• Published 15th Dec 2014
  • 1,535 Views, 20 Comments

The Chaos and The Feels - dah884

Making deals with demons is always a dangerous game where one miss step can lead to disaster. The only question is how do you define disaster especially when your not even the one making the deal. When an old friend of Discords decides to leave his n

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Chapter 7: Those Left Behind

I wish…

The Devil smirked and there was a blind flash of light. Where Kasumi and Nabiki once stood there was nothing.

Akane was stunned, not only did she lose Ranma, but now that pervert took her sisters with him. When she saw him again, Mallet-sama would smash him into a fine paste. Ryouga could make sure he didn’t run from what was coming.

Genma was worried, really, really worried. The only one of the sisters to know what a women was good for and actually good at, was gone. The dreaded one remained, how dare that boy leave behind his fiancée and jeopardize his retirement. The boy needed to apologize, or at the very least take the girl before she tried to cook something. He unconsciously shuddered.

Soun normally a man with a single emotion, despair, snapped. First his wife taken too soon and now his first and second born children. Of course without Nabiki the poor man would find it hard to keep up his current level of Saké consumption. Furthermore, without Kasumi he might have to suffer Akane’s attempts at cooking. His shuddering mirrored his friends without either noticing. Not to mention Ranma leaving Akane here, now how would the schools be joined?

“What did you do to my daughter, you monster?” wailed Soun Tendo.

“Why thank you, I do try,” Hild took a stage bow. “And to answer your question, merely granting her wish as per our agreement,” She smirked.

“My daughter would never betray and dishonor our family. You must have manipulated and possessed her,” Soun accused. Then he wailed, “My precious babies have been tainted and stolen!”

“You pervert!” shrieked Akane. “What have you done to my sisters? If you don’t return them I’ll…” She stopped mid rant as a miasma thick and lethal spread from Hild.

“While I won’t deny being a pervert, in fact I am the original pervert. I’ll have you know that I take free will seriously. And I do not ‘appreciate’ those who take it or my word lightly,” Hild’s tone was calm but held a stare that was as sharp as steel.

Akane gulped and took an unconscious step backwards, but refused to look away.

“As for returning them, the deal is struck and no force in heaven or earth can undo it. So, they’ll return when and if they want. Your sister is a clever girl,” She gave a smirk that would make a shark flinch. Her gaze then fell on the two elder males, “now I believe our business is not yet settled. Will you part with your knowledge, willingly?”

Soun was about to refuse until she returned his daughters, when he felt something. He turned to look at the Dojo, specifically the shrine to his late wife, and for a second he could have sworn he heard someone say ‘please, let his evil go’. Another shudder ran down his spine, and he let out a sigh as a content smile formed on his face. For a moment of clarity, he was the man he use to be.

“Fine take it, if for no other reason than to be rid of ‘The Master’.”

‘Fool…’ Genma thought as a gleam entered his eyes. “So you're saying I have something you need to fulfill a deal between heaven and hell?”

“Genma, what are you doing?” Soun asked in a near panic. “Do you wish to bring Him back?”

Genma smirked, “Of course not old friend, but I haven’t gotten where I am by throwing away perfectly good opportunities.” He turned to look at the demon his smile only widening, “now then if you want what I got then I want something in return. Or, was that line about free will only for show?”

‘Well I was hoping for both of them to push the issue, but oh well a bird in the hand and all that. Though, I‘ll have to have a chat with kami about that spirit‘s interference,’ Hild thought to herself glancing for a moment at the same shrine.

“Very well, in exchange for the techniques I will grant you one wish, but remember your son is out of the question,” the look on her face was that of the cat that caught the mouse.

He sat there and did something unusual for him, he thought. He no longer needed the boy, which was good since the brat had been less and less cooperative as of late. No the boy was only a means to an end just as much to himself as this lady here, and now the ends were in reach. No catches, no problems, he had what she needed and offered everything he wanted.

“Well, since you refuse to return my dishonorable son, I wish for the retirement I deserve. Where I’ll want for nothing, have to do nothing, and be undisturbed by those who would harass me. All while being immortalized as the great parent I have always been,” He harrumphed in triumph. That is until he saw her smile had only grown more predatory.


