• Published 3rd Nov 2011
  • 1,482 Views, 17 Comments

Ponies Meet Boy - Stoltzy92

A new pony enters into Ponyville after a mysterious incident 10 days before. Why is he here?

  • ...

Chapter 8

Ponies meet Boy Part 8

“Way to keep it subtle Twilight.” Spike said annoyed after he closed the door behind Blueben and Fluttershy.

“Pffffff. What are you talking about Spike?” Twilight replied walking back to where she placed Blueben’s book.

“You couldn’t have made your suspicions of him more obvious if you tried. What were gonna do? Interrogate him?” Spike said walking behind her.

“You know what I already told you about this book and the other one I saw.” Twilight opened the door to the room where she placed Blueben’s book. “For example, the very concept of serial killers is only known by the princesses and a select few among her associates and her advisers. I myself was only able to hear the term after translating some old documents from old unicorn English to our modern dialect.”

“Maybe one of them compiled that information into a book.” Spike retorted still following Twilight. “Maybe he compiled it into a book so that the information could be kept in one place. Maybe Blueben knows one of these ponies and that’s how he got the book. Besides, how do you know who knows about it and who doesn’t?”

“I read the term in those documents and asked Princess Celestia about it. She told me what the term meant, who knew about it, and about how the term originated. After that she told me to not go any further into the concept as it was of the worst kind. After seeing the documents where the term was used I could easily see why she said that.”

“I guess even a princess has things she doesn’t want to talk about.” Said Spike with a shrug.

“The question that has me riled is that how does Blueben even know what those are and how in Equestria did he really get an entire book on the subject when I only have read a small paper on it. The more I think about it the more I don’t like it.” Twilight said with anger and determination in her eyes.

“I am sure he has an explanation for it. Like I said he looks just like an ordinary guy to me.”

“Somehow I am doubting that Spike.” Twilight said sneeringly picking Blueben’s book with her magic.

After thinking a few minutes with his fingers against his chin a bolt of inspiration popped into his mind. When the idea made itself known to him he smirked a little bit and chuckled.

“What’s so funny Spike?” Twilight asked looking up from the book.

“I just thought of something funny.” Spike said again before laughing a little again.

“And what is that?” Twilight asked with her eyebrow raised.

“He’s a lot like you.” Spike said pointing a finger right at her.

“How!?.....” Twilight said barely knowing what to say. “What in the world made you think that?”

“Think about it Twilight.” Spike urged. “He has weird books nopony else would even know about, he seems to like having time to himself, and is fascinated by new and interesting things, like that knife for example.” Spike then placed one hand behind his back and raising the other surely imagining himself very clever at this point as evidenced by the reemergence of his smirk. He then reopened his eyes and pointed his finger straight at the purple unicorn “Just. Like. You.”

Twilight blushed a little in embarrassment she tried her best at hiding before responding saying, “That’s just crazy Spike.” As she put her face again into the mysterious book she couldn’t help but admit to herself that he had a point, as much as she hated to admit it. With her eyes back in her book she continued silently reading its contents hoping for some breakthrough in her investigation.

“Is there anything else you need me to do Twilight?” Spike asked as they walked back into the Library’s main area.

“Not right now Spike.” Twilight replied. “You can go have some time to yourself. I’m going to keep reading this book.”

“Would it be alright if I were to go and see what Applebloom and her friends are up to?” Spike asked.

“Go ahead Spike. That’s fine.” Twilight said before setting the book on a podium and continued reading.

“Alright, I’ll be home in a couple of hours Twilight.” Spike said making waving goodbye.

“See you later Spike.”


“Well, that was interesting wasn’t it?” Blueben said as he and Fluttershy walked into the town square.

“Oh it was. I could only imagine what those creatures could have gone through to create such a thing.” Fluttershy replied hanging her head slightly.

“Well, the only way for us to find out would be if we were to talk to the thing itself, but since nopony has seen it since the incident I don’t see a meeting happening anytime soon.” Blueben said adjusting the glasses on his face. “What are you thinking of doing today Fluttershy?”

“Well, it’s getting pretty close to lunchtime so I’m going to be heading home to feed my animals. My bunny Angel gets pretty cranky when I don’t give him his lunch on time. What about you?”

