• Published 19th Nov 2014
  • 695 Views, 11 Comments

Night Crew - NFire

Meet Hangfire, a weather pegasi with not a few hangups, and a problem. She's now on the Night Crew

  • ...

Chapter 17

Oh no.

Hangfire’s hoof was covering her mouth as she ran to the bathroom. Becoming violently ill as she emptied her stomach with a gag, panting over the bowl like she had just run a ten mile marathon. Wiping her face, she staggered back out into the living room, to see the scene played out.

The Boulder brothers had stopped writing when the manager kept talking, the quills dropping from their mouths as they both leaned back against the wall. One was shaking his head vigorously, tottering on unsteady hooves, his brother leaning against him, hoof in front of his mouth. Even as guardsponies they were dumbfounded at the tale.

Cornflower was crying in the corner, comforted by her sister who stared at the fat manager like he was something out of an old pony horror tale. It couldn’t possibly be like that. Not in this world. Hazy and Blue were sitting on the floor, their eyes filled with tears as they blinked, taking in the pegasi’s tale.

It was surreal, it was something none of them had expected. Not in their stupidest wild dreams of revenge would they have thought a revelation like this would be forthcoming.

Stonewall went livid, nostrils flaring as he stood quietly and listened, ears perked, Bulwark lay a hoof on his friends shoulder holding him in place. Their bodies trembling in a rage so beyond the norm it counted as a force of nature. An occasional twitch of their coats, or an eye betrayed their feelings.

Snowflake sat on his backside, tilting his head and looking around at the shocked, stunned expressions on faces. He had nothing to say, nothing. He couldn’t even gather the words in thought as his mind reeled with the exposition. He was dumbstruck like the other ponies in the room.

Bulwark pointed a massive hoof at the tearful manager as he finished the story, “You’re lying.” The deep voice was very quiet.

The sobbing manager waved his hooves in front of his face, expecting a blow, “No! No I swear on my mother’s grave!”

Stonewall stomped forward, pushing his hoof against the managers shoulder, “After this is over, I’ll make sure you join her. That’s a promise.”

The pegasi cringed into the couch, holding his hooves in front of his face. He was done, gone and tearful, sobbing in misery as he kept relating the story.

Hangfire shut her eyes, screaming into the room, “Shutup shutup SHUTUP!”

The mood broke, every eye in the place turned to her as she waved her front hooves around, “Oh Celestia shutup! Stop, no, nono-no! There is NO way this is happening, none.” Her eyes turned to the others, pleading, tears rolling down her cheeks in a steady wave, she had nothing left but them.

Her mind gibbered at her, telling her over and over it was true, what the manager said was so true it hurt. She went screaming into those dark depths, body stiffening before a gentle push on her cheek brought her back.

Chryse leaned into her friend, Cornflower turned over to Hazy and Blue, “Stop ‘Fire, stop. Don’t leave us. We need you here.”

“But...no.. He’s LYING!”

Bulwark moved close, heavy wings wrapping around the two mares, “He’s not, you can see it. We need to go, we need to take care of this now. Forget the guard, forget anypony else. This is us.”

He turned to Stonewall, “Go get everyone you can with wings, we need to leave now. Meet us at the shack.”

Stonewall broke records slamming the door open and shooting into the sky.

Granite pushed himself off the wall, interrupting, “Bulwark, we have to call the guard. I’m serious now, this has gone way beyond town guard like us.”

Bulwark’s one remaining eye, a soft gentle green, gave one last smile to Hangfire and Chryse, “You need to go with us. We have to, this is about us all.” Before getting their answer, he turned to the Boulder brothers, “I’m sorry, I am so sorry you are involved.” He gestured to the wreck of a manager on the couch, “You keep him here, he’s not to be harmed. Do NOT let him leave. Just one last favor for a friend?”

Bastion, finally composed, nodded, “Oh yes, we will. We need to do this brother.” His eyes pleaded with Granite, who looked dubious.

Sighing, Granite finally nodded in agreement, “We will Bulwark. We promise. But you owe us, oh do you owe us.” A smile crossed the shaken face as he touched hooves with the big Pegasus. “Be careful.”

“Snowflake, you don’t have to come with us, we know the trouble you’d be in.”

