• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 7,408 Views, 48 Comments

The Transformers My Little Pony Crossover - TFCrossoverFan

The Autobots befriend the Ponies and must help defend Equestria from the Decepticons.

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Goodbyes don't have to be Forever

Chapter 13

Slowly, weakly, Celestia opened her eyes. Her vision was blurred, and let her eyesight adjust to the light. She heard voices talking, but could not make out the words. Celestia realized she was laying down on something and felt around. A bed. Celestia’s eyesight finally restored itself and she looked around. She was lying on a bed in one of the rooms of Canterlot’s hospital. A heart rate monitor and other medical devices were next to her bed, hooked up to her. At the foot of her bed by the door were two doctors and a nurse, conversing about something. One of the doctors noticed her.
“Look! She’s awake!”
The doctors and nurse quickly walked up to Celestia’s bedside. The nurse spoke first. “Easy there your majesty, you only just fully healed.”
Celestia groaned. “What, what happened…”
“Don’t stress yourself your majesty, you’ll get answers. But we shouldn’t be the ones to tell you that, your sister should. She’s waiting for you outside. We’ll call her in.”
The nurse and doctors exited the room. A few seconds later Luna entered. Celestia smiled just a little.
“Luna…ah!” Celestia winced in pain as she tried to sit up. Luna immediately set her back.
“Sister! Please don’t do that,” Luna nervously said, “We barely saved you as it is.”
“Saved me? Wait, what happened?”
“Don’t you remember sister? The Decepticons launched a surprise attack on Canterlot, and Megatron almost killed you! The ponies, Autobots, and myself barely drove them off.”
“Where did… the Decepticons go?”
“When they retreated, they went through a portal of some kind. Optimus reassured us that the Decepticons had returned to their own dimension, and most likely will not return.”
“I see. …What of Optimus and the other Autobots? Did they leave too?”
“No sister, they have not. On the contrary, more have come by to help with the rebuilding efforts.”
“Rebuilding efforts?”
“Yes. Over a third of Canterlot was destroyed in the attack. The Autobots insisted that they rebuild our city, and we accepted their offer. So a few more of them came by to help speed up construction, and we’re almost done!”
“Almost done? Luna, how long have I been out?”
“You’ve been in a coma for three days.”
“THREE DAYS?! I HAVE TO- gah!” Celestia had risen up in a quick motion but quickly reeled back due to the pain.
“Sister don’t! Your wounds!”
Celestia was gasping for breath. “Tell me everything that happened. Everything.”
“After the Decepticons left, we immediately began work on reviving you. You were close to death, but Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Perceptor were successful in saving you. After that we put you in this hospital so that you may rest and heal while we fixed the damage to the city. Do not fret about whether there were any causalities, there were none. Nobody was killed. There were a few broken wings and burns here and there, but it was you who got the worst of it.”
“…Help me up Luna.”
“I said help me up! I must see everything for myself.”
Celestia held back the pain as she forced herself out of her bed. Luna helped her down and put one of her arms around her shoulder for balance. Luna helped Celestia limp her way out of the room and down the hallway. Celestia passed those who like her were injured in the battle. Many civilians and more so her guards were lined up in the hallway, as there were no more rooms available. They bowed their heads when the two princesses passed. Near the doorway also lined up against the wall were the Wonderbolts. All eleven of them had clipped wings and at least one broken limb. They too bowed their heads. Celestia and Luna opened the doors. Daylight brightly shone in Celestia’s face. It was noon.
When her vision came to, Celestia saw only an empty street. “Where are the Autobots?”
“They are further away in the city, working on other buildings. These ones were just finished yesterday.”
Celestia looked at the buildings Luna was referring to. It was painfully obvious that they had suffered damage and that a large portion of them had been replaced.
“How did they restore these structures so quickly?” Celestia asked.
“I assure you, the Autobots are miracle workers when it comes to construction,” Luna replied.
Celestia and Luna continued onward through Canterlot. The streets were empty, so it only took the two of them a few minutes to find the Autobots, who were fixing up the courtyard and surrounding buildings where Celestia had battled Megatron. Everyone who was still able- bodied was present. All of the Autobots, the Mane Six, Spike, and dozens of other pony civilians and guards were doing their part in reconstructing the city. Celestia smiled.
Celestia saw Twilight just a dozen yards away walking towards a pile of cement bags. She called out to her. “Twilight!”
Twilight turned her head and ran up to Celestia. “Princess Celestia! You’re all right! We were so worried!”
“Then stop worrying and give your mentor a hug!”
“A hug? Princess that seems a little informal.”
“Considering the situation I don’t exactly think formality is relevant at the moment. Now come here you!”
