• Published 3rd Nov 2011
  • 1,482 Views, 17 Comments

Ponies Meet Boy - Stoltzy92

A new pony enters into Ponyville after a mysterious incident 10 days before. Why is he here?

  • ...

Chapter 6

Ponies meet Boy Part 6
By Brandon Stoltz

In Hoofington…….

In this small village a crowd of ponies had gathered. Every stallion, mare, and foal had gathered around a strange wooden stage that had been set up in the middle of their square. It was large and adorned all over with starts, shapes of planets, comets, and fireworks rockets.

“Fillies and gentlecolts!!” A dramatic voice bellowed. “Feast your eyes at the triumphant return of THE GREAT AND POWERFULL TRIXIE!” As the unicorn made her extravagant entrance onto the stage all sorts of fireworks and special effects went off in a grand display of lights and color. Rockets were zooming, sparks were flying everywhere. Truly a showpony’s display. The unicorn had a blue coat and a light blue mane with streams of white. She continued her dramtic entrance saying, “Watch in AWE as I…”

“Oh no not YOU again!” A grey stallion in the audience shouted.

“How DARE you interrupt the great and POWERFUL Trixie’s entrance!” Trixie yelled. “Are you not overjoyed for the return of the most MAGICAL unicorn in Equestria?”

“No we’re not!” He yelled back.

“How could you not be? You all MARVELED at the Great and Powerful Trixie’s last performance.”

“Yeah, but that was before I heard what you REALLY ARE!” the crowd gasped at what the stallion had said and now listened even closer to what he had to say.

“And what am I? Am I NOT the most POWERFUL magical unicorn who ever lived?”

“No you’re not!” he shouted stamping his hoof. “I heard about your little *performance* in Ponyville.” The stallion then walked through the crowd up closer to the stage. His face wore a look of determination while Trixie’s face uttered only the slightest amount of nervousness.

“Oh so you have heard about the wondrous story of how The Great and Powerful Trixie vanquished an Ursa Major?”

“Oh I heard something alright.” The stallion said the fury in his face painfully obvious. “You told them your story about that Ursa Major, how you vanquished it, you were that village’s only hope, blah blah blah, but then you used OUR village as the village that you saved. When you were HERE you said it was Manehattan.” The crowd all gasped in unison. They all chattered and chattered until the grey stallion spoke again. “Oh oh oh! And that’s not even the best part, the BEST part came when night came around an Ursa actually came into town.” The crowd gasped once again. It was as if they were on cue. The stallion continued, “Yeah, guess who they turned to for getting rid of it. Does everypony want to know what she did?”

Trixie cringed knowing what was soon about to take place. Her face broke out into a fierce sweat. She looked towards the crowd and saw all the foul glares that were aimed her direction. Anypony could see that this would not end well.

“She conjured a baby lightning bolt here, managed to tie only two of its fingers together there, and, oh this is my favorite part, she ran away!” The stallion jumped onto the stage getting right into Trixie’s face. “What you really are is a fraud and a coward. You are no magical unicorn, you’re just an egotistical sorry excuse of a foal!” All at once the crowd started booing and hissing at the stage.
“Get off the stage!” One mare shouted.

“Get lost!” another one yelled.

“Oh what a wonderful audience!” Trixie said with a laugh. Next she shoved the stallion off the stage and said. “The Great and Powerful Trixie did not need your protection but The Great and Powerful Trixie is most…”

“Who said we were talking to him?” a pony in front row said to her with a glare.

Trixie gasped as she realized what the pony meant. She saw that she was the target of innumerable angry stares. Before long the shouts, hisses, and boos returned stronger than before.

“Get out of here!” a mare yelled tossing a ripe tomato onto the stage.

“This town is NO place for a fraud like you!” a stallion roared.