“I was thinking I would go find Applejack and see about getting some apples.” Blueben said licking his lips slightly. “After that I think I am going to browse around Sugar Cube Corner. I have never been to many bakeries back in Waterbridge.”

“You mean Sugar Cube Corner was the first bakery you have been to?” Fluttershy asked surprised.

“Almost yeah.” Blueben responded. “I had been to some similar places but that bakery you have here is very unique. Just the architecture alone warrants enough for a second look.”

“Well, I am happy to see you like it here.” Fluttershy said with a giggle.

“Believe it or not I am. Despite a few annoyances here and there I really like this town. It’s a very nice place to live.” Said Blueben with enthusiasm.

“Well, Blueben I better head off to get back home and get some hungry animals fed. It was very nice to see you again. Have a good day Blueben and thank you for the breakfast.” Said Fluttershy as she starting to fly back towards her home.

“See you later Fluttershy. I look forward to seeing you again.” Replied Blueben waving a hoof in the direction Fluttershy flew. With another lick of his lips he looked around the square with one thing on his mind. “Now about those apples……..”



When Blueben and Fluttershy were thinking about what they should do for lunchtime, there were others who were just getting finished.

“Thank you for lunch mommy!” shouted a little light purple unicorn filly with a blonde mane and tail.

“You’re welcome Dinky.” Said a grey pegasus with matching blonde mane and tail. Her cutiemark was a group of bubbles and her voice was almost boyish as she spoke. She nuzzled against her offspring as they enjoyed their last moments together on their breaks. Often times for the fillies at Cheerilee’s school they would get out a bit earlier than most of the other ponies in town for lunch. Originally this was just an ordinary recess but after many of the colts and fillies spent their time eating instead of playing Cheerilee decided to make that recess into a lunch break instead.

Dinky’s mommy, known as Derpy Hooves, often didn’t get lunch breaks from her job that would be at the same time as Dinky’s, but every once in a while the times match up and they have lunch together. Amusingly, whenever they have lunch together they would always share a small batch of her mother’s favorite food.

“Mmmmmmmm! Those muffins were great mommy!” Dinky exclaimed as she devoured the last bit of hers.

“The Doctor gave them to me when I bumped into him this morning.” Derpy replied. “He said he was going to wait until tonight but since we bumped into each other he thought he might aswell let me have them early.”

“By bumping into him you mean that literally don’t you mommy.” Dinky said giggling.

Derpy rubbed the back of her head with her hoof, her eyes crossed and derped, her lips scrunched together while diving into her mouth, and her face turned completely red.

Seeing her mother’s face made little Dinky laugh even more.

Looking at her daughter soon Derpy’s face returned to normal and she started laughing to. The two rolled together on the ground laughing and giggling with warmth and comfort.

“Dinky!” a mare called. “Lunch break is over now. It’s time to get back to class.” The dark rose colored mare was motioning one of her hooves towards the door as numerous young fillies and colts scrambled inside.

“I’ll see you later mommy.” Dinky gave her mom a brief nuzzle before turning towards the nearby school house. “Good luck at work! See you at home!”

“Bye Dinky!” Called Derpy. “Love you!”

“Love you to mommy!” Dinky yelled back with a final wave before running into the school house along with the others.

Once her daughter was inside the school house the mare picked up a bag that was lying next to her and she flew away. As she flew to her next destination she started to ruffle through her bag and what were inside it. After a few seconds she pulled out an envelope. It was just in time to because just as her head rose from the bag she noticed she was flying straight at a tree. She just barely flew around it and continued her flight. Before long she saw a small mailbox next to a small cottage near the Everfree Forest. The cottage was yellow and had animals all round it. Derpy located the mailbox next to the cottage and dropped the mail addressed to the mare living there inside it.

“There. One more done.” Derpy said to herself as she flew away from the cottage to the next mailbox on her list. Her next stop was in very crowded area in town so she had to fly low so she could see the box she needed to deliver mail to.

“HEY!! DERPY!!!”