Twilight and Celestia gave each other a hug. They stopped when a voice from behind Twilight interrupted them.
“I see you have made a recovery Princess Celestia.”
Celestia looked up. It was Optimus. “And I see that we are all in your debt for saving us, Optimus Prime.”
“There is no debt. The Decepticons came here because of an accident we caused. It was our duty to protect you from them, and aid in the rebuilding of your city.”
“Must you always be so hard on yourself Optimus?”
The four of them had a good laugh. Optimus showed Celestia around the construction site and the various teams that were working together. In one section were Fluttershy, Bumblebee, the Dinobots, and a new blue Autobot Celestia had not yet met. They were working on a house.
Fluttershy was on the roof, and looked down to the new Autobot. “Oh Beachcomber, could you please pass me some more shingles? I mean, if that’s okay with you.”
Beachcomber held a handful of roof shingles up to Fluttershy. “Of course it’s okay with me sweet little Fluttershy. How could I ever deny one so in touch with nature such as myself?”
“Thank you.”
The Dinobots silently growled. “Beachcomber is stealing boss Fluttershy’s attention from us,” Grimlock said.
Bumblebee patted Grimlock on the leg. “Ah, don’t worry about guys! I know for a fact that Fluttershy still loves you like she always has.” Bumblebee’s comment calmed down the Dinobots for the moment.
Nearby Rarity and another new blue Autobot were working. Sunstreaker walked up to them carrying a bag of bricks and a bag of cement, and set them down. The blue Autobot looked at the bags with distaste.
“Ugh, I say this construction material is very crude and unappealing. I don’t want any of it staining my new finish!”
“Oh come now Tracks,” Rarity said reassuringly to the new Bot, “We all have to do our part. Though I do understand your concern.”
“Hmm, we’ll just have to be careful.”
Rarity, Tracks, and Sunstreaker continued on with their work. Working on the higher buildings were Rainbow Dash, Sideswipe, and a red Autobot who resembled a Seeker. While standing on a scaffolding and placing a wooden beam into place, Sideswipe called out to the red Autobot.
“So Powerglide, when are you and Rainbow Dash gonna race? It’d be a race I’d wanna see.”
Powerglide flew up to Sideswipe while carrying a handful of support beams. “As soon as we’re done with our work. So by tomorrow we should be ready.”
“And I think we all know who the winner’s gonna be,” Rainbow Dash said as she flew up to them, carrying a tool kit and bucket of screws and nails.
Applejack, Ironhide, Prowl, and three more new Autobots were working on the buildings nearest to the city gates.
One of the new Bots was helping direct the other two in properly positioning a roof. “A little more to the right! No, no, the left!”
“Jeez Grapple will you just WOW BLAMO tell us where to place this roof already?”
“My apologies Warpath, but the roof must be perfectly placed, or else the whole thing will collapse. Tell him Hoist!”
“Grapple’s right Warpath,” Hoist said, “Besides, we only have a few more houses to fix.”
“Oh you just love playing BOOM AHA Dr. Watson to Grapple, don’t you Hoist?”
Celestia took a liking to the new Autobots. “Optimus, where are the other Autobots?”
“They are elsewhere in the city, fixing up patches of damage here and there. Ah. There’s a few of them now.”
Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Perceptor approached Celestia and co.
“Well, well, it looks like somebody made a swift recovery,” Wheeljack said.
“Yes I must say I am surprised that you are up and moving now,” Perceptor added, “Your kind must heal much faster than regular organics.”
“Oh I’m sure it’s just magic lending a helping hand,” Celestia replied.
“Hm, I’m still getting used to the fact that such a thing exists,” Ratchet said.
For the next twenty hours, the Autobots worked on rebuilding Canterlot, and eventually fully restored it. However, with their final task over and done with, the Autobots had to leave. A massive farewell party was held in Ponyville, directed by Pinkie Pie of course, as a proper good- bye to the Cybertronians before they left. There was music, dancing, and fun all around. But of course, such things only last so long for farewell parties.
Optimus turned on his com link. “Silverbolt, this is Optimus Prime, do you hear me?”
Optimus waited, and got an answer. “This is Silverbolt, Optimus. What do you need?”
“Open the space bridge portal at my coordinates. We are ready to leave.”
“Understood Prime. Sending portal now.”
A large green portal appeared in the middle of Ponyville, away from the main group. The ponies backed away from the portal’s sudden appearance, but the Autobots calmly walked toward it. Before they entered, they stopped, and said their final good- byes. The first to leave were Warpath, Hoist, and Grapple. After them were Beachcomber, who expressed his respects to Fluttershy before going, Tracks, who gave one final compliment to Rarity about her taste in style, and Powerglide, who shook hands/ hooves with Rainbow Dash for the race they had a little while earlier, which ended as a tie.
Jazz, Wheeljack, Mirage, Cliffjumper, and Perceptor took a little longer to leave, as they were all very popular with the local ponies. Grimlock, Slag, Sludge, Swoop, and Snarl specifically spent all of their good- bye time on Fluttershy, who was shedding light tears.