Trixie took cover under her cape from the barrage of boos and vegetables. She listened to what all was being yelled to her…. It pained her. Her bottom lip began to tremble and tears began forming under her eyes. When she could take it no more she dashed as fast as she could off of the stage. She ran and ran and ran crying every step of the way. When she had gone far enough from the town she began to slow down. She was standing in the middle of a secluded but beautiful meadow where the grass made waves in the blowing breeze. “I am The Great and Powerful Trixie.” She sobbed wiping her face with her hoof. “Why doesn’t anypony love the spectacular feats The Great and Powerful Trixie performs……..” her crying slowed down alittle. “The Great and Powerful Trixie……….” She looked up towards the sky, “………… wants to be a star……… I just want their attention…….. their love……… I just want my talent to be recognized………” Trixie then lifted off her hat with her magic and set it on the dusty road she sat on. “The Great and Powerful Trixie had all of those things………. until………” Trixie then slammed her front hooves stirring up a small cloud of dust. “Until that TWILIGHT SPARKLE showed me up!” Trixie began to pace around her hat as her thoughts continued. “It was because of her that The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie lost her fame and respect!” Her resolve refound she placed her hat back on her hit. “She is but a mere setback. The Great and Powerful Trixie will get fame and fortune back by any means nessecary. Suddenly her shadow in front of her and a light blazed behind her back. She turned back to look at what it was. She found herself bathed in a bright orange light.

“Trixie of Equestria…….” A voice from the orange light uttered…… “You want it all……..”
Meanwhile in Hoofington…….

“You think she’s going to comeback Mayor?” a pony official asked an elderly but strong looking stallion. At this point the crowd began to leave from the front of the large stage which was now covered in tomato splatters, lettuce leaves, and other discarded vegetables.

“I certainly hope not.” The Mayor replied. “The last thing we need is a con artist dirtying our town’s good name with her lies.” He walked over to the filthy stage and looked it over. “Now we just need to tear down this eyesore.”

“It is only an eyesore because of a rude audience.”

The two official ponies turned towards where the voice came from. What they saw was a unicorn with a blue coat and a white and light blue mane. She wore a cape and a wizard’s hat but this time the stars were all orange and what was once purple was now black. She now also wore an orange and black uniform with several bands around the bottoms of her legs and around her hooves. One of the bands was larger than the rest and glowed fiercely around her right hoof. It had a strange symbol embedded into it that neither pony could understand. The unicorn spoke again.

“That stage……. Your attention…… the crowd’s respect…. Their adoration……. This whole village….” She lifted her head up. Her face revealed that The Great and Powerful Trixie had once again returned. But now she was….. different. Instead of her usual color her eyes glowed orange instead. The rest of her body glowed bright orange as well. As she continued to speak the orange glow got brighter and brighter. “This village……….” Her expression changed from a neutral stare to a wide and evil smile. “is…………mine…….. mine……… MINE!!!!!!”

“Welcome to The Orange Lantern Corps….” The ring uttered as its host reign had begun.

Back in Ponyville.

The quiet of the library home was suddenly disturbed by the sound of knocking.

“Hey could you get that Spike?” Twilight called reading her book.

“Got it!” Spike called back coming down the nearby staircase. As Spike made his way toward the door he briefly looked around and saw the book that she was reading. “Are you still obsessing with that book Blueben let you borrow?”

“I’m not obsessing over it Spike. I’m just reading it.” Twilight showing that it is the only book in front of her to prove her point. “I thought that since I had it and never seen any of its stories before I thought I could read it and maybe learn something. Maybe something familiar will come to me as I read it.”

“Well, at least you’re approaching it in a healthy way this time.” Spike said with relief. The knocks resumed now louder than before. “Yeah yeah I’m coming.” Spike wearily. He slowly opened the door letting the light of the morning illuminate the dark library.

“Yo.” Blueben said with a wave of his hoof.

“Oh hey.” Spike said with a wave back. “How have ya been?”

“I’ve been good. How about you?”

“Eh,” Spike then yawned tiredly covering his mouth. “about good I’d say. What brings you here?”

“I was hoping to talk to Ms. Twilight Sparkle about something. Is she here?” Blueben asked politely.

“She’s right inside reading that book you gave her.” Spike said pointing inside. “Come on in.”

“Thank you.” Blueben said with a bow entering the house.

“Good morning Spike.” Fluttershy said following Blueben.

“Hey Fluttershy.” Spike responded closing the door behind the visitors.

“Who was at the door Spike?” Twilight called from the next room still reading the book intently.

“It’s Fluttershy. Oh, and Blueben’s here to. He said he wanted to talk to you about something.”

