• Published 29th Nov 2014
  • 2,666 Views, 30 Comments

Fluttershy's Deep Breath - gchamp89

Fluttershy has something to say to Discord. But Discord won't let her say it. Luckily she knows a few ponies who will support her to say what needs to be said.

  • ...

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. But more importantly, it was a quiet day in Ponyville. Something the residents appreciated and took full advantage of. On this day we see a lone yellow pegasus mare with three butterflies as a cutie mark approach the home/store of one her most closest and fashionable friends. She notices the 'Open'
sign and opens the door and sees her friend.

Making out with a purple and green dragon.

Letting out a small "eep!" she alerts the two to her presence and their eyes go as wide as saucers.

"Fl-Fl-Fluttershy!? How did you-" Rarity looked up over the door to space where the bell was supposed to be only to find it vacant. "Ugh, I forgot I took that blasted thing down so I could polish it and I forgot to put it back."

"Oh, Ahhh...Hey Fluttershy, How you been?" Spike awkwardly greeted the beet-red pegasus mare.

Shaking herself, Fluttershy quickly remembered why she was here, "Um..I'm fine thank you, Spike. I was wondering if I could talk to you and Rarity about something...private" Fluttershy seemed to retreat deeper into her mane as she spoke.

Spike and Rarity exchanged glances. Rarity spoke first, "Of course, darling, why don't we sit down and talk in the kitchen. Spike, my love, why don't you warm up some tea for all of us?"

"Of course, milady." Spike bowed and went to the kitchen.

"Come along now Fluttershy" Rarity began walking toward the kitchen as well, "While we wait for Spike why don't you tell what you've been up to? And when he gets the tea ready will all sit down and talk about whats concerning you."

Fluttershy gave a small smile. "That would be lovely."

After the two chatted awhile Spike approached them with the tea. After serving the tea he seated himself next to Rarity. Rairty nuzzled him lovingly and pulled him close. She then turned to Fluttershy, "Now my dear, tell us what troubles you?"

Fluttershy took a sip of her tea and composed herself. "Well first I wanted to ask...how has it been for you two?"

Rarity answered first, "It's been wonderful, Fluttershy. I feel like such a fool searching for my 'Prince Charming" in other stallions when the my prince was near me this whole time. He is true gentledrake who loves me for who I am. I can truly be myself around him, flaws and all." Rarity started to blush a little. "Twilight has also informed me that Spike will be proper adult age in a couple years, so I have put off the more...intimate parts of our romance on hold until then. Though, as you saw earlier, I can be a tad impatient."

Spike touched her hoof. "It's okay, milady, it's not like I didn't want it either."

"But I am the older one here, my love. Twilight is a dear friend to me but she is also a mother to you. She made me promise that I would be responsible with you and your feelings."

Spike smiled. "In that case, I leave this dragons feelings in your capable and lovely hooves."

Rarity pecked on the cheeks. "So young and so charming, I believe I'm the luckiest mare in in Equestria to have such wonderful drake to love and cherish."

Fluttershy gave a small cough to remind the two of her presence.

Turning red, Rarity answered, "Oh..ah...yes, where was I? Oh, well everything has been going along quite beautifully...except for" Rarity's brow furrowed a bit "...a few hiccups."

Fluttershy sipped her tea. "A few hiccups?"

Spike growled. "Like I thought. not everypony is tolerate of me and Rarity being in a relationship. I have heard some whispers and pointing when they think were not looking. Then there was lunch last week..."

Rarity sat her hoof on Spikes claw. "Now, Now, my love, that's enough of that. Someponies are irredeemable louts that are beneath our attention." Rarity smirked "Besides I think after what you did we won't be hearing from him anytime soon."

Fluttershy was curious. "What happened?"

Rarity smiled and sipped her tea. "Oh nothing important. Lets just say that I hope he's not stupid enough to involve the Royal Guard like he said he would. I had a talk with Twilight and she assured me that me nor Spike went outside the realm of 'justifiable self-defense' .

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Wow..it sounds like you two have been through a lot."

Spike gave her smile. "Like Rarity said, a few hiccups along the way, but other than that, it's been perfect. I wish that I would've confessed sooner."

Fluttershy eyes took on a vacant look as Spike finished. "I..see" F;uttershy remained silent for several moments before suddenly downing the rest of her tea, like a shot of bourbon, in one huge gulp.

Spike and Rarity, startled by her behavior, ware about inquire when Fluttershy spoke. "How did you do it, Spike?"

Spike looked at Rarity, who was just as puzzled as he was, and then back at Fluttershy. "How I did I do what?"

"How did you lay your heart and soul on the line like that?" Fluttershy had gotten out of her seat was leaning over the table towards Spike. "I know you are much braver than I am. But that still must've the terrifying. What if she had said no?! What if she had laughed at you?! What if she had simply pushed you away without even hearing what you have to say? What . . . what . . . if?"

Tears were streaming down Fluttershy's face by this point. But before she could completely break down, Spike held a claw up to her lips.

"Fluttershy, confessing to Rarity was probably the most terrifying moment of my life. I did imagine all those things that you said. And I am sure the pain would have been unimaginable. But I couldn't live my life afraid all the time. Rarity is a true treasure that I could not let slip away from me without trying to make a grab for it. And whoever this is that has got you worked up, I can promise you my help in the matter."

Rarity grabbed Fluttershy's hoof and smiled. "And mine as well, my dear. Between myself and Spike, I am sure your love for this pony will blossom."

Fluttershy visibly relaxed and immediately grabbed them both in an embrace they returned. "Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me."

After they came apart, Rarity asked, "Well, I have no pressing orders and there is no time like the present for love. First of all, who is the lucky mare or stallion?"

Fluttershy shrunked back into her mane and squeaked out, "Discord".

Both Spike's and Rarity's jaw hit the floor. Spike answered first, "Did you just squeak 'Discord'?"

Fluttershy turned red and shrunk even further.

Rarity composed herself and turned to Spike. "Spike, you go and grab Twilight and the rest of the girls and have them meet us here. While you're gone, Fluttershy will fill me in on everything."

Spike did a small bow and quickly ran out the shop.

Fluttershy's eyes started to water. "Am I wrong to love him?"

Rarity turned to her and said smiled, "Of course not, my dear."

"But we are definitely going to need some help."

Author's Note:

Forgive me for my grammer