• Published 8th Dec 2014
  • 2,881 Views, 23 Comments

Calm Before The Storm - Ribe_FireRain

Fluttershy saves Rainbow Dash after a near-fatal accident. Rainbow later finds out something she never expected.

  • ...

Do You?

Author's Note:

Sorry there hasn't been an update for a while, just been feeling too ill and tired to be bothered with it. I guess from now on, I'm going to be updating stories every weekend and occasionally during the week, considering if I have free time, that is.

BurningFlameInTheRain (FireRain)

''Rainbow? Are you feeling alright?'' Fluttershy asked her cyan friend as they trotted side by side down the dirt path and towards Ponyville. As down as Rainbow was, Fluttershy decided it would be best if she got her some fresh air to clear her mind. Fluttershy needed to head into Ponyville to get a few groceries and accessories. She also figured that since they haven't seen their friends for a while, it would be the perfect opportunity to catch up. After all, she knew that the rest of their friends were eager to know how Rainbow was doing after she was nearly killed.

Rainbow didn't respond to Fluttershy's voice, nor acknowledged her. She just kept her gaze fixed to the floor, head hung low and ears flat on her head. She really seemed to be taking the loss of her pet hard. Fluttershy knew that he was everything she wanted in a pet, despite him being slow because of his species. He had the loyalty of Rainbow Dash herself and was unstoppable, again sharing something that was important about his being.

''Aw, come on, Dashie. I know you're upset, but I'm sure we can find you another pet.'' Fluttershy reassured her, but only seeming to infuriate the cyan pegasus. She saw the twitch in Rainbow's eye as she saw them glaze over with what she suspected were tears. She stopped in her tracks and wiped a hoof across her eyes, Fluttershy noticing and going up to her, concern plastered on her face.

''You don't understand,'' Rainbow said, looking up into Fluttershy's soft green eyes. ''No other pet can replace him. Tank was the most loyal pet I could of asked for. Now I probably will never see him again.'' Rainbow weeped. Fluttershy only managed a half smile as she placed a hoof to her shoulder, giving her friend a one-hoofed hug.

''Now, come on, Rainbow, it'll be okay. I'm sure he didn't get taken by the storm. He may still be around if you look hard enough.'' Even though Fluttershy's kind words moved her a little, Rainbow still felt pain tug at her heart. She really hoped it to be true. She didn't really know if Tank had somehow managed to escape or not during the destruction of her house, but she really, really hoped he did. To her, he was irreplaceable.

The rest of the way into town had been quiet, Rainbow nor Fluttershy making conversation. Even if she wanted to, the only answer would be that of miserable silence. They walked together down the streets, soon being greeted by a pair of their friends. Applejack and Rarity. They waved to them, Fluttershy waving back.

''Howdy, Fluttershy. It's been a while.'' Applejack greeted them, smiling.

''Yes, dears, it really has been a while. Have things been going fine for the both of you?'' Rarity said, moments later noticing the miserable-looking expression upon Dash's face. Her face turned to one of worry and concern. ''W-What ever is the matter, Rainbow? Are you alright?''

Fluttershy looked over to Rainbow momentarily before looking over to Rarity, a frown on her lips. ''She hasn't been feeling good lately, girls.'' Fluttershy said, not too keen on saying the rest. The last thing she wanted was for Rainbow to make a scene and embarrass herself. Applejack came next to Rainbow, placing a hoof on her chin before raising her head to meet her saddened gaze. Just the look in Rainbow's eyes made Applejack concerned.

''What's eatin' ya, Rainbow? Come on, you can tell us, we're your friends.'' Applejack said, smiling softly to her wounded friend. Rainbow held her frown while her eyes just became filled with tears. She didn't want to cry right then and there, but it was almost impossible to hold back the emotions lingering inside of her, just waiting to be set free. She etched back from Applejack's touch, keeping her head down to prevent them seeing the tears that were escaping her eyes. Fluttershy placed a hoof to Rainbow's back, gently stroking her. It wasn't long before Rainbow calmed herself, being able to look Fluttershy in her concerned eyes.

