• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 1,535 Views, 20 Comments

The Chaos and The Feels - dah884

Making deals with demons is always a dangerous game where one miss step can lead to disaster. The only question is how do you define disaster especially when your not even the one making the deal. When an old friend of Discords decides to leave his n

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Chapter 5: Wishes and Consequences

“Please, take me with you,” Nabiki simply stated, her eyes practically begging as the rest of her face remained emotionless.

Kasumi dropping her mask of serenity and donning one of shock, nervously asks, “I don’t…” At this Nabiki merely raises an eyebrow and a flash of worry crosses Kasumi face, “I mean I would never…” She sighs and drops the pretense. “Please don’t stop me,” she pleads as desperate tears begin forming in her eyes.

For a second Nabiki has a shark like smile on her face before a much warmer and lighter one graces her face. “You didn’t hear what I said,” she almost laughs. “‘Please, take me with you,’ I don’t want to stay .”

“But… but why?” Kasumi asks confused. “What about college, your career, your friends?” After a few seconds hesitation she add, “Our family?”

Nabiki’s look lost any softness it might have had and harden to the point where even the title ‘Ice Queen of Furinkan High School’ was a gross understatement. “What family? Besides you all that’s in this house, which hasn’t been a home in years, is a spoiled brat with delusions that could do a Kuno proud, a human shaped waterfall that demands more maintenance than a faulty time piece, and a fur rug that does a decent imitation of a waste disposal plant,” she seethed. “I want to be with my brother again, and I don’t want to bring him back to this mad house. Even if it is mad, I prefer an asylum where they actually care about each other,” she admitted quietly to herself as much to her older sister.

“Your friends? And, what about college?” asked a Kasumi with grow reluctant resignation.

Laughing unpleasantly, Nabiki began, “friends? …let me think… Nope no one that fits that description. I do have a few business associates that would love nothing more than to stab me in the back if it wasn’t for the fact they fear retribution.” A small smile gracing her face she continued, “I remember having some a long time ago, but after…, after I just push them and everyone else not family away.” Her smile took on a hint of melancholy, “by the time I started seeing my surroundings again all I had was a broken family and people who didn’t even want to be around me.”

Kasumi got out of her bed rushed over and enveloped the sister she failed to see the pain of, in a much needed hug. Nabiki returned the hug after she got over her initial surprise, but still refused to cry at all.

Her older sister pulls her away a bit to stare her in the eyes, “what about college and your education?” The absolute resolution in her sister’s eyes tells Nabiki that what how she answered would determine her sister’s choice.

Nabiki’s smile was somewhere between a shark’s and a warm smile, “do you think I would pay those ridiculous prices for a piece of paper?”

Confusion ran across Kasumi’s face, “what do you mean?”

The smile shifted more towards shark, “all you need to do is read the books and take the tests, right?”

“I suppose so.”

“Now a days one doesn’t even need to take entrances exams to get college credits, there are a multiple ways to simply get credit through exams. And, with enough credits in the right place one can even get one of these,” Nabiki said as she held up a Master’s degree in one of the fields of business. Kasumi was stunned.

It took Kasumi a few moments to come out of her stupor, and when she did she weakly asked, “Akane?”

“I don’t think she should come, she seems pretty fine sleeping with the pig,” sneered Nabiki.

“Oh, is Ryoga pulling the old P-chan routine?” asked Kasumi innocently.

“No he’s actually sleepi… wait,” Nabiki mouth agape turned to Kasumi who was still smiling innocently. “You knew?”

“Even Akane knows,” Kasumi stated matter-of-factly. “For at least a couple of months, now.”

Nabiki just sat there with her mouth opening and closing wordlessly like a fish trying to breath. Kasumi found it quite humorous.

The sun lazily drifted over of the peacefully sleeping eldest Tendo sister. The light of its rays irritating Kasumi forced her to start stirring. She lifted a hand to her face to shield it from the abuse of the sky tyrant. Groggily she opens up her protected eyes and thinks, “I wonder when’s the last time I’ve been woken up by the sun…”

In a panic she sat bolt up, “oh, my!” She franticly began looking for her clock. “Oh no, it already so late. If I don’t make breakfast soon, Akane will…” a shiver ran down her spine. Forgoing changing out of her sleeping gown she ran out her room and down the stairs. Upon reaching the bottom step, her face became neutral before slipping on her ever-present serene smile as she made her way to the kitchen.

“I so sorry Akane, I most of forgot the alarm. Don’t worry about breakfast, I can handle it. Why don’t you…” Kasumi stopped when she noticed the auburn haired lady in pace of her youngest sister. Backtracking she began again, “Soatome-san, I sorry I didn’t realize you were visiting.” Her smile became a little more genuine, even as she unconsciously tried to cover herself a little more. “I’m sorry to say your son hasn’t returned yet.”

“Oh Kasumi how wonderful to see you today,” Nodoka greeted her with a smile of her own. “Your father and my Husband have both told me what happened with the ‘master’ making a deal with a demon allowing it to steal him away. They also thought that since you do so much around here you could use a day to yourself. I told them I would be honored to help with the cooking.”

