• Published 10th Dec 2014
  • 2,564 Views, 54 Comments

New Lyrics: Friendshipping Sonata Dusk and Pinkie Pie - bahatumay

Try as she may, Sonata Dusk can't sing again. Pinkie Pie makes an interesting suggestion: has she ever tried rapping?

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“Are you sure about this?” Sonata asked hesitantly.

“Yep!” Pinkie said. “Practice makes perfect, and what better rapping practice is there than rap battling another person in front of a large and possibly hostile crowd who have fruit and water bottles and other things they can throw at performers they don't like?”

“Practicing alone at home in front of the mirror?” Sonata suggested hopefully. “Or maybe in front of Fluttershy and her collection of stuffed animals?”

Pinkie giggled. “I like you! You're funny. Now come on! It’s open registration, so there’s going to be lots of new people there. You've been practicing for, like, a whole week now! You're ready for anything!” Without further ado, Pinkie quite physically pushed Sonata though the registration line; and the next thing the siren knew, she was backstage in the dark and wearing a number.

And then Pinkie disappeared with a quick, “Good luck!”, leaving Sonata alone.

Sonata sat in the dark, tapping her toes. This whole going along with Pinkie thing had not been a wise idea.

From the stage, she could hear the thick beats that rattled the floor, as well as the reactionary cheers and boos responding to the various battlers' lines.

She looked around at the people preparing for their turn on stage. A few were sitting, one had his head between his knees, one person had a dictionary out and was reading by the light of a small flashlight, and one person was bouncing in place, throwing jabs at an invisible opponent as if they were preparing for an actual fight.

A few other people were called, and Sonata tuned them out. She needed to focus. She couldn’t be distracted with…

A bump from behind. “Sonata!” Pinkie whispered, pushing her forwards. “They called you! You’re up!”

Sonata blinked as Pinkie pushed her up to the top of the stairs. She tried to scurry on stage, but Pinkie grabbed her by the scruff of her hoodie and pulled her back.

“You have to wait to be announced! Weren’t you paying attention earlier to anything I said?”

“Earlier you were talking about red velvet cupcakes and how they were better-er than vanilla ones,” Sonata protested.

“Oh,” Pinkie murmured, relaxing her grip. “I guess I said the outside thing inside and the inside thing outside again, huh? So you didn’t hear me say I believe in you?”

“No,” Sonata said. That was a weird phrase to hear, especially directed at her. Her friends had offered praise every once in a while, but to hear it directed precisely at her was… nice.

“Well, I do,” Pinkie said, patting her on the head. “Now go knock ‘em dead!” And she vanished again.

Sonata finally got a chance to look at the stage. Standing behind a makeshift podium was a person Sonata hadn't seen before, with messy brown hair and wearing a red shirt and a headset microphone. He leaned forward and began.

“And in the final round of the preliminaries, we have two newcomers to the circuit tonight. In the red corner, we have Sonata Dusk!”

Sonata stepped forward, but the only person really cheering for her was Pinkie Pie, who had somehow managed to make it back into the audience. Most of the crowd murmured their disapproval, and there were a couple preemptive boos. One person even threw a tomato at her, and Sonata barely dodged it. This had been a bad idea. Who throws tomatoes, anyway?

The MC stepped in, hand held out in pacification. “Hey, now. Let's wait until after they start for that kind of thing, eh? In the blue corner, going solo for the first time in his career, Snips!”

The diminutive boy from school stepped forward, He tossed his hands, trying to get people to cheer, and he was met with moderate success.

“Starting this round is…” The MC flipped a colored coin, caught it, and slapped it on his opposite wrist. It came up blue. “Snips!” He passed him the corded microphone. “Begin!”

Snips began. That’s about the nicest thing that can be said about his performance.

I am Snips and now I'm flying solo
That's because I'm really, really cool, yo!
You think you’re so hot with your sweatshirt of purple...
I… uh…

His voice trailed off as he realized he didn’t have a rhyme for this word. He scratched at his neck and looked around. A few in the crowd began to chuckle, and Sonata saw one person adjust his grip on a bottle to give himself more leverage and to make it easier to throw it.

“Uh, maybe… Circle?” Sonata suggested.

“Yeah!” Snips cheered. “Rap at you so fast, your head will spin in circles!” Triumphantly, he flexed his muscles (which was laughably ineffective, as he was fairly overweight) and handed the microphone over.

Sonata laughed. That simple gesture was enough; her confidence came rushing back, and she brought the microphone to her lips and began.

If I had to finish for you, you shouldn’t even start.
Stop pulling words from your butt; start pulling words from your heart.
Rapping is a lifestyle, and you know I rock it
Got to feel the beat from my head down to my socks; it
Is what I am; and I am what it is
Sonata Dusk is the best in the biz!
I’ll leave you behind, you’ll be eating my dust,
Your steel-bladed words are nothing but rust.

She tossed the microphone over her shoulder, and Snips fumbled to catch it. His eyes narrowed.

Don't talk to me, you can't even sing
In a competition, I'll win everything!
I get the gold, you get the silver…

His voice trailed off again as he once more found himself unable to think up a rhyme.

Sonata giggled. It was too easy sometimes.

“You know what? This is dumb,” Snips finally said. He ripped his number off his shirt, threw down the microphone, and exited the stage, pouting.

