• Published 10th Dec 2014
  • 2,564 Views, 54 Comments

New Lyrics: Friendshipping Sonata Dusk and Pinkie Pie - bahatumay

Try as she may, Sonata Dusk can't sing again. Pinkie Pie makes an interesting suggestion: has she ever tried rapping?

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Meeting the Band

Sonata pulled at the sleeves of the pajamas she wore. They were white, with black bars resembling a piano keyboard trailing up and down the sleeves and legs. “Thanks, Pinkie,” she said. “These are nice.”

“No problem!” Pinkie replied happily, adjusting her own so they were even more comfy.

“Why do you have so many spare pajamas, anyway?” Sonata wondered aloud. Pinkie had had literally a closet full of pajamas, all with various designs and motifs, and there was no way she could have worn them all; yet somehow she had known exactly where the music-themed ones were.

Of course, this was after she had pulled out the cow print ones, complete with screen-printed udders. Sonata didn't even know they made those.

“So I can throw a pajama party whenever I want! Duh!” Pinkie said, as if it were obvious. “And that means I need a lot of pajamas so everyone can have pajamas to be at a pajama party. I mean, seriously. What’s a pajama party without pajamas?”

Sonata pondered this. “Just a party?” she guessed.

“That’s not quite how it works,” Pinkie said, patting her on the head. “But good guess anyway.”

Sonata squinted. Pajama party minus pajamas equaled party. Didn’t it? Then again, she'd never needed to be good at math; not when she could just sing things done like store purchases and pizza delivery. “Then how does it work?” she asked.

A ‘ding!’ resonated through the kitchen. Pinkie gasped excitedly. “Pizza rolls are ready!” she said, ignoring the question and sprinting downstairs.

Sonata frowned and followed. “Pizza roll? What’s a pizza roll?”

A pizza roll, as it turns out, is an innocent-looking but devious instrument of torture. Pinkie was quite literally tossing them back like popcorn when Sonata arrived, so she grabbed a roll of her own.

“Ahh!” Sonata shrieked as the pizza roll burned her fingers. She tossed it back and forth, but it was too hot for her to handle. Instinctively, she knew she needed to get rid of it, and so she did the next logical thing.

She popped it into her mouth.


* * *

Sonata scowled at nothing in particular as she took another bite of ice cream. The cold dessert soothed her still-burning tongue, and she held it in her mouth as long as she could before swallowing. “How come they didn’t burn you?” she demanded.

“Oh, I only picked up the cool ones,” Pinkie said with a shrug.

Sonata frowned. “But didn’t they all come out of the oven at the same time?” she asked.

“Yep!” Pinkie said around a mouthful of her own ice cream.

“Then shouldn’t they all be the same temperature?”

Pinkie reached out and patted her on the head again. “Nope. Not even close,” she said.

Sonata squinted, fairly certain that she was being made fun of again (as usual); but Pinkie's smiling face showed no guile. Reluctantly deciding to accept this, Sonata continued eating.

Pinkie continued. “So I’ve been thinking, and I was wondering. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Sonata shook her head. “Adagio said I’m not supposed to do that anymore.”

Pinkie giggled. “What, think? Well, she’s not here right now, is she?”

Sonata leaned down to peek under the couch before sitting up and shaking her head. “I don’t think so,” she said. “That’d be really weird, because she really doesn’t like either of us right now.”

“And I’d need to find another set of pajamas,” Pinkie added. “And make more pizza rolls. And find more ice cream. Maybe it’s a good thing she wasn’t invited.”

Sonata cracked a smile. Pinkie had had plenty of pajamas, pizza rolls, and ice cream. And whipped cream. She wasn't sure what that was all about, either.

“So I was thinking,” Pinkie repeated. “Band practice is tomorrow afternoon, and I’m thinking you can join us.”

Sonata choked on her ice cream. “What?” she asked. “You've heard me sing! I’m, like, awful!”

“Not singing,” Pinkie clarified. “Rapping.”

Sonata squinted. “For realzies?” she asked. “Because the Rainbooms play rock music, and rapping kindof… isn't.” She paused. “Rock or music,” she clarified.

“True musicians know that while the line differentiating styles of music may appear to be firm, elements from any style may be incorporated at-will into a beautiful mix of symphonic proportions in the quest for the perfect auditory masterpiece!” Pinkie proclaimed perkily.

Sonata squinted again.

“Doesn’t matter!” Pinkie translated.

Sonata exhaled and put her empty bowl on the coffee table. “They won't like me,” she said. “We tried to take over everything and now no one likes us.”

Sonata jumped as Pinkie squeezed her into a side hug. “Oh, come on. It'll be fun! I bet you a cupcake we'll get you integrated and in the band in no time!”

* * *

Rainbow looked up from tuning her guitar and squinted at the two girls approaching. Her eyes narrowed. “Hey, Pinkie. What's she doing here?”

Sonata turned and stuck her tongue out at Pinkie. “Told you,” she said. “You owe me a cupcake.”