Kasumi didn’t know what to do with herself sat at the family table. It wasn’t the first time Nodoka had helped cooked, but it was the first time she handle all the cooking with Kasumi doing anything. It felt weird, strange, different “what does one do when another makes their meal.”

Genma and Soun were playing their eternal game of shoji. (Read using stupid distractions to cheat each other for position)

Soun got up and approached his daughter. “Daughter, for all that you have done for this family over the years I, as head of the Tendo clan, wish to show my appreciation,” he declared before offering her a box. As she opened it, she realized that it did indeed show his appreciation. Contain within was a complete box set of the first season of MLP:FIM. Of coarse, what he failed to realize is that it was a box set for ‘Male Licking Ponies: Fetish Is Magic.’ Kasumi shivered at the implications of her own father handing her something like that.

Genma wasted no time making his move. Soun would find several pieces missing and his opponent’s in advantageous positions. Genma with his victory assured got up and said, “to thank you for your hospitality, here.” What he handed her was a small supply of cleaning materials, all used of coarse.

Anyone else’s face would show a sign of what they thought, but Kasumi’s was as saintly as always as she thank the two for their ‘thoughtful gifts.’

Akane carrying P-chan(her pet ‘pig’ for any not in the know) walked in shortly afterwards, clearly having just gotten out of the furo. A smug smirk on her face, “so the pervert still hasn’t returned?”

“Kasumi has yet to wish him back,” answered Soun assured of himself.

“Oh, to be cursed with a worthless son who needs to be saved by a… kind and sweet girl,” Genma nervously finished.

“Definitely got the worthless part right, right P-chan,” a oink was her answer.

Breakfast had been a somber affair with Nibiki join sometime before it start. All the while Mrs. Nodoka kept asking about what her son had been up to before his disappearance.

Just before Kasumi got up to gather the dishes, a light coughing from behind made her jump a bit as everyone else turned to face the source. “So Ms. Tendo have you decided on a wish.”

“Oh, you must be the nice demon who took the ‘master’ away?” asked Nodoka with a smile.

“In a matter of speaking,” Hild replied smiling as well, and even sharks would shiver.

“She wishes…” Genma and Soun replied in unison before Hild gave them a glare that literally made voices freeze.

“I’ll get to you two shortly,” the smile was predatorily. As she looked at Kasumi it softened a little, “your wish dear?”

“I wish…”

So there they were standing in the middle of the town square with ponies wondering to and fro going about their everyday lives. While Nabiki took account of her new form and disappointingly discovered she would have to learn to wield her now inherent magic, her sister was standing in wordless awe. Kasumi stood there as her already large eyes widen more and more by the second at the onset of the world’s greatest nerd-gasm. Her head kept whip lashing unable to decide which sight she wanted to see more at the moment. A smile both full of innocent wonder and manic obsession, to do a Kuno disserves, spread across her face. The sound that finally came out of her mouth was less a squeal and more a supersonic whistle. Nabiki turn in shear shock at her sister. Everypony in the area turned to find what made that sound, upon noticing it was just another weird pony in a town full of unusual ponies they went about their own business.

Nabiki jabbed an elbow, or at least what would be an elbow if she were still human, in to her elder sister’s ribcage, “you’re making a scene,” she whispered.

“But…, but…, but there’s so many. Look, look there’s Lyra and Bonbon,” she stated barely able to keep her voice below an excited shout. “Oh my, there’s Derpy and…, and Mayor Mare,” she gasped in awe and delight. “Oh and there’s Pinkie Pie, this is absolutely lovely,” Kasumi was practically dancing in place.

There walking down Mane St. one of her favorite ponies in the flesh. Standing next to her, was an earth pony stallion that looked a lot like Twilight. “I wonder who that is,” and, on the other side of the Twilight look-a-like was. “Ranma,” she whispered.

Nabiki turned and they listened to the conversation between the three.

Between the laughing, Ranma got out, “…so. But, ya should’a seen your face. It was all like, bam, blink, blink ‘what just happened,’ she fell over laughing.

“But that should have work. If it was a disguise spell it should have removed the illusion, and transformation magic is too unstable to hold up to a spell of that level,” the stallion desperately pleaded with reality.

“I’m surprised the princesses didn’t warn you. Especially, after their own disastrous attempt,” chimed the cheerfully bouncing pink pony.

Shock and worry crossed the stallions face as he turned to his companion, “what do you mean? What happened? Are they okay?”

“Well…,” Ranma began hesitantly. “When I said it was a curse Celestia…”

“Princess Celestia!” corrected Twilight.

“decided that,” Ranma went on deliberately ignoring Twilight’s correction, “there was no such things as curses, and went about undoing the… how did she put it Pinkie?” she asked the pink pony.

Pinkie sat on her hunches as she lifted a fore-hoof to her chin in contemplation, “I think she called it a ‘blasphemous attempt at corrupting the purity of magic and friendship,’ but I think that was more her venting her anger at Hildy-wildy.” With the question answered she went back to bouncing.

