• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 7,407 Views, 48 Comments

The Transformers My Little Pony Crossover - TFCrossoverFan

The Autobots befriend the Ponies and must help defend Equestria from the Decepticons.

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Chapter 2

Princess Luna proudly looked upon the moon one night. It was a full moon, brighter than any other star in the sky. As she began her return to Canterlot, she noticed something strange. She felt a sudden surge of powerful energy begin pulsing just a few miles away from her. She flew to the source of it. As she neared it a loud noise rang out. It sounded like metal being ripped in half like paper. Luna covered her ears.
“That, that can’t be possible,” Luna thought to herself, “There is no sound in space!”
And yet there was. Whatever the source was, it was more than powerful enough to break the laws of physics. Then she found the source. It was a tear in the void, created out of nothing. What really caught her attention though was what had just come out of the hole. Several beings had fallen out of it, and were falling straight into Equestria. The hole closed, and she flew down to them as fast as she could, and when she got near to them she noticed their characteristics. These newcomers had a body, a head, and four limbs. A few of them even appeared to have wings. Just like a pony. But they were so… alien. She had never seen anything that even remotely resembled them. Also, they were huge. Luna took a guess that the larger ones were at the least thirty feet tall.
Their bodies began to burn as they entered the atmosphere. Luna debated with herself for a second about whether or not she should save them, but quickly decided she should. Luna flew in close to them and cast a protective spell upon them.
“That should protect them until they land.....oh.” Luna just realized that while she may have saved the aliens from becoming ash, she forgot to think of a way to ensure they survived landfall. The aliens were picking up speed, and were now passing through the clouds. As she flew down she discovered that some of the visitors had accidently torn through the Pegasus city of Cloudsdale.
Everywhere pegasi were screaming; “OH MY GOD! WHAT IS HAPPENING?” or “I THINK THERE WAS AN EXPLOSION!” or “Will you all keep it down I’m trying to- WHY IS HALF OF MY HOUSE GONE?!”
Luna landed in the middle of the commotion. “Is anyone hurt,” she asked.
The pegasi looked around. One of them spoke up, “No I- I think we’re all okay.” Luna looked at the “destruction”. Some of the cloud formations had large- sized holes ripped right through them. Fortunately, none of the solid buildings were hit. Luna went below the clouds. She looked across the landscape, trying to spot where the aliens had landed. Her eyes went immediately first to Ponyville. There was no sign of any destruction.
Luna breathed a heavy sigh of relief. She continued to survey the landscape when she finally spotted where the aliens had landed. They had landed scattered across the Everfree Forest. Luna began moving toward the forest, but then realized she had to alert her sister of this monumental event. She began speeding for Canterlot. When she arrived she burst through the door and galloped straight up to Princess Celestia.
“Luna, I knew you were coming home soon but why the haste?” Celestia asked.
“Sister, something has happened!” cried Luna.
“Something has happened? What? Is this bad?”
“Honestly, I have yet to see whether this is or is not a danger to our lives.”
“How serious is this?”
“I was done with my work on the full moon and returning to the castle, when I felt this, this enormous surge of pulsing energy coming from nearby. Up there between Equestria and the moon where there is nothing in existence, not even air.”
“You know I still don’t know how you can just go up there without exploding and just come back down.”
“Magic, duh. Anyways but seriously, I was near the source of this surge when this… incredible noise just came out of nowhere! It was so loud but it was in space! And it created a hole! Sister, whatever made that hole and noise is more powerful than the laws of physics themselves.”
Celestia’s eyes widened in interest.
“But that wasn’t the immediate problem sister. Before the hole closed, these, creatures fell out of it.”
“What? What kind of creatures? Ponies? Do you suspect them to be dangerous?”
“I, I do not know what they are. They were not ponies, I can guarantee you that. But their bodies were built so differently from us; I wouldn’t know the proper words to describe them.”
“Was there anything obviously noticeable about them that you can tell me?”
“They were… big. And I don’t mean big as in a few feet taller than you or I, I mean BIG. The larger ones I can guess looked as though they were easily thirty feet tall at least. And they were wearing some strange sort of armor that covered their whole bodies, like they were knights. I didn’t get a good look at their faces.”
“Wait, did these creatures fall into Equestria?”
“Were they destroyed when they entered the atmosphere?”
“No, sister. I saved them with a protective anti- fire spell. What I forgot to do was find a way to help them survive the impact.”
“Impact, wait sister! Where did the creatures land?” Celestia’s eyes were now filled with terror.
“Do not worry Celestia, the- aliens, should we call them? - did not hit any populated areas. They landed scattered about in the Everfree forest.”
Celestia breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh but they did rip through Cloudsdale!”
“Oh don’t worry nopony was hurt and no solid structures were hit. Only they clouds were “damaged”.”
“Alright, is that all?”
“That is all so far.”
“Luna, in the morning we will commence a search party for these visitors. You are free to join if you wish.”
“Well I was the one who discovered this so I might as well.”
“Excellent. Now when we start I need you to help me spread the news of this and convince everypony to participate in this search effort.”
“I assume we should involve our guards?”
“A few yes, but only for safety reasons. I do not wish our visitors to assume we are hostile if they see our armies searching for them.”
“Hm, excellent point. So the usual civilian help?”
“Yes, but I might send in a few of my top agents to scout the area first.”
Luna looked up at Celestia and spoke in a playful but sarcastic tone, “And by “top agents” you mean-“

“-Twilight! Your package is here!” Spike cried out.
Twilight came running down the stairs. “Yes! I’ve been waiting for this to arrive for almost two weeks!”
“What is it?” Spike asked as Twilight eagerly tore the tape and cardboard away.
“Why it’s a telescope!” Twilight responded. She pulled out a complete and full size telescope out of the box. “I got it so I could study the constellations better.”
“So, are you gonna use it now?”
“I might as well, seeing how it’s a perfectly clear and starry night tonight.”
Twilight brought the telescope outside with Spike’s help, and placed it in a clearing. Twilight looked into the telescope.
“Wow, I can see everything! Let’s see, well I can see Cloudsdale…oh there’s the Little Dipper! Wow the moon is really beautiful tonight, it’s so- what the?” Twilight brought her eyes away from the telescope, rubbed them, and looked back in.
“Twilight, is something wrong?”
“Spike I see some shooting stars, but their big, and… they’re…oh no.”
“What, what is it?”
“Spike, those aren’t shooting stars, they’re meteors! And they’re entering Equestria’s orbit!”
“Oh no that’s terrible! Tha- wait, a whats- it?”
Twilight sighed. “Spike, those meteors are going to HIT US.”
“Oh my god! Quick, look back in the telescope! Are you sure they’re going to hit us specifically?”
“Well, they do seem to be veering away from Ponyville, so it looks like they might hit the Everfree forest instead- OH CELESTIA!”
“What happened Twilight!?”
“The meteors just ripped through Cloudsdale!”
“Holy crud!”
“Now the meteors are breaking formation! They’re going, going,” the sound of many distant objects landing briefly filled the air, “They landed.”
Twilight stepped away from her telescope. Emotions and thoughts were rushing through her head. She looked at Spike. His face was his usual “what just happened” face, but tenfold.
“Spike, in the morning, we have to tell everypony about this. Our friends, Princess Celestia, everypony.”