• Published 19th Nov 2014
  • 695 Views, 11 Comments

Night Crew - NFire

Meet Hangfire, a weather pegasi with not a few hangups, and a problem. She's now on the Night Crew

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Chapter 12

Hangfire had put her fears away for now, they had Hearth’s Warming Eve tonight, and she was busy fixing dinner. Hazy took Blue out for a walk, to stretch a bit from all the bedridden days. He was getting so much better she thought.

Chryse and Cornflower were out getting more stuff for dinner, and wine! They were going to really do it up tonight! She had a set of good plates, and dinnerware, delicate cups and saucers her mother had given her.

Everypony got tonight off, even the most hard-core workers took the day, and the next off. The weather was stabilized as best it could be, though flurries still happened until everypony was back at work.

She set out a linen tablecloth, smooth and brightly colored, covering the big dinner table, making sure each place setting was perfect. The glasses and cups set just so, napkins folded on the plates just like you find in a fancy restaurant.

Take that she thought, don’t have to pay fifty bits a plate here!

The fire was lit in the big hearth, warming the whole house, the flames dancing merrily in the waning sunlight. Candles of all colors decorated the shelves, the lights making hued shadows flicker all around. It was perfect, the first Hearth’s Warming with her friends, and she was so excited.

The presents she had bought for her friends lay on the hearth side, the paper shining in the light and put just right as well. She wanted everything perfect for this night and tomorrow, when they’d exchange gifts, and have another wonderful dinner.

They had endured so much together, so many little things that brought them closer. She relished the hugs she got from Cornflower every morning, just to say hello. The moments with Chryse, sharing a cup of tea or coffee, talking about anything and nothing. And just sometimes, ever so rarely, sharing a kiss in the hallway. She didn’t know exactly what her feelings were for Chryse, was it friendly, was it love? She wasn’t sure, but there was time to explore that later hopefully.

Hazy still won at chess dangit. She was bound and determined to beat that stupid stallion. Blue, decided the house needed some pictures, and ended up drawing a few that graced the bare walls, cheerful and bright, they lit up the heretofore empty spaces, making them more like home.

A worried look crossed her face as she stirred the pasta, thinking hard about the day before, and Twilight’s library. She didn’t know what she had said, going over the conversation hundreds of times in her mind. It was Hazy’s name that set it off, she was sure. Please, please Celestia, don’t let anything bad happen to that stallion, he doesn’t deserve anything bad. If anything he deserved a medal for throwing that punch. She could still see it in her mind, how angry he was.

She was so wrapped up in thought, she didn’t hear Chryse and Cornflower come in until two blue legs snuggled her from behind, “H..h...hi F..F...Fire..” Cornflower was talking a lot more since that day at Rarity’s, and it was just wonderful.

She wiped away her look, putting the lid on the pot and turning around to give her and her sister hugs, “About time you got back, are we in the poorhouse now?” Giving Chryse a wink as she saw all the bags on the counter.

Chryse took a pose, her foreleg along her brow, “Oh dear me, Cornflower ran me ragged all over town!” Rolling her eyes and laughing as Cornflower squeaked indignantly.

The blue mare pointed at Chryse, “Sh..sh..she t..t..took f..f..f..forever a..a..at th..the mm..mm..market!” Giving her sister a punch on the shoulder, tongue sticking out at the snowy mare.

Hangfire rolled her eyes, opening the oven, letting the smell of pumpkin and apple pie drift out to quell the argument. Chryse and Blue immediately shut up, leaning over her shoulder, “We didn’t know you could bake!?”

“I’m not as good as Sugar Cube Corner, but I try.” She checked them quickly and shut the door, pointing to a large box on the counter, “Though I did stop by and pick up some of those wonderful cupcakes you guys like.”

Chryse let out a yell, leaping for the box, barely beating her sister to open it. Inside was a couple dozen of Pinky’s Best they were called, Swirled icing, fudge everywhere, frosting that just made your mouth water looking at them, and the smell? Heaven had a hard time attracting residents because they got distracted by Pinky’s cupcakes.