Distracted by the loud voice that called to her she ran face first into a flagpole. She saw stars and muffins as she tried frantically to regain her vision. Once her vision had finally been restored she looked towards the voice and saw an all brown stallion with an hourglass cutiemark wave at her.

“Hey Doctor!!” Derpy replied flying towards the familiar face.

“I am so sorry about that! Are you alright?” he asked frantically while looking for bruises on Derpy’s head.

“It’s ok Doctor. I’m fine.” Derpy told him.

“Phew…. Thank goodness.” Doctor Whooves replied with a noticeable British accent. “Anyway, fancy bumping into you again today. How are your rounds going?”

“I only have a few left to do today. The mail load is pretty light today.” She said to him motioning to her bag.

“Good good. Are we still on for dinner this evening?” He asked.

“Yes! I’ve been looking forward to it all week!” said Derpy practically jumping at the idea.

“Great!” exclaimed Mr. Whooves. But then he started to blush a bit and rub the back of his neck nervously. “Um…… Derpy……...”

“Yes Doctor?” Derpy said with curiosity all over her face and crossed eyes.

“Um…… If you’re not going to be too long on your rounds…….um…….. could you meet me early…….. um …….. ON THE BRIDGE……. You know……. The one ……..out….side….of………town?”

“Sure! Of course I can!” replied Derpy with another jump. “I’ll be there as soon as I get my deliveries done ok?”

“Good! It’s a plan then!” after he said that Doctor Whooves suddenly went and gave Derpy a very tight hug, wrapping his forelegs around her neck.

Derpy couldn’t help but blush from Doctor Whooves’s hug. This was as close as she had ever been to the stallion from Trottingham.

After several silent second the Doctor finally let go of Derpy. “I’ll see you later then. Goodbye Derpy.”

“See you later……. Doctor…..” Derpy said dumbfounded. She then quickly shook her head wildly getting herself and her focus together. “No no! FOCUS Derpy! Finish deliveries, then The Doctor. Finish the deliveries, THEN go to the Doctor! Alright…….” With a hardy blow of her nostrils she flew back into the air and zoomed towards her next stop. With her bag at her side and her mind racing with thoughts of the Doctor she zooooooooomed through Ponyville dropping of her final deliveries at lightning speeds. Many of the ponies she delivered to weren’t surprised that she was going so fast…. What surprised them was that she was going so fast…… AND got the deliveries all to the correct places. They were all astonished at this. They had never seen her do her job this well before. There must be something different with her today, they all thought to themselves. And certainly there was something different. Not only would she be going to meet Doctor Whooves after work but later that night she would be going on the first date that she has been on for a long time. It was her chance. HER chance to finally maybe……JUST maybe…… find the one who would help her raise Dinky. Find that somepony who cared for her despite her odd faces and her eyes. In her mind that somepony could be…. Might be…….. Doctor Whooves.

All the while she dropped those deliveries her mind was on that Doctor. Ever since he had moved to Ponyville from Trottingham Derpy’s life had been slowly but surely getting better. He was nice to her, he helped her out, he more than once even baby sat for her and helped take care of Dinky. He had done so much for her once they started hanging out together and getting to know each other. They hung out privately before but this was going to be the first “official” date. She was nervous but at the same time more excited than ever.

When her mind returned to the real world she found her mailbag with no more mail to be delivered. She was startled to find this and a slight gasp came from her lips. She plunged her head into the bag and looked all around the inside of it. She was confused when she saw there were no holes. She stopped flying and looked behind her. There were no envelopes blowing in the wind or getting trampled in the streets below. All the envelopes…….. were delivered. With her apparent increase in speed and surprising ability she managed to get all the mail delivered and to all the right ponies.

“Wow……… That was easy for once.” Derpy said to herself with her eyes still crossed in surprise. With her mail done she zoomed out of Ponyville. She flew straight for the tree Doctor Whooves had specified. The tree slowly came into view and when it did Derpy Hooves stopped herself. When she stopped she simply looked at the tree. It was a beautiful tree, one that had been in Ponyville for many many years. There were rumors about it. Rumors that said that the tree had special properties, properties that no other tree in Equestria had. Derpy did not remember what exactly the rumors were but even if she did she probably would not have thought of them this day. As she looked she could make out the outline of The Doctor who was sitting patiently under it. When she saw him her heart jumped a bit and her face turned red.