Sonata took a startled step back as Pinkie fulfilled that bet and shoved a cupcake of indeterminate origin into her mouth. “You'll like this one. It's Funfetti!” she said brightly. “That’s two of my favorite things, fun, and confetti, combined!”

Rainbow walked over as she played a simple riff on her guitar to make sure it was in tune. “What’s this about cupcakes?” she asked.

“You have cupcakes?” Pinkie gasped. She grabbed at Rainbow's shirt collar. “Where? Where?”

“No, Pinkie…” Rainbow said. She shook her head and pushed Pinkie's hands away from her shirt. “No one has cupcakes. I meant, what’s she doing here?” she corrected herself, gesturing towards Sonata.

“Oh, that's an easy one. I was thinking we could get Sonata in the band.”

Rainbow nearly broke a guitar string. “What?”

“I was thinking-” Pinkie started, a bit louder this time.

“No, no, I heard you the first time,” Rainbow said, suppressing the urge to facepalm. “It’s just… her singing sounds like two hands’ worth of nails on a chalkboard.”

“I'm right here, you know,” Sonata pouted. True? Yeah, maybe; but she didn’t have to say it so loudly. Or explicitly.

“Yeah, but she’s not singing.”

Rainbow jerked a thumb towards Sunset Shimmer. “We already have two on guitar and two on rhythm, though. And I'm not finding another keytar.”

“I should hope not,” Rarity muttered, running a hand across her very special instrument. She had no desire to be replaced like last season’s fashion.

“Yeah, but this is different,” Pinkie said. “She’ll be rapping!”

Rainbow burst out laughing. “No way!” she said. “That’s just… no way!”

Applejack chuckled, but then paused. “It would be different,” she pointed out.

“Certainly no one else has tried that,” Rarity observed, though her stance showed she was clearly unconvinced.

“That might not be so bad,” Fluttershy added quietly. She glanced down at her tambourine. It, too, was not a common instrument in a rock band.

“Even if it’s just one song,” Pinkie pleaded. “Please, Rainbow? Let her try!”

Rainbow snorted. “Fine. We'll put it to a vote. All in favor of having Stomata-”

“Sonata,” Sonata corrected.

“Whatever… sing with us for one song, raise your hand.”

Pinkie's hand shot up, and Sunset's quickly followed. Rainbow cocked her head.

“What?” Sunset asked. “I'm all for redemption opportunities, remember?”

Rainbow opened her mouth, then shut it again. She had a point.

Fluttershy also raised her hand.

Rarity hesitantly followed suit. “I suppose one song might not be so terrible,” she said.

With the majority in favor, Rainbow scowled. “Fine. One. Song.” She turned around as if on stage. “Pinkie, get her a mic. Everyone else, Awesome as I Want To Be, but drop to the basic riff for four measures between the second chorus and the final chorus. That’s where you'll come in. Good luck.”

“Isn't that a little… fast?” Fluttershy asked.

“Awesome as I Want To Be,” Rainbow repeated. She plugged in her guitar and strummed the first chord in preparation. “Ready?”

“Wait. How many measures until I come in?” Sonata asked, looking down at her microphone.

Rainbow shrugged. “You'll figure it out.” With no further introduction, she began to play.

Sonata glared. They were just like the others. They thought she was stupid. But she would show them.

Sonata may have lost her ability to sing, but she hadn't lost her instinctual command of music theory. She listened to the music, listened to the lyrics, felt the beat, and let the song flow through her. After the second chorus, Rainbow played her guitar solo; but then when she was done, she took her hand off her guitar, Rarity held her note and let it fade, and Applejack slid the bass note, and Sonata knew it was her turn. As soon as Pinkie had hit the cymbal one last time, Sonata raised her microphone and began.

Scored the game winning goal? Yeah, that was me.
Any time, any sport, easily.
I'll take you on anywhere you like.
I'll do the bump, set, and the spike!
Field goal, home run, I’ll do it all
Blink and you’ll miss me, I’ll steal your ball
You're just jealous that you aren’t me
I’m awesome as I want to be!

Rainbow picked the chorus of the song back up, but as she sang, she kept looking over at Sonata, and her celebratory dancing seemed a bit more subdued and distracted.

When the song ended, Rainbow let the last note ring. Then she turned to Sonata and pursed her lips. “Your lyrics need work,” she said. “Technically, bumping, setting, and spiking all in a row would be a penalty for hitting the ball twice, and field goals aren’t really anything to brag too much about. But I guess we might be able to work something in one of our other songs.”

Sonata looked briefly crestfallen, but Pinkie gave her a thumbs up from behind her drumset.

Applejack concurred. She leaned in and gave her a friendly nudge. “That's her way of sayin' you did all right, sugarcube,” she whispered in translation.

Sonata beamed.

“Yeah, whatever,” Rainbow said flippantly, setting her guitar down and going to grab a drink. “Take five, and then we'll start with something Fluttershy wrote.”

“Yay,” Fluttershy said happily.