• Published 23rd Nov 2014
  • 2,428 Views, 18 Comments

The Evening Special - TimeRarity64

The butterfly who was gentle to the lion; the love story of Prince Blueblood and Fluttershy.

  • ...

Opus I.II La Mer

"So typical, they'd would definitely bring forth that damn bill before us!" Blueblood, furious, stared at a document levitated in the air before him as he sat upon a red cushion chair within a moving train heading south from Canterlot towards Ponyville. In front of Blueblood was Filthy Rich, father of Diamond Tiara, and widow. Tea was set before them due to being first class members of the cart by a unicorn maid who soon trotted away leaving the two alone to their beverages.

Rich chuckled, before pushing back his locks of hair upon his mane to keep it at its regular form and yawned lightly. Blueblood noticed this and pinched the middle of his nose in annoyance. Clearly showing aggravation towards the calm stallion.

"Clearly, it shows you care little to how swindle these charges are? I have no clue why in the slightest bit a mayor would make any trade agreements with the neighboring gryphons if by Equestrian Code 27: Deals with neighboring countries shall be permitted within capital cities. she clearly shows little care for the law yet got her old self in position," He complained, but Rich only took his respected cup of tea and calmly drank it.

"You forget, but Ponyville is an municipality. So, it can easily pass over that jurisdiction and make its way through Code 12: Freedom of mutual exchange is permitted as long as it pertains to legal standards. Whereas Code 43: Cities are permitted with mutual trade among other towns or capitals amongst counties that will border the lines of legal agreement. So, I believe that mare perhaps did follow the law, however, just did it without the Trinomials' awareness," Rich explained, setting down his cup as Blueblood scoffed and looked away.

"The only reason she has her job is because of you, her status in the commúne is nothing more than a merit you bestowed upon her. We're supposed to be making sure this country is funding properly," Blueblood stated, looking at him annoyed.

"We're supposed to be making sure this country is running blindly," Rich stated, narrowing his eyed at Blueblood. "This system has been working well for centuries before this country was even named. Her role plays vital to keeping the economic structure stable in that rural area, whereas we; higher ups are making sure Canterlot is managing well without a single doubt of suffering from an uproar like E.C. 427. Your aunt has sacrificed enough of her own funds to bring this country back up and we must not make the same mistake we've made before. Even sons will repeat mistakes their fathers had made."

Blueblood scoffed, taking away the stern expression he carried and replacing it with a wave of doubt. "I see why our ideologies tend to clash a lot, but who are we to downgrade each other if we seek the same thing and it's a perfect country?"

"No country's perfect, but a stabilized country always survives in the end," Rich gave a soft chuckle. "Plus, the reasons why I am with you in the first place, in defense for Ponyville is because of a certain agreement made by my great-great-great grandfather with the Apple Family."

"That's right, hmph, marriage. But why to a commoner?" Blueblood asked, curious to Rich's reason. The stallion chuckled lightly and eased his back upon the chair.

"The Apple Family are more than commoners, they are relics to history's finest past. Without them, not a lot of stuff would be built in our grand city and not a lot of money would be funded by the Labor Union. They're the supporters against Marxism after all. This deal would not just elude any problems in the future, but lure an appealing agreement to settle in the new law. This will help more laborers get a better pay and safer job, along with better housing."

"You simply want to baby earth ponies, huh?" Blueblood asked, lifting a brow, causing Rich to release a laughter laced with a form of amusement.

"You make it seem like I'm racist to others, but no, this will encourage Jet-Cloud to approve of this and also make it initial for pegasi too. Remember, Cloudsdale is not an city of within Equestrian borders. It IS its own country," Rich emphasized, gesturing a large object with his hooves.

Blueblood sighed before feeling the train come to a halt. He turned to the right and stared out of the window seeing that they made it to Ponyville. With another sigh, this time expressing stress and irritation, he got out of his seat and walked past Rich who took a moment to calmly drink his tea.

'It seems this day will be longer than I can imagine it, however, is this...the town,' He paused, stepping out to be embraced by a gentle wind from the invisible gust of nature as he stared through his flowing locks of his long mane, facing the busy rural town. "Fluttershy...does she live in this...ungraceful town?"

"Come now, Blueblood, we must make haste," Rich brought Blueblood back to reality, passing by him as he kept a calm smile, heading towards the Mayor's building at the center plaza. Blueblood scoffed before following behind him. There work was already in progress.