“I wonder why The Doctor wanted me to meet him hear.” Derpy thought to herself. “I hope it isn’t something bad……” she looked towards the ground now as the possibility entered her mind. “No,….. it couldn’t be. This is The Doctor who asked me to come here. Whatever it is it must be important……” She looked back towards the tree under which The Doctor. She smiled and once more her face turned red. “Whatever it is….. I know he wouldn’t hurt me….. that’s why I…….” Just when she was about to finish her thought a violet pink light seemed to start emanating from the tree. The light had caught her off guard and surprised her.

“What’s going on?” She asked herself. “Lights don’t come from trees.” As she narrowed her eyes at the tree she seemed to notice something. The light was getting brighter and brighter. Her perception was correct. It was getting brighter, but only because it’s true source was coming closer to her. As the light grew brighter she noticed something in its center. It looked like a ring. A very beautiful ring. It approached slow and caringly. As it got closer the ring gained speed. When it was only mere feet away from Derpy it began swirling around her.

A voice came from the ring. “Derpy Hooves of Equestria…….” The ring called. “You have great love in your heart……”

“What?” Derpy asked dumbfounded and blushing. Before she could speak again the ring expanded and slid itself onto her right hoof. The light from the ring soon enveloped her and grew exponentially in intensity. She could feel something wrap around herself but because of the light’s brightness she could not see what it was. It quickly got so bright that she had to tightly close her eyes to keep from going blind.

Slowly the light dissipated and Derpy after a few blinks to clear her vision was able to open her eyes. She slowly looked at herself to see what it was she felt. She saw her uniform for her new corps. It was very tight against her but not inflexible or unfitting. Her entire front was covered with her corps symbol at the center of her chest.

“Woah!” she exclaimed as she felt her new fabric. It felt smooth and silky against her fur. She felt all of it with her hooves. She quickly realized thought that her hooves were also covered. Once she saw this she checked her face. Nothing there, but she did find what felt like a tiara on her head, a small one but an elegant one. It only had a single crystal in its center. Her whole front, her legs, and her hooves were all completely covered by her new clothes. Her back was a different story. Her back was exposed, presumably for her wings. The cloth formed a collar against her neck and was connected to her sleeves. It left a small window of her chest in the front just above the Star Sapphire insignia. The collar split at her back with the fabric opening at the edge of the back of her shoulders. The opening went past her wings and all the way down to just an inch or so above her tail. Normally ponies like her don’t wear clothes but the outfit once she realized what she was in made her face red all around. Once she was finished checking her clothes a new voice came from the ring.

“Welcome Derpy.” Said and strong and feminine female voice. “Despite your shortcomings this ring has chosen you to be a part of our corps. The love in your heart is very strong. You will need that strength for your assignment as a member of the Star Sapphire.”

“This is so sudden!” Derpy exclaimed. “Who are you!? What’s going on? Why was I picked?”

“Calm down Derpy.” The voice responded. “We are The Star Sapphire Corps. Our mission is to spread love through the universe, keep it alive, and to defend it when it is in danger. Now, there is a great threat to our corps in your world and we need you to help stop it.”

“But…..” Derpy interjected. “I have a filly, my daughter…… I can’t just abandon her…… and I there is someone else I need to meet right now…..”

“I know this is hard.” The voice continued. “But this mission is to protect your daughter and the one you love. If he isn’t stopped your loved ones and your entire world will be in great danger.”

“Really? Is it that bad?” Derpy asked.

“Yes. He may be foreign to you and your world but him and the legacy in which he rose from is something our corps and other are too familiar with. He is a successor to forces we cannot let go unchecked.”

“Alright.” Sniffled Derpy fighting back a tear. “I’ll do what you need me to do, for my daughter and the one I love…. But I need to take care of something first…..” She looked once again towards the tree.
“I understand.” The voice said back to her. “Do what you need to do and I will guide you on what to do from there.”

“Thank you.” Derpy then flew towards the tree as fast as she could with a tear beginning to form in her eye.

