• Published 21st Oct 2014
  • 7,205 Views, 679 Comments

Discord's Discount Disguises - MythrilMoth

Discord opens a costume shop in Ponyville for Nightmare Night. But is he on the up and up?

  • ...

Epilogue: Settling The Bill

Discord smiled innocently. "Happy Nightmare Night, everypony!" he said grandly to the crowd. "I hope you all enjoyed my very first ever Nightmare Night prank."

"A prank?!" Twilight demanded, slamming a hoof on the ground. "You call all this...all that craziness we all just went through...A PRANK?!"

"Why yes," Discord said. "Yes I do." He swept his arms around him grandiosely. "Look around you! Everything's back to normal, exactly as it was before this all started. No harm has come to anypony...I don't think, anyway...nor to Ponyville, you're all healthy and happy and safe...and you've had quite the exciting little adventure!"

"I don't know if exciting is the word I'd use for putting my subjects in such tremendous danger," Celestia said as she and Luna approached. Everypony except Discord and Twilight bowed. "Especially when some of that danger came directly from me."

Discord waved his lion paw dismissively. "Puh-lease, Celestia. There was never any risk of you or anypony else permanently injuring or killing anypony. My spell had multiple failsafes woven into it!" He turned to Twilight. "For example, your little...heh...boyfriend stopping you from attacking Big Macintosh." He looked around. "I would never have let anypony be seriously harmed! Why, have I not learned the important lesson that friendship is magic? What kind of friend would I be if I put my friends in mortal peril?"

Unconvinced mutterings rippled through the crowd of ponies, who were glaring at Discord.

Fluttershy glided to the ground, standing beside Discord. Her silver slippers, peytral, and tiara glittered in the moonlight. "I believe Discord when he says he never intended any harm," she said softly but clearly, addressing the crowd. "I know that in the past, Discord hasn't been...the nicest being in Equestria. And I know that, well...I know he's still struggling to regain everypony's trust after the whole Tirek thing. But, well...Discord has changed. And yes, tonight was very strange and very scary, but..." She looked at Discord. "When his spell first took effect, and I was the only pony whose mind was unaffected, he told me that he sincerely meant for this to be harmless Nightmare Night fun. And even though everything that happened tonight was way too scary and I'm not entirely sure he planned for everything that happened..." She took a deep breath. "I really, truly believe that Discord meant all of this to be in good fun."

"Be that as it may," Celestia said sternly, "to perpetrate such a malicious prank on such a broad scale...you've lost quite a bit of my trust this night, Discord. I am disappointed in you."

Discord hung his head. "I...don't suppose I'm ever going to completely fit in," he said.

Luna looked down, eyes moist and sad. "Believe it or not, Discord...I understand how you feel." She looked around. "I recall my first Nightmare Night, here in this very spot. I did not understand the festivities. I felt insulted. I lashed out with my power. I terrified the good citizenry of Ponyville." She lowered her head. "It is difficult to feel as though you belong when you are mistrusted and shunned. Especially when you have spent so much time removed from society." She looked up and fixed her gaze on Discord. "What you have done this night was wrong, but...I truly believe your heart was in the right place."

Celestia turned her gaze to Twilight. "Well, Princess Twilight? Ponyville is your domain. You have the final say in this matter."

Twilight sighed and drew herself up to her full height. "If Fluttershy is willing to forgive Discord, then...I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt." She gave Discord a stern stare. "But! I must hold you accountable for your actions." She frowned. "You are hereby ordered to remove your costume shop from Ponyville. Furthermore...I'm banishing you to the Crystal Empire for two weeks."

Discord bowed. "As you command, Your Highness." In a flash of light, he vanished.

"Why the Crystal Empire?" Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

Twilight glanced down at the puppet head hanging from her belt. "No reason," she said with a smirk. She looked around at the crowd. "Everypony...it's late, and we've all been through so much tonight. I'm sorry that Nightmare Night went so...wrong. We'll...we'll have a do-over, or...or something. For now, you should probably all go home and turn in."

As the crowd began to thin, Twilight's friends gathered around her, as did the two elder princesses. As Princess Celestia's eyes landed upon a certain mare, she let out a sharp gasp. "Sunset Shimmer..."

Sunset Shimmer smiled weakly. "H-hello, Your Majesty..." She scuffed the ground with a hoof. "So, uhh..."

Celestia rushed over and swept Sunset Shimmer up in a hug, nuzzling her. "It's...it's so good to see you again."