Fluttershy and Rarity were relaxed in the hot depths of the soothing pool within Aloe's and Lotus' Spa. Both mares, relaxing after a great night, were indulging themselves in a neat gossip, as they always had plenty of times. Fluttershy however talked less as usual, but was a good listener to the mare of fashion and etiquette.

"I swear, it was as if one of the greatest of music, dear. I really do wish you were with me," Rarity said, with sliced cucumbers placed on her eyes along with facial cream. "What made it even greater was the food, Applejack had a break and enjoyed the meals. It is Canterlot after all! In a castle where your dreams, or break from work comes true."

"I am really glad to hear that," Fluttershy commented, "Really."

"Tell me, darling, have you at least try doing something at the Gala!?" Rarity asked, smiling gently at Fluttershy's direction.

Fluttershy adverted her direction the other way from Rarity, as her cheeks flushed lightly pink. "Well, I did have a nice time though, if you're asking," her tone was a bit soft but also sounded pleasing when she thought about her night with Blueblood, how they simply gazed at the wonderful city of the Equestrian Capital.

“Really now,” Rarity sounded astonished, removing the cucumbers from her eyes and smiling gently at Fluttershy with a bemused interest, wondering what spent her day so nicely than it had went bad long time ago.

Fluttershy fidgeted with her hooves, blushing by the fact she knew Rarity would pester her to speak up with details, so in defeat, she sighed and began. “Well, I met a stallion—“

“A stallion!” Rarity caught her off, “Oh my, was he charming and kind to you? He didn’t do anything bad to you?”

Fluttershy shook her head and continued, “He was very sweet, but did not flirt with me just so you know. Instead, we just enjoyed the night and looked over the balcony admiring the scenery.” Rarity tilted her head, caught off guard from this as she would not expect Fluttershy to have such a calm passing moment, which love would just up and happen.

But Rarity rubbed her chin a bit, thinking that it was too early for such things. Though, a feeling of relief washed over her when Fluttershy enjoyed her time better than last time. Rarity rested back against the side and sighed in relief, enjoying the warm to hot sensation the water had provided with its soothing herbs that caressed her soft fur.

“I am glad though you enjoyed your time, so what was he like?” She asked, gently smiling at Fluttershy who had some confidence to speak.

“Well, he was…kind…nice…or kind and nice, knew a lot about politics and was also royal in Princess Celestia’s family,” Fluttershy said, causing Rarity to pause for a moment; all of it sounding too familiar, but decided to only to diminish those thoughts and listen on to Fluttershy, “Umm, I will not deny the fact that he was pretty handsome.” A tint of pink formed upon her yellow cheeks, “But that’s all I can really say.”

Rarity did not want to dwell too deep into Fluttershy’s special moment, but could only giggle at the nervous complexion she carried. As gentle and soft, as well as easily sensitive, that this feeling of attraction would spark a heat of thrill into her. “Darling,” she began, “do you hope in seeing this stallion again?”

That was a good question. Fluttershy gulped and nodded her head gently, "I...really do."

Rarity noticed her change of tone, perking an eyebrow before asking, "Darling, I hope you see him again, he must have made a very good impression to attract your attention." She giggled lightly, furthering Fluttershy's shy behavior, embarrassed by the fact she had develop a soft crush for Blueblood.

"I...hope so too..." She muttered, releasing a soothing sigh before settling back.

"Vile harlot!" Blueblood yelled, having Rich press his arm against his chest as the two were in the Mayor's office, facing the Mayor who sat behind her desk, folding her hooves together and grinning lightly, mocking Prince Blueblood.

"So, how long have you been under this plan of yours?" Rich asked, keeping calm as Blueblood was glaring daggers at the mayor.

"For ten years, more so after Fleur's birthday, understand that this plan is going well. It was a matter of time you two'd be sent here to propose a solution to dismiss this deal and focus on the actuals plans the Trinomial has set out," The mayor said, "Think about it, if it took me no less than two weeks back then to get in, and four weeks to be Mayor of this town, do you absolutely think I would not expect much from you all."

Rich suddenly chuckle, causing the Mayor and Blueblood to look at him confused. "My oh my, planned well, however, it was not uncommon to figure out that you were being assisted by another party. Sadly, you managed to put yourself in a position where we can't do anything...but..." His tone suddenly became stern as he cast a dark glare, "You forget, that we won't be putting you under our sole protection. Whatever happens to you, is on you and them, not us."