Doctor Whooves was sitting peacefully and patiently waiting for Derpy. Thankfully for him the wait would not last much longer. He saw a pink streaming coming fast in his direction, but before he had the chance to gasp Derpy landed gracefully in front of him. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

“Derpy…..” The Doctor said in awe. “You look ……. Amazing…”

“Doctor…….” She said with a tear starting to run down her cheek. “I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to dinner tonight. Something has come up.”

The Doctor approached Derpy and put his hoof comfortingly on her shoulder. “Derpy, what’s going on? What’s wrong? Please don’t cry Derpy you can tell me. What happened?”

“Something came up.” Derpy sniffled with another tear forming. “I am so sorry for this on such short notice. I am so sorry about not being able to go tonight. I know you were looking forward to it.”

“It’s ok Derpy. Just tell me what you need to tell me.” The Doctor told her trying his best to comfort her.

“We’re in danger…..” Derpy said tears still forming. “I need you to keep a close eye on Dinky. If what I just heard is true then we might be in really big danger.”

“Don’t worry Derpy!” The Doctor replied standing tall and ramming one of his hooves against his chest. “I will lay my life on the line to keep Dinky safe! I swear on my heart that nothing will hurt her.”

“Thank you…… and Doctor.” Derpy called.

“Yes?” The Doctor said back to her.

Next thing he knew her lips were against his. He was aghast. He could not believe it. His heart pounded. He did not know how to respond at all.

Derpy parted her lips from The Doctor’s. “Doctor…..” she began with another sniffle, “I love you, keep yourself and Dinky safe.” With that she turned and quickly took off into the sky with a pink streak following her.

“Derpy! DERPY!” The Doctor yelled after her. His shouts found no reply was she quickly became out of earshot. With a sigh he fell backward to the ground right on his flank. He took his mouth and pulled towards himself a bag he had set against the tree. With his hooves he opened its flaps and lifted out of it a small decretive box. “I love you to, Derpy.”


With the final Lantern chosen the darkness of night soon fell on the inhabitants of Ponyville. In this peaceful night, which was surely one of Luna’s masterpieces, no creatures were stirring or getting too active.

That is….. besides an exception or two.

One of those exceptions was a certain white bunny. An expressive and ambitious little follow who acted like he was larger than in reality. Day after day Angel bunny would hear Fluttershy talk about scary things or places she was oh sooooo afraid to go to. He wasn’t scared of anything she talked or cried about. He could stand up to anything, tonight he was gonna prove it.

His plan was to go as far into the Everfree Forest alone as he could get and still get back to Fluttershy’s cottage before morning. As the night went on and on he did a pretty good job of that. He avoided bloodthirsty creatures, overcame rugged and unstable terrain, and even laughed in the face of the ghosties. This bunny was on fire! He felt as if nothing could stop him. Eventually he found himself standing in front of some old ruins deep in the forest. He entered the ruined castle smirking defiantly at the possible dangers that lay before him.

As expected the castle was totally empty. The roofs atop the hallways and rooms were riddled with holes. Some of them as small as a worm, other holes were entire walls missing. Greens and plants could be seen growing around some of the pillars. Here and there laid puddles of water still there from the last time Ponyville had rain. Angel bunny explored and explored climbing the first set of stairs that caught his eye. He climbed and climbed and climbed until he reached the room at the very top of the tallest tower there. He smirked and gloated in his mind as he entered the room in the tower. It was large and circular. On all sides there were windows were the moonlight seeped in. Near the back of the room there was what looked like a pedestal. A small and wide one.

Angel’s next goal was to climb on top of it so as to seal his victory. Just as he began to approach it he heard heavy steps from towards the door. As soon as he heard it he dove and ran for the nearest cover. He was not afraid of the noise. He just knew it would be a stupid idea to leave yourself open to a potential threat. Just when he had found cover the door began to open.

The door opened to a figure totally in darkness. The moonlight that entered behind caused it to be completely wrapped in shadow. Angel could not see any details of it other than the fact that it was tall and seemed to be carrying something.

The creature took slow and audible steps into the room. It walked with its back straight and its face only facing forward. It would occasionally shift its shoulders to accommodate the heavy load it was carrying.

