• Published 29th Nov 2014
  • 2,666 Views, 30 Comments

Fluttershy's Deep Breath - gchamp89

Fluttershy has something to say to Discord. But Discord won't let her say it. Luckily she knows a few ponies who will support her to say what needs to be said.

  • ...

Chapter 2

"Hey Rarity, we're here!"

Rarity and Fluttershy came out of the kitchen and into the main store area. There they saw Spike leading the other four elements.

Princess Twilight spoke first, "Rarity, Fluttershy, is everything all right?"

Rarity smiled at her friends. "Hello, my friends, sorry to have Spike come and collect you on such short notic-"

"Is there any tea left in the kitchen?"

Rarity turned towards Pinkie Pie with a quizzical look. "Er, yes there is, please help your self."

"Okie-Dokie-Lokie!" The pink pony quickly walked into the kitchen and returned with a cup of tea balanced on her head. "Thank you!" She sat on her haunches next to Rainbow Dash.

Rarity gave her an awkward smile. "No problem, dear, now where was I?....Oh! As I was saying I had Spike go around and collect everypony because our dear friend Fluttershy has situation here that requires our assistance."

Rainbow Dash spoke up next, looking very eager. "Oh! Are we finally going to cage that demon rabbit of yours?"

A look of abject horror appeared on the Fluttershy's face. "NO! How could you even think that?"

"Well, that rabbit has been pain the ass for a long time now and he always tries to kick me whenever I go to your cottage. If you ask me, we should get a big mallet and-OUCH!"

Rainbow Dash winced in pain from the hoof she received upside her head. She turned towards the direction it came from to see Applejack giving her the stink eye. "Why don't y'all shut yer trap and let Fluttershy say what shes got to say?" She turned towards Fluttershy, her features softening. "Go on now sugarcube, say what's on your mind."

Pinkie Pie sat on her haunches and put the cup to her mouth.

Fluttershy took a big deep breath. "I am in love with Discord."

Twilight frowned a bit. "Ahhh could you repeat that?"

Fluttershy took another big deep breath. "I am in love with Discord" She cast her gaze downward and started fidgeting with her hooves.

Rarity sighed and grabbed one of her sewing needles with her magic. "Forgive me, Fluttershy, but this is for your own good."

Pinkie took a big sip of tea her tea.

As the needle pricked her flank, Fluttershy let out a small shriek, "OWWW! I AM IN LOVE WITH DISCOOOORD"




Both Applejack and Twilight had looks of stunned disbelief on their face. While Rainbow Dash had a look of stunned disbelief and tea on her face. "What the Tartarus was that for!?!?"

Pinkie Pie just smiled. "Well, this morning my Pinkie Sense went off. It was an nose twitch, itchy flank, and dry mouth. And that's the combo which means that I was going to hear something totally unexpected and do a spit take today. The only problem was that I had no idea when it was supposed to happen. So I have drinking water bottles all day so I could be ready when it happens. I just ran out water bottles when Spike arrived and said Fluttershy needed me. When we got to Rarity's I realized this must be it and asked Rarity for some and, wouldn't you know it, I heard a real doozy and did a spittake. Now that that's done, I've been needing to go for a really long time now anmmmph!"

Twilight magically closed Pinkie's mouth. "Okay, I heard the last part where you needed to go use the bathroom, so why don't you go and we'll bring you up to speed when you get back, okay?

Pinkie enthusiastically shook her head yes and immediately zipped to Rarity's bathroom.

Applejack shook her head and looked to Fluttershy. "Speaking of things that ah don't rightly understand, did Ah just hear y'all are in love with Discord?"

Fluttershy meekly nodded yes, "For a very long time now, I have been in love with Discord."

Applejack closed her eyes and sighed, "Yep, That's what ah thought ah heard." She opened her eyes, "Well, sugarcube, ya'll have gone and fallen for one of the most troublesome creatures this side of Equestria."Her face suddenly lit up and she gave Fluttershy a warm smile, "So ah know ya'll are gonna need all the help you can get and ah'm happy to provide."

Fluttershy looked towards the orange mare and squeaked "Really?"

Twilight suddenly spoke up, "I couldn't have said it better myself, Applejack. I am happy you found somepony you want to share your love with Fluttershy. Even if it's Discord, you can count on me to support you."

Before Fluttershy could respond, she gave a squeak when she felt a pair of hooves wrap around her neck. She looked to her right and saw Pinkie Pie giving her off one of her biggest smiles, "Me three Fluttershy. I can't wait to until you and Discord are together so I can throw you a celebrtion bash for you and the lucky draconequus. Don't worry though I'll make it a quiet bash just for you, that's a Pinkie Promise." She lets go of Fluttershy and did her Pinkie Promise routine. "Oh and don't worry, I washed my hooves."

Fluttershy turns toward Rarity and Spike, her eyes filled with hope. Rarity just simply similes "You know were me and Spike stand."

Fluttershy turns till she faces everypony with a big smile, "Thank you everypon-"

"Hold up."

It wasn't that the interruption that rattled Fluttershy, or the simple statement itself. It was the complete and utter chill with wich the words were said. Even more rattaling to Fluttershy was that the chill came from Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash stood there with a stern look on her face, "I am sorry Fluttershy. Discord is a complete and utter bastard who can't be trusted. He's a two-faced jerk who can change his loyalties as fast as Rarity changes dresses. You and him getting together would just end with you in tears and him laughing his ass off at you. The rest of you guys can go ahead and help her get her heart broken out if you want, but count me out. I'm sorry Fluttershy, But I can't and won't help you."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. Had some problems at home and it ate up a lot of free time. I also had writer's block for awhile as well.

Everything is cool now so I may be able to get my stories out more often now.

Thank you for your patience and time.

P.S. Sorry for the short chapter. I am still kinda a beginner when it comes to writing but I am trying to improve.