The MC darted over and raised Sonata’s hand. “Winner by forfeit, Sonata Dusk!”

There were a few more claps than before. Pinkie was as enthusiastic as ever.

Sonata smiled. That had ended well. That had ended really well.

* * *

“You did great!” Pinkie said. “Here! I brought you some punch!” She pressed a red plastic cup into Sonata's hands.

“Where did you get this?” Sonata asked.

“I keep punch stashed all over the school in case of punch related emergencies,” Pinkie said. “I make sure to rotate my stock, too, so it's good.”

Sonata slowly turned the cup around in her hands, but didn't see how that would change anything about the sugary liquid inside. She shrugged—she'd long since learned that Pinkie said many strange things—and drank it. It was cool and refreshing, and she felt a deep appreciation for Pinkie.

Sonata’s number was soon called again, and she headed up towards the stage. Waiting in the wings, she caught sight of Pinkie in the audience. When Pinkie saw her, she gave her a thumbs up, and Sonata smiled back.

Her attention was dragged back to center stage when she heard her name called.

“-Sonata Dusk!”

She stepped forward onto the stage, still looking at Pinkie. Her eyes widened as she recognized a few others next to her. Applejack was there as well, clapping for her, and Rarity gave her an encouraging smile. Sure, she was wearing earplugs; but it was the thought that counted.

Sonata paused. They had come to see her? That was nice of them. What could they possibly get from-

Unless they were here to watch her fail. She grimaced. That would also make sense.

“And in the blue corner, Hemp Leaf!” He sounded considerably less excited for this contestant. He paused, and then exhaled. “Friendly reminder that under our free speech rules, any and all topics may be covered, no matter how much it sounds like a half-baked hippie commercial.”

Sonata frowned. That was odd.

But it made more sense as her opponent took the stage. She had pale green skin and long hair that looked as though it hadn't been washed in a while, and her short khaki shorts showed off her unshaven legs. Her tight t-shirt, which had been rendered tighter by being tied up on her hip, bore a logo that looked vaguely like the one used by a militant ecoterrorism group. She smirked at Sonata.

Sonata stared, unsure how to feel about this.

The coin came up blue.


Here we have Sonata, and she’s a meat eater.
She can’t sing, she can’t dance, it’s too easy to beat her.
My rhymes are organic like fresh spring water
I’ll fillet you up faster than the animals you slaughter.
Gonna save the planet from carnivores like you
I’ll be cleaning up your mess and your rap messes, too!
Pollution, I stop it; organic, I rock it
Once you go green, you know you just can’t top it!

The fact that she thrust her shoulders back for this line, which happened to draw attention to a certain area of her body, made Sonata think she wasn’t just talking about green food.

You know you want to be me.
Young and wild and free-ee
We last longer, love better,
And we get our girls wetter.

This last line was accompanied by a rather sultry hip roll, which was answered with whistles and cheers.

Sonata scowled. It was clear that Hemp had used her more physical aspects to win her previous round.

The problem with this was, Sonata Dusk was a siren. Sirens use their voices and their feminine charms to influence others into doing their will.

And when a siren feels as though her territory is being encroached on—for example, when another mare acting seductively shows up near her island and calls into question that siren’s own seductiveness—they instinctively get defensive.

Very defensive.

Sonata knew exactly how she felt now. Her eyes narrowed as she took the microphone.

Who’s gonna save the planet from my killer beats?
I’m raisin’ up the temperature, bringing the heat!
But I don’t expect you to understand what I mean.
I mean, how smart can you be, eating fermented soy beans?
I am Sonata Dusk, and I just have to say
I would literally die if I had to eat that way!
No cheeseburgers, no sandwiches, no pasta, no nachos!
No orange chicken, no french fries, and, worst of all, no tacos!
So you can keep your healthy foods and it might make you thinner,
But I just roasted your lifestyle and I ate it for dinner.

Hemp tried to respond, but Sonata couldn't hear; the laughing crowd was too loud for her to make out the words. She tried to say something again, but was drowned out once more. Frustrated, she screamed, and then left the stage.

The MC barely managed to make himself heard. “Winner by crowd decision, Sonata Dusk!”

Rarity whistled her approval. Sonata looked over, and now Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy were there with Pinkie as well.

Her smile widened. They had liked what they'd seen.

* * *

Sonata continued, falling into a rhythm. It was coming naturally, now.

Soon, there were only a few people backstage. They slowly disappeared, one by one, until she was the only one left.

And then her number was called a final time.

The MC chuckled as he took a drink of water. “I’m getting tired, and I’m not even battling. But this is what we came for, right? The final matchup of the night. Who will be your rap battle champion?”

Cheers answered this question.

“I’ve gotta say, I never thought two newcomers would make it this far, but the people have spoken! It's safe to say that both battlers are going to be bringing some heavy baggage to this one. I've heard of infighting, but this takes it to the next level. They're no longer working together; it’s sister versus sister, and there can only be one winner.”

A cold pit settled in Sonata's stomach. That almost made it sound like…

“In the blue corner, we have-”

But his words slowly faded into static as Sonata’s opponent came into view and brought her world crashing to a screeching halt. Her heart pounded in her ears, and her breath started to come in ragged gasps. It was impossible to not recognize those narrowed eyes, that smirk, or the voluminous orange hair.

Her final opponent was Adagio Dazzle.