The big white pegasus just smiled, albeit a bit sadly now, “No, this is intolerable.”

Hangfire and Chryse gave quick goodbyes to Hazy and Blue, making them promise they’d take care of Cornflower.

Hazy stopped them both with a hoof, “No...more..”

Nodding, they followed Bulwark out into the street, the sun was getting higher and they had little time. Lifting into the sky, they headed for the shack that served the storm line, making good time with anger pushing their wings.


The shack was stuffed full of ponies, Stonewall stood with a group of about thirty who were chatting away about what they’d been told. Bulwark, Snowflake, Hangfire and Chryse were bombarded with questions from shocked faces as they landed.

“Is it true?”

“Is Stonewall right?”

“What in the stars!”

Hangfire took the lead, she calmed them for a second, “Look, we’ll explain it all later in greater detail. We need to get to Cloudsdale now, and we need your help. Please, please help us?”

To a pony they agreed, the impromptu company of Pegasus took to the air, wings beating hard as they made the city of Pegasi in record time.

The manager had told them where, it was just a matter of taking the crowd of extremely angry ponies and getting them inside. It proved to be a lot easier than they thought, they belonged there of course. It was early so the building held no workers yet, the day had only just begun, they had plenty of time, even the streets were empty save for the body of Pegasus moving with a purpose.

Tramping down the hallway in one of the larger buildings, the crowd stopped at a secretary’s desk.

“There’s a meeting going on, you can’t go down there.”

Stonewall was beyond any idle chatter, he smashed a hoof into the desk, “Get out of our way or we’ll bury you.”

The scared secretary ran from the mob, calling for the guard as she did. The crowd pounded down the hallway, the only sound that of hooves along the floors. No words need be spoken, a quiet acrimony enclosing them all as they reached the door to the room.

A unicorn stallion was standing there outside the room, looking a bit nervous as the glow on it’s horn faded. He backed up when the crowd told him to move. Hangfire had a distinct feeling she knew that pony.

Bulwark turned on his front hooves, slamming his powerful back legs into the massive door, blasting it off the hinges to crash inside the room to amazed yells.

The mass of pegasi forced their way into the room, more than big enough to fit everyone. In the center of the open space, a table, round and heavy, around which were standing, or seated a collection of ponies wearing suits or ties. Mostly Pegasi, a few Unicorns here and there. They were all giving the entrants shocked looks as they forced themselves into the room.

These ponies were what was not so affectionately known as the upper crust of management, regular ponies never had day to day dealings with them. These were the ones that decided on day to day running of weather and the factories.

“What is the meaning of this?” A particularly snooty pony was glaring at the crowd, looking as if it were distasteful to even be around such folk.

Bulwark pointed a hoof at three ponies, secretaries by the look, “You, you and you. Get out. Now.”

The three picked stood up, looking as if they would argue, but reconsidering as they scampered out into the building proper.

Bulwark watched them leave, pointing to the rest, “They were the only innocents in this room.” The big pegasus turned to the pony who’d spoke, Hangfire and Chryse right beside him.

“We found out about your little scheme and everything you’ve done you piece of worthless manure.”

Straightening his tie, the executive looked at Bulwark, and the faces of pissed off ponies around them. “What exactly would that be then? I assure you, we are quite the responsible ponies here. Storming into this building does nopony any good, but I’m sure you’ll find that out languishing in Canterlot’s prison eh?”

Bulwark turned to Hangfire and Chryse, backing off a bit and letting them have center stage.

Hangfire took that and ran with it. “You couldn’t just steal money, oh no, you couldn’t just take what wasn’t yours and be happy.”

Some executives around the table started eyeballing each other, murmuring in the stifled atmosphere.

“SHUT UP!” Hangfire shouted to the room. “You had to make sure no one found out about it. Because your hooves were so dirty if it ever came out you’d live your days out in prison. So you MURDERED THEM!” She slammed a hoof down on the heavy table, “You murdered ponies who were just trying to work a job, just because of the money, all those thousands and thousands of bits. You couldn’t be happy with what you make, you had to get more!”