Rainbow Dash looked around. "Hey, anypony seen Applejack?"

"And where's Spike?" Twilight asked.

"I left Spike at the palace," Fluttershy said. "Applejack, well...I don't really know where she is." She blushed faintly.

* * * * *

Spike looked around at all the brandy and cider bottles that lay scattered around him. "Oh man...Twilight's gonna kill me..."

He belched and lay down on the kitchen floor, deciding it was a good time for a nap.

* * * * *

Applejack staggered through the gates of Sweet Apple Acres. Her entire backside was stiff and sore. She'd shed the bat wings of her succubus costume halfway back to the farm.

As she neared the farmhouse, she encountered Big Macintosh, who looked tired and achy. "Some night, huh?" she said, strain in her voice.


"Ah'm uh...Ah'm gonna git on up t'bed now," Applejack said. "Mighty tired. Gotta be up an' at 'em with th' rooster, y'know?"

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh paused. "Uhh...did anything...strange happen to you tonight, AJ?"

Applejack looked everywhere except at her brother. "Nnnope."

* * * * *

"So, Sunset Shimmer, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked, folding her hooves. "You know, you put Twilight through a lot of crap."

Sunset Shimmer groaned. "Yeah, I know. We're cool now though." She looked at Twilight. "Seriously...didn't I already go through enough of this on my side of the portal?"

Twilight giggled. "You know how Rainbow Dash is."

"Yeah, I do."

"Okay...that's kinda freakin' me out," Rainbow said. "I should probably head home. I gotta get this crud outta my mane..."

"Oh, let me help you with that," Sunset Shimmer said. Her horn flared, and the brilliant silver dye in Rainbow's mane and tail boiled away, leaving behind Rainbow's natural six-colored hair.

Rainbow blinked. "Wow. Uh. Thanks."

Sunset Shimmer smiled. "No problem. To be honest...it's nice to be able to do magic again, even if it's just for a little while."

Celestia, who had already purged the dye from her own mane, shuffled her hooves. "You could...you could stay...longer..."

Sunset Shimmer shook her head. "I don't...really belong here anymore. The other world is my home now." With a smile, she added, "But I'll come to visit whenever I can!"

"Be sure to let me know when you do," Celestia said. "Seeing you again...makes everything that happened tonight worthwhile."

Tears glistened in Sunset Shimmer's eyes. "Thank you, Princess Celestia."

"How did you know to come here tonight?" Luna asked curiously.

"Oh! Well...umm..." Sunset Shimmer chuckled sheepishly. "I actually just came to return some library books..."

"Well, your timing couldn't have been better," Twilight said with a smile. "I think you really helped Fluttershy do...whatever it is she did."

"I just...I just did what...what you would have done," Sunset Shimmer said awkwardly, rubbing one hoof with the other. "So...that's some castle you've got. But why the heck does it look like a giant tree?"

Twilight laughed. "It's a long story. C'mon, I'll tell you all about it on the way back..."

* * * * *

Flash Sentry had just begun his duty shift at the Crystal Palace when Discord appeared in front of him. "Gah!" he yelped, jumping a foot in the air and spreading his wings.

"Why, hello, Flash Sentry," Discord said pleasantly. "How are you this splendid morning?"

"D-Discord! Wh-what do you want?" Flash's eyes were wide with panic as he took a step back defensively.

"Oh, I actually just came to give you a little present," Discord said. With a flash, several photographs appeared in his talons. He spread them out and offered them to Flash Sentry.

Curious, Flash leaned in for a closer look. "Is...is that Princess Twilight?" he asked.

"Indeed it is, my fine fellow..."

"What...what's she...wearing?" Flash's wings rose to full sail for entirely different reasons...

* * * * *

The bright morning sun warmed the crisp autumn air. Six exhausted mares sat in the throne room of Twilight's palace.

"Where's Spikey-poo?" Rarity asked.

"He's cleaning the kitchen," Twilight said. "And after that, he's got a little shopping to do." She frowned. "He drank every last drop of alcohol in the entire castle last night."

"Now, Twilight," Fluttershy said, "that's hardly fair. It wasn't his fault..."

"Yeah, but it's the principle of the thing," Twilight said.

"He did what?" Rarity gasped. "Oh. Oh my goodness. Is he alright?"

Twilight shrugged indifferently. "Alcohol doesn't affect dragons the way it affects ponies. It's like putting more coal in a furnace. That's why he gets such terrible stomachaches from too much ice cream. Ice cream is REALLY bad for dragons."