"Filthy...?" Blueblood looked at him shocked to hear speak with callous towards Mayor Mare, even when she retained a thick and cold expression.

"My point being: The world is not going to stop revolving around us, instead, it's going to keep on spinning while competition remains out there. Mayor Mare, keep in mind there is a Princess in your vicinity, if something were to happen, affecting her specifically, not only will you be abandon by your special party, but also charged with heavy crimes, mostly directed towards you and if you try to get out of it or begin to talk...well...you can guess what'll happen next." Rich finished, smiling softly back at her as the pride in the mare's face was diminish into a worry gaze, terrified at the possible outcome.

Adjusting his suit's tie and turning away from the Mayor who still remained silent, Rich made his way to the exit as Blueblood followed behind. When they were out of the building and in the center of the plaza, the two made their way through the cobblestone stone streets in a moment of silence until Blueblood broke it.

"So, are we done? Like that? We're letting her go?" The prince was obviously disappointed in his partner's actions, but mostly annoyed by the gentle smug smile that adorned upon his lips.

"Yes, she made her choice, no reason to extend the conversation. We came here for one thing, and so we're done. Right now, there's time shave and plans to be made, you can take the Train back home, I'm going to visit some old friends." Rich said, stopping in front of a available parked Taxi Carriage. When he got on and places three bits from his pocket and into the change jar, casting a soft nod at the cab pony.

"Old friends, just what is it with you and those Labor Class commoners?" Blueblood asked, looking at Rich with a confused gaze.

"Love, my partner, and love...it's very strong. Whatever you do, go enjoy yourself, goodbye. To Sweet Apple Acres." He finished, alerting the carriage driver to pick up and move off in a knick of speed, leaving Blueblood to himself.

"Pfft, old fool, sometimes I question how his wife put up with him...rest in peace, Ivory." The prince turned around, admiring the rural town's old form, almost as if similar looking to what it used to be back when it was built.

Hours had passed and the prince still wonder the town lost and bored, he had decided to miss the train, but deep down he was hoping to see a familiar face around. Rich was gone and surely not coming back for him, but the prince cared little for his partner's wants and needs, all he was hoping for was to see Fluttershy again. It was so long as he would feel that they enjoyed their moments together.

But everything paused for him, knocking him back to reality when he bumped into a pony. A soft sound of a mare grunting after falling down was heard, causing him to look left and right, before spotting a familiar face that froze him place. When the mare got up, a bit ruffle from the light landing, she gulped and gasped too, stiff before him.

"Fluttershy...?" Blueblood spoke first.

"Blueblood...?" She responded.

Realizing he that bumped into her a few seconds ago, the stallion quickly trotted towards her in worry, "Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't see you," He spoke fast but his words were kind and litter with care as Fluttershy blushed lightly and nodded her head, looking at the dirt marks on her fur.

"I'm fine, just need a bath that's all. I'm heading home, but, what are you doing in Ponyville?" She asked, looking at him softly.

Blueblood rubbed the back of his head as he sat down in front of her, the street lights turning on as the night sky approached with Luna's moon taking the sky in favor of the sun's descent. Blueblood sat and made a hesitant answer, "I came to see you, sadly I kind of forgotten I had no clue which direction around here I was heading and gotten lost."

"Here I am." She casted a soft smile, giggling lightly, Blueblood chuckled back in response. "So, umm, since you're here, maybe I could take you to my home and we could chat there, plus it's getting really late. It'll be safe where I'm at, so you should come...only if you want to."

"I'd love that, really would," He stated happily, as Fluttershy gave him a bright smile. "Where exactly do you live?"

"Near the Everfree Forest." Her answer caused Blueblood to freeze in place, gulping in shock when the name of the wild forest was mentioned. To live near such a place was dangerous.

'To believe she would be in the most dangerous or near the craziest places in this country, I would guess she has a problem with some ponies in this town. It's not my business though, I'm grateful I bumped in with her, who would know anything that'll happen to me if some other stranger found me and wasn't as kind as her.' Blueblood thought unaware of Fluttershy waving her hoof in his face slowly.

"Hello? Blueblood are you okay?" She asked, "You're staring at the ground awfully long, is it something I said?"

Blueblood blinked twice and shook his head, giving off a embarrassed chuckle before answering calmly, "N-no! I'm alright, just tired. And also happy."

"Happy?" Fluttershy asked.

"Happy that I found you." He answered, prepared to be led to her home for the night.

To Be Continued