Hangfire pointed at hoof at Storm Cloud, oh yes, there was her previous boss. “You, you put them on the night crew, where they’d get injured. They’d have to quit or go on leave. But no you couldn’t be sure they’d stay quiet. To keep anyone from finding out, you had them killed!” She was panting with the exertion of shouting, lowering her voice a bit before she sounded totally off her rocker.

“Their families thought they had moved, or just gone to another town because of losing a job they loved. But no, you killed them, you murdered those poor ponies. That’s why we couldn’t track down all of them, they were missing, gone, and YOU did it!”

Slamming her hoof against the table again, she stood in the shocked silence from both sides. The ponies behind her staring at the executives around the table, murmuring breaking out behind as the realization set in.

The executive laughed, he actually laughed. Brushing off the accusation like it was nothing more than lint off a sleeve.

“It’s never about just the money you stupid filly. Oh no, never.” He brushed a sleeve with one hoof, taking up a stance behind the table. “Oh no.”

Hangfire looked at Chryse, something was wrong, this was not what they expected.

“You think you’ve figured out everything. No. Oh I admit, the money was a lovely recompense for all our time and work, “He gestured to the surrounding executives who sat around the table. “Isn’t this where the bad pony in all those horrible books reveals all?” He laughed, the sound ugly and grating.

“We’ve got the manager of the Night Crew, he told us everything you stupid plot!”

A hoof slammed on the desk, the executive looking fierce, “He knew nothing! A bit player for a bit part! Useful, but perhaps no more I’d guess. Maybe it’s time to wipe the slate clean and just continue on.” He looked at the nodding heads of the other executives.

Chryse tilted her head, she was slowly putting pieces together, making a whole from what the management type had said, then it clicked.

In a soft voice, barely heard, “You were getting rid of the ‘different’ ponies weren’t you?”

A stumble, a cough, hoof going to his tie as the executive stared at Chryse, his eyes wishing death upon her at that moment.

Hangfire goggled at Chryse, mouth hanging a bit open as she listened.

The mob of pegasi were silent as well, listening to the snowy mare as she kept going in a low tone.

“That’s why everypony on the crew were there.” She threw the words out with disdain as they’d been thrown at her, Hazy and so many in the past, “Fillyfoolers, coltcuddlers.. the handicapped. Pegasi who were good and kind, but always ‘different’. A short leg, not so great vision, a topped wing. Always something ‘different’. You didn’t just want them out of the way, you wanted them dead. If you got a sum of bits out of it, well then, that just made it all the better didn’t it? Of course the non ‘different’ ones, well they were just a bonus maybe? Somepony who didn’t fit in your plans?”

“You know nothing!”

“Oh no, I do, from seeing your face. Oh yes, you wanted them gone.”

“You still know nothing. Bah!” A hoof waved around, “Simple embezzlement, simply stealing funds, a time in jail and back out. It’s not a problem, not ever. Unlike you!” Here he pointed at Chryse and Hangfire, “You’ll be out of jobs, destitute, who’s going to believe some silly mares over US?” He gestured around the table to all the stone faces.

Chryse shrugged, “I think someone will believe us, someone will use a bit of a truth spell on that manager and dig deep in to what he knows. No, I think it’ll all come out.” She was baiting him, Hangfire could see it in the way she teased and drew out her words.

It was working. The face of the executive was beet red, tired of listening to a pretentious mare. He flushed with body language that screamed hatred.

“But then of course, I’m a ‘fillyfooler’ right? What do I know?” She rested one hoof upon the table, looking at a pony she recognized. “I know your daughter Flurry, and she happens to hang out the same places I do.”

The pony in question snorted, anger twisting his expression. If he’d have paid attention, Chryse never said his daughter was one, just that she was there.

The pony got up, pointing at Chryse, “You scum. You have no clue, my daughter is not one of YOU!” The top pony was making ‘sit down’ movements at the speaking exec who ignored them. “My daughter is good, obedient and she’ll be one of the ones who’ll rule over this new Pegasus nation!”

You could have heard a pin drop with a resounding clang.

“Sit down Scribble.” The top boss was trying to regain control as Chryse’s eyes widened, she could hear every breath, every rustle of feathers from the mob of ponies.

A pony named Nimble was the first to speak, “Are you INSANE? Do you want the Windigos to come back and destroy all we’ve built?”

