived in Ponyville so I was going to teach Scoot how to fly for her."

"I guess I could move to Ponyville, but my job demands me to stay in Canterlot. You could move, but you have to clear the skies of Ponyville." Ruby contemplated. She had only come to Ponyville for her daughter and grandfillies.

After what seemed like hours, Ruby and Peddles came to a decision. They finally turned the two sleeping fillies. One was a emerald green unicorn with a dirty blond mane. The other, a orange pegasus with a dark pink mane, was curled up next to her. After giving the two fillies a gentle nudge to wake them up, the two elders broke the news of their mom's passing and who they were going with.

"Girls, your mom she's-she's up there with your dad." Ruby said, finding it hard to hide the tears as they stung her eyes, "She isn't coming back."

"Why? Did we do something wrong?" Scoot, the orange pegasus, immediately started crying while Emy, the emerald green unicorn, cried silently.

"No, you see, she-she was very sick." Peddles said, also having trouble containing the tears that were forming in his eyes, "and me and your grandma were talking. I can't teach Emy how to use her magic and Ruby can't teach Scoot how to fly. Since we want Emy to learn magic and Scoot to fly we decided that Scoot you're coming home with me."

"And Emy, you're coming back to Canterlot with me. We're spending the weekend here and coming back in a few weeks for the funeral." Ruby added, trying to regain her strength.

"But-but, I don't wanna leave Scoot!" Emy cried desperately grabbing on to her sister for dear life.

"And I don't want Emy to go!" Scoot seconded, also clinging to her sister.

"Don't worry. We'll visit each other every other weekend." Ruby soothed.

This didn't help much but the two sisters realized they weren't going to win this battle, as much as hurt them to be separated from each other. They began to shed silent tears in each others' embrace.

"Don't cry girls! You still have the rest of the weekend together and we're coming up in two weeks!" Peddles exclaimed.

Ruby then proceeded to pick up the two crying fillies with her magic. The four then left the hospital's waiting room and headed off to Peddles home.


"Scootaloo, could you please tell me why again you are going to Canterlot?" Sweetie Belle asked her pegasus friend as she waited with Scoot at the train station. They had just formed the Cutie Mark Crusaders with Apple Bloom a little less than a week ago.

"I'm going to go visit my sister. She lives in Canterlot with our Grandma. We stay at each other's houses every other weekend. This weekend it's my turn to visit her in Canterlot." the orange pegasus replied as she adjusted her saddle bags.

"Wait, I didn't know you had a sister. What's her name? What's she like?" Sweetie Belle then asked.

"Her name is Emerald Glow but everypony calls her Emy. She's my twin unicorn sister and she is really fun and super nice!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Why doesn't she live here in Ponyville with you and your granddad?" Sweetie Belle

"I don't know." the pegasus replied after thinking it over for a minute., "I'll ask her if she knows."

Just then the train blew it's loud whistle signaling that it was pulling up.

"Oh, gotta go! Bye Sweetie, see ya at school on Monday!" the pegasus cried out as she rushed over to the platform, her train ticket in her mouth, her saddle bags and scooter on her back.