''Fluttershy, I'm just going to go...I...'' She was shushed by Fluttershy.

''Shh, it's alright, Rainbow. I know what you're going through is hard. You don't have to hide it, we're all here for you.'' Fluttershy hugged her, Rainbow slowly returning the embrace. After they broke from each other's arms, Rainbow noticed that Fluttershy was blushing, but she thought it would be best not to mention it. She also could of sworn she heard both Rarity and Applejack giggle from behind.

''What's funny?'' Rainbow asked, feeling her defensive side kicking in as she looked her friends in the eye.

''It's nothing, Rainbow. Anyway, since you two are here, why don't you hang out with us? It's been a while since we all hung out together.'' Rarity asked them. True, it had been a while since they all hung out together, but with Rainbow in the condition that she was currently in, she needed her rest.

''Thanks for the offer, girls, but Rainbow needs her rest. Besides, I've got some shopping to do while I'm in town. I shouldn't be long, but I think Rainbow should be getting back now. She-''

''No, it's alright, Fluttershy. I'll be fine, I can stick around a while longer.'' Rainbow interjected, looking her friend in the eye.

''Are you sure, Rainbow? I mean, your hoof shouldn't be used as much, even after I fixed it.'' Fluttershy motioned to her once broken hoof, but Rainbow raised a hoof, stopping her from saying anything further.

''I'll be alright, Fluttershy. Now, what do you need, exactly?''

*** *** ***

A quick round of shopping later, Fluttershy and Rainbow were heading back towards the cottage. In the time it took them to find what they needed, it had started to get dark and grow colder. Rainbow could see that Fluttershy was shivering from the low temperature and moved closer to her, transferring her body heat to her cold frame. Even though her cheeks were a hue of rosey-red from the cold, Rainbow could tell she was blushing. She was too, and she hoped Fluttershy didn't see.

''T-T-Thank you.'' Fluttershy said through chattering teeth, smiling at Rainbow whom smiled back. The rest of the way, they didn't speak a word. The night air was getting colder, the howls seeming soothing yet biting at their coats.

Why don't you just tell her how you feel?

No, not now. As much as I want to tell her how I feel, I'm...scared.

Scared? Since when is Rainbow Dash scared? You're never going to know unless you tell her.

I guess so. I'm just so scared about knowing it could be the end of our friendship. I've known her since forever and I'd die if I lost her. What if she hates me? What if she never wants to see me again?

She won't hate you. Fluttershy is your friend, is she not? She loves you as a friend, but maybe even more if you talk with her about it. All you've gotta do is come out with it. Confess your feelings for her.

''Rainbow? Are you alright?'' Fluttershy asked Rainbow, whom was standing still, appearing almost frozen. Her eyes were fixed upon Fluttershy and didn't seem to move. Fluttershy worriedly approached her, waving a hoof in front of her eyes, still getting no response. ''Rainbow!'' She shouted, snapping the pegasus from her trance. Rainbow blushed softly before looking up to her friend, feeling embarrassed.

''Hey...you alright, Rainbow?'' Fluttershy asked once more. Rainbow didn't answer for a moment, unable to speak in her embarrassment. When she managed to make eye contact with her friend, Fluttershy noticed her blush, immediately knowing something was on her mind. Knowing Dash from a very young age, Fluttershy could tell when she had something on her mind or if something was troubling her. ''Rainbow? What have you got on your mind? I know that look, Dashie.'' Fluttershy smiled sweetly.

Rainbow hesitated before finding her voice. ''Erm...Fluttershy? I...I kinda need to talk with you about something...you know, personal.'' Fluttershy only nodded, moving closer to Rainbow. They continued to walk towards the cottage, and upon entering, Fluttershy and Rainbow sat down on the couch. Rainbow couldn't help but fidget with her hooves. She was looking everywhere but at Fluttershy. She even flinched slightly when Fluttershy touched her shoulder.