“Yeah that,” Ranma declared. “Anyway, so then she starts casting a dispel spell, and as Jusenkyo refused her, she kept pouring more and more power into it. When it looked like even that wouldn’t be enough she asked Luna…”

“Princess Luna,” corrected an enthralled Twilight absently.

“Luna,” Ranma repeated defiantly, “to help her. So, she started pouring on the power. All the while I was kinda hoping they’d succeed. But, I think the curse was just waiting for her to add her power. There was a blinding flash and the next thing I know everyone but me, Pinkie, and Discord have changed…”

“What do you mean? What happened? Are they okay?” Twilight repeated her earlier inquires.

Ranma turns and waves a hoof absently, “hey Kasumi and Nabiki.” She stops, more accurately her front hooves stop but her back keep going. The result is Ranma finding out what the pavement tastes like first hand. Ignoring a now silent, but still panicking Twilight, she went to the two ponies, “what are you two doing here?” Just as the words her mouth, Ranma’s eyes began bugging out, and she began nervously looking around. “The others aren’t with you are they?” Then she realized what she was and tried desperately to cover herself. “This isn’t what it looks like, it isn’t my fault. I can explain,” after a moments pause she continued, “well maybe not explain, but I didn’t do it. I swear.”

Kasumi has a genuine smile while Nabiki just smirks before saying “oh! You mean how Happosai bit off more than he could chew and finally gave a demon the upper hand. Or, how he pissed off the demons in the first place by making himself untouchable by trading a special spear. Maybe it’s the fact that the demons made a deal with the kami to get you here,” as she made her list Ranma’s face went from shock to understanding to resignation. Nabiki’s part her eyes just kept filling with more and more mirth.

“I knew the kami were out to get me,” declared Ranma. “But that spear most of been something special if demons couldn’t even touch him. I wonder if it’s that same spear from that library in New York?”

“Wait you went to a library before Nerima?” asked Nabiki in wonder.

“Well it was more a warehouse to store and maintain the magical items of the world or, tried to anyways. At least, it was more interesting than the one in Europe with all those ‘Rare Books.’ Though, I couldn’t tell which was more fun dodging that flying sword or the paper lady,” Ranma began laughing.

Nabiki was interested, but before she could find out more Kasumi interrupted, “I don’t mean to be rude but if you don’t tell Twilight what happened to the princesses she might explode.” Then whispered under her breath, “again, just like with Pinkie.”

“Oh that,” Ranma glanced over to the stallion. Eye twitching, practically bouncing on his hoofs, but the biggest sign of impending doom was the static discharge coursing through his mane and tail. Nervously Ranma said, “um, where was I?”

“You were at the best part, just after the big magical explosion and on the reveal,” Pinkie was a like filly waiting for the punch-line of a joke so she could laugh.

“Right, so the blinding flash fades and there where Celestia was is this giant white wolf with paint swirls on her shoulders, paws, and tail, and a floating disk on her back. Luna became a giant swan. The pillars turned in to nymphs and the throne started chasing them after becoming a satyr.”

Twilight stopped bouncing, eye just twitching uncontrollably.

“Oh, and there was those two guards,” Ranma was smirking.

“Yeah, one was barking up the walls,” Pinkie opened.

“And, the other was quacking mad,” Ranma finished.

“So let me guess, one became a dog and the other a duck?” Nabiki asked.

“Nope, one became a balloon wiener dog, and the other duck call,” Ranma answered chuckling. Pinkie was just laughing her flank off. Kasumi was gently giggling, while Nabiki’s and Twilight’s expressions mirrored each other’s incredulousness. “They were safely placed into a padded room while Celestia and Luna try to figure out how to fix it,” Ranma supplied.

Not far from the little group a set of eyes watch the events unfold and couldn’t help but laugh merrily. That is until she was tackled from behind by a pink blur she lost track of while watch it directly. After they tumbled and rolled a distance they ended up in front of the very group that the shadowy figure had been watching.

“Hild, is that you?” asked a curious Kasumi as a d’aw expression lit up her face. “You look so adorable, how’d you get so small?”

The miniature queen of the demons tried to stand up only to find herself restrained by pink forelegs in what might be affectingly called a passionate hug. Most would describe it as the warm embrace of death. “Yay this means I get to throw you all a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ pary,” the pink pony exclaimed in excitement.

Author's Note:

A. n. Okay, first off I hope you enjoyed the update. Unfortunately real life is rearing it head again. As such my update will be less frequent. That and a small problem I’m having with my computer will cause update problems. I will try to post my the starts of the last two ideas for Ranma/MLP:FIM crossovers before real life becomes to distracting.

A. n. As I was typing this I realized that Ponyville has the same ‘oh it’s just Ponyville’ vibe for it’s citizens with a little more panic that Nerima has. For the record I have no idea who Kasumi’s favorite pony would be, but the one she most relates to would probably be Fluttershy.

A. n. Going to try for two chapters per story

A. n. Any one else noticing my average word counts are getting longer. Does that mean I’m improving as an author or just becoming a bigger wind bag.

A. n. If I inspire a clop-fic from that joke, I am sorry.