• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 4,615 Views, 53 Comments

My little Fairy Tail - brandsca123

Natsu and Happy land in Equestria. Will they find a way home?

  • ...

Equstria's First Guild

Down in Canterlot Castle, Luna was busy reading the paper. Her sister suggested that she read it to learn more about the world today. She was sipping some water but quickly spat it out when she read one article.

Local residents of Manehaten reported a scuffle between two aliens this afternoon, which caused a considerable amount of damage to local buildings and streets. Though one alien destroyed the other, residents are left shaken after the encounter. Reports ay the alien looked like a furless ape that could control fire and eat it too. Reporters say that the fire casting alien had taken up residence at the small town of Ponyville. One reporter asked local resident Twilight Sparkle on her opinion of the alien. She stated.
"Well, Natsu can be a handful and a bit destructive at times but he has a good heart. He just needs to keep his powers in check." She was kind enough to show us where this Natsu has taken up residence. Apparently he has been staying with local resident Lyra and her wife BonBon. Natsu also has a pet which he named Happy. Reportes are baffled that a cat can have wings and can also talk. We questioned Natsu but he quickly got rid of us. But not before saying
"Get those cameras out of my face." The reporter only suffered minor burns.

Luna was baffled at the article.

"Tia! Come take a look at this." Luna said to her sister across the table. Celestia looked at the article and soon she too was lost for words. She handed Luna back the paper.

"Probably some prank, you know how foals can be today." She said. Luna just shrugged and continued to read the paper. Her eyes soon stopped over an add,

Fairy Tail Looking For Members.
Spell casters, wanted. See guild master Natsu for details.

Luna made a mental note to see this guild later.


Natsu stared at the new building with wonder. It looked just like his guild from home, it had a bar and some tables around the place. It also had a notice board with requests all over it. Though it didn't have a second floor.

Natsu was excited and so was Happy, with the bits they earned from their last mission they could actually fund this and soon Fairy Tail came to Equstria. All it was missing now were some members.

Lyra stepped through the large double doors and immediately she was tackled by Happy.

"I'm glad to see you too Happy." Lyra said, she then turned to Natsu. "So, still no members."

Natsu nodded, "Managing a guild is a lot harder then I thought it would be...."

"Ummm.....Natsu." Natsu looked at Lyra, "Is it okay if I joined.....If that's okay."

Natsu beamed at her offer and immediately got out a special stamp. Lyra held out her right hoof as Natsu marked her with the Fairy Tail logo.

"Why did you want to join our guild anyway?" Happy asked. Lyra shuffled nervously.

"Well I kinda enjoyed that adventure I had with you two. It feels so good to help other ponies in need." Lyra said. Happy and Natsu looked at each other.

"I guess that makes us a team." Natsu said, Lyra smiled at his remark.

"Anyway Natsu, I have to get going now. BonBon is expecting me for some.....errands." She backed out the door and went down the street, leaving Natsu and Happy alone.


Luna was on her way to Ponyville to visit this guild. She was interested in seeing what it was all about. She then saw a large wooden building. She landed next to it and looked up at the huge sign on top of the roof. It read Fairy Tail, she walked up to the doors and went inside.

"Hello?" Luna asked. She was then confronted by a flying blue cat and a hairless ape. They both stared at her in awe.

"I take it that you're the owner of this establishment." Luna said trying to look as regale as possible.

"Anyway, I am Princess Luna bringer of night and sister to Celestia princess of the sun, I'm sure you heard of us."

"Who?" Natsu said. Luna was taken by surprise by his comment.

"Surely you must know." Luna said. Natsu and Happy looked at each other.

"Sorry creepy lady, me and Natsu don't no any Luna." Happy said.

"Creepy!?!," Luna was now annoyed, "I'll have you know that I am a princess and I demand some respect."

"Not here you're not." Natsu said, "If you're looking to join then you follow my orders."

Now Luna is normally a calm person, but when angered she can be a bit of a handful.

"HOW DARE YOU TREAT YOUR PRINCESS THIS WAY!!!" She shouted at both of them.

"Look lady we don't know you, so how can we be sure that you are a princess." Natsu said. Luna shut her mouth and thought about this for a moment.

"You really don't know me?" She asked, Natsu nodded. "What about my sister?"

Natsu shook his head. Luna sighed and fadehooved. "Look I came to join, but if you want proof that I am of royal blood I can see to it that you visit the castle."

"Why would we want to visit a castle, me and Happy are perfectly fine here." Natsu said "Besides if you want to join you can, you just have to respect the rules of the guild like everyone else."

Luna deadpaned, "Is there some sort of initiation that makes me look like a foal?"

"Not really, I just stamp your hoof or shoulder like this," Natsu stamped the logo on her shoulder, "But if you want you can run around the town screaming like an idiot if you want to."

Luna's eye twitched at Natsu's statement, she then bucked him hard sending him flying.

"NEVER ASKE ME TO DO THAT AGAIN!!!" And with that Luna left.

"Hey wait aren't you going to take a request!?" Happy shouted out the door. Luna trotted back in and tore a random peice of paper from the board and left.

"Which one did she take Happy?" Natsu asked, Happy floated over to the board and gasped.

"Natsu she took the one with the golem in it!" Happy said, Natsu froze.

"What! That one requires four wizards, Happy we have to stop her and get Lyra quick!" And with that Natsu and Happy ran out of the guild to chase after Luna.

Until Next Time........

Comments ( 10 )

Luna sure picked an interesting time to get out more. On a totally unrelated note, I foresee Awesome Heroic Destruction!

562020 I think the term is Heroic Vandalism, but Awsome Heroic Destruction is good to.

Hmm I have a feeling the Grey and Erza are looking for Nastu:eeyup:

I want mohohohohore!:raritydespair:

this is a great story, I really enjoyed this:yay::heart:

um MAYBE you should ask lyra if luna really IS royalty before you start saying such stupid stuff natsu

I LOVE IT!! very well written and very funny too, looking foward for more.

Comment posted by SpiderMonkey877 deleted Apr 23rd, 2013

I just wonder why Luna would want to join Fairy Tail after reading ony a two lines of text about it.
It dosn't make sense to me right now, I hope you'll explane her reason for joining.
Otherwise I see nothing wrong with the story keep up the good work

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