As soon as Spike finished talking that alien feeling she had described before returned. The very object of her suspicion was now with her in her home. She then calmly closed his book and set it on the nearest shelf. Trotting towards the central room she thought about how she would conduct herself. Should she act as normal or should she act with caution? She didn’t know what exactly would be the best course of action regarding the situation. “Those locks, those books, there has to be something going on with him….. maybe this will be my chance to get some clues.” She thought to herself. “Blueben… just what is it that you’re hiding?” instantly regaining her concentration she stepped out into the central room where Blueben, Fluttershy, and Spike were standing.

“Oh, hey Twilight. Sorry if we’re disturbing your reading.” Fluttershy said softly.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s no trouble at all.” Twilight said with a reassuring smile before she turned to Blueben. “So, what was it you wanted to talk about?”

“You remember that thing that the creature you told me about threw at Rainbow Dash?” Blueben asked.

“Yeah, what about it?” Twilight responded inquisitively.

“I was wondering what all happened to it after the incident.” Blueben said. “Did the guards confiscate it or something?”

“No they didn’t.” Twilight told him. “Nopony there would go anywhere near it.”

“So, where is it?” Blueben asked her.

“Why are you so curious about it?” Twilight retorted.

“I wanted to take a look at it to see what I could learn from it.” Blueben said. “Creatures like the one you described have always been interesting to me. After reading so many stories you kinda get savy to the possibilities of what such things are capable of.”

“Like what?” Twilight asked.

“Like what magic they can do, IF they can do magic, or if they use something else entirely? Do they use machines that use steam, do they use technology that uses electricity, are they more advanced than us? Things like that.”

“Hmmmmmm I see your point.” Twilight Sparkle said with a nod.

“So, do you know where it is?”

“Actually, I’ll be right back.” Twilight then went right up the stairs. Blueben looked towards the stairs with a curious look on his face. After he heard the sounds of some rustling and of heavy objects moving he saw the silhouette of Twilight coming down the stairs. When she stepped into the light she had something in her mouth that was wrapped in a red cloth. Quickly approaching the round table at the center of the room she placed the object onto it. She then unwrapped the cloth slightly. As she did so some light in the room started to reflect brightly from what was underneath it.

“Twilight….” Fluttershy said with a terrified look on her face. “You… you… brought that t-t-t-th-thing.. .here?”

“I had to Fluttershy.” Twilight said to her. “Somepony had to remove it.” She unwrapped it alittle more making what was under it gleam even more. “I wanted to get rid of it. I wanted to throw it right into the river. But I couldn’t do it. I just had to bring it back with me. I wanted to see what I could get from it.” She then fully revealed the item beneath the cloth. It was indeed the knife that had been used by the creature. The handle was thick and slightly curved at the bottom. The blade was thick and long. It was a single edged razor sharp blade with a menacing point.

“Woah…..” Spike said in awe. “I’ve never seen a knife that looked quite like this before. Talk about hard core.” He reached for it to try to touch the handle but his hand was quickly slapped away by Twilight.

“What did you manage to learn from it?” Blueben asked.

“My research tells me that this knife definately isn’t the kind that was made to chop vegetables. That creature demonstrated its purpose pretty well when he threw it at Rainbow Dash.”

“You mean……” Fluttershy said hesitantly, “That…… it was made to……” She gulped gathering her strength, “…… to kill?”

“Precisely.” Twilight responded. “There hasn’t been anything like this in Equestria in centuries maybe even eons. Not since before Equestria was even established. The only time in recorded history that anything like this item were made was when the tribes were very militaristic. They were all ready for war with the other tribes. So things such as this were constructed for exactly that purpose.” She then turned her gaze toward the item in question, “But none of the weapons made back then looked quite this…… this…..”

“Recent or Advanced?” Blueben said looking at the knife.

“Exactly.” Twilight responded. “The designs from back then look nothing like this but I could tell the minute that I compared them that they were made for the same purpose.”

“Was there anything else you learned from this?” Blueben asked stepping closer and studying the knife.

“Now, these are just some theories that I came up with after what I just told you. This discovery implies that the race that creature originates from is no stranger to conflict. It must be such a prevalent thing for…… wherever it is that he came from……. That they focused their attention into the study of war, how to kill, how to make their killing implements more effective, and maybe even new ways to kill entirely.”

“Gosh…” Fluttershy said astounded at what she was hearing. “I can’t imagine a race like that. Poor creatures. I wonder how they even manage to live in such a state.”

“Where we have focused on peace and happiness this knife implies that his race has been prevalent in war and destruction….” Twilight’s eyes began to narrow and anger began to show in her face. “Which makes me dislike that thing more and more.”