A clearing of the throat, dusting off of a shoulder was the reply before the top boss looked at the ponies, “Heavens no. It’s not hatred you see.” Finally deciding to tell these stupid peons what they were missing, his rage getting the better of him.

With a hoof waving airily, as he looked up at the ceiling, “Oh they were drawn by hate, yes. Till the three tribes united. But see, ours is not so much hate as it is..well.. a cleansing. So we really have no fear of the Windigos.” Such disdain for powers beyond them.

His perfectly manicured hoof hit the big table, the crack resounding in the quiet room. “Pegasi were strong, powerful, warriors without peer. What now? Weather controllers, servants to a diarch that “loves” her little ponies. NO MORE!”

He snorted, blowing hot breath as he leaned over the wood, “We will take what is rightfully ours! Oh no, you can’t stop us. A lot of folk feel this way, it’s time to change, to bring back the days when everypony feared us! We do not need..” Here he gave almost a gag, looking at them like they were specks of dirt, “ Perverts, and lesser beings to stand in our way. Ours will be what we were meant to be. Strong, proud, and PURE!”

He sat down, giving them the arrogant face, assured there was no one around who heard what had been said, “But then, no worries. I’m sure you all can see yourselves out before this gets worse. Go back to your little lives before we have you arrested, but rest assured, we WILL deal with you in time.” So assured, so confident in their own power.

All Tartarus broke loose.

Bulwark, Stone and Snowflake leapt into the air, landing on the huge table and snapping it in half, driving it into the floor as they reached for the pony who had so easily talked of their deaths. Hangfire and Chryse dodged the others in the crowd, screaming as they flew and ran around the two mares, leaping for the executive ponies that had garnered so much anger in the last few minutes.

The two mares could only huddle and keep out of the way as the boardroom flooded with cries of anger, of pain and revenge, there was murder in the air. Hangfire spotted their old boss, Storm, trying to sneak out a side door. Racing over the fighting crowd they cornered him against the wall.

He flinched as they moved closer, “You bastard. You were sending us to die, you sent them ALL to die!” Hangfire didn’t hold back, she let her simmering anger explode into action. Rearing on her hind legs, she clobbered Storm with everything she had. Weeks, months of rage and anger pushing to the forefront of her mind. Poor Blue lying in the dirt ,burned and dying, all the names on the list that disappeared, never to be found. The arrogance of a few ponies who thought they would know better than anypony how to rule. Her wings popped open, lifting her up only to drop out of the air, her back hooves pile driving the focus of her rage into the floor. She could see nothing but a haze, clouding her sight as she pummeled the supine body before her. Her eyes narrowed in scope till only the target of her fury was the only thing in sight.

Chryse was screaming in her ears, pulling her arms back as she struggled to keep hitting the recumbent manager who was trying to block the hits with raised forelegs.

“Stop! Hangfire stop you’re killing him!”

“He sent us to DIE Chryse. Stars above he sent you and Cornflower to be killed! He wanted us to die!”

Chryse grabbed her face, pulling it close to hers, the soft orange eyes catching her own violet ones, “Stop it. We’re not like them. We can’t be like them. Don’t be like them Hangfire.”

The umber mare screamed out her frustrations, struggling to get another hit on the bloody manager. Chryse kept her face in an iron grip, keeping Hangfire focused on her own. Holding tight, Chryse slipped her arms downward and hugged her friend, embracing Hangfire warmly as she dragged her away from the wall, “Don’t be them, we’re better than that.”

Chryse shook her, rattling her body, “We’ve got to stop them, they’re going to kill those ponies.”

Hangfire rubbed her eyes, clearing them to look around.

The riot had broken into groups, each having one of the executives pinned to the floor, or the wall in Snowflakes case, beating the ever loving tar out of them. Hoof strikes were snapping wings and bones, dealing damage that would take forever, if they did, to heal. Blood spattered the floor as ponies took their frustrations out on those who had ordered so calmly the deaths of their friends and family, themselves! Unicorns getting slammed against the walls, crying out in pain as they rebounded into angry hooves.

Bulwark and Stonewall had the lead pony against a wall, snapping massive hooves into his body, breaking his will and his bones at the same time, trying to beat that smug look off his face.

Before they could move, a massive rumble came through the room as voice was heard.