"Hey Fluttershy, what was it like to be a princess?" Pinkie asked.

Fluttershy ducked her head. "I...don't think I'd want to do it again," she said. "But...I guess it was...okay?"

"I bet I'd make an AWESOME princess," Rainbow Dash said. She turned to face Twilight, an eager expression on her face.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Not a chance."

"Well I for one am glad that whole experience is behind us," Rarity said.

The others stared at her.

"What?" she asked.

"Uhh...Rarity?" Twilight asked. "I'd...really prefer you not smoke that in here."

Rarity looked down at the cigar in her mouth, then sighed and extinguished it with her magic.

"Well I had fun!" Pinkie said brightly. "We should totally let Discord do this again next year!"

"NO!" the others shouted in unison.


Twilight rolled her eyes. "Actually, I was talking with Sunset Shimmer just before she went back to her world, and we were thinking maybe next year, we could all go there for Nightmare Night." She grinned. "Having two of each of you would really freak people out."

Pinkie shuddered. "Been there, done that, wasn't fun," she said. In a weak, shaky voice, she mumbled, "Lots of me...lots of me..."

The door to the throne chamber opened, and a Royal Guard poked his head in. "Excuse me, Your Highness."

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"There are some ponies outside who wish to speak with you. They say it's urgent."

Twilight stood and headed for the door, her friends right behind her.

* * * * *

Five stallions stood at the gates of the castle. They looked weak and weary.

Twilight walked down the steps, stopping at the palace's threshold. Her friends lined up behind her. "What can I do for you, my little ponies?"

Thunderlane was at the head of the pack. He cleared his throat nervously. "We...the five of us...we've lost our magic...we'd sort of like it back..."

Twilight's eyes widened. "No...it's impossible...! Don't...don't tell me...Tirek got loose again?!"

"Err...not exactly..." The five stallions looked away, faces burning.

Applejack's gaze traveled over the group of stallions. She paled, eyes narrowing to pinpricks as recognition and realization set in.

Twilight turned to her friends. "You heard him, girls. We need to stay on our hooves and be ready for anything. We may need to alert Princess Celestia..."

"Uh...aheh..." Applejack swallowed nervously. "There ain't no need for all that fuss," she said. "Uhh..." She looked down at her hooves. "Hoo boy."

"What do you mean there's no need for a fuss? Applejack, there's another magic thief on the loose, and—"

Applejack put a hoof across Twilight's muzzle. "Ah, uh...Ah did it. It was me."

Rarity, Rainbow, and Pinkie Pie gasped.

Twilight blinked. "What?"

Applejack ducked her head. "Uhh...what all d'you know about somethin' called a succubus?"


Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed my silly little Halloween story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I know I didn't include every character I possibly could have included, and I know a lot of you wanted to see certain costumes that aren't in the story. If this were the only thing on my plate, I could have done a lot more with it...it could potentially have been three times as long as it is and included a buttload more references.

But the plain and simple truth is, this story is already twice as long as I ever meant it to be, and my writing time was split between this and two other stories with tight update schedules.

Still, I think it turned out okay. :twilightsmile:

Many thanks go to Zef for contributing Lucha Mayor's Spanish dialogue.

Here's the full list of costumes and references present in the story, since I know not everybody recognized everything here:

Twilight Sparkle: Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw)
Spike: A Pimp Named Slickback (The Boondocks)
Rainbow Dash: Silver Surfer (Marvel Comics)
Rarity: Wolverine (Marvel Comics)
Pinkie Pie: Rorschach (Watchmen)
Applejack: Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo: Ghostbusters (Ghostbusters)
Sweetie Belle: Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
Big Macintosh: Frankenstein's monster (Frankenstein)
Octavia Melody: Sailor Moon (Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon)
Vinyl Scratch: Tuxedo Mask (Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon)
Ponyville's Only Mule: Pac-Man (Pac-Man)
Derpy: Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Zecora: Morpheus (The Matrix)
Lyra: Kei (Dirty Pair)
Bon Bon: Yuri (Dirty Pair)
Button Mash: Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
Discord: Willy Wonka, as portrayed by Gene Wilder (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)

Nonspecific costumes/MLP in-series costumes:

Fluttershy: An alicorn princess
Celestia: Mane-iac (Episode: "Power Ponies")
Luna: Mare-Do-Well (Episode: "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well")
Mayor Mare: A luchador

Lastly, Stellactus was a parody of Galactus, a major cosmic entity in Marvel Comics. Nobody was dressed up as him, he just appeared out of thin air because of Rainbow Dash's Silver Surfer costume.

Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 97 )

Discord's figuring out friendship through trial and a lot of error. It probably makes as little sense to him as he does to ponies. Still, given time, he'll figure it out.

I loved Celestia and Sunset's reunion. Very touching, yet it didn't interrupt the flow of the scene. Well done.

I'm kind of surprised Spike is legally allowed to buy alcohol. On the other hand, as you noted, he is a dragon. As long as the Crusaders don't try to rope him into their attempts to be CMC Wine Tasters, there's no harm there.

Very interesting that Twilight doesn't outright say that she can't make Dash into an alicorn, only that she won't.

Badgerella seems to have left a bit of a lasting impression on Rarity. I wonder if anypony else was thus affected.

And those stallions... that's going to be complicated.

In all, a great story for the season. Thank you for it, Moth. :twilightsmile:

5209143 Glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

This was AWESOME! This right here is my new favorite Halloween story! I loved it! Kinda sad its over but all good things must come to an end.....

Zecorpheus is best paranoid.

Also, loved the ending, leaves it open for the reader to interpret. A shame it's over, but good that it won't overstay its welcome. Hope to see more brilliance from you in the future.

I loved this. Mabey next year you could do Sunset's idea if you want to.

5209300 We'll see. I've got a whole year to think about what I'm doing for next Halloween. :trollestia:

Two questions.

One, any chance of a sequel with next year's Nightmare Night where they do go to the human world? I think Pinkie would adjust well to being with the other her that is truly an other her rather than a cheap copy, and might help her get past her issues left behind from "Too Many Pinkie Pies".

Two, is it weird I was picturing Stellactus capitulating to the stare at the end with "Yes, Mommy," only for him to be revealed to be Angel Bunny dressed up once midnight struck?

5209324 1. See above. 2. Yes.

One of, if not the, best crazy stories here. Really enjoyed it.

If Discord's spell had a fail safe shouldn't the stallions have their magic back?

5209413 Stories like this always have to have a "Whoops, missed one!" at the end. :raritywink:

5209382 Glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

i expected applejack to be a little more... pissed... :rainbowlaugh:


Gee, ya think? :facehoof: I was talking along the lines of the previous conversation.


Yes, and I was trying to say that I think an alternate ending where Fluttershy keeps her alicorn form and powers after the event would be interesting - even if it's not intentional, and she actually ascended during the chaos.

Time to start planning for next year and only 365 more days to go!

Anyone here do story commissions?

Applejack looked everywhere except at her brother. "Nnnope."

:pinkiegasp: LIES!
5209143 To me, this sounds like it needs a sequel.

well that was fun. too bad nobody really took it in good spirit.

5209413 He apparently didn't have one for that situation. There are things even the spirit of can't see coming it seem.

This is one of the most enjoyable Halloween/Nightmare Night stories I have ever read. :pinkiehappy: Probably helps that I'm a total sucker for parodies and references.

You know what this story could use now? Fan art!
(The following are pictures I just found on Google)





Have a Happy Halloween, everbody! :moustache:
Alternatively, have a Happy Nightmare Night, everypony! :eeyup:

He put that costume in the shop.

One of the best halloween stories i've read ont he site, and an excellent comedy story. hat tip to you, good sir.

Awesome Halloween-themed story. I must admit, while Discord deserved a good ol' fashion Gibbs Smack in the back of his head, I feel sorry for the poor guy. He was just trying to get into the spirit of the holiday. You know, I think he should be allowed to sell those costumes again next holiday, though without the mind-altering effect. If he had done that in the first place, they might have actually enjoyed the prank.

Heh, and it seems that there was a few lasting effect of the mind alteration. Oh boy.

5210153 The look on Flash Head's face :rainbowlaugh:

2spooky4me :pinkiegasp:

*throws a like and runs*

Did anypony from other towns or cities buy Discord's costumes?

Fantastic story. If those stallions didn't get their magic back, I wonder if there could be other long-lasting consequences. Can succubi get pregnant?

Worth the read!
Happy Halloween!

so wait. when applejack farted out the sparkly magic it didn't return to the owners? how they gonna get it back then?

