• Published 23rd Nov 2014
  • 2,427 Views, 18 Comments

The Evening Special - TimeRarity64

The butterfly who was gentle to the lion; the love story of Prince Blueblood and Fluttershy.

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Opus I: The Wind

The music from the Canterlot Symphonia featuring famous cellist, Octavia Stringchord, played a smooth musical melody introduced for slow dances to any noble or guest within the grand palace floor. While few danced with their partner or friend, plenty stood on the sidelines communing with each other on liked subjects, class issues, and some political pinpoints of the princesses' principle system. However, through such communallies, the smiles that adorn on the ponies' faces did not fade. The wine was great and the food was lavishing for such relaxation came in celebration in a new day of peace. That was what Prince Blueblood would see before him as he sat beside his aunt, Princess Luna.

His expression was boredom, that grew as he watched the noble life mix along with the non-noble. Perhaps it was a case of equality or subjective interest, but for whatever situation it was, it did not please him one bit. It was not the first time Blueblood sat and watch life begin its boring celebration for a kingdom he adored, but saw no impact in his eyes. There on the left side where corporate business ponies were at, were gryphons of trading companies enjoying their drinks; revealing a species acceptance since there were even Diamond Dogs and Manticores on the right.

However, nothing still struck him with interest. He remained quiet, still, and settled next to his aunt who greeted anyone new that came in. When nopony or new creature entered through the doors and into the palace, Luna took a glance at her nephew and noticed the silent gaze he gave towards the entire room. It was months since she was redeemed and had time getting to know him, even spending time with him out as he proceeded royal duties beside her.

"What does thou have in mind?" She spoke first, catching his attention as he shook his head lightly left and right, bringing his gaze upon her.

"What do you mean, your highness?" He questioned, confused from what she meant, however, only a giggle escaped from her lips as she looked down at her nephew.

"What we mean is, what is thou thinking of now upon this amazing event? Does thou not wish to dance or commune with the rest of the crowd?" Luna questioned, turning to him as she then sat back down. Blueblood scratched the back of his head with his right hoof, looking to the left at the crowd of ponies and grpyhons.

"It's not...bad, if you're asking me that, your highness. But if I may have an input, it is not the first time I participated in such quarrels. I find this party quite frivolous," Blueblood answered with honesty, staring back at her to reveal the unimpressed position he was expressing upon this grand event.

Luna finding this surpising, not accustom to any pony being disappointed in this celebration searched for some solution to change her nephew's mind or see what could help him think differently in such concluded thoughts. So she began scanning the room for any particular guest in need of a prince to accompany them to a dance or chat. Sadly, all she saw were ponies with partners and even those with no interest to the calming symphony playing its piece.

"It's just, I'm not a fond pony to things repeated over and over again. I'd like to expect some changes, but sadly none comes to mind," He sighed before returning his bored gaze at the lavished crowd, "This commodity is no different than the last."

"Nonsense," Luna interjected, causing Blueblood to look at her surprised. "We disagree, there is no constant without change first. So, we recommend you find some time to entertain yourself, unless you wish to take my position in greeting ponies and various of kinds?" Luna cast a Cheshire smile, causing Blueblood to gulp. He never enjoy greeting others and standing in one spot the entire day. If he had to greet any new guest coming in to do the same thing without change, was surely capable of making him go mad.

So he groaned in protest, before sighing in defeat. His aunt had him on the mark and was merciless with her smile. She was also not hesitant to change her mind if he agreed to replace her, seeing how she wanted to enjoy her stay and commune. What held her back was her duty as princess, and she didn't mind it one bit to which Blueblood would see her as the abberant one within this place.

"But what do I do?" He asked, "I'm not use to talking to others except Fancy Pants, and mind you, he had important plans for some mare; perhaps Fleur and their foal, Chestnut I assume, went on vacation." Though Blueblood did not admit it, his aunt understood that Fancy Pants was the only friend Blueblood had next to the acquaintances that followed behind him. Such a friend that stood beside him was special in the prince's eyes, but not seeing him anywhere to occupy his time, was only frustrating enough.