“Me Swoop gonna miss you, boss Fluttershy.”
“Me Slag no cry… me Slag no cry…”
“No! Snarl no wanna go!”
“Sludge sad…”
“Me Grimlock not know good- byes were this hard.”
Fluttershy wiped her eyes and held back a sob. “I’ll miss you too Dinobots. I’ll never forget you!”
“Good- bye Fluttershy,” the Dinobots said together, and entered the portal.
Now all who was left were the original seven Autobots who had come to Equestria: Optimus, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Prowl, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker. Since they had been in Equestria the longest, their farewells seemed to take the longest. While all of the good- byes were sad, it was Ratchet and Pinkie Pie’s that was the big tear- jerker. Pinkie’s eyes were chock- full of tears, and her hair was in its “deflated” posture.
“Why do you have to go? Why can’t you stay,” Pinkie asked Ratchet.
“I’m sorry Pinkie, but we both knew this day would eventually come,” Ratchet answered.
Pinkie began crying her heart out. Ratchet put a finger under her chin. “Hey,” he said to her.
“Good- byes don’t have to be forever you know.”
“R-really? You mean, you’ll come back?”
“Someday, maybe.”
“Promise me! Promise me and everyone else here that you and the other Autobots will someday return!”
Ratchet looked to Optimus. “Optimus, do you think we’ll be able to keep that promise?”
“I know we’ll be able to keep that promise Ratchet,” Optimus responded.
“You heard him Pinkie. He said yes.”
“That’s not good enough. You all need to do the Pinkie Promise!”
“Pinkie what?” Ironhide asked.
“I want you all to recite this oath! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”
The Autobots smiled at each other, and each one of them recited the oath. Then they said their final good- byes, and entered the portal. Optimus, however, stayed behind. He kneeled down to the ponies.
“Do you speak the truth Optimus Prime? Will you and the others someday return?” Celestia asked Optimus.
“Yes Princess Celestia, we fully intend to someday return to Equestria. How long it will be until then though, I cannot say.”
“I understand.”
“Celestia, although you are only a mere few millennia into your time as a leader, you, and your ponies, have all proven themselves to be true of heart, and more than worthy friends. We will return, I can promise you that.”
Celestia smiled. Optimus turned to the Mane Six. “And you six, you said you are the “Elements of Harmony”?”
“Yes sir,” Twilight said.
“Such a wonderful concept. No wonder this world is free from the curse of war,” Optimus sighed, “How I wish my own world was like yours.”
Every pony present bowed, and Optimus bowed back. As Optimus approached the portal, he briefly turned his head to the ponies, nodded, and entered. The portal vanished. The ponies stood in silence, deciding how they should begin resuming their normal lives.
The Ark…
Optimus stepped out of the portal, and the portal closed. All of the Autobots clapped their hands in applause at the return of their leader.
Bumblebee approached Optimus. “So Optimus, what should we do first now that that’s over?”
Optimus stood in silence. “…..Don’t dismantle the one way space bridge. Store it in one of the Ark’s lower storage compartments, should we ever need to use it again.”
“Understood. But, what about Megatron? Don’t you think he’ll return to Equestria someday?”
“Perhaps. Heh, but not anytime soon that’s for sure.”
The Nemesis…
“Shut up already Starscream! Ever since Shockwave returned to Cybertron, you’ve been deteriorating my audio processors!” Megatron put his hands to the sides of his head as Starscream continued to nag him.
“You are an incompetent fool Megatron! I can understand being defeated by Optimus Prime, but losing to a bunch of horses? Pathetic!” Starscream had been taking great joy in verbally torturing Megatron ever since they had returned from Equestria.
“It WAS Prime that defeated me!”
“Whatever. Do you have any plans of returning to that world?”
“No Starscream, I have no plans whatsoever of ever returning to that “Equestria” dimension! A complete waste of my time!”
“As is everything else you do oh mighty Megatron.”
An idea popped into Megatron’s mind. He walked over to the ship’s loudspeaker and turned it on. “Attention all Decepticons, this is Lord Megatron. I have a very special announcement! Whoever the Decepticon is that inflicts the most damage onto Starscream within the next half hour will receive a special promotion! He is with me in the main control room. That will be all.” Megatron turned the loudspeaker off.
“Lord Megatron! What are you doing?!?!” Starscream frantically said.
“Like you said Starscream,” Megatron replied, “A complete waste of my time.”
All of the doors that were connected to the room the two Decepticons were in opened. Entering the room were Soundwave, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Ramjet, Thrust, Dirge, Astrotrain, Blitzwing, the Insecticons, the Constructicons, the Stunticons, and the Combaticons. Starscream nervously looked around. He was surrounded and trapped.
Starscream tried to talk his way out of his situation. “H-hey guys, can’t we just talk about this? Heh, come on you don’t really believe that Megatron actually intends to give one of you a promotion, huh? Hey, get back, I said get back! No, no! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!”