No more costume shop? Aww... But imagine the fun if Ponyville got to coordinate that kind of spell with planning next year! Heck, he could also make a killing on conventions and roleplay games. Discord's Temporary Brainwashing Costumes, guaranteed to make you play the role you need to play.

5210732 That would depend on the specific version you're talking about, but I think, as a general rule. succubi don't get pregnant. Kind of hard to sex it up when you have something growing inside you.

Bravo! (wild cheering) What a story! Best. Epilogue. Ever.

What's Discord on about, nobody got hurt? What about those five stallions? What about Ponyvilles Only Mule, he has a ponyquin shoved up his ass, do you have any idea the surgery that'll take to fix?!

Anyway, certainly can't blame Flash for his reaction to the photos, Cheerleader Twilight sounds sexy.

5211787 Ah, but the mule wasn't injured by Discord's prank. That happened AFTER. See? :trollestia:

The other thing...Discord goofed and missed that one, but Twilight can fix it. It's just a little bit embarrassing for everypony involved.

5210781 Use your imagination! *Alondro demonstrates and imagines how the stallions could get their magic back from AJ's butt!* :fluttershbad::rainbowhuh::raritycry::pinkiesick::twilightoops::applejackconfused:

On second thought... don't. Just believe Twilight used a special magical rainbow spell to fix everything and never EVER try to imagine how it might work otherwise.


To be honest, I'm not entirely happy with how this story ended. Now, don't get me wrong; from beginning to end, it was a great read; lots of humor, chaos, and everypony acting in character (at least, when they weren't under Discord's spell). However, I'm a little bummed that practically nopony saw Discord's prank for the chaotic but ultimately harmless thing it was. I'm even more bummed that Celestia lost a lot of trust in Discord (seriously, get off your pedestal, Sunbutt!). I was honestly hoping that, after some initial anger, everypony would release just how much fun the whole thing was....

5211862 Good point, that was Sweetie Belle after all. Though the fact that she can do that is kinda scary.

You forgot Spike's costume: A Pimp Named Slickback, from The Boondocks.

A what if story, a what if story indeed I seek. Where Discord's spell wasn't as fool proof as he thought, and there was no reversing these changes?

Missed one
Spike - A Pimp Named Slickback (Boondocks)

5212724 Coulda sworn I'd added that one. :twilightoops:

Comment posted by Lizard0tM deleted Nov 1st, 2014

Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Good one, I needed that....

Wait, where'd the money go? To which charity, I mean?

And it was so, that hilarity had ensued, and all was as it should be.
Discord became Flash's new best friend.
Applejack's love life became infinitely very complicated, as their magic was not the only thing the stallions wanted.
Fluttershy became the star of a new TV show entitled 'So you want to be a Princess.' It is very popular.
Sunset Shimmer once again became Princess Celestia's pupil. four months later she accidentally trapped herself in an alternate dimension.
Spike, do to excessive drinking, soon grew to monstrous size. His remaining years of adolescence was very awkward.
Rarity developed a smoking problem. Luckily for her, pony tobacco is actually shredded licorice.
And Twilight.
Twilight kept on being the savior of Equestria, only this time she didn't resort to white magic when hordes of the undead assaulted her castle.

5211892 but its not in aj's butt. she sparkle farted it away.
previous chapter

Applejack looked around at the dark, twisted trees of the Everfree Forest.
Her ears wilted. "Oh, Big Mac is gonna kill me if he finds out what just happened..."
She let out an impressive fart, spraying glittering sparkles of magic from her rear end which lit up her surroundings.
Her eyes shrank to pinpricks. "Whuh-oh."

the the question is, if the magic didn't return to the stallions then, how are they going to find it?

5216882 Oh, for... :ajbemused:

1. Who said that fart was ALL the stolen magic? Nobody said that. Ever. In the S4 finale, Twilight was randomly discharging alicorn magic all over the place, not to mention the whole fight with Tirek thing, but the other princesses got their FULL magic back. It's just a visual effect.

2. MST3K mantra. It's just a fanfic. You should really just relax.

5216950 i wasn't seriously WORRIED about it. i completely forgot i even mentioned it until someone replied :derpytongue2: it was just something i felt like pointing out :rainbowlaugh:

5213085 I have nothing to apologize for. :P Your own fault if you can't handle it.

This should be a bit easier on the eyes.

5216950 Clearly the stallions must forcibly molesternate AJ for days until they get the magic out of her.


I don't always read NMN themed stories, but when I do, they become an amazing read. Stay epic my friend:moustache:

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