"Thou shall make communion then; less they be left behind for not getting to know another. Talk, about anything. Go now, before we give you the role as Greeter," Luna persisted him to get social, earning a sigh that escaped his lips and a soft nod.

"Alright, I shall, your highness," Blueblood stated, rolling his eyes before standing on his four.

"And Blueblood," Luna called, causing him to look at her calmly, "Thou does not have to have to announce us by title or rank, but permission be granted you call us by name." Her soft smile stood as her gentle gaze caused the prince to flush and look away. But she seen that hidden smile perked upon his thin lips. "Now, begone you, let thou rejoice this memorable year of peace and tranquility."

"You sure you don't need me to stay with you?" Rarity asked, sitting beside Fluttershy who kept close to the entrance into the garden.

Both dressed in their outfits similar from last time Gala event, Fluttershy still carried on that shy personality, finding it difficult to commune with large crowds. When Rarity stood behind with her while the others went off to enjoy themselves, Fluttershy was persistent to insist she too go off to enjoy herself while she explore the garden. But it was a difficult thing for her, knowing Rarity cared for her like an older sister, always looking out for her, especially after the last time she was left to herself. Fluttershy felt foalish, embarassed to look up at her friend who sat before her as many new guests walked by.

Such devotion, Fluttershy would only envy that part of her dear friend. Generosity came with sacrifice for another's benefit. Rarity would do so much for her friend, just as Rainbow Dash would not think of giving up to help her when needed.

"Mmmm, I'm sure, Rarity. Like last time, I'm not use to large crowds. I don't want to be a burden upon your hopes in restarting your event making time for you to enjoy. I'm alright," She spoke softly, having trouble keeping her eyes on Rarity was she spoke.

Fluttershy, so shy as she was couldn't be read so diffculty not due to her nature as the Element of Kindness, but for her name and personality befitting one another. Rarity would show sympathy for her dear friend and nod her head; not batting an eye for anything else, glamorous and distracting that passed her by. She was focused on Fluttershy.

"Darling," Though she felt rebellious to agree with herself, "I am going to trust you'all be okay." She lifted her chin with her right hoof, making sure eye contact was made. "Okay?"

"O-okay," Fluttershy answered softly as the wind blew against them, causing a slight shiver to run through their bodies.

"I'm surprised Celestia would want the Gala to be set up during such a winter, not even close to being the Wrap-Up." Rarity complained, shaking a bit, before hugging her friend gently and smiling gently at her. "I'm going now, I entrust in your words you'all be fine."

Fluttershy nods her head in response, "I'll be alright." She cracked a smile, soft and small, a bit difficult to see through her pink locks that fluttered in front of her face. The fashionista, nodded her head in return and trotted off.

Alone now in this chilly night of a special event, Fluttershy stared at the entrance into the garden and frowned. It was another day in this lonely event. And surely enough the animals would remember her face, thus hiding upon sight after the last mad build up. Such thoughts further her sadness, steeping to make her lower her head in shame. She felt it would be best to not enter but instead go to another quiet spot. One where no soul would find or bother to waste their time at. A quiet place fit for her and any pony like her.

She took a glance up, past the archway structures and beams that were decorated in its fine gold and strong rock. There, she spotted her destination, a right spot that stood out to overlook the grand city of Canterlot. A balcony, where two dark rails, curved and designed, was connected beneath the platform, melded with the wall. She looked left and right, before taking a deep breath and flew up towards the empty spot.

When she landed on the platform, she was faced before a glass panel door, where the hallway inside were filled with busy commoners and nobles. There faces gleamed with interest towards one another; with smiles so preen and pure. She gently smiled and silently hoped that sort of link to happiness would bask for her too. For now, she turned around and looked over the stone rail, overlooking the mass city and the stars of Luna's night and moon that cast an illuminating ray of light upon all beneath it.