Chryse cringed along with Hangfire, everyone else in the room stopped what they were doing and turned to the door. Eyes fell upon the smashed opening as there stood Princess Luna in full armor, her countenance fierce and definitely unyielding as she took in the wrecked room.

The pegasi holding the conspirators down, dropped their grips, bowing low to the Princess of the Night as she stalked into the room, heavily armed guards sweeping in behind her.

Chryse was holding on to Hangfire now, trembling as they bowed, “Oh Hangfire, we’re done for.”

They continued staring at the ground, peeking up to see the Night Princess walking among the downed bodies, a few getting up now and crying out to her for justice. The lead executive most of all, “Arrest them Your Highness, this bunch thought they’d storm in here to do harm, thank goodness you and your guard arrived in time!” The arrogance was back, slipped into like a well-used pair of pants. His voice slurred from the beating, he was rapidly gaining back his old composure.

“Amazing the gall of some ponies Princess. Hmph! Seems they wanted more money or something, it wasn’t quite clear.” How easily the lies came to that pompous pony.

The ponies from the mob just stared at the floor, knowing they had been seen beating the executives, the vehemence shown for what it was. They had no excuses, none were proffered.

When the Princess was angered, she slipped back into the old ways, the speech and voice.

“Indeed Cumulus, some would think they had aspirations above their stations.”

The Pegasi bowing low to the floor trembled, thinking by those words they were doomed. Peace reigned in Equestria, but for lawbreakers, there was swift, and final justice dealt surely by an even hoof.

The Princess of the Nights’ gaze swept the pegasi who bowed low to the floor. Never in surrender, no. Luna knew this, but in respect, respect she was due of course, but had earned with deed and word. It made the difference oh so much clearer.

“What would you think of that Twilight?”

Eyes turned to the doorway, as more guards poured in, crowding the room to capacity, followed by a mulberry mare. She trotted in uncertainly until she stood by Luna’s side. She wore no armor, but her badge of office, the crown, was affixed upon her indigo mane as she stood and surveyed the damage.

The executives stood or sat around the room, clearing their throats, brushing off silk ties and suits, listening to the exchange.

The rest of the ponies stayed bowed, some wings rustled as the trembling got the better of some, a hoof reached out here and there to steady the shaky ponies.

Twilight’s kind violet eyes rested on Hangfire and Chryse, noting them peeking out from their bowed state, “Ahem..well. I would think something had to be done about it.”

Luna nodded, as if to herself, pacing the room in between the ponies. Space was automatically made as she walked and talked. “Indeed.” She stopped, right by Bulwark and Stonewall, leaning a bit forward to make sure her words were heard very clearly, “In the days when my sister and I fought to free Equestria. We would deal with such miscreants harshly. I know all to well what happens when some get ideas of conceit and grandeur.”

She flipped her mane to the side, standing tall, “So Cumulus, how do you think we should deal with such as these?”

The executive immediately had an answer, “Well surely prison would teach them a lesson, anything beyond that would be up to Your Highnesses.”

Hangfire and Chryse, all the other ponies who had been bowing, started to straighten up now. Hearing the fawning voice rekindled the anger all over again, wings popping and snapping, hooves tapping the floor.

Luna tapped a hoof on her chin, eyeing the big pegasi near her, “Of course. Prison at the least.” She worked her way around the room, eyeing the assembled ponies before ending up standing near Twilight again.

“At the least, this should be called a riot, no? At the worst, I would say they bring the safety of Equestria into doubt.” She motioned a shod hoof, “Sharp Ears, attend me.”

The Unicorn from the hallway trotted in, carrying a gem in the glow of his magic. He bowed low, “Your Highness.”

“Show us.”

The gem lit up inside, a picture forming in the air of the previous conversation, every syllable, every snort, every crack of hoof on floor or table. The whole thing revealed in a moving picture as taken from the back of the crowd. Gasps from the executives as they saw themselves shown for what they were, murderous eyes slid toward Cumulus as he had assured them of no listeners.

Hangfire stared at Chryse as they saw themselves yelling and shouting in the room. The entire thing had been recorded.

Cumulus of course, snake oil salespony at his best, “Well your highness, surely magic can be made to show many different things? This..this Unicorn could be on their side for all we know!”

