• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 569 Views, 0 Comments

The Price of Harmony - Maverickthepony

The first story in a series of about six stories that involve war and tragedy.

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A Talon for Killing

Chapter 4: A Talon for Killing

The desert wind was harsh, and the sandstorm did not help the visibility at all. But still, he was getting paid and that was all that mattered. Talon was his name, not the one his parents gave him, but the one he liked. The only thing he had known his entire life was war and that was all he cared about. That, and the money that came with it. He reached into his vest with his claw and pulled out a short cigar. He loved the short ones because they did not take up as much space and he could carry dozens at a time, which was helpful since he never knew when he going to be able to resupply.

Suddenly, he could hear the roar of an engine and the sound of a car bouncing along the desert rough terrain. Smiling with the cigar in his mouth, he took out his trusty .45 revolver. It had yet, to fail him on a mission and its power was a major bonus. Pulling back the hammer he waited until the car was within striking distance before firing a shot at the left front tire. The sandstorm was so loud and the desert was so open that he knew the occupants of the vehicle could not hear the shot. He replaced the used casing for a new bullet as he watched the five ponies exit the vehicle. As the five ponies started working on the tire he waited for the one getting the spare to get away from any opening doors on the car. As soon as the door slammed shut he jumped up firing five shots each at a different pony. Only the last pony he shot had time to react and all they had accomplished was pulling out a knife before they hit the ground dead.

He smiled and walked over to the bodies to examine his work. He inspected the first one when some movement to his side caught his attention. Had he really missed? He looked over to see a single pony with a bullet hole in their chest crawling towards cover. He smiled as he realized that he hadn't missed, this pony just had a never die mentality. He loved seeing soldiers like this. They were the ones that really fought the wars. He walked over to the pony who had gotten close to the knife. As soon as he reached out for it, he felt his hoof under a claw. He looked up to see the thing that had shot him and smiled. He knew that if people knew he had survived a shot from Talon that he was tough, however, he was certain his life was about to end right there.

Talon smiled and taking the cigar out of his mouth, he said, "You solider, are a true warrior. You did not let the first shot kill you, you fought it. I never shoot the same person twice, unless my mission objective is that someone has to die." at this Talon took another cigar out of his pocket, lighting it he gave it to the soldier. "The nearest town is about 10 miles that way." he said pointing east. "If you don't bleed out before you get there you can get some medical attention from a pony there by the name of Karkarov, tell him you survived the talon's grip. He will treat you free of charge." Talon began walking away; he turned his head back, "next time I won't miss."

Talon was not showing mercy but respect. There were very few people who could survive the first shot as good as his aim was. He began walking towards the west. He would have to tell his employer about his success. He was about 3 miles towards the town when he felt his hoof get wet. Smiling he bent down to get a drink. Oases were rare in this wasteland of a desert, and you had to fill up whenever you saw one. Feeling satisfied he began making his way toward the town again.

Talon had hooves yes, but he also had an abnormality. For where his right front should have been, instead a gryphon's claw and arm were seen. His father had been part gryphon resulting in this abnormality. But it was this, that would be called a handicap by some, that was his greatest weapon. It allowed for him to use things such as the gun he carried, he could also use a sword or spear better than anypony in the world, with the exception of unicorns, but they were a rare sight outside of Equestria and rarely ever would he see one in combat.

He arrived at the town at about 1600. He decided that due to his employer's habit that he would be at the bar about this time. He started making his way there. He arrived at the bar and immediately asked the barkeeper where Salute was. "He should be up in his private room."

"Thanks." with that Talon began making his way to the stairs.

"If it's of any importance to you, there was a group of stallions asking about him earlier. They went up there and haven't come down since." at hearing this Talon opened the cylinder on his revolver; he fully reloaded it and pulled back the hammer ready for a fight. When he got to the door he knocked three times.

No response.

Talon drew his revolver and burst into the room. He immediately noticed that they had prepared for him, they had swords pointed at him and a menacing looking spear at his throat.

"Finally, I was afraid that you had failed your mission." Talon just stared at the stallion in the middle of the room; this one was obviously the leader. "I know who you are, but you don't know who I am, and unless you accept my offer that will stay the same."

Talon just kept staring. "Recently a terrorist attack was executed in Equestria. Have you heard of this?" Talon didn't respond. The stallion smiled, "My country was behind this attack, we know that soon Equestria will declare war on us and send in the elements of harmony. Normally this would pose a problem, but... There is one way we can defeat them." This man didn't need to say another word. Talon already knew where this was going. "Are you aware of the prophecy of the claw?"

"Yes I am." Talon said for the first time. "How are you aware of it? Very few ponies know about this prophecy."

The stallion smiled, "Well as it just so happens, we know that it is you who can fulfill the prophecy. And only you. We would like you to fight alongside my country's soldiers in our war against Equestria. If you accept you will not be held to the same rules as soldiers and your pay will be considerable."

Talon thought for a few minutes, he knew the prophecy forward and backwards. As he thought about its contents the more he realized that the fulfillment sounded a lot like him. An abnormality in the front right hoof, battle hardened; and a reputation that exceeded his reach; that described him to a tee. "And just what exactly are the elements of harmony?"

"I thought someone like you would already know. They are six ponies each representing a different trait: Generosity, kindness, loyalty, honesty, laughter and magic."

Talon chuckled at this, "that is what scares you? You think somepony will be able to be kind to you to your grave? Bwahahaha!"

"You have no idea what true powers they possess!"

Actually Talon did know because once while exploring the desert he came across a cave where he met a gypsy caravan. It had been from this tribe that the pony who made the prophecy of the claw. When they saw his abnormality they told him the prophecy in its entirety. The prophecy that everypony else knew was missing some very key parts that only he knew. One of which was the true power of the elements. To turn a person to stone or to completely destroy the existence of somepony. He knew what he was up against but he knew that if he told the rest of the prophecy to this stallion he would lose his shot at the job. "I accept."

The stallion smiled, "excellent." with that he extended his hoof. "I am Commander Iron Foot, pleasure to meet you Talon."

"Where do I begin?"

"The names of the elements can be misleading, even though each pony strongly displays the trait that they represent, if they are broken enough, the trait will reverse completely and to an extreme. We need to know several things and you can break anyone. The element of Loyalty is named Rainbow Dash, here is her picture."

Talon looked at the photo, 'I could pick this pony out of a crowd of millions' he thought to himself. "When we find her we will bring her to you. You must break her will completely and she will give us all of the information that we could ever want."

"Ok, but first I have to know, I have heard the prophecy and I know the powers of these ponies. My only question is do they?"

"We think that it will be an easy mission for you." and with that Iron Foot left the room with his guard following closely behind leaving Talon alone in the room still holding the picture in his hoof.

"Well Rainbow Dash, you had better be ready for the future, because it starts today and will be what you least expect it to be." with that Talon left the room, he put the picture in his pocket so that he could use it to identify her when she was brought to him. He took out a cigar and lit it. His cigar lighter was special, he had made it himself. Inscribed on it were the words, 'press down to light 'em up'. He was proud of his lighter as it was also inscribed with his symbol, a pony hoof that had claws protruding from it. Investigation of his pockets showed that he was also low on cigars, save for his special ones that he had custom made, but he was saving those for a special occasion. "Looks like I'm going to need to buy some more cigars before I leave." smiling he went off towards the store to buy some more cigars.