But as she gazed upon the benevolent city of royalty and cooperative business, she could not help but further admire such awe and transcending beauty. Alone. The Pegasus softly frowned, before taking off her dress, neatly folding it, and placing it upon the ground, shivering from the cold air that brushed against her body.

"Such a beautiful and wonderful night," She muttered, lifting herself up so she can place her forelegs upon the rail. "I wonder, why did--" She paused once the sound of the door behind her opened and the sound of music came out. Fluttershy turned around quickly, looking at the one who entered into the balcony, her gaze softened, as her shyness crept up upon her, ceasing her proper response towards the stranger.

"You got a light?" The stranger asked, his tone sounding frustrated, along the lines of dread as he passed by her, leaning against the ledge, gazing at the city afar. The stranger was no other than Blueblood himself, cigarette in mouth, along with a tired expression upon his face where the shadow lines of his baggy eyes were at.

"I'm s-sorry, I do not smoke, s-so...no," She answered, backing up a bit to provide him space, though he did not looked bother by her presence.

Blueblood sighs in disappointment before tucking the cigarette behind his right ear for later. When he looked at Fluttershy, he cocked a brow, beginning to recognize her and when it clicked, he was more puzzle than surprised to see her here by herself, without any clothing to keep her body warm in this shivering windy day.

"You're that mare on Aunt Celestia's window panel? Or frame. The one with the Element of Harmony?" Such a question caused Shy to scratch her right hoof with the other, avoiding eye contact.

"I g-guess you can say that, I do wield the Element of K-kindness..." She said, her tone so soft and quiet-like, Blueblood could only tilt his head in confusion trying to muster out what she said.

"It doesn't matter, I don't think those accessories would come in handy for a while, or any time sooner since this country's running peacefully. What's your name? If you're one of this country's savior, why haven't I seen you around Canterlot?" He asked, "Usually, somepony highly prestigious and courageous, would lives around here."

"Oh, I'm none of that...well...as far as I know," She stated, unsettled from the thought of living in such a big city. "M-my names...F-Fluttershy..." Suddenly, something clicked into her head to realize who she was talking to. Though she did not know his name, hearing him state that Celestia was his aunt, she realized she was before royalty. Rarity had taught her to always respect those of noble and royal class. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't know you were a prince!"

Blueblood was taken back by her outburst as she suddenly looked like a goat frozen in fear, shaking like a skeleton next to it. She bowed politely before him, and could tell she was surely not even close to noble class and royal class bloodline. However, who was to say he couldn't let this one slide? Blueblood was truly in no usual mood of his prude behavior to vituperative manners. Plus, before him was a mare out in the cold, alone, and attending a royal event. Plus, her being a famous idol to this country, was not inside communing with the others.

It was like some tragedy before him, but an opportunity to make his time valuable without Fancy Pants around and his aunt Luna to pester him. So he yawned lightly and sway his hoof lightly around, he did care for common courtesy and gestures in greeting fashions.

"Spare me," He stated, causing Fluttershy to stand straight and attentive, looking at him nervously, "I'll let it pass. For now, this is a grand event, Fluttershy. Something we should be enjoying. But I'm sure we're both here for the same reason right?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, feeling saddened suddenly as if he figured out too why she wanted to be alone and up upon the balcony.

"What I mean is," He began as she bit her lower lip, "This party's boring." Fluttershy paused and looked at him both relief and surprise. She would never imagine some royal, especially a prince to call an grand event like this boring so bluntly and honest. "Last event was facetious. Full of clowns with the same talk and stuff, along with some mare hounding me like twenty of the others. Do not get me wrong, she was...pretty, but not beautiful. More or less, annoying. The way she acted, it was if she was pretending to be some royal herself, maybe Cadence put her up to it; I never bother asking nor caring."

Fluttershy, shyly approached him, standing beside as they both overlooked the city and continue to listen to him. His point seemed clear he was unimpressed with this event and him being a prince, he must have attended it plenty of times. Such reasons would solved and understandable in the pegasus' gentle mind.