Her eyes narrowed at those words, closing the distance between herself and Cumulus quickly as she leaned into his face. “He is a trusted Guard Pony, and my personal guard, do not ever doubt the veracity of his magic nor his words.” She fairly hissed the words at him, making him take a step back, “We have been tracking the sums of money in the treasury, wondering where it would be. With such injuries happening, we wondered why the bills were not showing, as we do pay them.”

She stamped a metal clad hoof, the ringing making it perfectly clear she was not to be interrupted, as he tried to rebut her words. “Oh yes, we’ve kept track of the accidents, worrisome times indeed when ponies get hurt.”

“Embezzlement was not unknown in the past, greed outweighs common sense some times.”

She swung around to address the group of executives, “But then we stumble on this. Led here by those who would do nothing but work hard, be happy their days and live quietly.” She gestured to the crowd of Pegasi, “But no!” She flipped back swiftly, pointing her hoof at Cumulus, scant millimeters separating the sharp metal from his nose, “You would have dreams of empire, making those ‘lesser’ to yourselves bow and scrape as before!”

Her majesty and power shone like a silver light as she pronounced each word carefully, “Sharp Ears has been watching for evidence, waiting. He has seen the misery and pain you have caused. Even he had not counted on this.”

Hangfire’s eyes widened as she whispered to Chryse, “It’s the Unicorn medic!” Finally she remembered where she had seen him!

Chryse’s surprised eyes blinked as she remembered him standing over Blue, casting pain relief spells as fast as he could. “Oh stars. We never even paid attention to him.”

Luna’s rage was terrible to behold in the crowded room. Her nostrils flared as she glowed with an inner light, bathing the walls and ponies with her majesty. She lay a hoof on Bulwark’s shoulder, seeing his eye patch as she cast her eyes around to those who would do harm to her subjects.

She leaned into her voice now, louder and stronger than ever before, “You will not see the light of day for the harm you have caused. You are murderers, traitors; to be shunned, your families disgraced because of your deeds!”

Cumulus actually stood against the gale force of her pronouncement, “Celestia will not let this happen! She will overturn this! This is cruel!”

The Princess leaned her face close to his, her voice still loud and clear, “Do not talk to me of cruel, killer of ponies.” Her body fairly quaked with the impulse to flatten this upstart who would shatter the peace of Equestria. “My sister has given me the task to deal with as I so choose. You have not seen a tenth of what I am capable of.” Her eyes flicked to the sides, staring at the executives who now looked fearful as well, “But I promise we shall prune this tree root and branch. None shall see the sun ever again.”

She stood on all four hooves as she gestured to the heavily armed troops, “Take them, throw them in the lowest dungeons. None are to speak to them nor offer succor.” She looked at the Captain of the Guard carefully, “Do not be gentle.”

The Captain saluted, “Yes Your Highness!” He directed his troops to shove the conspirators out and into the hooves of more guards, they were definitely not gentle, having watched the recording as well. Stone faces surrounded the cowed executives now as they were hustled off.

Princess Luna stood beside Twilight now, looking at the pegasi that were left, each and every one of them waiting for the hammer to fall.

“So Twilight, what shall we do with such miscreants and ruffians as before us?” Her voice had softened to a normal tone, a hint of humor in it now.

The newest Princess smiled, mischievousness in her eyes as she spoke, “I believe the law states a fine of ten bits for destruction of government property Luna.”

The metal clad hoof stamped the floor, “Done!” And then she shook it at the crowd, “Lawbreakers! Hmph! Destroying a perfectly nice table too!” She actually laughed, turning to leave with her guards as the the shocked ponies watched, none daring to move as their eyes followed her out of the room.

Twilight trotted over to Hangfire and Chryse, “Go, it’s alright. I’ll see you at your house in a bit.”

With that, she left, leaving stunned faces staring at each other for just a second, before everyone scrambled out of the room, pouring down the hallway and into the skies as they fled for their homes. A multi-color riot of wings that had all the incoming workers wondering just what was going on.


Hazy and Blue were waiting for them as they arrived, telling them the Guards had come and taken the manager; the Boulder brothers had to go as well, they were definitely in trouble from what Blue said. They all hoped nothing bad would happen to the big Earth ponies.