The world swirled in a kaleidoscope of colors, barely veiling the flames and shadows that clearly powered the spell. When the light faded Genma found himself in a courtyard surrounded by alabaster walls that glowed faintly with magic. Just in view were towers both beautiful and moderate. Genma turned around to find the demon hovering just above the ground.

“Where the h*** am I-,” he blinked. “-What was that?”

“This is the sacred land, Avalon, resting place of King Arthur. It has not had a mortal step foot on it since Merlin laid him to rest. As punishment for an ancient trespass I have not been allowed to set foot on these hollow shores for eons,” Hild stated fore-longingly. “As for what happened, not only were you going to curse but you were going to mention the place of eternal damnation by one of it’s many names on these shores,” at his incredulous face she merely smirked. “Yes, you were censored.”

“But why are we here?” Genma growled.

“Your debtors and everyone you’ve ever wronged will never be able to reach you here,” Hild answered and Genma’s jaw dropped.

“And… and the rest?”

A bright flash of light consumed Genma and in his place stood a statue.

“Just as I promised you are immortal. You have become a goddess, though in name only. You have none of the powers, benefits, or perks of your new role. In truth your more of a focus for your new realm,” Hild smirked like a shark. “Speaking of your realm of influence, you may or may not have noticed but you’re currently female. Not only female, but…” she paused as she put a hand on a very noticeable bulge on the new goddess’s abdomen. “My word you are quite a ways along, now aren’t you?”


“Ah, the mother to be is shy and embarrassed,” Hild said in motherly joy. “Don’t worry, you’ll know the joys of childbirth very soon,” her smile twisted. “As the ‘great parent’ you are, your domain is the safety of newborns and those yet to be born. To ensure their safety you shall experience the ‘joys’ of birth, and of course all credit will go to the mortal sciences. Doesn‘t that make you happy?”

More silence.

“Oh my, so overjoyed you’re speechless,” Hild exclaimed in glee. “And isn’t it wonderful? Being a statue you won’t have to do a thing, because statues usually do nothing but stand there. Just like you wanted.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief, “and as an added bonus, your made of 24-Karat gold. That means your finally worth your weight in gold!” she laughed merrily. “You shouldn’t have taken advantage of my generosity, twice.”

“I presume I won’t be able to remove that,” said a tall man with a mane and beard of wild silver hair.

“Ah, Merlin, I presume you heard all that?” Hild asked without turning to the voice.

“Though your cause may be just, don’t you believe you may have been a bit cruel?” Merlin asked.

Hild began laughing, “Maybe a little over the top, but…” She snapped her fingers and a large bulky folder appears before Merlin. He gently took hold of the floating folder. “His file,” Hild answered the unasked question.

After five minutes of reading the highlights. “My apologies for insulting your generosity,” he says to Hild. “And, my earlier question?”

“The only way to remove him is for me to separate him from the very ground,” Hild supplied.

“I take it that would require you being in contact with said ground?”

Hild’s only response was a smirk. “So be it, but do call ahead next time you drop by. Would you like some tea? It’s been awhile since you last visited.”

“Sadly, I need to get back to my soaps,” Hild replied.

“Oh next time, do tell,” he said pleasantly.

“No problem.”

Author's Note:

thanks to WingmanRed for proofreading

A. n. This chapter was planned but i was going to just have Genma drag to hell. a comment from MWKillKenny84 got me thinking and this is the result. so thank you MWKillKenny84 and everyone else for your comments.

A. n. I’m surprised there was something important and no one mentioned yet. Oh, well it will be addressed in the next chapter.

A. n. Well that should take care of Nerima for a bit. Now I was going to leave it alone until things came to a head, but then I remembered the amazons, Ukyo, and the others. So we might have to hit Nerima once or twice again but the focus will be on Equestria.

A. n. I have to thank TrimusicaDrag00n90. I was going to have reality snap back (with an exception or two) because the effects of Poison Joke are removed with the herbal bath but Jusenkyo isn’t so limited. As such thanks to your comment I gave it some thought and realized that there should be some fallout. So, once again thank you.