• Published 17th Nov 2014
  • 1,406 Views, 11 Comments

My Little Centaur - Ponyess

A friend of mine had given me one of these new holographic character, a Pinkie Pie, apparently. I had been quite excited. Then I had found a glitch in the program, but a good one, an interesting opportunity, a Centaur. This is where it all begun.

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A Gift: 1

Author's Note:

Umi's POV


My friend Hitomi had been over at my place over the weekend. As she left, yesterday, she handed over a small gift, in a neatly wrapped box. Inside it, I had found a holographic character, contained in a pink USB stick, obviously it is Pinkie Pie, which I could read on the front, just as I could see the three balloons on the back.

The package contained a handwritten note, explaining the content and how to make the best use of it. There is a small set of items, intended for making her a physical individual, as opposed to the original holographic character she had been intended to be.

I had thanked her and even kissed her on both cheeks, before she left. Then I had promised to let her know how she came out and send her a picture of her, once she was ready for it.

She had pointed out that the Centaur basically was a quadruped version of an Anthropomorphic Pony, even if it is more of a Chimera, then the straight up morphed form, halfway through. Yet, it does open up a few interesting possibilities. Some of which she knew I would enjoy. It is what she had told me and I chose to believe her.

From what I had understood, looking at the product, there is nothing that prevented me from creating a second or third character, so long as the first and previous once were no longer actively running. If they had been canceled or made into physical individuals would be the same. The emitted did not take this possibility or opportunity into account since it had never been intended to be possible. Even if the manual had stated clearly that the character would interact with physical matter and objects, just like I as the user and owner does on a daily, continuous basis. Maybe the wording had stumbled, but it is what you expect from these manuals.

Since Hitomi had left on the train just after dinner, I have several hours to myself, before I need to go to bed, which feels convenient, maybe she chose this train, just to give me some time to tinker with the gift.

Once I got home after seeing her off on the station, I had little else to do, so I got right to the point and slipped the stick into the emitter and activated the program, only to find what she had been telling me about, earlier as she gave me the gift. Good thing I had opened it right away, not just to see what was inside, but in order for her to explain the details she had prepared for me.

With just a large muffin and a glass of juice in my belly, I felt ready to get to the point. Why prolong what I knew I had to do. She hadn’t given me this, just for me to stash it away in a drawer, or sell it of somewhere.

I chose to give her what would appear to be a rather ordinary human face, while keeping the characteristics, like her ears, eyes, muzzle and mane. For some reason, I found an interesting option and gave her a nice red rubber top to go, although I chose an A cup with fairly large nibbles. Maybe I like to have something to tease her with as I chose to see it. Since I chose to keep her mane, her tail would be a perfect match.

Looking closer, I gave her Pony body a more equine look to it. A correct posture and highly pronounced hooves. After a few minutes of tinkering, I was happy with the result. There was no point in adding any more clothes or garments to her, although I guess I could make a small set of tops for her on the go. As it turned out, I did have the chance to see several different tops.

From this Centaur version of my Pinkie Pie, I made her arms slender and Human looking. I chose to make her hands match her overall and arms more so than the rest. Only then I thought better of it, giving her miniature hooves in place of her human nails, just to see how it would come out.

Once the final choice had been made, I could see her come out of the screen, standing beside me, while looking curiously at me with a joyous smile all over her face, just the way I had imagined her to.

For a moment, I had been worried, what if the change would make her unstable, or the specific choices wouldn’t work out as I had expected, but these worries all came to shame as I saw her smile at me. This is still the very same Pinkie Pie I had come to love and enjoy. She would certainly give me a good time and bring joy to my life.

“I think you need a Muffin, but first I would like to give you a little treat!” I told her.

“A Muffin or two would be nice. A treat, I guess that could be fun too!” she responded.

“While I am at it, call me Umi!” I pointed out as I lined up the products intended to provide her with the treat.

“When you say Treat, Umi, do you mean it as in a Hooficure, or something like that?” Pinkie enquired in a hopeful voice, giggling slightly.

“A hooficure, yes, that would be included. Although I guess I should include a manicure as well since you do have two hands too!” I responded.

“That would make sense!” she pondered.

“Right this way, just follow me!”I continued as I walked into a small guest room, where I had arranged the products required for her treat.

“Okeley dokeley!” she responded as she followed me into the room.

“If you place your right forehoof into the bucket?” I instructed her, pointing towards where I meant for her to place her hoof.

“A hoof bath? Preparing for the hooficure, I take it!” she nodded.

“Exactly. When the water turns a light pink hue, you pull your hoof up and put the next down in. Should only take a few minutes per hoof, or so I was told!” I put forth.

“Pink, just like me? I guess that is curious!” she pondered as she pulled her right hoof up and slipped down the left one in its place.

“Just may be exactly why, you are pink. I wouldn’t have you any other way, even if you still would be the same Party Centaur either way!” I responded.

“Oh yeah, I guess I happen to be your very own party Centaur. Just as hyper and out of control as I would have been as the Pony, Anthro or Human, though. I am still Pinkie Pie!” she responded, then slipped her fore hoof out and pushed the bucket back in order to place the left hind hoof into the bucket.

“Glad you don’t have any problems with being a Centaur. My friend Hitomi knew my special love for Centaurs. Now I can have both Pinkie Pie and a Centaur as the same individual and friend!” I pondered as she swapped hooves again.

“I guess it is all right to be a Centaur. Now I am both Human and Pony at the same time, even more so than if I had been an Anthropomorphic Pony!” she pondered thoughtfully.

“You will just need a larger bed, but I happen to have a double bed to spare, so I just hope you will make due with it. At least until we can buy you a new bed, if you need it!” I explained.

Once she pulled her last hoof out of the liquid, I started to apply the clear gel to the first hoof, from the top and middle, downwards and interlacing, right and left. Then I repeated the process under the hoof, once more from the middle, but from the back, finishing it by a line along the upper rim, then the lower, thus covering the entire hoof.

“Just as you suggested, this is fun. Something Rarity used to enjoy when she went to the SPA. I enjoyed following here there and sharing the experience. In great part due to how happy she was!” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

When I started with her left fore hoof, she had already slipped the diminutive hooves that was in place of what should have been finger nails on my hands into the bucket. As I finished the final hoof, she had pulled her hands up, thus presenting her hands to me. With that, I continued the process.

I had chosen a deep cerise top coat for her hooves, which I started to apply, once I had covered all her hooves with the soft and elastic gel. Then I applied the utter gloss hoof shine and sealed the effect of the hooficure in.

“One small detail, before the manicure is completed!” I pointed out, indicating the hand cream.

“Okeley dokeley!” she responded as she accepted the clear gel, scooping out a good portion; before she slowly worked it into the palms of her hands, feeling how it slowly made her skin softer and more elastic.

“Time for a snack!” I proclaimed as I lead her out to the dining room, only to stop by the kitchen and extracting a large package of assorted Muffins.

“Yummy!” she responded as she saw the pastries.

“I will have to ask you to bake more by tomorrow!” I responded as I placed the pastries on the table.

“I know!” she responded with a crooked grin.

“Besides, I will have to buy a large supply of ingredients for you to bake!” I concluded as I saw her enjoying the first of her Muffins.

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