“What if they’re not all bad Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, “I mean….. his being around means that their wars aren’t so bad that they wiped themselves out already. Maybe they’re not all bad. Remember how Equestria was founded? Maybe these creatures know what love and friendship is already and that’s why at least one of them survived whatever it is they’re going through.”

“Remember Fluttershy these are only theories.” Twilight said looking back at Fluttershy, “I have no idea what the entire race could be like, but that doesn’t change the fact that this knife was MADE to kill and it also doesn’t change just how wrong the way that creature acted was. You remember what he did don’t you? He barged in on Celestia’s speech, humiliated the guards, he spat in the princesses’ direction, and worst of all he tried to use this very knife to kill Rainbow Dash when she stood up to him.”

“I know Twilight….” Fluttershy said as she started hanging her low. “I remember what happened very clearly.”

“I must say your theories all sound very plausible.” Blueben commented as he slid his hoof across the back of the knife. “Whatever he is, he’s dangerous.” Blueben then put the red cloth back over the knife and attempted to re-wrap it as Twilight had wrapped it. “Originally I wanted to ask if I could ask to take this home and compare some notes I had about knives with this but it seems you already learned everything you could possibly learn from it without talking to the owner himself.”

“Despite whatever potential knowledge we could get from talking to him I hope we never see that thing again. “ Twilight then focused her gaze on the knife and her look once again took on a hue of anger. “He’s in Celestia’s hands now and she is more than capable of dealing with such a thing.”

Meanwhile in Canterlot…..

The upper class ponies have always been patrons (or so they would like to think) of the arts. One of the arts they appreciate the most is style of Equestrian Classical music. Canterlot’s youth on the other hand like their music to be a little more modern. A large number of them are still spoiled and up tight snobs, much like their parents, and they like to have alittle classical in their music as well as the modern, which is exactly the kind of music which two well-known mares in the music world are going to play today.

This performance that was about to take place was one that has been highly anticipated by the youth of Canterlot. The indoor stage/arena was dark with the only lights being seen were lights near the entrance and the stage to guide its visitors to their proper areas. The dance floor in front of the stage was packed to its limits with young colts and fillies waiting to dance the day away. (It was their only choice since the parents of Canterlot were extremely strict about curfews.) The excitement in the room was as high as ever. Behind the curtains however things weren’t so exciting. It would be more accurate to say that unlike the outside, the ponies preparing for their performance behind the stage were not anticipating what they were about to perform….. they were dreading it.

“How in in Celestia’s flowing mane are we gonna get through this performance?” said a brown coated stallion with white mane and tail and had four eighth notes as his cutie mark. “We have never performed this kind of music live before.”

“Yeah.” Said a stallion with a short and neat brown mane and coat with a violin as his cutie mark. He was shaking with nervousness and his face was drenched in sweat as he stood behind the first stallion. “This piece is extremely complicated. We could barely get through it during all of our rehearsals. How does anypony expect us to perform this piece well and do it in front of such important clientele.” Other members of the classical section of the assorted band started clattering and murmuring all with similar thoughts on their minds. What that stallion spoke was the truth. The piece they were performing was indeed complicated. It was written by a foal prodigy whose work could be considered borderline mad. The song they were going to perform today was especially complex. One that involved several pace changes, tone changes, ascending and descending beats, not to mention the modern equestrian hip-hop mix thrown in. It was going to be an uphill battle to play.

One mare in the group thought otherwise.

“Of course we’re not going to perform well if you let the pressure get to you.” The mare responded comfortingly to the whispers of the band. She stood right in the middle of the line with her cello under her foreleg. Around her neck was a white collar with a pink bowtie. She had a grey coat and a long dark grey mane, her light purple eyes looked intently towards the ominous red curtain that was in front of her and her fellow band members. “We’ll get through this in tip-top shape. You’re all very talented performers who have more than shown your stuff around bigger audiences and even more important clients. Take some deep breathes and relax everypony. We can do this.”

“How?” Asked the first stallion.

“By calming down and being professionals.” Replied Octavia, “Like I said these are not as high of clientele that we usually perform for. Besides, they’re kids, I doubt their all as uptight as their parents. We have the talent to blow them right out of the water! I wouldn’t be saying this if I didn’t believe that true.”

“Thanks Octavia.” The second stallion said to her wiping the sweat from his brow. “Hearing that helps a lot.”