Angel watched at the creature observed the room. When it reached the pedestal the creature set its large sack onto it like it was a table (which it kinda was, it was a really wide pedestal). The creature walked around it with the bag turning with him. He positioned himself so that he faced the door. His back was to Angel who became even more curious at what he was seeing.

The thing opened its bag and began to lay its contents on the makeshift stone table. It pulled out various metal objects. Several of them were sharp and shined in the moonlight. Some of them were shaped like tubes extending from some weird handle. Angel had never seen things like these before. Then the creature pulled out what looked like a belt that was filled to capacity with sharp implements. The creature ran its hand on the belt until he found an empty slot. It held the belt up in the air above its head with its thumb marking the empty space. The creature shook its head as the bet was set back down. It then pulled out something else. It was a curved object with cloth wrapping on one end, the rest look like it was made of wood with something metal separating them. The creature pulled on the end wrapped in cloth and the blade of its toy was revealed. It shone brightly in the moonlight as he held it above him.

A small chuckle escaped the creature’s lips before the blade was sheathed and placed back on the table with the rest of what he brought.

“What a wonderful spot.” The creature said in a low voice. “I am gonna like hanging out here. The moon in the windows, a table of grand proportions, as well as one hell of a view.” The creature said with delight. “The perfect place to set up my little slice of an armory.” He laughed at what he had just said.

Angel thought it was kinda lame to be quite honest. He was also not thrilled in some big stupid THING interrupting his triumph. Plus he took the spot he was gonna celebrate on too. He stamped his itty bitty foot in anger.

The creature turned his head towards the sound. Angel’s expression of frustration had not gone unnoticed. The creature turned around and faced where Angel was hiding.

“What do we have here?” The creature said aloud. “What an interesting surprise.”

Angel came out from his hiding spot. He saw no point in hiding from this thing anymore.

“Hmpf, what a cute little rabbit.” The creature chuckled. “Does the little rabbit want a carrot. I am sure I can dig one up for you.”

Angel easily caught the hint of taunting in the creature’s tone. It bugged him to no end. At that he picked up a small rock and threw it straight at the intruder.

The creature tilted his head and easily dodged the rock. “Defiant little shit aren’t you?” The creature said tauntingly.

Angel flared his nostrils and took a quick look towards the table, still curious as to what the creature brought with him.

Once again his actions did not go unnoticed. “So I see you are curious about my toys.” The creature said. “I suppose I am obligated to satiate that curiosity.” He reached for the table and wrapped his fingers around one of the things he brought. “A shame you are not a cat. It would have been such a good opportunity for a verbal joust.” Then he picked up the object from the stone table and held it with both hands. “Let me introduce you to one of my personal favorites.”

Like a few of the other objects it had what looked like a metal barrel. The end of the barrel was pointed straight at Angel revealing a hole on its end.

“This is called a Tommy gun.” The creature explained as if he was talking to a child. “You want a demonstration?”

Angel wasn’t scared. He swept his back foot in the ground like a bull ready to charge. He even flared his nostrils like one.

“Atta boy! Now hold still for me. This won’t take very long.” A grin appeared onto the creature’s face. He quickly pulled the trigger.

Before Angel knew what was going on something flew past his ear, taking some of his fur with it. Small explosions and sounds of ricochet starting pounding in his ear. Things were flying all around him, rocks, dust, and multiples of the thing that had taken a bit of his fur. He would hate to have to actually admit this….. but he knew it was time to run.

As fast as his legs could carry him Angel ran for the door. He darted under the stone table and ran right in the middle of the room. The projectiles flying from the creature’s strange weapons were right behind him. They were only mere millimeters from taking a piece of Angel’s flesh with them to the stone floor. When Angel finally managed to get past the door the projectiles stopped following him.

The Figure then walked towards one of the windows where he could see the exit of the castle. Soon enough there was Angel, running as fast as a hare could ever run. The creature opened the window and stepped in the opening.

“THAT’S RIGHT! RUN YOU LITTLE MAGGOT!” The creature yelled at the top of its lungs. “RUN YOU LITTLE SNOTTY HAIRBALL! Next time you come back bullet holes will be the LEAST of your fears!”