Hangfire got a wooden spoon, waving it at the sisters, “Back! Back you ravenous beasts! Get yer hooves off those, they’re for later!” She gave them both taps on their backside, eliciting yelps and outraged looks. “Go on with you layabouts! Get the groceries out!” She menaced the two mares with swings of the spoon.

Chryse winked at her sister, receiving a nod, “There’s two of us, and you certainly can’t stop us both!” She gave a menacing laugh, eye-balling the box of treats. Her hooves reached out to try and tickle Hangfire as her sister ran for the box.

‘Fire swung the spoon, batting at a hoof, “Back I say! Cornflower you keep your hooves off those!”

Both sisters were laughing, the battle for cupcakes was getting a bit intense as Cornflower reached into the box, her sister yelling to get them both a couple. Hangfire swung around the kitchen table, swatting Cornflower on the backside again, seeing her jump and yell rubbing her cheek. “H..h..HEY!”

“I told you, no cupcakes till later!” She pointed the spoon at both the mares, giving them a stare, “Later!”

Cornflower and Chryse looked at each other, then launched themselves at Hangfire, who covered her face with her arms, expecting to get piled on any second. When it didn’t happen, she peeked out from between her arms, seeing Hazy had wrapped legs around both mares, holding them in midair as he stood on his back hooves, keeping them tight against his side, “Now...she...said...”

Cornflower hung there, looked defeated as Chryse slapped his hide, “Hey! No fair! Yer bigger than the rest of Ponyville you softie!”

Hazy just chuckledas he held them both till the sisters hung limp in his grip, utterly certain of sugary rewards until he had snuck up on them and caught them mid leap. “Promise...you’ll...behave..”

Chryse threw her hooves up in the air, “Fine, we’ll give up, we’ll wait for cupcakes!” Cornflower nodded in agreement as they were both dropped unceremoniously on the carpet. Giving Hazy the evil eye as they got back up, Chryse slapped his hide again, “You big bully!” Sticking her bottom lip out in a pout as she stood there. He leaned over and smooched her right on the mouth, leaving her flustered and blushing to her tail, “You...why..you..oooo..no fair!” Giving in and giving him a hug.

A voice interrupted, “Hey, you stealing my coltfriend there you wanton mare?” Blue peeked out from behind Hazy’s bulk, giving her a leer. “I always knew ya had the hots for him!” He leaned back against the doorway, throwing his hooves up in the air, “Oh whatever shall I do! Loneliness forever, stolen away by some mare! Oh the shame!”

Cornflower rolled on the floor laughing out loud, her sides heaving as she saw the look on her sisters face. Hangfire was leaning back against the stove hee hawing like some donkey, wiping tears from her eyes.

Chryse let go of Hazy, pinching her nose and sighing dramatically, “I can’t win, I just can’t win.” She peered up at Hazy who was trying his best to not laugh, only letting a few snerks out from his clamped shut mouth.

Chryse threw her hooves up in the air in a gesture of finality, “Okay fine, I see how it is, you all ganging up one poor mare, buncha bullies I tell you!” She was, however, getting a lot closer to the open box of cupcakes, reaching out while everyone was laughing to snag herself a snack.

The sneaking hoof was stopped dead by a wooden spoon, smacking her lightly on the pastern. She snatched it back, looking hurt as Hangfire waved the spoon around, “Nice try there Chryse.”

The orange eyes rolled as she went back to the table, sniffling in mock sadness, “I see how you are, we do all the shopping, but noooo..”

Hangfire pressed a hoof to her forehead, “Fine! Just ONE though! ONE!”

Cornflower gave a squeak, reaching the box the same time as Chryse did, each picking out a sugary coated treat, just the look of which would drive dentists mad. Peeling off the paper cups, they each took a bite and promptly sat their backends on the floor, lost in an orgy of sugary ecstasy.

Hangfire looked at the ceiling, “Good grief, just for a cupcake?” Her eyes came down to see Hazy and Blue giving her big sad puppy dog eyes, waiting for her okay, “Oh for Celestia’s sake! Stop looking at me like that! ONE! Just ONE!”