“You’re welcome.” Octavia said with a calm smile.

While Octavia was calming her fellow ponies in the classical section the mare in charge of the hip-hop section was just as nervous as they were. The young unicorn mare with a white coat with a tail and mane of two shades of dark blue sat in her dressing room. She sat in front on her mirror staring straight into her own red eyes. The tension of the day had gotten to her like it had gotten to the others. Unlike the others she was alone. She withdrew from the others to see if she could get a handle on it.

“I’m doomed….” and so far she has not been handling it very well. “Doomed doomed doomed DOOMED!” She slammed her head onto the table in front of her mirror. “How am I supposed to mix up these beats when oldies oldies classical is thrown in?” She was as concerned as her classical fellows were. She was just as scared as they were about trying to add classical and modern hip-hop together in one song. She thought it was impossible. Then she saw the writing of the mad foal that wrote what she was about to perform. Then she was convinced it was impossible. The only reasons she didn’t turn down the job was because of how well it paid and because she had heard that her friend Octavia had also agreed to perform the song. They have been friends for a long time despite their different tastes in music so the opportunity to actually perform together was too good to pass up.

“Ms. Scratch, the show starts in five minutes.”

“Oh crud…” her face went pale and all of her legs started to shake. “Five minutes…… How am I supposed to calm down in five minutes?” Then in her panicked thinking she began to wonder something. “How is Octavia handling this?” She slowly creaked the door open and took a look outside of her dressing room. After a quick peak around she put on a cool and calm look and started making her way towards her part of the stage. She kept her eye out for her friend but amongst all the faces of all the other ponies she had trouble looking. Crew and other stage workers were scrambling all over the place (not frantically though) making the preparations for the big show to begin. Finding herself in front of the ladder to her beat boxing station and no sign of Octavia she gave up on finding her and went up the ladder. “-sigh- I might as well face my humiliation like a real unicorn.” She wearily made her way up those seemingly endless rails on the ladder. The fear was still hanging onto her mind digging its claws deep into her pride and into her confidence. It clawed into her mind more and more with every climb. When she reached the top her confidence was left in tatters. She looked from her place above the classical section and looked around. As she wearily looked back and forth waiting for the dreaded show to begin when she suddenly spotted a grey hoof that was waving at her. She looked closer and there was Octavia, smiling calmly and waving her hoof elegantly at her friend. Her face reflected surprise when she saw that her friend didn’t seem scared at all. Just sitting there waving without a care in the world. Then after seeing her friend recognize her Octavia stopped waving and started mouthing something. Vinyl Scratch didn’t understand what was being mouthed so she motioned for her friend to say it again. Then she pointed her ear down towards Octavia.

Over the sounds of the ponies chattering, moving into their places, and sounds of overall excitement for the show she could hear her friend say very faintly…..

“Good luck.”

Vinyl Scratch pulled back and just stared at her friend.

Recognizing that her friend had heard her Octavia whipped out her bow and gave her friend a determined nod before turning back around and facing the curtain.

Vinyl Scratch could not believe how calm and confident she looked as she faced the curtain that was before her. “There is no way she couldn’t know the kind of important ponies we’re playing for. How is she so confident?” After pondering it for a moment an idea began to form into her mind. After pondering on that idea she shook her head fiercely and whispered to herself “Get a hold of yourself DJ Pon3!” then she gave herself a light hoof-slap to the face and began her whispering again, “You can do this! You are DJ PON3! Best mix-master in Equestria! You’re gonna blow these kids’ MINDS!” She gave her turntable an epic turn and long scratch. The audience outside the curtain roared and cheered when they heard. Hooves were clapping, jockeys were shouting, “WOOP WOOP!” at the top of their obnoxious teenage lungs, ladies were yelling in approval. Vinyl Scratch found herself blown back a little by their cheers. She didn’t know that the turn table was already on and that all the eager part ponies waiting outside would hear her do that. As she heard their approval she started brimming with confidence. She looked down at her friend Octavia who was already looking back at her. She gave a second nod of approval before turning back around putting her gameface on. “Alright little ponies….” She whispered before putting on her signature sunglasses. “Let’s rock this joint.”

“Fillies and gentlecolts….” The announcer began with a voice beaming with enthusiasm. “Put your HOOVES together for DJ-PON3 and the EQUESTRIAN GRAND ORCHESTRA LIVE for you today. ARE YOU READY?!”

