• Published 17th Nov 2014
  • 1,407 Views, 11 Comments

My Little Centaur - Ponyess

A friend of mine had given me one of these new holographic character, a Pinkie Pie, apparently. I had been quite excited. Then I had found a glitch in the program, but a good one, an interesting opportunity, a Centaur. This is where it all begun.

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A New Day: 2

Author's Note:

Pinkie Pie's POV


Umi had apparently done as she promised, since I had found a large pile of supplies for my baking. She had insisted on having breakfast before I started to bake, though.

I shouldn’t complain, I love my pastries. I love both baking, having and eating pastries, cakes and pies left and right. I have been known for the ability to consume absurd amounts of these, without batting an eye and finishing it all off in a very short time.

On the other hoof, I am also known to be hyper and out of control, partying all night, just as I can be very fast. I am also seen bouncing about, or around town.

The bed she had provided me with was serviceable. I could sleep in it, after all. Though I think we could find me a better and more comfortable one, if we went out. Only at this point, I know I can’t leave her home since my hologram can’t move past her outer door. Even if the emitter could reach as far as a hundred yards, I can’t leave her home. The added distance would still do me no good.

She had actually been kind enough to explain the situation in detail. this was one of her main reasons in giving me the treat, the hooficure and manicure, giving the substance a firm grounding. I just need to eat enough to build up enough substance for me to become a physical individual, the companion I had been intended to be.

Of course, it is illegal to trade in sentient beings, such as Humans. Since I could be argued to be considered Human and sentient enough, they had made me into a hologram, most likely in order to avoid the controversies. They had never intended me to become physical, even if the matrix I am based on, can interact with physical matter.

Just like the original Pinkie Pie, the Pony, I enjoy the same diet. Pastries and vegetables, mainly. I could never enjoy the regular Human diet, though. I never could as Pony, so it isn’t in my range of acceptable tastes, even if I could be considered to handle it.

“Good morning, Umi!” I exclaimed as I found her by the table.

“Morn’, Pinkie. Breakfast is served. I hope it is still good and that it is enough to make a breakfast!” she responded.

“Guess I wouldn’t need a chair, but I can still enjoy the table. These Muffins does still look good enough!” I responded as I stopped before the table.

“Now, but you do need your Muffins. I could still order a chair or two made for you, on which you could sit. Just as I may need to order a new bed for you!” Umi pondered as she picked up her first Muffin.

“I will have to do some serious baking today. Your supplies of pastries and food will not last you the day. I guess you could go shopping while I bake since I will be busy with that for a good long while. I can’t go out now, so this would be the best solution to our problems!” I responded.

“Yeah, that would be convenient, if you could handle the baking and cooking while I am out. Then we can go back to spending some quality time together as I get back. I positively love the squeaking clip clop noises your hooves make!” I pointed out, basking in the radiance of the joy she put out in the room.

“It sure would, we need the ingredients and I love baking. Some more quality time together with you is always fun. I think you caused them as you gave me the treat. Not to say I didn’t enjoy it and I certainly don’t regret it now. If you go, I could start baking, then we can continue where we left off as you come back?” I put forth.

“I know, I know. See you when I get back. Maybe you have a few fresh Muffins ready by then?” I responded as I walked towards the door.

“Just make sure to have everything I need for my baking and some vegetables would be nice too!” I put forth.

“See you, Pinkie!” she responded as she reached the door.

“Bye, Umi, see you as well!” I responded as she slipped out and closed the door behind her.

I may have seen her kitchen and most she kept there, but while she is out, I have it all to myself. I know, I can’t make too much noise or some kind neighbour may complain or even call the cops in the firm and justified belief I had been a burglar since they don’t know of me, or who I am. How was I to explain the situation?

Finally some fun. Eggs and milk was easy to find. Then I found flour and sugar, that was easy, almost too easy, if you ask me. Not that I am about to complain, even if I had had anyone to complain to? I was used to bake on my own, from my time at the Sugar-Cube Corner, I know my baking by heart.

Once I measured up all the ingredients for the first set, I started mixing according to what I was taught how it was done. As stated, I know this and Muffins is one of the more common pastries I was producing.

While the dough was resting, I rummaged after the final ingredients in order to make these my special Muffins, as opposed to ordinary standard, bland Muffins. I may still like them, but it is more fun and will taste much better, if I had something fun and tasty to slip in. Anything, like Apples, Raisin, Cinnamon or berries would make due.

The Cinnamon was among the common baking spices, just as expected. Finding raisins wasn’t too hard. I also found a few cans of jam or marmalade, this should be good enough to use for baking. At least, now my pastries wouldn’t be bland.

Even though I did find a few apples in a bowl on the living room table, I still felt the need to ask for a few more, I would enjoy using fruits in baking and salads. Just as I did not find a juicer, so I had to ask her for one of these too.

Not that I mind tea, but a bottle of cider would be great from time to time, another item I had to ask her to get for me.

I had found cacao, but I think I would love some chocolate chips too. Just need to be a good quality chocolate, not the cheap substitute with little to no semblance to actual chocolate. I guess I do have a good list of items I had to ask her to buy for me by tomorrow. Naturally, I had made a list. Writing is only too easy now, I have real hands, even if I could have used my old style mouth writing. As convenient as it was to use mane or tail, it just wasn’t quite good enough for writing.

I chose to use Cinnamon for my first batch, knowing I could choose something else for the next, just as the set was intended to be more than a single batch too. Then I added just a hint of cacao, before I slipped the dough into the small black forms I had found for this purpose, before slipping the batch into the now hot oven. I just wait for the time to go, little else to do. I don’t need to sit, but I did not have any chair I could sit on in any event, not now, not just yet.

From time to time, I peaked into the oven through the small window, in order to see if they did look ready. They turned out to be ready, just on time. I had prepared the second batch just before the first was ready. Now I pulled the first out and slipped the second one in.

While I opened the still hot oven, delicious scent is spreading out into the small space of her, or our kitchen. it did feel a bit small on me, with my large bulk or Equin body in consideration. As if that had never been there before.

Mixing in the spices or flavours did not take as much time as it did take the oven to finish the Muffins, sadly, thus leaving me with several more minutes to wait. With just the one small private oven, I could do only so much baking.

Only while the second batch of muffins was in, I prepared for the next. Like a trained and experienced baker, I did not need to make haste, I had all the time in the world as I wait for the next batch, more time than I could make good use of. Simple as that. I soon decided to try to do something else, something more useful than just waiting the endless minutes for the next batch to be ready.

I ended up scavenging the fridge for vegetables, at least there is more than enough for a large bowl of fresh salad. As much as I am missing some of the vegetables I would like to see. Maybe I could ask her to buy them tomorrow, if they were available in the stores here. Sadly, I realized they wouldn’t sell either Clover or Daisies in any salads bar or vegetable store near here.

I could hear a distinct sound from the door as she walked in, followed by her footsteps, soft as they are onto the floor with her light feet. A moment later she was with me in the kitchen.

“Hiya, Pinkie Pie. I can see you have been busy baking here. Not that the delicious scents could hide the fact. Oh, you even made Salad?” Umi greeted me in amazement as she entered the small kitchen.

“Hiya, Umi. I have made a few batches of Muffins and pastries, but wouldn’t call it busy. I am an experienced baker, you know. With hands, it is only too easy. Yeah, I did make some salad, for the both of us with what little I could find. Should make due for today. I will have to ask you to buy some additional ingredients by tomorrow, since we are fresh out and was already lacking several items before!” I responded.

“Let’s go to the dining room, we have all day to discuss what items I need to buy tomorrow. although I do want you to dig in!” she responded.

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