Cornflower grabbed her sister in a hug and wouldn’t let go, her eyes cried out now, she lay holding her tight on the couch as they related what had happened in the offices in Cloudcroft. The outcome, and how they now owed twenty bits for damages.” That got a bit of a strained laugh.

Blue scratched his head with a hoof, “But what I don’t get..”

The knock was a bit loud in the quiet house. All eyes turned to the door as Hangfire went to open it.

“Princess! Oh..uh we forget to tell everyone you’d be by, I’m so sorry!”

Twilight stood there, with Rainbow Dash and Rarity as Hangfire stuttered and tried to make amends.

“Stop, just stop, stop apologizing, ugh. See? No crown, not a Princess now.” She pointed to her mane, “May we please come in?”

“Oh! Yes, please do! Would you like some tea or cookies?” Hangfire noticed Chryse and Cornflower shooting off to the kitchen as they entered the living room. Blue and Hazy bowed in respect to the smiling mulberry alicorn.

Twilight gave a look of exasperation and waved them off, “Stop that! I can’t get used to all this Princess stuff.”

They all sat in silence for a moment, no one quite knowing where to start as Chryse and Cornflower came back with their nicest tea set, serving everypony a cup of hot tea, with cookies on the side. They’d dragged in some comfortable cushions as well to provide more places to relax.

Rarity broke the uncomfortable silence first, “Well, since no one will talk, I shall!” She went over to Hazy and gave him a demure peck on the cheek, “That’s for those wonderful flowers you sent.” He blushed right down to his tail; she then rewarded him with another kiss, on the lips this time, sweet and warm. “And that, dear stallion is for defending my honor.”

He looked startled for a moment, “But..how..”

She waved the comment away airily, “Oh lets say I found out through a friend.” Returning to her seat she took up the tea in her magic, sipping quietly. She would never mention the book writing janitor who had told her the tale of Hazy knocking out the manager when he had heard the slight to Rarity’s name.

The silence grew a bit more before Hangfire spoke up, “Princess..”

“Twilight please.”

“Twilight, we’re so sorry for all the trouble, we really are, we had no idea it was anything like this.”

Twilight smiled, those kind eyes again, “Well, when you told Rarity about what was going on, she came to me, and we went to the Princesses who started the investigation.”

The pretty mare spoke up, “It was the least I could do for a friend you know. No one should be treated the way you were. Or anypony else for that matter.”

Rainbow Dash chimed in, “I got suspicious too, when you asked all those questions and stuff. So I went to see Twilight and she told me what was going on. But, of course we didn’t know it wasn’t you doing...those.. taking the..you know. Heh.”

Chryse popped up, “Wait, you thought WE were in on it?”

Twilight laughed, “Of course, you were acting so nervous every time you got around people, like you were hiding something. So what were we supposed to think? So we kept an eye on you.”

Hangfire facehooved, “Figures, I can’t play poker for nothing.”

Dash laughed, “Oh yeah, Twilight told me how you nearly had a nervous breakdown in the library, I laughed my flank off!”

“Gee thanks Dash, really appreciate the love there.” Hangfire sighed, tossing a cookie at the cyan mare.

She caught it in a hoof and munched happily, “Anytime!”

Blue spoke up, “But who was the unicorn that Hangfire ambushed in the cloud front that night?

A bit of laughter preceded the answer from Twilight, “Oh, that was the Unicorn medic, he was out there keeping an eye on you because Luna didn’t want anymore accidents. Of course he never counted on Hangfire spotting him. He said to tell you you’ve got a heckuva hit by the way.”

The umber mare just kept a hoof on her face, “We really screwed things up huh?”

“No, not really. I don’t think anyone had an inkling of what was really going on, even Celestia was surprised.”

Hazy and Blue asked the Princess if she would make sure the Boulder brothers didn’t get in any trouble if she could?

“Oh, well there are rules, but they’ve been given three days off. With pay of course,” Here a wink from a violet eye. “I’m sure they’ll be fine.”

“So, after all this, everyone’s going to be okay? Even Snowflake was worried he’d be in trouble, we know how he likes the Wonderbolt academy training and stuff.”