''What is it you wanted to talk about then, Rainbow?'' Fluttershy asked Rainbow in he soft but sweet voice. Rainbow looked nervously towards her before sighing out loud through her nostrils. She held Fluttershy's hooves, gently stroking them, feeling just how cold she really was. She took in a deep breath before she could look her in the eye, about to tell her the truth of what she thinks of her.

''Well...Fluttershy, the truth is...I...I...IreallylikeyoualotandhavealwayslikedyouasafriendandmaybeevenmorethanthatandIrreally,reallyloveyou.'' Rainbow said at high speed, barely even more than a couple words being understood in that hyperactive sentence by Fluttershy. Rainbow clenched her eyes shut, waiting for her response. She cracked an eye open, seeing Fluttershy sat there motionless as she kept her gaze fixed upon her. What Rainbow did expect was a reaction that maybe involved a hoof to her cheek or something more along the lines of 'I never want to see you again' but it never came. Instead Fluttershy just stared silently at Rainbow before speaking.

''Can you repeat that, please? Preferably in a slower tone?'' Fluttershy asked, causing Dash to sigh, this time quieter.

''I love you, Fluttershy. I have for a long time, even since we were fillies. I never really said anything about it because I was just so scared about how you'd react to it. Please don't hate me...'' Rainbow whimpered as she said the last part, her lips trembling. The last part seemed to take Fluttershy aback a little. She tightened her grip ever so slightly around Rainbow's hooves and leaned forward until she was an inch or so away from being able to touch her nose.

''I don't hate you, Dashie. Why would you ever think that? And I haven't been completely honest with you, either, Dash.'' Rainbow's ears perked. ''I feel the same about you, too, actually. In fact, since we were fillies I have always liked you. You were the only one who ever believed in me and you always stuck up for me whenever I got picked on. You challenged those bullies to a race just to defend me. For that, I am grateful. Ever since then, I've felt much more close to you than ever. Then when you moved into Ponyville and we saw each other again, all my emotions and feelings for you seemed to come back, reminding me of how much I really do love you.''

And then the world seemed to stop as Fluttershy placed a kiss to Dash's lips, making her tense up and freeze. It was short but passionate. Both their cheeks were burning like candles as she broke away from her lips. Soon, Rainbow found herself locking lips with Fluttershy, both of them fighting each other's mouths with their tongues. Fluttershy's lips tasted sweet and smooth on Rainbow's own. Several minutes had passed by time they broke from the kiss. They lay together on the couch, Fluttershy atop Rainbow Dash, snuggling with her mane. Rainbow smiled up to her friend. No, not her friend. Her girl. Her marefriend.

*** *** ***

When Rainbow woke up, the first thing she saw was Fluttershy, smiling down at her. She truly was beautiful. Rainbow stroked her mane with a hoof, enjoying the silkiness of it. Fluttershy rubbed her chin into Rainbow's upper chest, her soft touch feeling relaxing against her coat and skin. She planted a quick kiss on Rainbow's lips, Rainbow returning it with great affection. She enjoyed the taste of Fluttershy's lips, adding more bliss to the moment their lips connected.
Fluttershy gently climbed off of the top of Rainbow and helped her friend to her hooves. She looked at the bandages surrounding her wings, wondering how they were healing.

''Rainbow? How're the wings doing? Feeling any better?'' Fluttershy said as she unwound the gauze surrounding them that held them tight to her body. Rainbow hadn't really given it any thought. In fact, she had forgotten that she even had wings since the day Fluttershy took her in. When Fluttershy had taken the bandages off of Rainbow's barrel, she told Dash to try move them, and to her surprise, she could move them and feel them. The doctor told her that it would take a couple months for her to recover from the damage caused to them by the storm. Looks like he was wrong. A tingle of joy ran down Rainbow's spine as she flapped them, hovering off of the floor, her hooves a couple feet from the ground before dropping back down again.

