• Member Since 11th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Okay, I admit it, I'm probably not your mom. But odds are I'm old enough to be. Now with Patreon account (under alarajrogers) and short stories on Amazon (under Alara Rogers).

Comments ( 39 )

Those aren't Celestia and Fluttershy, are they? I'm guessing that one of them is Tirek and the other CHRYSALIS, am I right?

I know you can't answer that. I also could be wrong about their identities, but they are obviously not normal Celestia and Fluttershy, and they are obviously holding him prisoner by draining his magic, his love and maybe his life force as well.

Hey, there's another tag you're missing AU: Tirek wins Good as always, but super creepy. Also, are the untagged characters Chrysalis, Tirek, and Applejack? If you want to keep that a secret, then there is no need to answer.

contains sleep sex fetish (I have no idea what you call that)


:applejackconfused: Do not want. This really creeped me out. Of course, any story that can elicit such an extreme reaction is clearly a good one, but it was still disturbing.

Also, I believe the term you're looking for is "somnophilia."

No, I'm talking about the fetish for receiving sex while asleep, not the fetish for sex with a sleeping person. Admittedly it is difficult for the sleeping person with the fetish to convey their consent to their partner, but such things can be handled by the same kind of negotiations that go on in BDSM encounters -- for instance, someone can tell his partner ahead of time that he'd pretty much always be ok with being woken up with a blow job, and if there's ever a circumstance where he doesn't want it, he'll wake up and let them know, and that's effectively preconsent.

In this story, Discord's pretty clear on the concept that he wants what he thinks he's getting. The problem with consent here is not that he's asleep -- generally he's more semiconscious than fully unconscious anyway when these encounters happen -- but that he doesn't know what's actually going on, and wouldn't consent to it if he did.


Hey, there's another tag you're missing AU: Tirek wins

Not really, unless you mean that in the sense of "Welp, now we're boned." Tirek has escaped from Tartarus again, but he's still in his weak old man form, so he hasn't won yet.

Also, are the untagged characters Chrysalis, Tirek, and Applejack? If you want to keep that a secret, then there is no need to answer.

Two of those are right. Applejack is not there. The mare that Discord is identifying as a "farmer" because she's talking about him like he's a food source to cultivate is Chrysalis. Discord has never heard Chrysalis' real voice.


I know you can't answer that.

Well, this is a one-shot, so I actually can. :-) Unlike "Discord in Hell" I don't see an upswell of demands for a sequel, so I will probably leave it at this.

You're almost right (or possibly actually right but I'm just misunderstanding your phrasing. Fluttershy and Celestia are both Chrysalis. Tirek is there, but can't impersonate anyone, and doesn't have the right personality to pretend to be loving and comforting anyway.

5261312 Oh, I was thinking maybe Twilight lost the battle with Tirek, and Tirek kept Discord so he could a constant supply of magic ( Because Tirek is really greedy and power hungry ). The part where Twilight saves Discord was simply part of some dream that would keep Discord from fighting But, I like yours much more! Whenever you have time, do you plan on making a sequel, or will this forever be a one shot?

Huh. This didn't have the Mature tag yesterday. Why did it suddenly acquire one?

If there was popular demand, maybe. Right now I'm okay with leaving it where it is. Unlike "Discord in Hell", where the framing device is that Discord is asking for help and therefore logically the concept of a rescue party is already embedded in the story, there's nothing embedded in here to suggest what might happen next, and if I leave it, it's a creepy horror story. I'm okay with that.

Of course if a dozen people started pestering me for a sequel then I might think about it, because like practically every other writer, I'm pretty much an attention whore and can easily be swayed by the opinions of my audience :-), but my current upvote/downvote ratio suggests this story is not overly popular, so I doubt it.

Dunno. I put it on when I created the story. Maybe there was a glitch and it just didn't tag it right in the database at first and had to catch up with itself?

I was actually torn about that because in my opinion there's really nothing in here I would be uncomfortable with my teenagers reading, but in the end I decided the sex description was just explicit enough to warrant it.

Soooo epic
please sequel *.*

The sleep or hypnosis fetish is generally known as 'somnophilia' if you want to get Latin-y.

I'm with 5261211. This is effectively creepy.


"There is no technical term for the reciprocal condition of being the recipient of sexual advances while asleep. This is thought to occur more often in fantasy than in reality." Psychology Today and Urban Dictionary both claim that this is "no", because the fetish being referred to is the fantasy of receiving sex while asleep or semiconscious. The person performing the activity has an entirely different motive than sexual gratification, in this story.

I'd really like to see more of this story's universe. You've got me all curious about what Chrysalis and Tirek are up to, exactly.

Also, I didn't even realize something was extremely off about Fluttershy and Celestia until I read the comments. I think I might be slightly dense.

Well, darn. Autosomnophilia? No, that sounds like a fetish for wet dreams...

You've intrigued my inner neologist, but I'm not sure where to go with this.