The End

TF crossover fan leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms, satisfied that the final chapter of his first fan fiction was complete. He saved it, and left his office to take a bathroom break. Unbeknownst to him, a certain pink pony was hiding in his desk drawer. Pinkie Pie popped her head out, checking whether the coast was clear. It was. She hopped out and read the new chapter.
“Hmm, something needs to be changed,” Pinkie Pie said.
Pinkie Pie tapped on a few of the buttons on the keyboard of TF crossover fan’s laptop. She saved it, and quickly left his house. It was only ten seconds after Pinkie had left that TF crossover fan returned from the bathroom, and sat down at his desk. However, he noticed that something was different. Instead of simply saying “The End”, the ending now read:

The End ?

Comments ( 15 )

I've reported the other knock off story

We GOT HIM! The plagarist has been caught. The fraud stories have been taken down.

Oh, come on. The sequel wasn't bad...even if it was a fraud. :ajbemused: But seriously, you should do a sequel...please? :fluttercry:

No, that "sequel" was bad. Poorly written, bad grammar, horrible story telling, and half-assed.
It was an atrocity.

504025 I'm thinking about doing the sequel soon, maybe within a few months, but I have other fanfic projects I gotta finish first.

:twilightsmile:Greetings from Peru, I apologize my English is not good and I'm using an online translator to write this message.

Only I mean, a very interesting crossover interesting, usually I'ma fan of the transform since I have use of reason, and MLP: Fim from hase little.

for my point of view the union of these two people is pretty good, and that capturastes the essence of old and even Optimus Prime respected today, but I owe you be honest at first I dava bad feeling reading this fic, I told me TFG1 x MLPG4, no I did not jibe, it's more for almost 4 days I reuse to read it, but as was shown long hase never jusgues a book by its cover, and to be honest I liked ubiese more episodes. but we were the highlight at the end announce that there will be a sequel (or rather the PinkiePie, put that there will be a second part) would be interesting but I can imagine our old leader optimus no longer participate, given that if sa half hase of the second season and if memory serves me would be about to comensar the arrival of Unicron and optimus and Rodimus death would be the new leader of the Autobots, not counting the other Autobots (remember what happened at the beginning of the movie .)

well no more I despiedo and if hases a second part, actually mind but I really would like to let me know.

no but a friend says goodbye:twilightblush:

:twilightsmile:saludos desde Perú, pido disculpas mi ingles no es bueno y estoy usando un traductor en linea para escribir este mensage.

Solo te quiero decir, un crossover bastante interesante interesante, en lo general soy fanatico de los transformes desde que tengo uso de razon, y de MLP:Fim desde hase poco.

para mi punto de vista la union de estos dos seres es bastante buena, y que capturastes la esencia del viejo y hasta hoy dia respetado Optimus Primer, aunque te devo ser sincero al principio me dava mala espina leer este fic, yo me decia TFG1 x MLPG4, no se no me cuadraba, es mas por casi 4 dias me reuse a leerla, pero como se demostro hase mucho tiempo, nunca jusgues un libro por la portada, y para serte sincero me ubiese gustado mas episodios. pero bamos al plato fuerte, al final anuncias que habra una segunda parte, (o mas bien dicho PinkiePie, puso que habra una segunda parte) seria interesante aunque ya me imagino nuestro viejo lider optimus ya no participaria, visto que si lo hase sa mitad de la segunda temporada y si me memoria no me falla estaria apunto de comensar la llegada de unicron y la muerte de optimus y rodimus seria el nuevo lider de los autobots, sin contar a los otros autobots (recordemos lo que paso al inicio de la pelicula).

bien sin mas me despiedo y si hases una segunda parte, real mente pero realmente me gustaria que me avisara.

sin mas se despide un amigo:twilightblush:

Oh my god that was, like, the best transformer/pony crossover ever! :pinkiehappy::rainbowwild::yay::moustache:

And that last part where Pinkie pulled a Sherlock Holmes 2 was awesome. Can't wait for the sequel!


pretty damn impressive

Poor starscream. Nah just kidding. :rainbowlaugh:

Fluttershy+Dinobots = total badass

Any chance Starscream made it to equestria? >:) I'd love to see him have a conversation with Chrysalis XD

sound wave superior transformerfan inferior

This was awesome!

twilight, twilight, WELCOME TWILIGHT.
w-who said that?
s-show your self.
n-nopony summons an e-element bearer.
state your business.
w-what do you mean?
I mean I don't know what your talking about.
why should I whats in it for me and my friends?
AND NOTHING, you belong to me now.
I belong to no body.
please finish this bit. I have given the general idea for it.

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