“Well the families are being notified, I’m sure there will be alot of court judgements. Luna’s confiscating all their property and proceeds. It’s a mess, but it’ll get sorted out.” She chuckled at the mention of the big white pegasus, “Yes Snowflake’s fine too, we told him not to worry.”

Chryse asked something they’d all been wondering, “What about those ‘friends’ of the manager sponging all those bits off for no work?”

Dash laughed, “Oh that was great! You should see what Princess Luna’s planning on that one! She’s gonna take the money back, PLUS interest! Oh stars they’re all gonna be making payments forever!”

Cornflower piped up for the first time, “S..s..serves. Th..th..them Ruh...ruh..right!”

“So Twilight, Dash,“ Hangfire was twisting her hooves in front of her, “Can we keep our jobs? We really like being weather ponies. I know alot of folks think it’s just a job, but we really do like it. Blue’s almost healed now, and he wants to come back too.” Everyone got eager looks on their faces as they waited for an answer.

Rainbow Dash spoke first, “Heck yes! We need ponies on the night crew, but it’s not gonna be a bad assignment anymore. Twilight and I pulled a few strings to get some really nice folks on it now. Anypony needs a job, we’ll find one, guaranteed.” She made a pointed look at all of them, “ANY pony.”

The relief was palpable as they shared smiles, relaxing for the first time, well, in months. “That’s so great thank you so much! Maybe Bulwark and all the others can go back to weather or something!”

Everyone shared a bit of conversation before it was time for the three to take their leave, before they left though, Twilight turned to the little group, “By the way, I also came here for one other thing.” She presented a parchment to Hangfire and Chryse, “I need your twenty bits for damages, it’s the law you know.”

Everyone laughed at the crestfallen look on Hangfire and Chryse’s faces as they mumbled, getting out their bags of bits.

Well ponyfeathers...

Author's Note:

Hopefully the ending satisfies. And I can't thank all you fine reading folks out there for the nice comments and for enjoying the story. Have fun! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 7 )

5435175 Awesome, and thanks! :twilightsmile:

I really liked this story.

It also fits in well with my concept of Commander Windvane's New Pegasus Mandate Conspiracy, some of which is detailed in my (unfinished) Love Amongst Monsters. Basically, Windvane is the evil uncle of Fluttershy, who forms a conspiracy to overthrow the Realm using the Rainbow of Darkness, empowered by the Pegasus Device, supposedly to restore the old virtues of the Pegasi. His cousin Ill Wind is the mad scientist who ransacked the Crystal Imperial Library for the secret records required to build the Pegasus Device -- a machine capable of extracting and transforming the life force of Ponies to empower the Dark Rainbow. In that conception, this murderous scam would have been one of the many murky ways the Conspiracy was financed. Love Amongst Monsters takes place about four years after when you set this, and Windvane's Rebellion eight years -- in my chronology.

I loved your heroic band of misfits. I like interesting OC's, and this story was full of them. I found their personalities and relationships interesting and believable, and hope you write more about them.


I loved your heroic band of misfits. I like interesting OC's, and this story was full of them. I found their personalities and relationships interesting and believable, and hope you write more about them.

I actually have been thinking about a few things for them. I'm glad you liked them, loved making up a few loveable misfits and putting them together, it really was fun to do. They're not perfect, they aren't rich and famous, but they are tenacious. Thank you for the kind compliment as well!

Hah, a good story. Like how it all wrapped up neatly. And as scary as it sounds I have worked for company's where the managers treated there employees in almost the same disregard.

5837950 So have I, it's just bad out there sometimes, I tell ya.

I see you've been gone a while, but if you ever come back: I enjoyed this!

My only criticism is that the whole, uh, pegasus eugenics conspiracy thing was a bit out of left field—not really foreshadowed, or at least as far as I recall there was no mention of ponies going missing or anything like that. Of course you don't want to give anything away, but even one or two carefully placed, vague hints could tie things together and yield a bit more catharsis for the reader.

Beyond that, the main characters were cute, and I really liked their bonding into a little misfit family, and overall the more comedic and SoL parts of the story were nice. I might have to steal the idea of crazy pony showtune/harmony magic turning a normal night out into a black hole of a party. I'd agree that seeing more of this world and these poners would be welcome, however unlikely that may be.


Nice. Got really dark by the end, but nice.

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