The two stallions immediately joined the sisters on the floor, savoring each bite of the cupcakes, which in all honesty, were some of the best cupcakes made in Equestria. Thrones and empires had been lost for less, and here in this kitchen, bliss prevailed.

Hangfire made sure her dinner was not going to burn, taking the pies out to cool, stepping over the supine ponies on the floor, each enjoying their own personal Elysium. Shaking her head, looking upwards one more time, she grabbed one and joined them, figuring..you know the rest I’m sure.

After shooing away the lotus eaters, Hangfire set about finishing dinner. She’d planned and sweated all day looking forward to this. Giving a holler down the hallway, she called them to the meal as she scurried about, setting out bowls and platters.

The four arrived at a table that would give some of the finest restaurants a run for their money. Hazy was asked to open the bottle of wine Chryse and Cornflower had bought especially for tonight.

Alongside the wine, there were warming mugs of spiced apple cider, cups of hot coffee, pitchers of cold milk and ice water dripping condensation on their napkins

Setting in the middle of the dinner table, platters of angel hair pasta, covered in a rich sauce thick with peppers, onions and mushrooms. Steaming basins of mashed potatoes set near boats of thick gravy. Baked potatoes adorned another plate, alongside fresh butter bought that day from the farms outside of town, accompanied by sour cream and chives.

There were stuffed peppers, stuffed mushrooms, if it could be cut open, it got stuffed with warm fillings and spices. These resided next to baskets of hot dinner rolls, covered in soft cloths to keep warm. Crusty bread was sliced and arranged artfully, each piece piled with a heaping concoction consisting of tomatoes, peppers, cheese and spices.

Off to the side a fondue pot, for dipping anything they wanted, heavy and hot. Grilled vegetables overflowed the delicate bowls she’d set out especially for the dinner tonight.

Glass platters divided into five sections rested near each individual plate, the middle was full of blue cheese dressing, made that day cold and fresh, surrounded by olives, cherry tomatoes, celery and carrots.

A huge deep dish of salad, crisp lettuce draped with slices of different cheeses, more tomatoes, shaved carrots, radishes, anything she had she threw in.

If they survived the coming onslaught of tempting dishes, there was apple and pumpkin pies waiting. Fresh whipped cream cooling in the fridge along with ice cream of various flavors. Apple fritters from Sweet Apple Acres sat side by side with the cupcakes they had fought over earlier.

At last, the feast was laid out, just as Hangfire wanted it. She wanted everything to be perfect, for her friends. She was sure the budget was blown, nay destroyed for the month. But right now she didn’t care, seeing their faces as they kept watching her pull dish after dish out of the kitchen, bringing them to the immaculately set table, made it all worth while. She had found a set of cushions her mother had given her, too ostentatious for anything everyday, but just perfect to sit on at the low table. Soft velvety comfort cradling each pony as they waited for her to sit down.

Hangfire looked around to make sure everything was on the table, nothing left behind or they’d need. Finally setting at her place, she tied a napkin around her neck quickly, looking up to see them all raising their wine glasses. Tilting her head, she raised hers and was about to say something when she got interrupted by Blue.

He grinned, a light in his eyes shone warmly, “I have been designated to tell you Miss Hangfire, that this is the finest dinner we have ever seen in our lives. I believe, as we all do, the Royal Canterlot Kitchens would be hard pressed to do the same.”

He waved a hoof at her when she tried to reply, “Stop. This is our turn now. To you, who opened her home and her heart to us when she didn’t have to. Who accepted us flying misfits without a qualm. To you, Miss Hangfire, our love, our affection and our friendship forever.”

She felt a lump in her throat, looking around the table, seeing smiles from Hazy and the sisters, nodding at her to say something. She looked at the food, the settings, everything she’d worked so hard to do, and not one bit of it compared to what Blue had just said.

Hangfire cleared her throat and lifted her wineglass a bit more, saying softly but loud enough for everyone to hear, “To family.”

Author's Note:

Because Hearth's Warming is coming, so, slice of life here and the next then we're back into the bad ponies! Happy Hearth's Warming folks :twilightsmile: