• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 4,615 Views, 53 Comments

My little Fairy Tail - brandsca123

Natsu and Happy land in Equestria. Will they find a way home?

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The magical land of the Fiore Kingdom, a place where magic is commonplace and can be bought in stores. Those who can use magic are called wizards and wizard guilds can be found all across the kingdom. A guild is a place where wizards complete jobs submitted by the residents of Fiore ranging from search and rescue, monster hunting to retrieving a magical artefact. As there are many guilds there are also as many wizards ranging from celestial wizards to elemental wizards. One guild is famous for producing legends and still continues to do so to this day, this guild is called Fairy Tail.

(Cue Fairy Tail theme song here, search it on youtube as I'm to lazy to make a link)

Natsu a fire wizard, was in the guild Fairy Tail looking at the request board. Natsu was a well built young man. He had spikey rose colored hair and an overconfedent attitude. He had on him a black waistcoat with gold trimmings and white trousers that reached down to his knees. He had a black arm band on his right arm, and a white scaled scarf around his neck that also covered a scar that he had. On his shoulder was the Fairy Tail logo and he had a grin on his face.

As Natsu looked at all the requests, his friend Happy a talking blue cat was sitting happily on his shoulder. Happy also had wings hidden in his green backpack, wich he always had on his back, Happy was always...well happy but can sometimes be put into a deep funk over the smallest of things. He loved fish and will always take the opportunity to eat them when he has the chance.

Natsu then grinned, he had found a job. He quickly tore the request from the board and went out the door to find the informant, the person who submits the request.

"Happy, we found one." Natsu said exitedly as he shows Happy the paper. "Go on take a look."

"Aye," Happy said in his small shrill voice, he took the paper and read it over, "Looking for wizard to find an ancient temple once thought lost. Please speak with a Mr. Mayomi for more information. Location Magnolia city, Natsu that's in town."

"Aye, Happy but check the reward." Natsu said. Happy looked at the reward and nearly fell of Natsu's shoulder.

"Whoa, 500,000 Jewel. Natsu are you sure we can handle this request, the reward seems a bit high for a simple search quest."

"Come on Happy, you're looking at one of Fairy Tails greatest wizards. We can handle anything." Natsu said while banging his chest with a fist.

Together the two friends ran through the town in search of Mr. Mayomi.


Twilight was busy reading a book she found earlier that day, it was night out and she was in her bed. Spike was sound asleep and snoring loudly, but Twilight was too absorbed into her book to notice.

The book in question tells about a world where magic is commonplace and about wizards and the guilds they formed. The book was written by none other than a Starswirl the Bearded. She was amazed that there were other races besided unicorns and alicorns that could use magic, she read on hoping that one day she would meet one of these wizards.


Natsu and Happy stopped at a huge looking mansion and stared.

"Natsu you think this is the place?" Happy said, he was a little nervous because the house didn't look too welcoming. Natsu ignored him and walked to the front door and rang the bell. Clong, clong, clong, went the bell as it continued to echo afterwards. The two waited for a few minutes before Natsu became impatient.

"Hey is anyone home, I'm with Fairy Tail. I saw your request and I came to see you about it." No answer, Natsu was about to try again when the door opened, revealing a finely dressed old man. The grey hair he had left circled around his head leaving a bald spot near the middle.

"Are you Mr. Mayomi?" Natsu asked.

"Why yes young man, come in, come in. I've been expecting you." The man said, he sounded aged and dry. He signaled for them to go inside and Natsu followed with Happy close behind him. They followed the man to his study, while looking at some of the artwork he had. The art depicted horses of some sort, some winged, some with horns others with both. Natsu found it was strange that this man would have such creepy art.

The man sat down in the chair of his study and signaled for Natsu to sit down. "Can I interest you in some tea young man?"

Natsu shook his head no. "I'm sure you know why we're here."

The man nodded, "But of course young wizard, you're here for the request I posted. Though I should say the mission won't be easy."

Natsu was listing closely, "You see I've stumbled upon a map, this map in question leads to a temple of a long lost civilization. I want you and your associate to go inside this temple and retrieve a priceless golden statue. This statue is called the sun cryst, and I believe it would make a great addition to my collection."