It strikes me that he's very likely to get rescued from outside. Probably by the real Fluttershy, with the help of the rest of the Mane Six.

Well, that's certainly a strong possibility, but we have no evidence one way or another if that's reasonable. If Chrysalis was really smart, she'd have already replaced at least one of the Mane 6. Or, given what a world of hurt they will all be in if anyone thinks to go looking for Discord, perhaps she has a means of faking his death. She probably can't have a changeling impersonate him, the amount of magic Discord burns in the course of a casual conversation is probably more than the average changeling uses in a year, and changelings aren't well known for their creativity.

In Discord in Hell, the things happening to Discord were explicitly in another universe where they weren't likely to have any effect on our Equestria. Here, matters are different.


It's also occurred to me that they must be harvesting a tremendous amount of energy from Discord -- he's not just your ordinary Captive. They will probably do something evil with the power they're taking from him -- something that will eventually attract attention.

5261321 I love how you can come up with so many "what if this happened" concepts and then turn them into interesting stories like this one.

Also I started laughing after this comment, cause this gave me the idea ofwhat if Chrysalis wasn't involved, and it was just Tirek playing Fluttershy and Celestia, and occasionally grumbling to himself about the lengths he's forced to go to to regain power?

Yeah, actually if someone doesn't catch on in time and go on a rescue mission, Equestria could well be screwed. Tirek's taking magic from ponies again and then the ponies are being replaced by changelings, so no one can tell, and both Chrysalis and Tirek are draining Discord. If anyone waits until they do something overt, it could well be too late. I imagine that the strength Chrysalis derives from love is a factor of both the magical potential of the target and the intensity of the emotion. A non-magical target who loves intensely would produce a small amount of energy, so the Changelings can still make use of drained ponies, though the real payoff they're getting is from impersonating the drained ponies to suck up the love energy that is being directed at them by the drained ponies' loved ones. A target with both powerful magic and love, like Shining Armor, produces incredible amounts of energy.

Discord doesn't love anyone the way Shining Armor loved Cadance, but his emotions are strong, just mercurial and overlaid with his basic selfishness. And his magical pool is enormous. So Chrysalis ought to be getting an immense quantity of energy out of him. (There are issues with the fact that his magical pool is being drained constantly that affect how much she can get from him, but what feels to Discord as if his magic is a bare trickle, when he's heavily sedated, is probably more magic than pre-alicorn Twilight had.) And Tirek can't easily use Discord's energy but if he's taking it in small repeated drafts rather than trying to pull it all at once, he can convert and use more of it. So yeah, these two are going to be massively OP if this goes on for too long.

Man that comment looks stupid with so much of it blacked out. :-)


There's actually a huge story potential there, if you care to do it. You don't have to, of course, and there are obvious similarities between the implicit idea and the one animating Elements of Opposition. Still, that's not that much reason not to do it.

Though I hope you finish Elements of Opposition, even though I know there's no way that's going to be an entirely happy tale even in the outcome. Which, I notice, is a theme running through your tales -- that some situations are so bad that they don't have a totally happy ending even if the sympathetic characters escape and survive, because the psychological and other effects of the plot are just too terrible.

Which is quite realistic.

5270242 Well, I hope changelings suck at impersonating spirits of chaos. For Equestria's sake.

the more the internet has to offer.....

The untagged characters are Chrysalis and Tirek right?

5734470 But why would Chrysalis work with Tirek... and why would he trust a lying, mind-controlling, shape-shifting bug?

Heck, after sucking all the magic out of everything... why would Tirek even need her?

I don't see Tirek allying with anyone, least of all Chrysalis, a creature that lives by lying.

5270242 But we must take into account the natures of the villains at play here.

I always ask myself, "Would the villains every trust each other enough to work together for any length of time without stabbing each other in the back?"

And, especially in Tirek's case... he betrayed Discord for no reason at all other than more magic. And Chrysalis, if she's learned ANYTHING from her failure at the wedding, would do far more research and espionage... and learn of Tirek's betrayal. She, therefore, would never trust him.

Perhaps the ponies need do nothing at all. The two miserable wretches will become horribly OP... and then murder each other. :trollestia:

6940092 You'd have to ask the author that, not me.

This doesn't take place after Tirek has sucked all the magic out of everything. This takes place after Tirek has escaped Tartarus again, weak and drained of magic. The alliance with Chrysalis is very specifically needed because he needed Discord subdued; he knows Discord can find him if he starts draining magic again, he knows he can't take Discord in his weakened state, and he knows that Discord has very personal reasons to make his life hell if they cross paths again. It also allows him to drain ponies without getting caught, because they're being replaced by Changelings. Chrysalis needs him because she and her hive can't keep Discord under without Tirek's magic draining ability; Discord is so powerful that his emotions are too filling for the Changelings to be able to drain enough of them that it would impact his magic. Tirek repeatedly draining Discord of magic -- not fully, but taking enough to make Discord vulnerable to sleeping potions and Changeling mind magic -- is necessary for Chrysalis to be able to keep Discord as a captive.