''I-I can fly! I can fly! Celestia, I can fly!'' Rainbow beamed, grinning widely. Fluttershy smiled with her. Rainbow did a quick loop in the air before tackling Fluttershy into a tight hug, rubbing her cheek into hers before kissing her on the lips.

''That's great, Rainbow.'' Fluttershy said, sounding disappointed. Rainbow seemed to notice and stopped hugging her friend, looking into her eyes with a slightly raised brow.

''What's wrong, Fluttershy? You don't sound quite as happy as I do.''

''Well...you can fly again...I guess it means you're going to go back into the clouds again?'' Fluttershy looked down. Rainbow didn't know how to feel at this point. Fluttershy thought she was going to abandon her because she has the use of her wings back? After all she's done for her while she was laid up?

''Fluttershy...I...'' Rainbow stammered. ''I...No. No, I'm not off back. My house was destroyed along with everything I own. I have no place in the clouds, and building a new home like the one I had will take me forever. I couldn't possibly ever replace that house.'' Fluttershy looked back into Rainbow's eyes, feeling somewhat relieved.

''Does...does this mean you can stay down here...with me?'' Fluttershy asked her friend hopefully, praying that she would.

''Fluttershy...you've already done so much for me, I couldn't possibly pester you even more. You saved my life, cared for me, kept me out of trouble and put up with me when I was down and given me your love. I can't ask for more. It doesn't seem right.''

Fluttershy sunk down at that, her hope seeming to vanish. ''But where will you go without any place to live? I saw your house get destroyed! I want you to stay with me, Dashie! Please!'' Fluttershy pleaded. Rainbow was at a loss for words at this point. Was she serious? After all that she put her through? All Rainbow could do was pick up Fluttershy in her hooves, kissing her in mid-air as she hugged her, seeming to raise her hopes as she settled into her hooves. They stayed locked in hooves and lips with each other in the air for a while, kissing passionately.

''Okay. I'll stay with you.'' Rainbow said as she broke from the kiss, panting for breath. Fluttershy kissed her on the cheek before snuggling with her neck.

''Thank you, Rainbow. I love you.''

''I love you, too, Fluttershy.''


Comments ( 6 )

This is too happy for that tradegy tag.

5385108 A tragedy would be a story where an event happens that ultimately makes the main character feel that, they have failed. They lost something dear and valuable to them that they can never get back, like a friend died, or it ends with their lover hating them and/or with someone else.

A tragedy isn't a tragedy unless it has some sort of bittersweet ending, where one of the main characters has lost something that can't be replaced. The only real tragedy this one seems to go for is the loss of Tank. Sure, Rainbow Dash lost her home, but now has a new home in Fluttershy's cottage. (And I already talked about her element earlier.)

But I will say, it doesn't really 'feel' like much of a tragedy, especially if this is where the story ends, because there wasn't enough focus on Tank's death, if it even happened. But if it didn't happen, then this wouldn't be a tragedy. (I know a lot of people mistake what a tragedy really is. Even I had trouble understanding it.)


Truth be told, so you both know -

I have lately been feeling exhausted due to sleep deprivation and I seriously couldn't be bothered with focusing on massive words and going deep into emotion - other than in chapter 2 - it would of been longer, but the real idea for something like this came from Fell Into The Right Hooves with follows a near-exact story to this one, just in my words and thoughts for the characters.

I may go back to it sometime in life, but probably not for a while. As for Afterworld: Dead Days, that will most likely be every weekend. (Saturday or late Sunday for updates). Any inquires on this story or anything on your mind relative to it, feel free to ask.

Can you write a story on them looking for Tank? I want to know where is Tank and if his okay. Love the story by the way.

Still heart broken about Tank but beautiful ending none-the-less :pinkiesad2:

5385108 you kidding right? WHTA ABOUT TANK!?!?!?!?!

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