"Where is this temple?" Natsu asked

"I believe the map tells me of a small island that can be found between the islands of Tenrou and Galuna. It's an island that can't be found on any known map of Fiore. The island is believed to be deserted save for the occasional giant spider. It will be dangerous and I only ask that you take a day to prepare before going off on the mission. Here is the map, and I wish you good luck." The old man gave Natsu the map and led him out the door.

"All right Happy, we leave for the island at once." Natsu said with exitement.

"Aye!" Happy agreed.


Twilight sighed and put the book away. She was fascinated by the information in the book, she wished she could continue reading it for the rest of the night but she knew she needed rest. She looked out her bedroom window and saw a shooting star.

"Oh, how I wish that I can meet at least one of these wizards and learn about the magic that they use." She wished with all her might as the star disappeared from the sky. She yawned and went to sleep soon after.


Natsu and Happy were on a boat in the middle of the ocean, though they weren't sure where exactly this island was they continued nonetheless. Natsu of coarse got motion sickness and was soon throwing up over the side of the boat. Happy was standing at the end of the bow looking out into the horizon. Happy soon saw the island,

"Natsu, Natsu, look we found it, we found it." Happy was shouting with exitement. Natsu upon hearing that they were almost there quickly got over his motion sickness and started to row like mad to the island. The huge beach was getting closer and closer by the second as they went faster and faster across the ocean.

"Natsu slow down, we're coming in to fast." Happy said, but Natsu didn't hear him and kept rowing, soon the boat crashed into pieces on the shore.

Natsu and Happy were sprawled out and dizzy on the sand,

"I told you we were coming in to fast." Happy said.

The two quickly got up to their feet and looked around. They were on a beach, the boat now useless and broken. There was a forest in front of them and they could see a large stone temple in the distance. Happy looked at the boat.

"Now how are we going to get back." Happy was on his knees at this moment.

"If we ever want to go back then we can swim." Natsu said. Happy sweat dropped and agreed.

Natsu pulled out the map and looked, "Right if we start now, we can make it to the temple by nightfall."

"Aye!" Happy agreed. The two then started the long walk to the temple through the forest. It wasn't long before the two started to get hungry.

"Natsu I'm hungry, why didn't we listen to the old man and stock up before we came here."

Natsu thought for a moment, then it hit him, "Happy I think I might know where we can find some food," He pointed up to the tree line, "See those trees have fruit on them."

Happy's mouth watered at the thought of some fruit. "Aye, what are we waiting for Natsu lets go."

They scanned the trees for a way up, not finding one Natsu decided to try and clime the first tree he finds. Happy however flew up and grabbed some fruit for himself.

"Good job Happy, now gimmie some." Natsu went to grab some of the fruit his friend had gotten, but his hand was smacked away by Happy.

"No Natsu this is my fruit, I worked hard to get it so it's only fair that you do the same." Natsu slumped in defeat and went back to searching for a tree to climb. He soon found one and tried to climb it only to slide back down halfway up.

He tried again, and again, and again, and again but still he couldn't climb it. In frustration he punched the tree as hard as he could, only to have a large red fruit land ontop of his head. He picked it up and started to eat.

With there stomachs full the two continued there hike throught the dense forest. They occasionally stopped to fend off the odd giant spider or two and soon they were at the temple entrance.

With renewed determination they ran up the steps of the temple untill the came to the top.

Just like the old man said, there was a golden statue of a horse with a horn and wings behind the outline of a majestic sun. They walked up to the statue and they both put there hands on it and lifted it up off the pillar.

"That was easy." Natsu said a little disappointed that there was any action. Just then they were surrounded by a bright light.

"Natsu your glowing!"Happy said.

"So are you Happy!" Naysu said.

Soon the two disappeared in flash of light, the statue fell to the ground with a clunk.


Twilight was woken up by a bright light outside her window. She got up and looked out and could swear she was hearing screaming. It got louder and louder untill to figures crashed to the ground. Twilight gasped and went outside to see if the two figures were okay.

"Oh my Celestia, are you two okay?" She asked as the two sat up.

"I think so, Happy are you alright?" One of the figures asked.

"Natsu what happened?" The other figure said, it was smaller than the other one.

"Natsu, Happy? Those are strange names for ponies." Twilight cast a light spell and nearly fainted at what she saw. Sitting on her front loan was a pink haired human and a blue cat. The three stared at each other for a few minutes before they all let out a scream of surprise.