Of course both of them plan on backstabbing the other at the earliest opportunity, and of course both of them know the other plans the same. Even if Chrysalis were the trusting type, which she's not, she knows what Tirek did to Discord, and of course Tirek doesn't trust anyone. But right now, their alliance is allowing both of them to grow stronger at a rapid pace. Separately, neither of them can fully contain Discord -- Tirek isn't strong enough yet that he could drain an awake Discord fully, like he did in canon. I think they're both thinking this alliance will end as soon as Discord is drained to the point of being dead or useless, because then they don't need each other anymore.

6949083 Huh... then how did Discord not recognize changelings in the first place? He can detect any unusual magic. I find it hard to believe he wouldn't spot them instantly. Plus, he lives in his own weird little dimension... how'd they even get to him?

See, this is the problem with really GOD-level characters (and I mean Jehovah/Q-level, not Greek/Roman light-weights), they have SO MANY powers that you really have to de-power them by convenience for this scenario to exist.

As such, this results in the lingering malaise I feel both towards Discord's redemption and Tirek's exceedingly plot-convenient magic vacuum powers.

Anyway, there's still the issue that both Tirek and Chrysalis are backstabbing liars, and they both know that about each other. If they DID ever form this alliance I can see them getting along as well as Hitler and Stalin. Really, I do eventually see their relationship breaking down into outright warfare. Given their individual personalities and needs/desires, they will end up at odds eventually.

And as you say, THEY BOTH KNOW THIS. That's the issue. They made this deal KNOWING it's going to break down and end badly for one of them, perhaps even both. And given that Tirek does possess that cheap magic-sucking power... and the changelings basically LIVE on magical energy... yeah, gonna almost certainly end badly for them. Unless Chrysalis is still as stupid as she was during the Wedding, I don't think she'd ever take such a risk with a monster who's already openly betrayed an ally once before.

For purposes of the story, I didn't need to get into how he ended up in this situation, so I didn't try. However, how they got to him in the first place was probably by using Tirek's knowledge of his relationship with Fluttershy to lure him into a trap. Given that Discord has demonstrated that he has weaknesses -- for instance, the tatzlwurm-induced green flu -- I don't find it impossible to imagine that they could render him unconscious. I haven't bothered working out the exact how because I have no plans to expand the story, right now. Though I just wrote a scene in "Not the Hero" in which a hive of Changelings does take Discord down, and the only reason he escapes is that their Queen then does something remarkably stupid, something Chrysalis wouldn't have done (not because she's so much smarter, so much as that it wouldn't have served her purpose.) So I'd probably modify that in some way to explain how Chrysalis got him in the first place.

And Chryssy and Tirek's alliance will totally fall apart, but they're both too scared of what happens if Discord wakes up to dare feud with each other too much -- disharmony fuels his powers, and arguing in front of him has the potential to awaken him enough that he figures out he's a prisoner, not a patient. They have to work together to make sure he stays subdued and helpless until they've managed to drain him down to the point where he can't recover. Tirek's capacity to drain magic increases as the magic he's already drained increases; he's not at the level where he can empty Discord out yet, and Discord's magic regenerates. The problem for Equestria will be, if they hold onto him long enough that they can afford to break their alliance, they will both be so godawfully powerful that it won't matter if one backstabs the other; either of them will be an enormous threat. So if Discord doesn't wake up on his own (which is unlikely as long as they can refrain from arguing in front of him too much) and the Bearers and Princesses don't find him in time, Equestria's still screwed.

6950144 Eh, I'm sure some OP Displaced human would randomly show up and curbstomp whichever villain is left. Either that or Saitama would appear and end things in One Punch. :trollestia:

But really, if two mega-powered villains fight... there is the very real chance they'll damage each other so severely that they'll off each other.

Either that, or Chrysalis could decide to grow a fully functional cerebral cortex and secretly aid the ponies in overthrowing Tirek, her only real enemy at that point, planning to then betray them afterward.

Eh, just goes to show that you're always better off murdering villains in cold blood because they never get better! Deadpool proved my point! :raritywink:

Whenever I read your works I know to expect the most amazing characterizations of these individuals in interesting and nearly seamless tone... with a smidge of... well not to be offense but an underlaying tension of fetish fuel.... then there's this one... The same tension is most palpable here... but for the life of me I can't get whose fetish this is and why. Regardless, I've often enjoyed your stories even though they have a certain danse macabre (though I find your dark humor to work instead of coming off as edge-lordy so frankly that's part of the point) but this one frankly stumps me. *shrugs*

I recognise this story from fanficton.net. I really love it, it's so sweet.

not sweet, dark. (Lore) Did you know Chrysalis is, in fact, both Fluttershy and Celestia?

not really. Fun fact: "Fluttershy" and "Celestia" are Chrysalis. Also, Tirek. So, uh, sweet isn't a good way to put the end of Equestria as we know it (unless someone saves Discord...)

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