The crowd outside started cheering and clamoring exactly like they did before “WOOT WOOT!”s and all.

“I they can’t HEAR you. ARE! YOU! READY!?” the announcer called.

The crowd cheered and screamed again this time louder than before.

“Alright let’s get start…”

Suddenly two bright objects came crashing through the closed arena doors. They flew and darted all over the arena in various directions and at lightning speed. The crowd stared in awe as the light trails of green and blue danced over their heads. The ponies behind the curtain however were murmuring amongst themselves as they watched what was happening outside.

“What’s going on?” Octavia wondered. “I thought those stage lights weren’t supposed to go on until later in the song….. and I don’t remember them being blue and green.”

“What the hay?” Vinyl Scratch said scratching her head. “I didn’t turn on any of the effects yet. Is the equipment malfunctioning?”

Without warning the two flying objects turned right for the stage dashing at full speed. They ripped right through the curtain and started flying above their heads.

Vinyl Scratch took off her glasses and squinted her eyes at the foreign objects. “Are those….. flying rings?”

As soon as she stopped talking the green one darted right for her and was incoming fast. She ducked in an attempt to protect herself from the projectile. When the ring came closer however it slowed itself considerably. It slowly winded and swirled down towards her right foreleg.

“Vinyl Scratch of Equestria…..” The ring whispered, “you have the ability to overcome great fear…..” as it said this the ring expanded and slid itself onto her foreleg. “Welcome to The Green Lantern Corps.”

Just as the green ring had went for Vinyl Scratch the blue ring had begun a similar pursuit of Octavia. Octavia stood motionless not knowing what to expect. She held her cello close to her just in case the projectile were to become a hazard. Just as the green ring had done before it the blue ring slowed itself considerably as it got closer and closer to its target. Looking at it Octavia couldn’t help but be in a state of shock and awe at what her eyes were showing her. The ring seemed beautiful in its blue light and even the symbol on it seemed to make her feel like everything would be all right.

“Octavia of Equestria…” the ring sang as it came closer to her. Octavia extended her hoof towards it and the ring took its place on her foreleg. “You have the ability to inspire great hope..... welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps.”

After the lights of the strange object began to dim the audience inched closer and closer to the front of the stage in anticipation of what they would see next. When they all got as close to the stage as they could legally get the curtains flew aside and released the brilliant light that burst forth behind it. As the blue and green lights began to dim the audience looked towards their sources as their image became clearer and clearer. In the middle of the stage stood Octavia with her instrument still barely in her hooves and breathing heavily. Her pink bowtie had now become blue as a neat and very elegant black and blue suit had been placed on her by the ring with the symbol of her new corps placed right over her heart where the chest pocket of the suite was with a matching blue hanker chief inside of it . Gentlecolt and performer alike would have envied her at the sight of such a classy suit. Meanwhile as the green light dissipated from around Vinyl scratch her new thread had begun to reveal itself as well. It was a hip and colorful look, an icon of the hip-hop streets. On her back legs were now a bear of slick green jeans with stitches and musical markings that accented its street inspired look and its DJ wearer. Above that was a shirt that showed The Green Lantern Corps insignia large and proudly on her chest against a black backdrop that engulfed the rest of the sleeveless shirt.

“You must go! Now!” a voice spoke from the rings to the two mares that sounded old and ……..actually kinda cool in the OLD sort of sense. “The Corps has a mission for you of the UPMOST importance.”

“Yeah yeah I’ll get right on that.” Vinyl Scratch said still amazed at what she was now wearing. “But… umm…… can I get done playing this show first?”

“Yeah.” Octavia said into her ring. “This is a really important performance that we have been working very hard for so….. can we get to our uh….. mission…. After we’re done?”

“……………” at first the rings were silent to them. After a few awkward minutes of silence they could hear a frustrated sigh and what sounded like something hitting against old and worn skin. “Fine……..”

“Alright!” shouted the two mares. They both then readied themselves, Octavia stylishly swinging her bow into its position and Vinyl Scratch placing her forehooves firm against the turn table. Both mares began to glow again and before long the other performer got the cue to ready themselves as well.

“Oh yeah.” Vinyl Scratch whispered to herself smiling and her horn began to glow green in anticipation. “This is gonna be epic.”