"If you want to know why these events are always scheduled, it's because of foreign relationships. I clearly understand why Aunt Celestia hosts these events in the same particular fashion to symbolize equality and multiculturalism, but change should be expected if she really wants to lighten up the place." Blueblood stated, rolling his eyes in disinterest for his aunt's style and taste of events.

"It s-seems that all there is are some similar touches to a party. My friend, she likes throwing parties, but never does the same thing in a party. Most of the time and sometimes all, it's different," Fluttershy shared her response, causing Blueblood to softly chuckled.

"Then I would like to someday visit her party, commoner or not, assuming she too is not noble or royal. But what would boost this country's moral is entertainment that does not remain constant. Something that can strike awe in the eyes of the foreign allies and bring a gentle glow to this country's systematic structure of improvement. You can't wipe the stripes off of a zebra, but you can sure count them and realize the interest value they would have if they're impressed enough with what you do differently than constantly." Blueblood was compassionate with his ideals, but most of all, view in what seemed right.

Fluttershy softly tapped the rail and as the beats rattled, the music from the symphony inside the castle played a new type of song; gentle and melodiously caressing against the ear. The door being opened was not bothering Fluttershy or Blueblood, but played a lovely theme for them as they enjoyed the scenery.

"I never thought a prince would view such disinterest in this type of party but also give their own advice to improve it..." She softly said, as Blueblood gave a light smirk.

"I'm a stallion of change and action. A cause and effect. If it needs to be improved, so shall it be. Though, times like that, I can be quite rude and cruel; selfish and even mean. I learned that lesson though...never mess with a mare who can't stop gawking at you or a cake may just fly into your face." He shivered at the thought, remembering the last event was not so delightful.

Fluttershy giggled, causing Blueblood to softly chuckle beside her. This was decent for them, calm, relaxed, and enjoying the time of the night. When the wind blew, Fluttershy shivered, thinking it was a bad idea to take off her dress, though questioning why at the same time she did so in the beginning. Blueblood noticed her shivering and spotted the folded clothing lying beside her.

"It's a cold night, you should put on that dress if you want to at least get some warmth, even if it may be little or not," He suggested, levitating the outfit to her as she looked at him softly and back at her clothing. The mare gulped and nodded her head, taking piece by piece accordingly as she remembered, and worn the outfit Rarity made once more.

Blueblood was stunned, seeing such a beautiful creature in an amazing outfit, caused him to lightly flush before looking away to keep his composure. However, before he turned his head to hide the small blush, Fluttershy had already taken notice. The shyness that was a part of her character became fluttered with a warm sensation in her chest that found its way up her cheeks. What she felt was a silent flatter that may her flush pink before turning her head too at the city.

"So...where do you live, Fluttershy?" He asked calmly.

"I live near a small town called Ponyville," She answered, unaware that her comfort zone expanded, embracing the prince in with a gentle close proximity as she stood inches next to him admiring the city and night.

"Ponyville," The name rung off his lips, "A rural small town not so far away from here. Nonetheless. Do you...if time ever cometh...wish to be taken out to dinner?"

She gulped, feeling her heart swarm with feelings, as if the lost hope to never find that special pony would remain a stone till death did her in. She hesitated to answer but when she open her mouth, she could not muster out the simple words.

"Think about it, and I should present my name first, before you answer...I am Prince Blueblood, at your presence," He softly smiled, looking at her gently, "And I happen to grow a nice interest with you."

She remained silent, with red cheeks, and gulped again. "It's an honor...but...I...I am unsure..."

"Answer with your heart, if you can't come up with an answer." He suggested and as she took a moment to think, she looked at him softly with a small smile on her face.

"I...I would love to...whenever the time comes...I would love to."

That was all that was needed...to enlighten their day.

-To be Continued-

Author's Note:

Thoughts? Questions? Critique? Leave them in the comments and I shall listen. Have a splendid holiday darlings. :raritywink: